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Love So Hot

Page 10

by Marquita Valentine

  The kid would go there, right to the heart of the matter. He’d given his word to Kyle, and now that the Rookie had let everyone know, Brody couldn’t not help him. He’d be breaking his word and everyone else’s trust. If his crew couldn’t trust him, then they didn’t have a chance to work as a cohesive unit. All the years he’d spent earning their respect would fly out of the window.

  Then there was Sydney, the woman he loved and the woman he’d also given his word to. Man, he hated to be in this position.

  Hello, rock and hard place.

  “You know I will.” He took a breath, made himself relax, and looked around the room. “Is there a reason why everyone has nothing to do? I’m pretty sure I can find something. Like PT. When’s the last time we ran—”

  Everyone but Kyle hauled tail out of the main room. He smiled. Kyle stared at him.


  “You know what. Help me out.”

  Brody’s jaw clenched. “Text me. I’m supposed to have this weekend off.”

  “Will do, Captain.” Whistling, Kyle jogged upstairs, leaving Brody alone with his thoughts.

  “Damn kid messing up my weekend.”

  Between the fire alert and Cherry announcing to the whole world they were back together, he was pretty sure Sydney wouldn’t be agreeable to heading out of town.

  He texted their friends and let them know they wouldn’t be coming, then shoved his phone in his pocket and headed back to his truck. Just as he stepped foot in the parking lot, Sydney walked outside, head down as she headed for her car.

  Calling out her name, he jogged toward her, but she ignored him and got inside her sedan, driving off without looking his way once.

  Yep, he was in trouble.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Sydney was miserable. Completely and utterly miserable. She was jealous when she had no right to be. Disappointed over something she couldn’t control and mad at herself for letting things go this far.

  Cherry McCoy had saved the day, once again. She’d come into the bank like an avenging angel and had managed to take all the attention off her and Brody.

  At first, Sydney had been grateful because Brody had never come into her work like that, all flushed and searching for her. She knew he was. She also knew he was about to announce to the world about their plans for the weekend.

  They weren’t hiding that they spent time together, but a camping trip up to Blowing Rock with the opposite sex was too much for Jessamine’s busybodies to resist talking about and speculating over.

  Yes, it was old fashioned and a whole lot unfair, but that was life. A big ball of unfair while you watched the woman, who was supposed to be helping you, kiss the man you loved—even if it was on the cheek.

  And, Brody had let her.

  Not that he shouldn’t because Sydney had no claim on him. Only, she had expected him to be with just her while he gave her lessons. Fair was fair, and she had promised not to be with anyone but him.

  “And that’s why men are only friends with you,” she said to her living room. “Worse, you’re a pushover.”

  The key turned in her lock, and she braced herself for Brody. Right now, she didn’t want him to see her like this. He knew her too well not to recognize when something bothered her.

  Opening the door, he knocked and stuck his head inside. “Syd,” he called out.

  She rolled her eyes. “My name is Sydney,” she grumbled under her breath before raising her voice. “Fire out?”

  “False alarm,” he replied and walked inside, shutting the door behind him. “But, I already cancelled our plans for the weekend. Hope you don’t mind.”

  “Why would I mind? If you want to go out with Cherry instead of me, I don’t care.” Oh, but she did care. She cared so much that it physically hurt her heart to pretend she didn’t.

  “I’m not going out with Cherry tonight. I’d planned on spending time with you.”

  “I’ll be busy,” she snapped.

  “With Kyle,” he said darkly, and she wanted to throw something at him for sounding so jealous when she knew for a fact he wasn’t. A jealous man didn’t allow one woman to kiss him while he gave a different one lessons in seduction.

  “With Kyle,” she agreed, the lie burning in her throat. He could think what he wanted, and if he did feel a bit proprietary over her, then he could stew on it until he choked.



  She glared at him, and he glared at her.

  Finally, he exhaled. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what? You and I are just friends, Brody. That’s all. We owe each other nothing more than that.” She forced a bright smile. “I see that I’m preventing you from enjoying Cherry’s time while you’ve done everything in your power to,” she swallowed, “teach me how to seduce Kyle. It’s time I start applying those skills.”

  He nodded slowly. “Maybe you should.”

  Tears burned the back of her eyes. It felt as though they were breaking up. She opened her mouth to say something, but his phone went off again.

  Swearing under his breath, he answered his phone and barked, “This had better be an emergency, Rookie.” His expression of annoyance gave way to a no-nonsense one. “The old paper mill. Got it. I’ll meet you there. Don’t do anything stupid.” Ending his call, he focused his sexy eyes on her. “There’s been an explosion at the mill.”

  Panic settled in her heart, banishing away all the anger. She took a step forward, wanting to hold him before he left. There had been times when she’d worried over him, when she’d prayed and hoped that he would be okay, and he’d always come back. But, judging by the look on his face, this was serious.

  “Take care of—”

  “Don’t worry, buddy. I’ll take care of your man.”

  Brody was her man; he just didn’t know it, yet. “Brody, I—”

  “I don’t have time for this.” He strode to the door, yanked it open, and slammed it shut behind him.

  “Oh God,” she whispered as tears gathered and began to fall. “What have I done?” She ran to the door and then outside, but Brody’s taillights were already in the distance.

  “Be safe.” She closed her eyes and said a little prayer for everyone involved. “Bring him back to me. Alive.”


  The fire was worse than he expected. Knowing Kyle like he did and his penchant for over exaggeration, he half expected to find the flames under control by the time he got there. Then, he could take the rest of the weekend to think about what had just transpired between him and Sydney.

  Heat scorched his face and arms, and he winced. Going around the engine, he pulled on his gear and prepared to help his guys.

  “Call over to Holland Springs and Pitt County. Little Washington. We can’t do this alone,” he told the dispatcher.

  “Holland Springs’ engines are already on their way,” Kyle said. He adjusted his hat. “I’m ready to go in, Captain. You say the word, and I’ll head upstairs to where Ross thinks it started.”

  Brody wanted to say a few words all right. They began with F and ended with U. Just seeing Kyle’s face made him want to punch it. For a split second, he considered sending the rookie in to teach him a lesson. That would knock his cocky ass down a peg or two.

  Ah, hell. He couldn’t send Kyle up. He knew better than that. The kid wasn’t seasoned enough to go, not without the proper backup and everyone wasn’t on scene, yet.

  Still, he couldn’t resist getting a little ribbing in. “You do that,” he began sarcastically, and Kyle took off.

  Don’t worry; I’ll take care of your man.

  “Hold up,” Brody shouted, grabbing the younger man by the collar. He jerked Kyle to him. “Are you insane? You’re not going up there.”

  “You said I could.”

  “That was sarcasm, dumbass.”

  Kyle’s face turned red. “I can do this. Give me a chance.”

  He was serious, Brody realized. The Rookie wanted to prove hi
mself and Brody was being a jealous little boy who didn’t want to share his toys, so he thought to punish Kyle instead. “You’ll get your chance. Soon as that extra engine shows up, we’ll go together.”

  A grin split Kyle’s face in two. “Sweet. Sydney’s going to be so impressed, man. Thanks.”

  Yeah, he should have known he wasn’t the only one Kyle was trying to impress. “Yeah, she will.”

  “Hey, Captain.”

  Brody let go of Kyle and moved to greet Holland Springs’ chief. He got him up to speed and then turned his attention back to Kyle, intent on keeping his word.

  Panic set in when he was nowhere to be found. “Son of a gun,” he swore, jogging over to one of the men on the hose. “Have you seen Kyle?”

  “About five minutes ago. He went up.”

  Flames burst through the fourth-story window, shattering glass. Without thinking, Brody ran for the door, sprinting up the stairs. His breath fogged against his mask.

  “Kyle. Where are you, Rookie?” he shouted every so often.

  No answer. He thought he saw some movement. “Kyle,” he shouted again. A billow of smoke blew over him.

  Two men holding a hose raced past him, blasting the flames as they went. The stairs creaked. He looked down. The wood and rusted steel might not hold their combined weight, especially with a hose pumping thirty gallons per minute.

  But, he had to find Kyle. He started to run up the stairs, and his foot went through the wood. His heart slammed against his chest. An explosion rocked the building, and his leg went deeper in the hole. Wood bit at him as he tried to pull free. Shit. Sydney was going to kill him if Kyle was hurt. Worse, he’d feel like the world’s biggest asshole if Kyle got hurt.

  If the absolutely worst thing happened to Kyle.

  Brody gave himself a mental shake. He refused to think of Kyle in those terms. That pain-in-his-tail rookie would come out on top. He knew it.

  Someone grabbed his arm. He looked up.

  “I got you, Captain.”

  “Damn it, Kyle. You weren’t supposed to go up alone.” Would the kid think less of him if he hugged the ever-loving crap out of him?

  Kyle grinned. “Neither were you.” He pulled him to safety, and they began to trudge down the stairs.

  “I thought you were in there, you big jerk.”

  “And you went looking for me?” Kyle all but hugged him. “Dude, I’m touched.”

  “Touch me again, and you’ll draw back a nub.”

  Kyle laughed and coughed. “Just admit it.”

  “Admit what?” He tore off his mask and helmet, sucking in the smoke-free air.

  “That you’re in love with her.”

  “While I think a lot of Cherry, I’m not in love with her,” Brody said carefully.

  Kyle shook his head and held up his hands. “Fine, if that’s how you want to play it, then I’ll stay on my path, but never say I didn’t give you the opportunity to lay claim first.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  “I can’t do it anymore,” Sydney cried and blew her nose.

  Cherry rubbed her back. “I’m sorry I caused all of this. I didn’t mean to. Brody told me no when I tried to kiss him, and that was for your benefit, not his.”

  “I know,” Sydney wailed. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

  “It’s okay. I wouldn’t have been very understanding either.”

  Only thirty minutes earlier, Sydney had showed up at Cherry’s apartment and demanded they speak woman to woman. Cherry had taken one look at her and swept her up in a big hug.

  “I told him that I was going to go out with Kyle to practice our lessons on him.”

  “Good for you,” Cherry said, handing her another tissue. “Sometimes, men need to be reminded that we’re not waiting on them.”

  “I know, but this is Brody,” she sniffed. “He’s been wonderful and amazing.”

  “He’s still a man who needs reminding.”

  “He’s also a firefighter who could die without me telling him the truth.”

  “Aw, honey, don’t keep beating yourself up.” Cherry hugged her again. “Why don’t you invite him over and tell him the truth?”

  “What if he doesn’t feel the same?” Sydney couldn’t help but ask.

  “Then you know where the two of you stand. There’s no more wondering what might have been or what might be because you would know.”

  “How did you get to be so smart when it comes to men?”

  “Lots of practice. But, I don’t know how smart I was to go after Brody like I did, knowing what I did,” Cherry said, her cheeks turning pink. “All the two of you needed was a little push in the right direction, but I was selfish. Brody’s such a good guy rolled into a hot package that I couldn’t resist him. Most of the men I go out with like using me and I like using them right back, but Brody’s different…He makes you feel special and goes out of his way not to hurt your feelings. So, when I was ready to give him up, that’s when I started pushing him in your direction.”

  Sydney knew she should probably be mad at Cherry’s confession, at her selfishness, and need to wait until the time was right for her. But, honestly, Sydney could have saved herself the trouble by talking with Brody. They’d always been able to talk about everything, so why not how her feelings had grown and changed for him?

  Only, what sounded so simple in hindsight was never that simple in person. Simple conversations were overthought and overblown way out of proportion all the time by people who’d been together longer than they had.

  “I don’t want to lose him,” Sydney admitted. “I wouldn’t know what to do without him.”

  “You won’t.” Cherry stood. “I’ll make sure you don’t.”


  “By doing what you’ve been insisting all along—tell him the truth.”

  “I finally get to tell him the truth.” A smile curved the corners of her mouth. “I finally get to tell Brody Dean Lawson that I love him.”

  Cherry laughed and clapped her hands together. “Go home, put on your best lingerie, and text his fine tail to come over.”

  Sydney didn’t have to be told twice. She was out the door before Cherry could finish wishing her good luck.

  Brody was in no mood to see or talk to anyone, including Sydney, which was why he ignored her text. After showering, he pulled on a pair of jeans and grabbed a beer from his fridge, and then he sat on his back porch.

  The Pamlico Sound was as smooth as glass. The moon was huge and the frogs were croaking. A perfect night to be sure, but not with the thoughts swirling in his head.

  He’d been a jackass today, a pure jackass. He’d risked Kyle’s life by being a smartass, and then his own life by not following procedure to save the rookie.

  Some captain he was. He’d let his jealousy cloud his judgment. It didn’t matter that it had been temporary, or that he’d gone after Kyle. His duty as a firefighter was to protect others from harm, not cause it.

  Taking a pull of his beer, he allowed all the ways today could have gone wrong to play in his mind. Including the one that ended with him falling through the rotted stairs to the concrete floor at the bottom.

  A knock on his door saved him from taking those thoughts further. He rose from his chair, set his beer down, and went to answer it, without bothering to put on a shirt.

  Before he could open it, the door swung open. Sydney stood there, concern written all over her face before anger took over.

  “Why didn’t you answer my texts?” she shouted at him. “You made me call Kyle to see if you were all right.”

  “You called the rookie?” Jealousy rose again, but he tamped it down. If he wanted her to be his, then he had to be clear about it. “Why him?”

  She punched him in the shoulder, and he winced a little. Sydney had always had one hell of a punch. “Because I couldn’t very well call your momma to ask if her son was dead or alive.”

  She had him there. His mother would have been ticked, and then his
dad would have been pissed at Brody for making his mother upset—no matter how indirectly he was the cause of it.

  “I didn’t feel like talking,” he grumbled.

  With a swift tug to the belt of her coat, the material parted and she tipped up her chin in challenge. “I don’t feel like talking either.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Sydney stood there in a sheer corset, a tiny thong, matching thigh highs, and stilettoes and waited for Brody to sweep her off her feet.

  But all he did was let his hot, appreciative gaze roam over her. “Damn, woman.”

  That was better, but he still hadn’t touched her. She shrugged out of her coat, letting it fall to the floor. “Aren’t you going to invite me inside?”

  He stepped back a little. She walked past him and heard the door shut behind her. When he grabbed her arm, her heart stuttered, almost as bad as when she first spied him.

  His muscular chest had fairly gleamed and those vees on each side of his hips…She knew what he tasted like, knew that every inch of him was solid and well built. He was the ultimate firefighter in her mind. The ultimate female fantasy come to life.

  Cautiously, she turned to face Brody. Heat poured off him in waves. He was keyed up, ready for a fight. She’d known him long enough to recognize that side of him.

  “See something you’d like to take off me?”

  A slow smile kicked up the corners of his mouth, but it wasn’t a smile she recognized. It was hard, brittle, and there was a small part of her that wanted to run from that look.

  “I’m trying to be good, Sydney.” He didn’t loosen his grip on her. “I’m not in a mood for games, flirting, or even making love.”

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  “Sex. Fucking. I just want to feel, baby. I want to feel alive.” He let out a harsh breath. “You don’t deserve a man who would treat you like that.”

  “If I were any other woman,” she refused to say a single name, “would you have any hesitations?”


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