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Black Butterfly

Page 10

by Tiffany Patterson

  Andre nodded and pressed his lips to her forehead in an endearing kiss. “Thank you for sharing that with me,” he said sitting back. His fingers trailed down her leg, which remained uncovered due to the shorts she wore.

  When his fingers lingered over a spot on her knee, it took everything in her not to push his hand away. She knew the question was coming and she wasn’t ready to share all of that with him just yet.

  But, perceptive as he always was, Andre saw the look in her eye. The wave of sadness that appeared when his fingers touched the scar on her knee. He’d noticed it the very first time he’d seen her bare legs, but didn’t ask. He knew by looking at her that this scar and whatever brokenness it healed over was the reason she no longer was a ballerina.

  “Come on, dinner’s ready,” he said, standing and extending his hand to her, pulling her up. He saw her shoulders slump with relief and knew he’d made the right decision not to push just yet.


  “Are you ready for your trip?” Nikola asked as he, Raul, and Andre settled in for lunch at an Italian restaurant only a few blocks from Excel’s offices. Andre was going to Boston in a few days due to some issues with the Jennings merger. Apparently, some of the top-level executives were threatening to abandon ship because of the merger. Andre couldn’t be sure, but he believed the employees were being fed wrong information. The last thing he or Nikola wanted was for disgruntled employees to abandon ship and take their knowledge to one of their competitor firms. Andre was hoping to only be gone a few days, but he’d likely have to do some housecleaning while in Boston which could extend his trip longer than he’d anticipated.

  What he was not looking forward to mostly, was leaving Stacey. It’d been a few weeks since their first night together after her show, and they hadn’t gone a day without seeing each other since. She ended up spending the night at his place at least two to three nights during the week and on weekends. It was as if he couldn’t get enough of being around her. His usual rule of never spending the night with a woman or letting a woman spend the night just didn’t apply where she was concerned. He sighed at the thought of possibly going a whole week or more without her in his bed.

  Unbeknownst to Andre, his thoughts played out all over his face. His emotions did not escape Nikola and Raul’s perceptive eyes, but both men remained silent, simply passing a look between one another.

  “Yeah, I’m ready. I think Jennings is trying to play games,” Andre said shrugging off his thoughts about Stacey for the moment.

  “How so?” Nikola inquired.

  “Not sure exactly, but I think he’s been in the ear of some of the execs. I’m sure the knowledgeable ones realize what a sham he is, but some still have loyalty to his father and think following the son is the right thing to do. No worries, I’ll handle it. Did you do what I asked?” Andre asked, shifting his focus from Nikola to Raul.

  Raul’s brown eyes met Andre’s as he nodded. “Yup, my guy’s set to go. Wednesday evening, right?”

  “Yup,” Andre answered. He wouldn’t be there to escort Stacey home after her late dance class on Wednesday, so he’d arranged for one of Raul’s employees to do it in his stead.

  “Are you sure it’s necessary though? I mean, she has been working at that studio for a while and never had any problems,” Raul commented.

  Andre cocked his head to the side in disbelief. This is the man who’d followed Mercedes around for an entire summer when a stalker had threatened her. Andre couldn’t believe he would question the need for safety for his woman.

  Raul must have noticed Andre’s look. Throwing up his hands in defense he said, “Whoa, I’m just asking a question. Calm down there, Junior.” He laughed at the incredulity written all over Andre’s face.

  “Yes, I’m sure. I don’t like her leaving work so late without anyone watching her back. She carries mace and says she has a mean right hook. Her sister supposedly taught her.” He gave a cynical snort at that statement. “Anyway, since I won’t be there, I want someone watching her.”

  Andre did catch the look that passed between Raul and Nikola this time. The two men clearly had something on their mind.

  “What?” he asked almost defensively.

  Nikola sat up in his seat and fixed his dark blue Tom Ford suit jacket before turning his blue eyes that were so much like Andre’s on his brother. “Andre, if she says her sister taught her to fight, I would believe her about that right hook,” Nikola stated cryptically.

  Andre turned his gaze to Raul who was nodding in agreement. Obviously, the two men knew Stacey’s sister.

  “Army?” he guessed.

  Raul and Nikola had met at West Point and had become instant friends. The years after graduating were spent in the U.S. Army, and serving overseas in both Iraq and Afghanistan. After retiring, Nikola went to work at Excel and Raul opened his own security firm there in Atlanta.

  “Yup, the Army and some...other stuff,” Raul answered.

  Andre narrowed his gaze as he pondered Raul’s meaning. He wondered if Raul was hinting that he or Nikola had had a relationship with Stacey’s sister, but that thought was dismissed with Nikola’s next words.

  “Nothing like that. She works in the same industry as Raul so their paths have crossed from time to time,” Nikola stated, answering Andre’s unasked question.

  “Oh.” Andre nodded. “Anyway, I still want that security detail on her while I’m gone,” Andre told Raul.

  Raul nodded. “Consider it done.”

  The men spent the rest of their lunch talking about work, life, and the upcoming gala that was to be hosted by Andre and their mother, Iris. It was a Mother’s Against Drunk Driving fundraiser that Iris worked closely with. Andre helped to sponsor the event and raise funds for it. He was glad of the awareness the event would bring to the issue of drunk driving and the destruction it could cause. He knew all about that pain.


  Andre’s couldn’t help looking at the clock for the third time in only the last five minutes. He sat in his office as the head of the accounting department talked about the latest reports and upcoming changes in accounting systems. Though Andre usually lived for these kinds of meetings, he was more anxious to see the woman he’d made plans to share his lunch with.

  Since it was Friday, Stacey got out of her internship a little early and he’d convinced her to swing by his office for a late lunch. Unfortunately, his meeting had run a little over and he had to call her to come about thirty minutes later than their planned time. Now, he was regretting that decision, wanting nothing more than to see her. He’d be leaving for Boston early Sunday morning so they had only another day and a half to spend together before he’d be gone for at least a week.

  Sighing, Andre ran his fingers through his hair and dragged his hand down through his beard. When his phone rang, his hand darted out to pick it up without even asking Charlie—his head of accounting—to hold on.

  “Mr. Collins, a Ms. Stacey Coleman is here to see you,” the security guard on the first floor told Andre on the other end. Andre had called down to security to let them know to call him as soon as she arrived.

  Standing with the receiver of the phone tucked into his ear, Andre didn’t hesitate. “Okay, I’ll be right down,” he said hanging up the phone. “Charlie, I’m sorry we have to cut this short. I have another meeting. We’ll talk more about this when I get back from Boston,” he said, shaking the other man’s hand and escorting him out of his office.

  “No problem, Andre. Have a safe trip,” Charlie responded as both men headed past Andre’s assistant and out the double doors.

  When Andre stepped off the elevator, the smile that touched his lips was instantaneous. He stared at Stacey, taking in every detail of her presence as she stood with her head down, scrolling through her phone. Her twists were piled on top of her head in a neat, high bun. He wondered how she got all of that hair to stay up like that. She wore a knee-length black pinstripe skirt and a white button up top. Andre let his eyes travel over
her toned legs that bowed back ever so slightly, the small swell of her ass, small waist and the roundness of her breasts. She looked perfectly professional, but good enough to devour at the same time.

  Andre noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, and his gaze traveled to the security guard who stood at the desk behind Stacey. He noticed the guard’s eyes were doing the same perusing Andre’s just had. When the man, who stood a few inches shorter than Andre, licked his pink lips while ogling Stacey, Andre’s jaw tightened and his fists clenched. Andre strolled over to Stacey, who still remained oblivious to either man’s attention. Her beautiful face was still looking down at her phone as her fingers typed away.

  “I hope whatever you’re reading is interesting,” Andre whispered in her ear, causing Stacey to jump.

  “Oh my goodness! Andre, you scared me,” she admonished, swatting his arm playfully.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he said, leaning down to press a quick peck to her luscious lips.

  “Mm, hey yourself,” she moaned when their lips separated.

  Andre’s stomach muscles clenched at hearing her low moan, and his eyes flew to the security guard who was now pretending to not notice the couple in front of him.

  That’s right, keep your damn eyes to yourself, Andre thought as he wrapped his arm around Stacey’s waist and began escorting her to the elevator.

  “Thanks, Gus,” Andre threw over his shoulder to the security guard and continued walking.

  “No problem, Mr. Collins,” Gus said, avoiding eye contact with Andre.

  “What were you reading on your phone?” Andre asked as they stepped into the elevator.

  “Just some of my client notes and making more notes for next week.”

  Andre admired the way she lit up when she talked about her internship. He knew she was hoping to get hired at the institution she interned with after completing school.

  “Hey, Madelyn, this is Stacey,” Andre introduced her to his administrative assistant.

  The middle aged woman looked up from her desk and smiled when she saw Stacey. “Hi, Stacey, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” she said extending her hand.

  “Same here,” Stacey said grasping the older woman’s hand and smiling.

  “Andre, your lunch was delivered while you were downstairs. I placed it on the table in your office,” she directed at Andre.

  “Thanks, Madelyn. Hold all my calls for the next hour,” he said, pulling Stacey into his office.

  She gave one last wave to his assistant before she disappeared behind the door as Andre shut it. Andre immediately pulled her into his arms, cupping her face and letting his lips meld into hers. Prying her mouth open with his tongue, he deepened the kiss, using his tongue to devour every available space in her mouth.

  “Mmm,” she moaned into his mouth.

  Andre’s cock twitched at the sound and feel of her lips on his. Before long, he pulled away. “Hi,” he smiled down at her.

  “Hi,” she said just above a whisper.

  “You hungry?” he asked, releasing her face and pulling her to the table where a spread of sandwiches, fresh fruit, soda, and bottles of water waited.

  “Yes!” Stacey said excitedly. “I haven’t eaten since breakfast this morning.”

  Andre frowned. It was close to three o’clock in the afternoon. She’d nearly gone the entire day without eating. “Why haven’t you eaten anything?” he asked, pulling out one of his mesh chairs for her to sit. When she did, he began plating her food.

  Stacey shrugged. “It’s no big deal. I just got really busy at work and didn’t bring anything to snack on since we were meeting for lunch,” she told him. “Anyway, how did your meeting go?” she asked accepting the plate of food he handed her.

  “Well, you should have told me you hadn’t eaten. We could have met somewhere closer, or I could have changed my meeting,” he said still frowning, and ignoring her question.

  “Andre, it’s no big deal. I’m not actually starving. Tell me about your meeting,” she retorted, stroking his hand as he sat. She enjoyed the way he seemed to always take her needs into consideration. She’d never had a man she was dating be so concerned about her well-being. It felt good to know he cared.

  Andre’s face didn’t relax until he saw her take a bite of her turkey club sandwich. He’d ordered her favorite sandwich from a small shop around the corner that often catered meetings at their office. Andre sat back and began eating his own roast beef sandwich. He knew she was trying to get him off her back about not eating by asking about his meeting, but he couldn’t help his concern. He’d never felt this way about a woman so early on. He just wanted to make sure she was taking care of herself. He couldn’t hold back his protective instinct when it came to her. He was feeling especially protective since he would be leaving her soon.

  “My meeting was fine,” he grumbled.

  “Don’t sound so ornery,” she teased, lightly tapping him on the leg. “Tell me about this trip you’re going on.”

  Andre couldn’t help but give a sideways smile as she winked at him and took another bite of her sandwich.

  “It’s just to tie up some loose ends with this merger,” he told her. She eagerly listened to him talk about the merger he’d been working on for months as she ate. She often interjected with insightful questions about the deal or matters he was having with employees.

  “You’re going to be a great social worker,” he told her honestly as they finished their lunch. The shocked look on her face told him she wasn’t expecting that.

  “Wh-what makes you say that?” she asked almost shyly.

  Andre found himself amused by her coyness when it came to talking about herself as a social worker. It was almost as if she wanted it so bad, she couldn’t allow herself to believe she would be one, one day.

  He pulled her up from her seat and pulled her to sit on his lap in his large leather chair behind his desk. He kissed the crook of her neck before responding. He enjoyed the feeling of the small hitch of breath she took when he placed his lips on her skin and nuzzled her neck.

  “Because I’ve been talking about boring ass numbers and business shit for the last twenty minutes, and you didn’t seem bored or yawned once. Your attention remained on me and what I was saying and I know this shit is boring to most. I live it. If you give your clients half the attention you just gave me, they’re going to love you,” he told her honestly still nuzzling her neck. He felt her arm encircle his waist and squeeze.

  “Thank you,” she said just above a whisper.

  “Thank me properly,” he growled as he pulled her lips down to meet his. Within seconds, he became lost in the kiss as their tongues stroked one another and his lips nibbled at hers. His cock began to stand at attention as her hand moved around his waist to massage him through his pants. He moved his hand to her leg, pushing her skirt up to her hips.

  “Wait, Andre,” Stacey said breathing heavily as she broke away from the kiss. “Are you sure this is okay? I mean, what if someone walks in?” she asked worriedly, turning her head to look at his door.

  “It’s locked,” he responded, darting his tongue out to lick her neck. He smiled when he felt her shiver.

  “Are you sure?” she moaned as he sucked on her earlobe and let his hand move up, spreading her legs wider and palming her hot core.

  “Yes. Come here,” he growled, catching the back of her neck and pulling her lips to meet his for another blistering kiss. Andre let his fingers maneuver around her stockings and panties, pulling them down just enough to leave room for his fingers to enter her. He inserted one finger at first, feeling her already wet. When she widened her legs, he entered a second finger.

  Andre pumped his fingers in and out of her at the same rate he allowed his tongue to stroke her mouth. He angled his fingers upward to make contact with the sensitive spot inside her wet channel, bending his thumb to massage her budding clit.

  Stacey threw her head back and began pumping her hips against his hand. “Shit,” she whispered
not wanting to be too loud, remembering they were in Andre’s office.

  “You can’t speak louder than that?” Andre taunted. “I must not be doing it good enough,” he said before inserting a third finger and pumping his fingers even faster in and out of her growing wetness. He increased pressure on her clit as he slanted his fingers in a curling motion, hitting both her sensitive spots at one time. When Stacey’s hips began moving even more vigorously, he knew she was close.

  “Come, now!” he growled and slammed his lips to hers.

  Stacey moaned loudly into his mouth as her body exploded. She clutched her fingers tightly around his shoulders as she let the shudders pass over her one by one. Regaining her breath, she picked her head up from his neck and smiled down at him.

  “Your turn,” she said naughtily.

  Andre barely registered her words before she slid off his lap and was on her knees in front of him. With trembling fingers, Stacey reached up, unbuttoned, and unzipped Andre’s pants. She reached inside his pants, pushed down his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs, and pulled out his massive erection.

  Stacey gave Andre a seductive smiled before lowering her head and wrapping his cock with her lips. Letting her mouth slide down his long shaft, Stacey heard Andre moan above her. Slowly, she licked her way back up his cock, stopping to suck and lick around the tip before lowering her mouth onto his cock again.

  “That’s it. Just like that. Fuck yeah,” Andre grunted in the sexiest voice Stacey had ever heard.

  She quickened her pace on his cock as she bobbed her head up and down, wanting to bring him as much pleasure as he’d brought her moments before. She let her hand reach into his pants to cup his heavy sac, massaging and stroking him as her mouth slurped and sucked his thick cock. Moving her hand from his pants to his shaft, she enveloped the base of his shaft with her hand and began bobbing her head vigorously on the top half of his cock, desperate for the taste of his seed on her tongue. She felt a trickle of precum at the tip of his cock and used her tongue to spread it around the entire tip of his shaft. When she went to dive in again, she found herself stopped by Andre’s hands on her shoulders.


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