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Chubby & Charming (Big & Beautiful Book 1)

Page 7

by Mary E Thompson

  Claire whistled, Addi cheered, and Sam pretended to take pictures. It was a great reaction. “Thank you, thank you. I always knew I looked best in my underwear. Not!”

  “You look amazing, Mandy. It’s the perfect start.”

  “I do feel better. Thanks guys. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  Claire and Sam waffled but Addi called everyone to order. “This is not the time to get mushy. We still have to figure out something to cover that sexiness with.”

  I watched as Addi expertly directed Sam and Claire. Sam held up outfits and Claire hung up the clothes they discarded. I sat back and let them work, wondering what the hell they were going to end up with.

  “Mandy, why don’t you do your make-up while we finish with the clothes. When we have a few outfits for you to try on, you can model them for us,” Addi commanded.

  I went back to the bathroom, leaving the door open so I could hear the conversation. I leaned in close to the mirror and brushed on a light layer of foundation before going to work on my eyes. I applied a neutral base to my eyelids then blended in a deeper brown along my crease and heavier into the outside corners. I covered my lids with a sparkling gold then lined my eyes and swiped on mascara.

  I wiped a copper blush on my cheeks and added a lighter copper lipstick. I leaned back from the mirror and was astonished myself.

  My green eyes popped out at me, sparkling with the make-up I’d applied. I’d left my brushed copper curls loose over my neck. I coated them with a light spray to keep them from falling and left the bathroom.

  “Holy shit,” Claire said when she looked at me. “You look amazing. Maybe you should just go like that.”

  I rolled my eyes at her but was thrilled with the compliment. Addi had four outfits on the bed for me to try. Claire was still hanging up clothes and Sam was digging through my jewelry.

  I picked up the first outfit, a short grey skirt and soft pink sweater. The skirt worked, but the sweater didn’t go with my hair. It rarely did. Pink was my favorite color, but I couldn’t ever wear it. It was frustrating.

  Next was a green wrap around dress. I pulled it across my body, buttoning the first side then tying the second side to cover me. It fit well and looked good, but didn’t hide my imperfections. Still, it was better than the first outfit.

  Third I tried on a black dress that was just too boring. This was a date, not a business meeting.

  Last Addi had picked out cobalt blue top that fit snug over my breasts but hung loose around my waist. She’d paired it with a light brown skirt that had wisps of the same blue and pink threads through it, creating flowers.

  As soon as I slid the skirt on my friends all stopped what they were doing to look. I felt like I was trying on a wedding dress for how emotional they got. “What? Is it okay?” I asked.

  “It’s perfect,” Claire said, emerging from my closet with a pair of brown heels with a pink bow across the toe. I’d bought them the previous summer but never knew what to wear them with. Obviously Claire knew.

  Sam stepped up next, carrying jewelry. She draped a sparkling gold chain around my neck with a tiny gold daisy pendant. She handed me earrings that looked like miniature golden sand dollars hanging from my lobes.

  I finally turned to look in my floor length mirror, to get the full effect. “Damn, I look good,” I said confidently. My friends laughed with me and followed me downstairs.

  “Where are you going?” Sam asked.

  “He wanted to meet me at Thai This. I told him I’d only ever been to Canada so he wants to work out way around the world in food. He figured we can go to American places any time, but it would be special to go someplace different together.”

  “Wow, he sounds like a dream come true,” Addi said.

  “Sometimes I think he is. Okay, I’m going to go. Thanks for your help. There’s wine in the fridge and more in the cabinet. Help yourselves to whatever. Love you guys,” I called on my way to the front door.

  “Have fun,” chorused behind me and I rushed out the door to my car.

  The snow had finally melted in Winterville, but the town still had a soft glow to it. I loved my town, especially as the sun was setting. We weren’t situated right on the water of Lake Erie, but we were close enough to get amazing sunsets. Unfortunately we were also close enough to get all the snow Lake Erie usually dumped on the area.

  I turned off my street and smiled, like I always did, at the silly snow and winter related names most of the town had. I lived on Frozen Drive and grew up on Jack Frost Lane. I drove down Snowy Road toward the center of town. Our main street was Winter Way, a road that ran through the center of town and had most other roads branching off from it. I passed Cooler Coffee then turned off Winter Way onto Icy Lane toward Thai This.

  I found parking in the lot next to the restaurant. I had no idea what Xander drove so I headed into the restaurant, a few minutes early for once, figuring I’d just wait for him inside. I popped a piece of chocolate in my mouth for luck and headed in.

  The hostess smiled warmly at me and asked how many in my party. “I’m meeting someone here. I’m not sure if he’s here yet though.”

  “Are you Mandy?” she asked kindly.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Your date is already here. I can show you to your table if you’re ready.”

  I nodded and followed her through the restaurant. The front room was packed and cozy with the murmur of guests chatting through their dinner. I glanced around nervously, looking for Xander.

  We passed through an opening into a smaller dining room with only a handful of booths, all circular so an entire party could sit next to each other. Each booth was high and secluded from the others so there was an air of privacy even though the room was open. It was very romantic.

  The hostess stopped at the booth in the back corner and smiled at me. I stepped close and saw a foot coming out of the booth. Then, before me, stood Xander Carlson.

  “Are you leaving?” I asked, panicking that he’d changed his mind and was trying to get away before I arrived.

  “No,” he said with a smile. He offered me his hand and I slipped mine in his, a spark of awareness shooting up my arm and settling low in my gut. “I’m trying to be a gentleman and let you sit first.”

  He smiled at me and gently squeezed my hand. I slid into the booth first, still holding his hand, and Xander followed me. The hostess said, “Enjoy your meal,” then left us alone.

  “Hi,” he said, turning to me when she was gone.

  “Hi,” I whispered back, a smile overtaking my face.

  “You look amazing. I almost don’t want to do this,” he said.

  “Do what?” I started to ask but was cut off by his lips on mine.

  He held my hand tightly, his other hand drifting softly over my cheek. His lips were pressed loosely against mine, small kisses traded between us. I sighed, loving the feel of his lips on mine, and his tongue reached out to stroke my lips. They parted automatically, as if under his command, and his tongue slid into my mouth.

  His hand drifted from my cheek into the hair at the nape of my neck as he pulled me closer to him. His tongue gently explored my mouth, gliding alongside mine and taking us both on the ride of our lives.

  Lost for a moment in our kiss, Xander tilted my head and deepened our kiss, hunger and need making us both nearly frantic. I explored his mouth, licking the roof of his mouth and dipping my tongue into the hollow of his cheeks. He did the same, learning me, returning to spots when I made a noise or clenched his fingers tighter.

  After too many moments to count, Xander released me. He pressed his forehead into mine, our heaving breaths mixing together between our mouths. “I’m sorry. I ruined your make-up. I just couldn’t wait another minute to kiss you.”

  “Mmm hmm,” I murmured, still drowsy from being kissed so thoroughly. If the man could kiss me into oblivion I could only imagine what he could do when he put his whole body into the job.

  “You taste like chocolate,” he
whispered like we were sharing a secret.

  My eyes popped open and my cheeks heated. “I ate a piece before I came in. For courage or something. It made me feel better.”

  “I liked it. I’ll never eat chocolate again without thinking about you and that kiss.”

  I smiled. God, he was perfect.

  I straightened in my seat and went to pick up my menu when the waiter approached our table. “Good evening,” he said. He flinched briefly as he passed a look between us then regained his composure. I was sure he was just shocked that someone like me would be out with a god like Xander.

  “Can I get you started with something to drink? We have Coke products and our wine list is at the back of the menu. We also have some specialty cocktails on this menu here.” I took the cocktail menu from him and looked it over quickly while Xander ordered a beer and water.

  “I’ll have a Raspberry Lemonade cocktail and a water,” I told him. He nodded then left us alone again.

  Xander still had my hand clamped in his. “Look at me,” he said. “Your lipstick is smeared. He gave us a pretty strange look.”

  I pulled my hand from Xander’s to dig out my mirror from my purse. I flipped it open and laughed at the mess on my face. I looked like a toddler trying on her mom’s lipstick. Xander rested his hand on my leg and leaned in to kiss my shoulder.

  “I thought he wondered what you were doing with me,” I confessed.

  Xander squeezed my thigh. “He knew exactly what I was doing with you. How do I look in brown lipstick?”

  I turned to face him and snorted at the copper ring around his lips. “Come here,” I beckoned, napkin in hand. I gently wiped my lipstick from his face, leaving no traces of our passionate make-out session at the restaurant.

  He pulled the napkin from my hands and cupped my chin to turn to him. He wiped softly, working his way around my mouth cleaning up the lipstick. The gentle touch of his hands on my face kicked up my heartbeat and I was nearly panting by the time he was done. His pulse skittered in his neck and his breathing skipped along with it.

  He put the napkin down and eyed the tube of lipstick I had in my hand. “Don’t put anymore on. I’ll just kiss it off you,” he said, leaning closer with each word so when he spoke the last his lips were a breath away from my ear. My nipples were standing on end and my panties were getting a good rinse.

  Xander inhaled deeply. “You smell so good,” he whispered in my ear, the softness of his words and the tickle of his breath sending a shiver down my spine. His tongue darted out and licked behind my ear. “You taste good, too.”

  I clamped my mouth shut to stop a moan from escaping my lips. Xander kissed his way down my neck to my throat then back up to my mouth. He kept one hand tangled with mine and the other in his lap. When he kissed me again it was softer, more pleading than begging. His kiss made promises, told stories, but was every bit as passionate as the last one and still made my toes curl.

  “I can already sense a long cold shower in my future,” he murmured in my ear. I glanced down and saw his jeans were tented in the front to give room to the sizable erection he was hiding under the table.

  Just then the waiter returned with our drinks and took our order, quickly retreating when he saw we didn’t need anything else.

  I sipped my drink, trying to calm the hormones coursing through me. I wasn’t accustomed to feeling so desired and it was making me a little crazy. I wanted to crawl under the table and relieve the pressure Xander was experiencing. Or drag him under with me and help us both out.

  As if sensing my thoughts, Xander brought his hand up my back to the back of my neck. He held me loosely, but enough that there was no mistaking he was there. “I can’t stop touching you, or kissing you, or breathing you in. This is the craziest thing I’ve ever done, feeling like this, and I can’t control it. I’m not scaring you, am I?”

  I shook my head and looked at him over my shoulder, flashing a flirty look. “You’re turning me on like you wouldn’t believe. I’ve never felt so beautiful in my life.”

  He leaned forward and rested his chin on my shoulder. “You are beautiful. So fucking gorgeous. Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  I smiled, “Thank you for giving me a few chances.”

  He laughed, surprised at my statement. His breath blew over my face, tickling my nose. I leaned into him and softly pressed our lips together. He responded instantly, tightening his grip on my neck and turning me toward him. I turned into him, letting our bodies melt together, my soft curves fitting around his hard planes.

  Pressed up against him I could feel just how exceptionally built he was. I ran my hands over his chest and down to his stomach, letting my fingers bump over the ridges of his body. My hands slid back up to his shoulders and I held onto the muscles there, tensing and jumping with every movement of my hands. I drifted over his arms, running a delicate finger over each bump of muscle and feeling it flex under my touch.

  Xander’s hands explored, too. He released my neck and ran one hand down my back to rest at the top of my ass. He split my shirt from my skirt and let his fingers roam the lower part of my back, sending sparks through my body. His other hand rested possessively on my thigh, just under the hem of my skirt. He caressed my thigh, bare under my skirt, and made me ache for him to go higher.

  “I apologize,” a voice said from somewhere outside my consciousness. Xander pulled back from me guiltily, but he kept his hand on my thigh. I looked up and saw our waiter standing over us with plates of food. He deposited everything onto the table and asked if we needed anything else then vanished again.

  Xander leaned into me and kissed my neck. “Whoops,” my joked against my skin. I laughed with him, feeling empowered by the way he was making me feel.

  We both dug into our food hungrily. Or maybe we were just anxious to get out of there. Either way, we ate quickly, sharing food from each other’s plates and feeding each other from the same fork. Xander touched me or kissed me every few seconds, as though he couldn’t get enough of me. It was a new but amazing feeling. I couldn’t get enough of him either.

  When we finished our dinner we sat back and held hands, stealing quick kisses while we talked. “I was thinking about going to Sweet & Sassy for dessert. They have live music, local artists, on Saturday nights. Of course their desserts are amazing.”

  “That sounds good. We can walk from here, right?”

  “Yeah,” Xander nodded. “It’s on the corner of Winter Way.”

  Xander slid out of the booth after he paid for dinner and held out his hand for me. I slipped my hand into his and smiled when he held onto it tightly as we left the restaurant.


  Sweet & Sassy was crowded but we still managed to snag a table. A waitress in all black with a pink apron around her waist greeted us warmly and gave us menus. I was a little disappointed that we were sitting across the table from each other, but Xander remedied it quickly when he scooted his chair next to mine.

  And rested his hand back on my thigh.

  “What sounds good?” he asked me quietly, pressing his lips to my ear.

  My body trembled, shocks of pleasure sparking through me. I glanced at the menu and saw chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. “You pick. It all looks good to me.”

  “You look good to me,” he whispered, nipping my ear gently. I jumped, surprised at the intimate touch in such a public setting. A smile toyed with my lips as my body heated up. “How about something chocolate?” he teased.

  The waitress returned and Xander ordered a variety tray of truffles, two mini chocolate mousse cupcakes, and two glasses of wine. As she walked away Xander asked me to dance. There was a live band playing music but no one was dancing. A dance floor was wide open in front of the band, but I wasn’t sure about being on display for the crowd. “I don’t know. No one else is dancing.”

  “So,” he said with a shrug. “Maybe we’ll spark them to join us.”

  I smiled at his hopeful look and let him lead me to the front
of the restaurant. The band started playing a slow, sweet song as we stepped onto the dance floor. Xander pulled me in close, his one hand gripping mine while the other rested possessively low on my back.

  Wrapped in his arms, I felt smaller than my size 18. Xander was tall, easily over six feet tall. The bulk of his body dwarfed mine, allowing me to feel small compared to him. He held me tight, our bodies pressed together, allowing me to enjoy the firmness of his body.

  Muscles held me in place against him and his burgeoning erection pressed into me. We danced slowly, our feet shuffling slightly to keep us moving but really just using the music as an excuse to hold each other close. I realized as he held me that I’d never felt more cared for or loved than I did at that moment.

  It scared the shit out of me.

  I didn’t want to be falling for Xander so quickly but I was. He knew me better than anyone else ever had, including Claire. I’d shared my deepest secrets and my fears with him. I’d told him about my past and my hopes for the future. And he’d shared all of the same with me.

  I knew I would never be the same after him.

  When the song ended Xander noticed our dessert was waiting for us at the table. He wrapped his arms around my waist as he followed me, keeping his bulging pants hidden, back to our table.

  Xander dropped into the seat next to me and brought our clasped hands to his lips, brushing a soft kiss over my knuckles. Xander reached out to pull the plate of goodies closer to us and selected one. He sniffed it, as if he could tell what flavor it was underneath the thick coat of chocolate.

  He offered it to me and whispered, “Take a bite.”

  I opened my mouth and closed my lips around the chocolate, his fingers barely brushing the inside of my lips. I bit into the truffle and tasted the sweet chocolate and the savory peanut butter hit my taste buds. I moaned softly and closed my eyes. When I opened them Xander was watching me. He slid the rest of the truffle into his own mouth and licked his fingers clean.


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