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The Disciples: A Dark Romance Collection

Page 26

by Sweet, Izzy

  “Amy… Amy… Amy…” he murmurs against my throat. “The only person you’re hurting is yourself.”

  And I know deep down inside that he’s right. One way or another, I’ll need relief. Why should I keep torturing myself?

  “Andrew…” I groan.

  “Yes?” he purrs, and I can feel his cock twitch against my thigh with anticipation.

  I could just use his body to relieve myself. It doesn’t mean I belong to him.

  It doesn’t.

  “Please…” I plead, throwing my head back and thrusting my hips up. “Please…”

  Put me out of my fucking misery.

  “Just say it,” he growls.

  “Please fuck me,” I beg, giving in with a sob.

  His fingers move away and I almost start crying at the loss. Then his wet hand grips my hip and he’s shifting himself above me.

  There’s no warning, no time to prepare. He drives himself inside me in one hard, powerful thrust.

  “Oh god,” I nearly scream.

  The sensation that rolls through me is so intense it’s almost too much.

  “No,” he grunts above me, holding himself still. I watch as his head falls forward, as he seems to struggle with himself. “Not God.”

  Inside me, he’s so big, so thick, I’m afraid I might burst open.

  “So fucking tight,” he hisses, pulling his hips back, slowly sliding out of me.

  I tremble beneath him.

  “So fucking wet.”

  He drives himself back in, smashing against my clit.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he growls, grinding into me.

  The sensation, the pleasure, it’s all too much. He left me hanging on the edge for far too long. My body locks up and my walls clamp down on his cock.

  “Oh fuck,” he groans as my pussy grips him, pulling him in. “Already, baby?” he croaks. “Fuck!”

  I writhe against the bed, helpless, powerless, as my walls convulse around him. Milking my orgasm from him.

  I’m only using him, I have to remind myself.

  I fucking hate him, I repeat inside my head as I explode with bliss.

  All these warm, gooey feelings… they’re mine, not his.

  He fights through my clench, pulling himself out and then slamming back in. Over and over again.

  Fucking me like an animal.

  There’s no love, there’s no beauty in this.

  My ears ring with the sound of his skin slapping against my skin.

  This is just pure, primal instinct.

  His balls slap against my ass.

  Two people using each other.

  At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

  Above me, he glares down at me and beads of sweat form on his brow.

  The tremors from my release begin to fade away and I have this urge to hurt him. I wish he wasn’t restraining me so I could rip my nails down his back.

  I want to punish him. I want to fucking damage him.

  Stretching up, I do the only thing I can do. Pushing my mouth against his shoulder, I bite down, hard.

  His grip around my wrists tightens and dirty, filthy words start to pour from his mouth.

  I wrap my legs around his hips and lock my ankles behind his back.

  He growls and snaps, pushing me down. He chest smashes against my breasts as he pounds me into the mattress.

  The head of his cock bumps against the barrier of my womb and I explode.

  Gushing all over him as I come again.

  His roar is so loud in my ear it’s deafening. And then he’s growing inside of me, swelling and pulsing, but he doesn’t slow.

  No, he begins to fuck me harder and faster as he fills me with his sticky cum.

  My body rocks up and down, and the headboard cracks against the wall.

  “Amy,” he roars my name, and for a moment I’m weak. I feel myself starting to let him in.

  But then his thrusts begin to slow and his breath is hot against my ear as he says, “You’re mine.”

  I try to jerk away. I turn my face to the side but I can’t escape his lips.

  “You’re mine now. You belong to me,” he grunts into my ear as his hips roll deep, grinding into my clit.

  I whimper and writhe beneath him, too sensitive after all my orgasms.

  “And if I’m not fucking mistaken,” he sighs, finally stilling above me. “I just got you pregnant.”



  Amy hasn’t stopped glaring at me since this morning. Thinking about it though, it might have started last night when she tried to pull away from me after I got her pregnant.

  I don’t think she could have tried any harder to get away from me after I told her. She squirmed and raged at me, hitting me and kicking me with all her small might. I’m a big man, though, and there was only so much she could do with her fists.

  After she finally wore herself out, I pulled her tight to my chest. Holding her in my arms last night, listening to her slow, even breathing gave me the time to get my thoughts in order.

  First thing; I have a child on the way. I’m certain of it. I feel it in the very marrow of my bones.

  After I poured myself into her, I felt a spark of life. Our lives will forever be entwined now.

  Marrying Amy should be a top priority. The paperwork won’t be a problem but the vows should be interesting. If she fights as hard about the vows as she did with my claiming her, I might have to do the same thing right then and there on the altar. That could cause some issues with the priests… but nothing money wouldn’t fix.

  Second thing is I need to get my house in order. The one we’re in now isn’t what I think of when I see my family in my head. Amy, Abigail, and our soon-to-be-born. We need a bigger house, and maybe a housekeeper/nanny to help Amy out.

  Abigail is mine, I meant it when I said that to Amy. I need to get her back into a regular routine so she can adjust to this as quickly as possible. Having Abigail on my side of things will make the transition easier for Amy in the long run.

  Everything comes back to Amy though. She is my reason for being now.

  She fights like a little hellcat when I force her to do what’s best. I like it though. She’s a fighter, and she doesn’t just give in to what others want.

  Did I hit the nail on the head when I told her that her choices brought her to this point and time? I’m pretty sure I did. She needs to know her choices determine her fate. And she needs to know her fate is now entwined with mine.


  Peering into the rearview mirror, I smile at Abigail as she sings quietly to herself, watching the world beyond her window passing by. She’s going to make a great ally. This morning, after breakfast, I called her Princess again. She likes that, and she likes it when I praise her for her good manners at the table.

  It amazes me how adaptable children can be. They don’t have a lifetime of fears and frustrations behind them. Amy has those fears, those frustrations of never being who she truly needs to be. She can do that now; she just needs to break through the wall that she has built up.

  There are more guards around the compound than usual when I pull up to the gates, and they’re all outfitted with full tactical gear and automatic rifles.

  Something way out of the norm is going on.

  Amy’s eyes widen with fright and she reaches over to grab my hand. “Where are you taking us?”

  “I’ve already told you, Lucifer’s for dinner.”

  That she is grabbing my hand for support in her fear is a sign of just how worried she is. She may be pissed at me, but she knows I am her guardian angel.

  “You’re safe, Amy, I promise you,” I say in a quiet murmur.

  “But… why is everyone armed? It looks like we’re entering a bunker or something.”

  “This is Lucifer’s home; his wife and children live here. He has to have this protection. Something’s up though, it isn’t usually this tense.”

  Rolling down my window at the gate, I nod to Th
ad. “What’s going on?”

  “Lucifer has pulled almost everyone in. He’s even brought in a ton of extra security. Don’t know why though, but he has us on high alert. Shoot to kill orders throughout.”

  Nodding my head, I pull through the gate and drive into the compound. The house is fucking huge here, along with the unattached garage and servant’s living quarters. This place is more like a small palace. I don’t think I want my girls and child living in a place this big, but we need something more than the rinky-dink house we are currently in.

  Why the fuck are we on high alert though? And why the fuck was I not notified of it is beyond me…. Fuck.

  Shit is going from bad to worse with the war going on outside these walls. My body gets that tingly feeling again. Something is starting to majorly suck.

  Getting out of the car, I walk to the front passenger door and then the back door. I drilled both of my girls on this. Amy was aggravated I was taking away even allowing her to open her own door from her. Abigail feels more like a princess because of it.

  Neither really have a choice, they are mine to protect.

  Fuck, I need to think about updating my car. I need something more bulletproof, like the Rolls-Royce Lucifer has his family driven in. Maybe a BMW or Mercedes.

  It’s still cold out today. I was hoping it would warm up but if anything, the temperature has dropped. Amy shivers beside me, but I don’t think it’s because of the temperature.

  After helping Abigail out of the car, I kneel down in front of her. “Princess, I need you to promise me something.”

  Nodding her head eagerly, she says, “Sure!”

  “Can you be on your best behavior? I need you to show everyone how good your manners are.”

  “Promise I will. Is Johnny going to be here?”

  Nodding my head, I grin, “Yep, and you can torture him all you want.”


  * * *

  Walking in through the front door, I smile to Lily and Lucifer. Amy’s hand is crushing mine in a death grip as I pull her gently forward to introduce her to the family.

  “Sir, ma’am, this is Amy and our little princess Abigail.”

  Smiling warmly to us both, Lucifer says, “Thank you for coming to our home for dinner. Let me introduce my family. This is Lily, Adam, and our little Evie.”

  Small talk and pleasantries aren’t something I’ve done much of, but Abigail pulls our little trio out of our shells quickly. Rushing over to where Adam and Evie stand, she starts jabbering a mile a minute to Evie. She looks over at Adam only briefly, but I catch the smile she gives him.

  Lily comes to Amy, taking her arm in hers. “It is sooo good to meet you! I was afraid all of Matthew’s men were the type who didn’t have families!”

  Amy turns her head to me, looking confused. “Matthew?”

  Laughing quietly, Lily pulls her down the hall towards the living room, following the children. “Oh, you know, it’s Lucifer’s real name.”

  Lucifer eyes his wife’s back, but I don’t see any malice in it. If I’m not mistaken, he appears to be amused by what she said.

  Once the girls are gone, he looks to Adam, who has remained behind to watch his father. They don’t speak but I swear that there’s a conversation going on between them.

  Nodding his head to his father, Adam says, “I’m going to keep track of the girls. Make sure they don’t get into any trouble.”

  Turning away from us, the boy walks through the house like he’s the king here.

  Lucifer looks proud at his son. That shit fucking disappears though as soon as he turns back to me.

  His eyes go cold and his smile turns to a razor grimace.

  He’s not happy. Fuck.

  Motioning me towards the staircase, he says, “Simon’s already here, we need to talk.”

  Nodding my head, I follow him up the stairs. I’m not as worried as I could be right now since I’m following.

  If he was following me, I would be shitting myself.

  This house isn’t just a compound as much as it is a fortress. If he followed me somewhere it would be because he’s pushing me to my final destination. He hasn’t done anything of note since he brought his family here… but I never put anything past Lucifer.

  Especially if he wants something done.

  This end of the house is eerily quiet as we make our way to his office. Walking into the room, Simon is already seated at the desk, looking through a thick printout of information.

  “Simon, I take it me being pulled in isn’t just a social call?”

  “No, although I know Lily was supremely happy that we were having guests,” Lucifer answers.

  Sitting myself down beside Simon, I say, “Good, I think it will do Amy good to see how her life will be changing.”

  Simon and Lucifer exchange looks. I feel my stomach drop. Little goosebumps breakout up and down my arms. The hair on my neck is starting to stand up.

  Shifting to place the weight of my body on my left side, I move my arm just a fraction. I have my gun on my right hip, it’s clip is full of hollow point bullets.

  Simon turns towards me and I know he won’t be my first target.

  No, the devil himself has to die first.

  “Ivan knew far more than we thought he would, Andrew. Much of what you told me last night from the priest matches up to the info we got from Ivan.”

  Nodding my head, I keep my eyes trained on Lucifer. I can listen and prepare for battle if I need to. “So he knows about the guys the mafia is pulling into the city then?”

  Lucifer takes over and he stares right back at me. “Yes, enough that we now have our guys watching them closely.”

  Simon says, “They were planning on attacking the school where Adam attends, as well as the preschool that Evie goes to.”

  This is not the news I was expecting to hear. I keep my body loose as I turn my eyes to Simon. “Are you fucking with me?”

  “Do I have a sense of humor, Andrew?” Simon snaps at me.

  He’s fully aware of the tension in the room. I can see he knows more about the talk we are having and he’s got more information to tell me.

  “When’s the hit supposed to happen?” I ask as I look back at Lucifer.

  I don’t like being on edge right now. I don’t like the thoughts that race through my mind of what could be happening with the guys being brought in. The Russians never do anything in half measures. Shit like this is as serious as could be.

  “Two days from now.”

  “So we hit them tomorrow,” I say.

  Something’s not lining up right now though. What was the look for after I mentioned my girls? They aren’t a part of the hit. No, something else is happening…

  “Agreed. I want you and your detail to take the squad that would be heading to Evelyn’s school out. Johnathan and his men will take the other squad.”

  “Okay,” I say, “What about the Russians?”

  “We have something planned for them. We will be sending a message of our own,” Simon says. “Today, we’ve been making a lot of connections with them to the Yakuza. Connections we weren’t seeing before.”

  “What about our boy, Ivan? What was his part?”

  Lucifer frowns. “He was financing the guys coming in and the land grab that’s being planned against us.”

  “That’s it? I don’t buy it.”

  “Neither do we, but it’s what we have right now, and what he could give us,” Simon tells me.

  “So, what did you do with him?” I ask.

  “We’ll be releasing him Thursday,” Lucifer says as he eyes me.

  That’s the shoe that was about to drop. They are letting my Amy’s would-be stalker free. They are letting that waste of fucking flesh live.

  “Why?” I ask through clenched teeth.

  “We have a noose around his neck. We want to see where it leads,” Lucifer says.

  “Fine, but I don’t trust that snake. He’s not the forgiving type.”

t’s what we wanted to talk to you about,” Simon says. “He’s demanded Amy be returned to him.”


  My body has fully shifted now. I’m not a traitor to my boss, but I will never let my girls and unborn child go. Not while I breathe.

  Fuck, even if I’m dead that motherfucker will not touch them. I’ll burn down hell itself to get back to them.

  Simon may be a deadly man with his information, hell, he’s a pretty good killer too, but Lucifer will come for me first. It will be him, not Simon. There aren’t any footsteps outside the door, that’s not Lucifer’s way.

  He’ll kill his soldier himself or at least try to.

  Not a word is said for three full minutes.

  Nobody moves.

  No sound comes from us. I’m seconds away from releasing hell on this room. I don’t see this as betrayal, no this is me protecting what’s mine.

  In this life we take what’s ours, we fight for what’s ours, and we kill those who try to take it from us.

  As suddenly as the silence starts, Lucifer cracks a smile and I hear Simon grumble out, “Fucking nuts, the both of you.”

  I don’t relax, I’m going to kill someone. Killing someone should never be done while laughing.

  Shaking his head, Lucifer says, “You owe me, Simon. Pay up.”

  “I should have known better,” Simon says as he pulls an envelope stuffed full of cash out of his suit pocket.

  Lucifer opens a drawer on the right side of the desk and my hand goes to my gun.

  “Calm yourself, Andrew. Amy isn’t going anywhere but home with you.”

  Accepting the envelope from Simon, Lucifer slides it in the desk.

  Simon stands up, grumbling as he says, “Andrew, you just cost me five thousand dollars because of your caveman and his woman shit.”

  Shaking his head, he says before leaving the room, “I’ll report back in tomorrow, Matthew. I’m going to go through all the information again, to see if I missed anything.”

  My hand is close to my gun, just the tips of my fingers resting on the handle. “What was the wager?”

  Smirking, Lucifer says, “I bet Simon that you would rather put your future with your gun than let her go. He said not all men are captivated by a woman like I was with Lily.”


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