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The Disciples: A Dark Romance Collection

Page 31

by Sweet, Izzy

  She’s the good side of the darkness that I bring to the world. She has a fucking halo, not the horns I wear.

  I’m not a good guy. I kill people and I don’t feel bad about it. I’ve done and seen things I should never have, but her light tugs at my soul.

  I shouldn’t allow myself to be drawn to the sun, but I have no choice. The more I watch her, the more I must have her. The more I must hoard her.

  She is the corner of the universe I want to keep to myself.

  Stepping out of the new smelling car, I grin widely. It’s a thing of beauty. Cost an arm and a leg, but it’s worth it.

  Fuck, for half a million dollars, this thing better see Abigail through high school. Not that it will, I plan on my girls and unborn child having the best they can.

  If that means dipping into the considerable nest egg I’ve built up over the past few years, then so be it.

  Leaning my head into the kitchen from the garage, I shout, “Hey sex-on-a-stick, get out here!”

  “What did you just call me?” Amy all but shrieks across the house to me.

  “Come here, I have a present for you,” I say as she comes into the kitchen. The annoyed look on her face gives me a chuckle. She hates it when I objectify her.

  “Why?” she asks me.

  “Because I want the best for you. There’s no trap in my presents, Amy. You’re safe with me,” I say before ducking back out of the doorway.

  I haven’t closed the garage door and the sunlight streaming in from the outside shows off how sparkly the new car is.

  Eyes wide as can be, she takes a step into the garage. I toss the key to her but I guess she’s not paying too much attention because it bounces off her chest and drops to the floor.

  “What do you mean a present for me?” she asks as she eyes the car.

  Pointing to the car, I say, “A present, as in a gift, to the mother of my children. You know, the woman I keep claiming in the bedroom every night?”

  I walk over to her and bend over to pick up the key. Straightening, I wrap an arm around her and help her walk around the car as I slip the key into her hand.

  “This is yours. You’re going to need something safe to drive around in when you are dress shopping for the wedding.”

  She stops at the word wedding, pushing the key back into my hand. “What do you mean wedding?”

  “We’re going to be married, Amy. You’re the mother of my unborn child. You are the mother of my daughter Abigail.”

  “I have a say in these things! And Abigail isn’t your daughter! I’m probably not even pregnant!” she shouts.

  She pushes the key back into my hand and starts backing away from me.

  Taking two large steps to her, I grab her hand and yank her back to the car.

  Spinning her around, I bend her over the car’s still warm engine hood.

  My hand comes down in a solid whap three times. Each time it connects with her bottom I hear her breath gasp out.

  “Fight it all you want, Amy, but you need to come to the realization that you’re fucking mine. You’re pregnant with my child. And nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to change that. You can fight this all you want, but if you yell at me like that again, I’m going to start treating you like an obstinate child.”

  Pulling her back up, I look her hard in the eyes. “You could’ve had a say in these things if you hadn’t put yourself in the position you did. I told you once, be a good girl and I would keep you safe. I’ve kept my word on that. I will never allow you to be hurt again. Not by anyone. You’re fucking mine. Do we need a reminder of that?”

  Shaking her head, she doesn’t speak. I don’t know if it’s the spanking or the vehemence in my voice… It’s probably a mixture of them both leaving her mute as she stares at me.

  Leaning in, I rest my forehead against hers. “You need to give up the silly notion you’re not pregnant. It’s a fact.”

  She shakes her head again and turns away from me. “How can you be so certain?”

  “Because, like that night in the limo when I chose to take you as mine, I know that you’re pregnant. I know it in here,” I say pointing to my chest.

  It’s a bold statement, but it’s true. Pressing my lips against hers, I hold her to me. I won’t stop until she’s panting.

  Her hands push at me as always. Always fighting my little angel is. Always fighting the demon whose stolen her.

  Slowly those soft lips of hers part and her breath comes out in short little bursts as my tongue skims across her own. Melting in my arms, she allows me to pull her tight to my body.

  When we finally stop, I force myself to not push her over the engine hood again. Force myself to not thrust my cock into her achingly tight pussy.

  Rolling my shoulders, I step back and smile. “That’s the angel I know. Now let’s look at your new car.”

  She shakes her head and says, “It’s way too much, Andrew…”

  I growl at her and resist the urge to spank her again. “No, it’s not. This is for your safety and I won’t skimp on that. This car is armored against most bullets. I want you three as safe as possible when you start driving Abigail to school.”

  She nods her head hesitantly and squeezes my hand. Then her trembling fingers take the key fob I hold out to her.

  I nudge her towards the shiny silver S550 Benz.

  She looks at the car, then back at me like she just can’t believe it. I nod at her and keep nudging her.

  After sliding behind the wheel and getting comfortable, she finally cracks a smile.

  That smile fills my chest with warmth.

  I’m happy with my life, I think, and that worries the fuck out me.



  Is it possible to fall in love with someone just because they fuck you a lot? Because if it is, then I’m totally fucked.

  No pun intended.

  These past few weeks it feels like that’s all Andrew and I have done. We take care of Abigail, get her off to school, then start fucking.

  On the kitchen counter. In the backseat of the car.

  Up against the wall in the garage.

  We’ve even snuck in a few quickies in the houses we’ve been looking at.

  You’d think by now we’d start to get tired of each other, that we’d get our fill. But this lust, this craving I have for Andrew only seems to be getting worse. The sickness inside of me is spreading.

  It’s no longer a simple matter of just giving into the attraction growing between us.

  It’s turning into a real need.

  I need to have him inside me. I need to feel his skin against my skin. To feel his teeth sinking into my neck, marking me.

  On a daily basis.

  There’s a safety in being his. There’s a rightness to it.

  And it’s terrifying.

  I can’t rely on him, I can’t… To do so would be giving up, and I’m not ready to give up yet. There’s still a chance that Abigail and I can get away from all this madness. From these men who rule the world with their money and viciousness.

  There’s still a chance I’m not pregnant.

  “What are you doing?” I ask Lily.

  She’s scrunching up her face and squinting her eyes at me.

  I walked into her room a moment ago but I know she’s been expecting me. We planned this days ago.

  “I’m trying to tell if you’re pregnant.”

  “You look like you’re constipated and trying to take a shit,” I tell her.

  She tips her head back and laughs. And nearly tumbles off her bed. I quickly grab her, tugging her back up, and she instantly sobers.

  “Why were you looking at me like that?” I ask once she’s got her balance back.

  Wiping the tears from her eyes, she says, “I was trying to open my third eye.”

  “Huh?” I frown at her, still not getting it.

  She sighs and leans away. “This old Japanese guy once told me you could tell a lot about someone if you looked closely enough.”

  “Okay,” I nod my head, not sure what else to say. It sounds utterly ridiculous.

  She smiles sheepishly at me. “Yeah, now that I think about it, it seems really silly… It was probably just a lucky guess.”

  “What was?”

  “Oh, nothing,” she waves her hand in the air, dismissively.

  Sensing she wants to drop the matter, I ask, “Well?”

  She drops her hand and blinks at me. “Well, what?”

  Fuck. She must have forgot it. With everything going on, it must have slipped her mind…

  “Oh!” She exclaims and her face lights up. “I got it.”

  She scoots off the end of the bed and then dashes to her closet. A moment later she’s rushing back over to me, waving a small rectangular box in the air.

  Seeing the box, I experience a moment of relief that she didn’t forget. Then that relief morphs into sheer, paralyzing terror.

  This is it. The moment of truth.

  What if I am?

  What if I’m not?

  Taking in the look on my face, Lily’s steps slow and she seems to hesitate.

  “Are you sure?” she asks, holding the box back.

  I know if I decide to back out, she’d totally understand. That’s why I like hanging out with her so much. There are no hard questions and there’s no judgment.

  I take a deep, fortifying breath and say, “I’m sure.”

  Lily passes the box over to me.

  I grip it tightly in my hand, nearly crushing it, as we walk over to the bathroom.

  “You know,” she says, swinging open the bathroom door for me. “Whatever happens, I’m here for you.”

  I offer her a faint smile and nod my head. I march inside like I’m marching to my death. “Thank you.”

  She smiles back at me and closes the door for me.

  I look down at the box in my hand.

  Now it’s just the pregnancy test and me.

  Please… Please, if there’s anyone up there, don’t let me be pregnant, I begin to pray.

  It’s been six weeks since they grabbed me. It feels like it’s been a lifetime but it’s only been six short weeks.

  Weeks that were filled with unprotected sex.

  I haven’t had my period. I’m actually four weeks late. But there’s still a chance it’s because of all the stress I’ve been through. This has happened before. I skipped my period once when I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to make rent.

  Please, please, please.

  I repeat after peeing on the end of the stick.

  I’d give anything…

  One line darkens.

  I’ll be a good girl…

  Then two.


  I grab up the little cardboard box. My eyes scroll over the instructions.

  One line—negative.

  Two lines—positive.

  I jump up and yank the door open.

  Lily jumps back and I thrust the little stick at her.

  “I think it’s broken.”

  She glances down at the stick but doesn’t take it. Looking back up at me, her smile is sympathetic. “It’s very rare to get a false positive.”

  That is not what I wanted to hear.

  I stare at her and her smile wavers. “How long has it been since your last period?”

  Amazingly, I have to think about it. Maybe because I was purposely not thinking about it.

  “It was two weeks before I was grabbed…”

  It’s been eight weeks! Eight fucking weeks since the last time I had my period.

  “Shit,” I whisper and feel a crushing weight settling on my chest.

  Why is this happening to me? What did I do to deserve this? I can’t spend the rest of my life with him. I don’t want to be permanently chained to him.

  He doesn’t love me. It’s something darker. Something deeper.

  More primal.

  A need to control and possess.

  That’s destroying me in the process.

  I don’t know who I am anymore. I don’t know what I want, what I need.

  “What am I going to do?”

  Lily stares at me helplessly.

  I thought… No, I hoped that if I just willed it hard enough, I wouldn’t conceive. That my will was stronger than his.

  I should have known better. Even in this, he’s stronger than me.

  There’s only one thing I can do.

  “Lily, you have to help me,” I plead.

  She smiles at me but her eyes are instantly wary. “Of course. What do you need?”

  “You need to help me get away.”

  “Are you sure you want to do that?” She frowns. “I know you’re in shock, but you should really think about this…”

  I laugh at her, balancing on the razor edge of hysteria. “All I’ve done is think about this. Are you going to help me or not?”

  Lily shifts and sighs, her brow furrowing as she thinks it over. She glances towards the door as if she expects someone to come through it at any moment. Then she walks up to me, grabs me by the arm and leads me back into the bathroom.

  “I’m probably the only person who can help you,” she whispers while shutting the door behind us.

  I nod my head at her, instantly relieved that she’s not going to try to talk me out of it.

  “Where do you want to go?” she asks.

  “Anywhere away from here,” I automatically answer.

  She nods her head. “Okay. But where? You need a specific destination.”

  I think for a moment. I could go to my aunt… but Andrew already mentioned that’s the first place he would look for me.

  I shake my head helplessly. “I don’t know. Anywhere…”

  “Do you have any relatives?” Lily asks, her sympathy growing by the second. “Anyone who will hide you?”

  “I don’t have any other relatives. My grandparents passed before I was born, and my parents passed in a car accident when I was eighteen months old,” I explain. “I’d have to start somewhere new. Somewhere completely by myself.”

  My aunt raised me but she only did it out of necessity. I don’t think she resented me but she wasn’t anything like a mother to me.

  I’ve never had a real family.

  And now that I think about it, neither will my children. Abigail’s father completely abandoned her when she was a baby. To him she was just a teenage mistake.

  And this baby…

  Their father will probably never stop hunting me. We’ll always be running.

  Because he wants them… Because he wants me.

  Oh god.

  He wants us. For the first time I’m actually wanted.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Lily asks hesitantly.

  I shake my head, my composure cracking. “No.”

  I’m not sure. I have no clue what I want anymore…

  “Oh honey,” Lily sighs, stepping up to me and giving me a hug.

  The comfort is the last big crack in my wall. The tears come and the shudders start.

  I cry because of all the things I can’t change. I cry because of all the things I can.

  I cry because Andrew is better at taking care of us and protecting us than I ever was.

  I cry even harder because last night, before bed, Abigail called him daddy when he tucked her in.

  And god help me, I think I’m in love with him, and I think I want to stay with him…



  Bzzt. Bzzt, Bzzt.

  “Shit, hold on, Amy,” I say as my cock just barely grazes her juicy pussy lips.

  The throbbing from my thick monster is driving me nuts. Just being so near her body like this is driving me mad.

  Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt.

  Yanking my pants up from where they were pooled at my feet, I growl as I paw through my pockets. Grabbing my phone, I see that it’s Paul calling.


  What now? He should be guarding the school where Abigail and Evie are at. What the fuck no
w? Did some teacher try hitting on him again?

  Swiping to connect, I put the phone to my ear.

  Looking into Amy’s eyes, I watch the heat in them flare as I edge the tip of my cock back into her folds. She’s giving me that feral grin, the one that dares me to break her.

  “Paul this bett—” I start to say before being quickly cut off by his cracking voice.

  There are gunshots in the background and I hear automatic rifles going off.

  “They’re hitting the school again! There’s at least ten men!”

  My throbbing cock instantly goes soft as the words he’s shouting in my ear register. Amy gives me questioning look.

  Pulling back, I start yanking my pants up, fastening the top button up.

  “Where are the girls?” I yell into the phone as I rush out of the kitchen towards the garage. Amy is hot on my heels as I all but break through the door to the garage.

  In the background I hear someone screaming, “In there, in there!”

  “I’ve got them in the office with me, but they are breaching! Panic button was hit before I called you!”

  Shit, shit, shit!

  Yanking open the car door, I throw myself inside. Amy is in the passenger seat before I even have a chance to tell her to stay. One look at her and I know it’s useless.

  There’s a loud explosion and then I hear Paul shouting for the girls to stand behind him. There’s a lot of gunfire, way too much.

  Static and gunfire.


  Slamming into reverse, we just barely miss ripping the garage door off its track. I punch the button to close it back up as I race backward, down the driveway.

  I feel my stomach drop as the phone switches from only audio in my ear to coming through the Bluetooth in the car. Every gunshot is heard in crystal clear definition.

  Amy’s eyes are wide as she screams out, “What’s happening!?”

  “Hold on! We’re going there now!”

  The Mercedes may be an armored car but its engine still packs a huge punch when I slam down on the gas. We rocket down the street at an incredible pace. It won’t be fast enough though, gunfights like this only last five minutes tops.

  It’ll take twenty to get to the school.

  “Paul!” I shout in the phone repeatedly but get nothing.


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