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The Disciples: A Dark Romance Collection

Page 77

by Sweet, Izzy

  “Yes, princess?” I ask as I sink further into the chair. Staring off into the screen of my computer.

  There, in living color, are two lovers, melded together as one. I watch, almost hypnotized by the way her breasts rise and fall as she catches her breath. It has a maddening sexuality to it, the way it mesmerizes me.

  My tongue aches to claim each little bump on her skin, to taste her sweat.

  “Please don’t think I’ve been… well, thinking of other things while you ravished me. But were you looking for Asad at all?” she asks.

  Her naked flesh pressed against my legs has too much of a dizzying effect for me to grasp what she’s asking immediately.

  Asad… Why would I even…

  “Why do you ask?” comes out of my mouth before I can fully comprehend the ramifications of her asking about him.

  Ahmed was not in favor with his father. He may have had access to some monies, but he was the black sheep of the family. Asad is not like Ahmed in that regard. In fact, he’s the exact opposite. He is fully in favor, his devout lifestyle and strict adherence to his father’s wishes makes him… deadly.

  Deadly in the sense that he has the full capabilities of getting anything he wants from his father, and far more connections than Ahmed could have ever hoped for.

  “Because… yesterday when I… We… Well… When I was alone in the house, I was looking at some of your live feeds…” she says, and I can tell she’s scared now, because of what happened yesterday and of the man Asad.

  Sitting up straighter, I pull her tight to my chest as I roll us forward in the chair. My arms encase her in my need to get to my keyboard and mouse.

  “When did you see him?”

  “Right before you looked up at the camera at Matthew’s house. But surely…” she says as she feels my body tense up against her.

  Going through the feeds, I ask, “Where exactly did you see him? Which screen?”

  She points to the one with the airport feeds and I can feel my face grimace in anger. “He’s in the country at least. He wouldn’t have flown into the city, my connections with the local airport TSA would have had him detained. But…”

  Tapping into the feeds, I shift Meredith around a bit. Her bare ass rubbing against my cock feels immeasurably sexual and torturous at the same time.

  “No moving, I need to concentrate,” I say as I start going through the feeds that ran during that time frame.

  Spreading them out on the screens in front of us, I watch as the other security footage disappears.

  “But…” Meredith begins to say.

  “Please, this is very serious,” I say, trying to sound as nice as I can instead of just gagging her and tying her to the bed.

  On a smaller screen on the wall, I pull Asad’s face up. A facial recognition program auto-mapping his features.

  Speeding through the multiple camera feeds of the surrounding airports, it begins the slow search of matching his face to the thousands that the cameras capture.

  “Where was the feed coming from when you saw him?” I ask.

  “He was coming through customs, and then he went out to a vehicle he was chauffeured away in. I think it was Garden City, but…” she trails off. “It might have been an advertisement to come to Garden City.”

  “Why didn’t you say something to me?”

  My voice comes out tersely. Now it’s too damn late for me to do all I could have originally done if I had known right away.

  “Well, by the time you got home…” her voice trails off as she pushes hard back into my chest, as if she’s trying to protect herself by making me hold her.

  “We were already on a different path, I take it,” I say, pulling up the security feeds from Garden City and the airports closest to us.

  I wait for a hit. This will at least give me an idea of where and when he came in.

  Of course, we were on a different path. She had destroyed my kitchen and my computer room.

  She had behaved so wantonly that I had no choice but to bring her to task

  “Yes.” She lays her head back against my chest as she says, “If he’s in the city, I need to leave, Simon. I’m not safe here, he’s going to come for me.”

  Pulling my arms tightly around her chest, she goes on, “Ahmed may have been petty and mean, but Asad, he’s evil. His father has him taking over for him when it comes to stepping out of the limelight. He’s not right in the head, Simon. Even Ahmed was afraid of Asad’s wrath.”

  “Asad… He’s of no concern to us, Meredith. No more than a fly on an elephant’s back. He’s an irritant, nothing more,” I say, and perhaps I’m understating things a touch, but there’s no need for her to be overly fearful.

  Fear is healthy in the right areas of life, but she needs to know she’s mine now. I control her future and destiny.

  Pushing her forward, I have her first stand then myself. My cock is almost fully hard now, but she needs to eat before we do anything else. It wouldn’t do for her to let herself go on account of our baser instincts.

  Turning around to face me, her eyes start from where my pants lay on the ground, slowly moving upwards. I can see the smirk on her lips die as she stares at my almost fully engorged thick cock.

  “Jesus, Simon, do you ever get enough?” she asks with a small nervous laugh.

  “Of you? No,” I say as I pull her close to me, smashing my lips down hard against her pink, perfectly plump ones.

  She gasps for air when I finally pull away and I grin. “You need to eat, princess, if you want to maintain your strength.”

  Bending over at the waist, I pull my pants up my legs. Watching as her eyes remain glued to my hard cock. “We must keep our bodies healthy.”

  Pushing my shirt into my pants, I pull my belt tight around my waist. Taking her arm in my hand, I lead her out of the room and towards the stairs to the first floor.

  Time to feed her lunch.

  * * *

  Food, sex, and work.

  Our last two days have been filled with fun and the adventures of new passions.

  It’s strange that this woman has so easily found herself inside of my defenses. She’s pushing and ripping down every sense of normalcy I’ve built around myself in this home.

  It’s become so bad I haven’t cleaned the bathroom in three days. I can feel the bacteria growing by the moment.

  Every time I try to though, she finds a reason to distract me. Anything from walking around the office in just her panties, to asking for more of my favorite recordings.

  But I can’t let her keep me from my searching for the Yakuza or Ahmed’s brother. The Yakuza front has been difficult to crack. We’ve gone through Garden City to look for their resurgence, but I’m not able to find anything worthy of merit. A few small gambling dens that we take a cut from, and protection businesses.

  That’s it. No gang activity at all.

  The initial ID reports on the one I killed came back a blank. Nothing on any criminal registry. If the Yakuza were smart enough to use two Caucasian males for the bombings it shows that they are willing to use outside contractors for hits.

  That’s almost unheard of.

  The Yakuza don’t use outsiders. But that doesn’t mean they didn’t get wise to the fact that we’re still on the watch for them in Garden City after the kidnapping of Lucifer’s wife Lily.

  Well, we’re hoping that the Yakuza were the ones behind the bombing…

  A small break in the explosive from Cherry’s house points to a Japanese manufacturer, but that could merely be a coincidence.

  I’ve watched the traffic light feeds of the fleeing motorcyclist, and he ghosted our cameras as soon as he hit the city limits.

  In my mind, and Lucifer’s, they are moving in and out of Garden City from another surrounding city that we don’t have a full toe-hold on.

  It’s not surprising that we can’t cover every city in the state. Even if we wished we could. We need more manpower and more presence in every city if we want to be able to
do that.

  I know the two white males who set the bomb up in Lucky Tails ran from the city as fast as they could. We’ve searched everywhere, but from all reports they made it to Chicago and took a flight to Riga, Latvia.

  From there I was unable to track their movements.

  I doubt they were a part of the Latvian Special Tasks Unit. I also doubt that while they’re quite close to Russia that they are Russian either.

  But if somehow the Yakuza and Russians are working together… they’ll both be executed with extreme prejudice.

  The initial reports from the arson investigation show that the explosive was a common type used for demolition. But, the explosive had a surrounding of ball bearings and was mixed with a chemical compound agent.

  When it exploded, the initial damage was caused by a large amount of C-4. Then the ball bearings combined with the chemical compound is what truly killed everyone in the club.

  The total amount of dead are still sketchy to the public’s knowledge. Right now, we have the media on a slow drip of false facts.

  Thankfully, we haven’t had a large outpouring of prayers and ‘in people’s thoughts’. It was a strip club… I think that alone has been enough of a discouragement. Sad but true. Most people out there think of strip clubs with the same revulsion as I do.

  Or at least I like to think they do.

  Asad has become a bane to my existence. No man should be able to disappear off my radar as thoroughly as he has. He arrived at McCarran Airport in Las Vegas, and like the damnable Yakuza bikers and the contract bombers, he’s fucking ghosted me as well.

  Too much disappearing and then suddenly popping up in Garden City.

  We never had this problem before. Lucifer and I both worry it will start to become a trend. We control the city too tightly for someone to land here or get away with much. But so far, all it’s taken is people from outside cities to drive over and cause mayhem.

  Asad has yet to show up though. We haven’t seen him yet. But I have no doubt he will become far more of an issue before we’re ready for him to be.

  “Simon,” Meredith says to get my attention.


  “You need to relax. I can tell you’re extremely tense from how white your knuckles are.”

  Her words come out soothingly as she reaches over the center console to lightly rub my hands.

  She’s right, of course. My brain hasn’t truly shut off when it comes to the outside world. Even if I wished it would, it hasn’t.

  Forcing my hands to relax, I remain passive as her touch ignites my very soul. She should not have this damnable control over me like she does, but I feel helpless to stop her. She tests me to my very core, and I’m positive she does it to get a reaction from me.

  She enjoys the game of give and take, pain and pleasure.

  Slowing down at the gate of Lucifer’s compound, I wait for my security detail to enter in front of us. All the men of the inner circle have a security detail at their disposal now.

  Even James has been forced into obey his betters. The damn playboy.

  Parking the Tahoe next to Andrew’s armored Mercedes, I quickly glance around us to make sure everyone that should be is here.

  “You know, Simon, it looks to me like every one of Matthew’s men has an expensive, decked out car… Why the Tahoe’s and Escalades?” she asks.

  Opening the door, I wait until I walk around the vehicle to open her door before answering.

  Taking her hand in mine, I help her down from the seat. “I prefer the sheer weight and power of my vehicles. They are tailored to do exactly as I need. The Escalade is set up for me to run two powerful computer systems in case of an emergency. It also has enough raw weight from the upgraded armor to drive through a couple of brick walls.”

  Pointing to the Mercedes, I say, “Besides, that car belongs to Andrew’s wife Amy.”

  “Oh! It is beautiful though, isn’t it?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I say, “I suppose, but it’s also like the Escalade in the fact that it’s been modified to be a rolling armored vehicle.”

  She looks around at the cars surrounding us, motioning to the silver Lexus. “That one?”

  Growling quietly so that only she can hear, I say, “That was supposed to be mine for when I needed a lower profile, but that mongrel Johnathan took it over. Now I have to wait for the newest model to be finished up and sent. Though it does warm my cold heart to know Beth has all but taken it over from him.”

  “So you’re telling me all the men are buying their wives big fancy cars?” she asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes, I think I am,” I say, shrugging my shoulders as we walk towards the front of the house.

  Inside, the men of the inner circle will be gathered around, grieving each in their own way. The funeral today was for Peter’s relatives. Tonight will be a time for us, his family, to grieve.

  “When are you going to buy me a new fancy car?” she asks with a chuckle to her voice.

  “If I ever were to let you out of my sight, you would get one. But as it is… there’s no need.”

  “Simon, if you are going to solve the issues with Asad, like you’ve said you will, then there will be a time when I’ll need to be able to go out on my own.”

  I turn to look at her and grin. “Maybe if you behave I’ll buy you something to go with your bracelet.”

  “Asshole!” she hisses at me right as the front door sweeps open.

  Lily stands there, a mixture of confusion and slight annoyance on her face as she looks at Meredith.

  “Ah, Simon, it’s so good to see you. Even if it’s for such a horrendous reason. Peter…” she says, her voice fading off as she steps to the side and motions for me to enter.

  With not quite as much cheer in her voice, she adds, “Meredith, thank you for coming too.”

  Nodding my head at Lily, I say, “Thank you for the welcome. Has Evelyn been informed of the… news?”

  Lily’s expression saddens as she looks off towards the inner house. “Yes. She’s handling it as well as can be expected… but I fear for her. She forms attachments so easily to Matthew’s men.”

  “She’ll be okay. I’ve been told children are resilient,” I say.

  Meredith pushes her elbow into my side sharply. “What Simon meant to say was, if she needs anything, or you, please let us know.”

  Looking down to Meredith, I’m tempted to check her forehead for a fever.

  “Thank you, Meredith,” Lily says with a warming smile. “Let’s join the rest of the group. I’m sure they are wondering where you have been Simon.”


  This is the last thing I need the men to be wondering about. My personal life is just that. Personal. They have no need to know what I do in my personal time. I have no doubt that if they did, there would be no end to their litany of jokes and off-beat humor. They would most likely expect me to join in their womanly commiserations.

  Good gods, I would rather give myself a fucking lobotomy.

  As we head into the house, I hear loud laughter from Andrew and then Johnathan’s loud braying as well. Wonderful, the gang’s all here.

  As we walk into the large living room, I feel my phone buzzing in my pocket.

  Stopping in the doorway, I release Meredith’s hand as I pull it out and push connect. This should be interesting.

  “Chief Mar—” I start to say before I am rudely cut off.

  “You son of a bitch!” he screams into my ear.

  Meredith gives me a wide-eyed look before she smirks. She has learned I seem to have this effect on people.

  Smiling to myself, I ignore the ranting of the Fire Chief as I watch her walk into the room behind Lily. Meredith, to me, has the body of a lithesome ballerina. Especially when she does her hair up in a high tight bun. It accentuates her long, slender neck, her tan skin showing a radiant glow.

  It’s surprising to me that instead of remaining by my side or making her way directly to her brother, she chooses
to walk straight up to James.

  “How dare you…” Chief Martin continues to blare into my ear as I watch my woman speak with that filthy slut.

  My blood is boiling, and I can feel the temperature of the room rise as I think of killing the man right here and now. The laugh they both share is almost enough to injure my heart. It’s only when I see her point to me and my feet that I feel even the slightest bit of relief.

  Perhaps I should only cripple him. And remove his fucking ears. They’re too nicely fucking shaped. Then break his legs so he wobbles for the rest of his life.

  Shaking my head, I say to the Chief on the phone, “Shut up. Speak to me with a respectful tone or I figure out how many fingers each of your children will still have after I disconnect the line.”

  There’s a long silence in which I watch the interactions of James and Meredith. She isn’t flirting with him, and nor is he with her, but from the slight redness of his cheeks I can tell he’s speaking about something that embarrasses him.

  “How dare you send a man to scare my poor daughter. I told you I would do what you wanted, you pile of shit,” Chief Martin says in a quiet tone.

  I know he’s trying to sound tough, but in reality, he’s a big pussy. Crude as that sounds, he is a weak, worthless male. Not even fit to be called a man.

  “What man are you speaking of?” I ask as I watch Meredith lean in close to James and say something quietly so that the others won’t hear.

  It’s uncanny how much Meredith has the same powerful presence in the room as her brother. Though I doubt either of them would care for me to mention something like that to them.

  Perhaps I should just get her riled up. She’s so spunky when she gets riled up.

  “The one you sent to meet my daughter. Don’t fucking play games, Simon. I know he’s there as a threat to me.”

  “Whatever it is you believe, Chief, you believe. Remember I simply asked you to do your job as in the description of what I fucking said. This isn’t the first fucking time I’ve asked for you to do something, and don’t forget I know all of your dirty little secrets,” I say with a smile in my voice.

  “God damn you, Simon.”

  “He did that a long time ago. Now don’t fucking call me until you have any new information.”


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