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A Very Special Marriage

Page 17

by Jennifer Taylor

  He put Jack down and took Sophie in his arms as the twins toddled off to play. ‘Have I told you lately how much I love you, Mrs Kennedy?’ he murmured, his lips grazing her cheek. She smelled of baby powder and shampoo and he felt his body stir because it was a surprisingly potent combination when Sophie wore it.

  ‘Not since seven o’clock this morning,’ she replied as she wound her arms around his neck. ‘Tut-tut, Dr Kennedy. A woman might start to think you didn’t care for her after a lapse like that.’

  ‘And she’d be right, too.’ He kissed her lingeringly then reluctantly drew back because he knew from experience that when the twins were awake it was unwise to indulge in such delights.

  ‘I don’t care a jot for that woman but I care an awful lot about you, Sophie. I love you with all my heart. You and the twins have made me so happy that some days I think I’m going to burst.’

  ‘Then maybe you won’t be able to handle any more good news.’ She looked at him consideringly and Liam frowned when he saw the excitement in her eyes.

  ‘What’s going on?’ he demanded. ‘What are you up to now?’

  ‘It’s not what I’ve been up to…well, it isn’t solely my fault. You have to share at least half of the blame.’

  She kissed him quickly then took his hand and placed it on her stomach. ‘Guess what we’re going to have in six months’ time, Liam?’

  ‘You don’t mean…You can’t be…’

  ‘I am! Congratulations, darling. You are about to become a father—again!’

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-5740-8


  First North American Publication 2003

  Copyright © 2003 by Jennifer Taylor

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