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Protect Me - Spotlight Collection, Book 2

Page 12

by Hart, Cary

  “Oh, come on now.” She waggles her eyebrows.

  “Um…” I glance over to Nina for help.

  “Don’t look at me. I sometimes question if we are even related.”

  Tossing her head back, she belts out a laugh. The knee slapping, bending over to catch your breath type of laugh.

  “It’s a wine bottle opener.” She pops the top. “See? I never leave home without it.” She snags the bottle from Nina. “Well, there was that one time, when we were at a teacher convention, and I had to use a hotel hanger.” She rips off the foil and begins to get to work. “But hey, it worked.”

  “Woo-hoo!” I shout startling the two. “What? I don’t get out much.”

  “Obviously, but tonight. We are bringing the out in.” Niki pours a couple glasses and then hands me the bottle. “To loud music and empty bottles.”

  “Cheers.” Nina clinks her glass to Niki’s and they both look at me.

  “To empty bottles.” I clink mine to theirs watching as they take a sip. “Well, fuck it.” I raise the bottle and tap both of their glasses before I lift the bottle to my lips and drink.

  “Yes! To all the fucks!” Niki repeats and downs her glass.

  “All the fucks and semester exams.” Nina follows the lead and begins to empty the contents, but Niki tugs at her hand.

  “You can fuck ’em after you pass ’em. Take it easy there, kiddo.”

  “It’s a shame that we can’t hear the music downstairs. Would you believe that this place doesn’t have a sound system?”

  “Really? It looks pretty high-tech,” Nina chimes in.

  “He doesn’t even have surround sound for his TV.” I motion over to the television. “Don’t all guys?”

  “I’ve got ya covered.” Niki digs around in her purse, but it could double as an overnight bag it’s that big.

  “This should be good.” Nina settles on a stool.

  “Bam! Bluetooth wireless speaker. Fully charged!” Niki tosses it to me.

  “I’m sure the television is louder.” I examine the little black device.

  “Don’t judge a book by its cover. It may look like a pill, but this baby is going to bring the concert upstairs.” She takes it back from me, powering it up.

  “It’s just so small,” Nina agrees.

  “Girls …” She sets the pill looking device on the counter and begins to fiddle with her phone. “I know we all know size really does matter, but this is the exception. The only one!”

  Nina snickers.

  I let out an unexpected snort.

  “Get ready, ladies. It’s about to get lit … UP. IN. HERE.” Niki presses play.

  “Holy shit!” Nina’s eyes get big. Darting from Niki to the little pill to me. “How in the …” she shouts over the music and I wince.

  “I know. You’re welcome.” Niki holds out her arms wide. “Time to dance …” Her eyes get big. “The music? Too loud?”

  “Yeah, the light too,” I confess. I really don’t want to, but I don’t want this to end. I need this.

  And just like that. I became normal or as normal as one can get with a concussion. Hanging with my girlfriends having a few drinks at the club.


  It’s been a hell of a night. Sometimes being a bouncer in the VIP section isn’t so bad. Most of the time the patrons keep it classy especially since we have the occasional celebrity stop by when they are visiting the big city on press tours. They could pick any club downtown, but they travel the distance just to feel like the average Joe.

  But tonight, we had a couple actors stop in and apparently some locals got all fancied up and decided they wanted to play with the spotlights, which are in the VIP section. The problem, this time it wasn’t the locals. It was Hollywood. Most surprise guests come in to relax, but these two, they were buying round after round and too drunk to care, they had their eyes on the girls next door.

  All was well and good until one of the girls, the blonde, punched one of the guys in the balls and demanded he be escorted out. I had no choice. Things got rough and a scene was made, and lights were flashing everywhere. Gavin and Jake had my back, but man, it won’t be good if it shows up on social media or the gossip mags.

  Now, I’m standing outside of my door, ready to fight another battle. Penny was furious I locked her in and even though she’s had plenty of time to cool down, I’m willing to bet she’s not.

  Punching in the code, I deactivate the alarm and dig for my keys …

  What the fuck?

  “Where in the hell are my keys?” I’m looking around the hallway.


  I have no choice. I’m going to have to wake up Penny.

  I knock and I wait. I pound harder and I wait.


  Resting my forehead against the door, I notice the deadbolt has a key snapped off inside.

  “Fuck!” I pound on the door harder, wiggling the door knob. “Penny! Answer the God damn door!”

  If anything has happened to her, I’ll never forgive myself. I did this. I let this happen.

  The door swings open and the noise comes barreling out.

  “It’s about time.” Niki stands there, in my apartment. My locked apartment that was supposed to be secure.

  “Do you care to tell me what the fuck is going on here?” I push past her.

  Holy shit!

  I stumble back. The one thing I least expected was a house party and Penny on top of the island dancing like all eyes are on her.

  And they are. My eyes. I have to pry them away to access the situation.

  Scanning the room. Nina is on the couch singing at the top of her lungs and Nikki has since plopped down in the love seat, feet kicked up, recording it all.

  “First off,” I yell out. Trying hard to keep my cool. “Turn that thing off and second, how in the hell did you fucking get in here?”

  “Shapiro, buddy, you need to calm your tits and guard your pockets.” She stands, wiggling her fingers.

  “That’s why you came up there? To pick pocket me?” I close the distance between us. Making sure I keep my eyes on Penny who still hasn’t noticed me yet. “You fucking stole my keys. What if something would have happened. Then what?”

  “You shouldn’t keep a pretty-pretty princess held up in your apartment like she’s Rapunzel or something.” Niki stands and meets me half way. I’m sure ready to go toe to toe. Niki isn’t one to back down. Ever.

  “I didn’t keep her locked—”

  “Oh, you didn’t?” she snaps back.

  “Well only for her safety. And …”

  “Hey, Francis,” Penny calls out finally noticing me.

  “Francis?” Nina and Nikki singsong in unison. Both giggling.

  “Don’t.” I hold out a finger.

  “Well, lookee there …” Nina looks down at her watch that isn’t there. “It’s getting late and I have an exam to study for.” She hops down off the couch and tugs Niki’s shirt. “We better go.” She winks one too many times. Obviously a little tipsy herself.

  “Oh, really? At two o’clock in the morning?”

  “Yep, I’m gonna pull an all-night cram session.” Nina gives her head one firm shake. “Let’s go, Niki.” She pulls open the door and waits for her sister.

  “Frances … come dance with me.” Penny juts out her bottom lip. “Please.” She pouts.

  “How much has she had to drink?” I glare at the person who I know is responsible for this.

  “Oh …” Niki squints her eyes and teeter-tots her head. “Just a little bit.”

  Penny begins to lose her balance.

  “How much is a little?” I call out as I rush over to catch her as she falls.

  “Or maybe a whole bottle.” Nikki walks over to the island and looks over my shoulder at Penny. “You can thank me later, big guy.” She winks and pats me on the back as she heads to the door.

  “Don’t count on it.”

  Niki slams the door.

  “Something’s wrong wit
h my head. I hear voices,” Penny slurs. “And they’re beating on things.”

  “That’s the music.” I reach for the little device to turn it off, but it automatically shut off.

  “Hey!” Penny slaps at my hand. “I was listening to that. Niki my new bestest fren forever …” She drags out trying to reach for the speaker. “She said I could keep it.”

  “Some friend to put you at risk.”

  “Niki was my knight,” Penny slurs. “I wanted you to be.”

  She wraps her arms around my neck and lets her body collapse against mine. Her front sliding down. Her legs wrapping around my waist before she hits the floor.

  “I didn’t like you locking me in here.”

  “I didn’t like locking you in here either. I didn’t know what else to do. If you would have left and something happened to you …”

  “I wouldn’t have left.”

  I know she’s drunk, but this conversation has sobered up fast.


  “No.” She nods slowly. A small grin creeps up on her face.

  Penny looking at me like this has me losing all resolve. It’s all I can do to keep from slamming her against this wall, but she deserves better.

  “Why don’t we lock up and get you to bed.”

  I reach to pull her arms off and set her down, but she resists. For being drunk she sure does have a lot of strength.

  “Don’t put me down. I’m dizzy.”

  “That drunk, huh?”

  “Drunk on you.” She reaches up to tap my nose.

  Okay so maybe drunk Penny is kind of cute.

  “Is that a smile, Frances.”

  I can’t help it. This girl, she makes me feel things I have never wanted to feel before. So I smile.

  “There it is.” She reaches between us to trace my lips with her finger.

  I’m sure in her head she is being soft and sensual, but in real life, she keeps jabbing her finger against my teeth.

  “Time to lock the door.”

  I walk us over and prop her up against the wall with one knee as I free a hand to lock up.

  “Oh!” Her eyes go wide. “That feels so good.”

  “What does?” I ask as I stretch up to slide the lock into place then set the alarm.

  “This.” She puts all her weight onto my leg and grinds.

  Fuck Me!

  “You’re killing me.” I glance down and see Penny’s eyes hooded and filled with lust. “I think it’s time I take you to bed.”

  “Hey! Remember that movie? Oh, what was it?” She taps my temple. I guess to help her think. “You know that one where they sing that song about fire balls or balls of fire.”

  “No clue.”

  I bounce her up to shift her weight. Wrong move. With all her grinding I’m hard as a rock.

  “Oh yes!” she shouts as she flings her head back.

  I lose balance, and she slams it against the wall. “Ouch!”

  “You okay?”

  I snake my arm up the base of her neck and into her hair. Massaging her scalp.

  She leans into my touch. Closing her eyes for a brief second before they spring open.

  “Take me to bed or lose me forever.”

  I know it’s a movie quote, but damn, don’t I want those words to mean something. Standing there with her body wrapped around mine I would give anything to push her up against that wall and take—

  Her mouth crushing to mine interrupts my thoughts. My mind is telling me to pull away, but my body is screaming for me to stay.

  Kissing her back? Nothing good could come from it. My guard would drop, and she would become even more vulnerable. I can’t do that.

  “Shapiro.” Penny moans my name against my lips. Begging me to kiss her back the way she is kissing me.

  I can’t. I won’t.

  I try to keep repeating those words in my head.


  “Fuck,” I growl

  I don’t know what comes over me, in that brief moment, but the tension that had been building since I met her became unbearable. I had to let go.

  Grasping her cheeks, I take control of the kiss. Owning it. Fusing our mouths together while our tongues intertwine I turn her around and pin her against the wall.

  Her body stiffens, and I freeze.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No. It’s totally me.” She breathes out an excuse. “I just … I don’t know. I guess I …”

  “Let’s go to bed.” I swing her legs around and hold her in my arms.

  “Ohh!” She giggles.

  She’s so drunk.

  “I’m a princess.” Her smile crooked, yet bright.

  I kissed a drunk girl breathless. Great. Maybe she will be so out of it she doesn’t remember.

  “Yes, you are,” I agree as we walk into the bedroom and I lay her down gently. The mattress barely dipping. “Here, lift up.”

  “Why? Ohhhhh,” she coos staring at me with her doe eyes.

  I know what she wants, but it can’t happen. The kiss was a mistake. Maybe if it happened another time. After this was all over with it could be more, but right now. It just can’t be.

  Yanking the covers down, I let her get adjusted before I pull them back up.

  “Get some rest.”

  “I don’t want rest. I just want you.” She untucks her arms and makes grabby hands like you see in those memes.

  Shaking my head. “You are something else. You know it?”

  “I know it.” Her smile sleepy.

  “Night.” I turn to leave the bedroom to get as much distance between us as possible, but Penny? She has other thoughts.

  “You didn’t tuck me in. Tuck me in, Shapiro. Tuck me in real good.” Penny turns over onto her side, throwing the covers off.

  “What are you doing to me?” I moan, rubbing my face.

  I swear this girl is going to be the death of me.

  “Don’t make me beg,” she whines.


  Closing the distance, I reach for the blankets and pull them up as I go. Tucking them under her chin. Stepping back, I admire her from a distance.

  Distance is safe. It’s needed.


  “You sure?”


  “Okay then.”

  I start from the bottom and tuck the blankets under her like she’s a burrito. “Snug as a bug in a rug,” I whisper.

  Her lips pucker and I walk out.

  Tonight is definitely a moment to remember. I’m just hoping she forgets.


  It’s been weeks. Two weeks, six days if we are keeping track, since Shapiro kissed me to sleep.

  Okay so maybe he didn’t kiss me to sleep, but I’m pretty sure it was his mouth that had me dreaming.

  Why can’t I forget that kiss?

  His full lips, sweet and soft, devoured my mouth. Claiming every moan.

  Ahh! I want it again.

  But since he’s acting like it never happened, I figured I better do the same. Acting like everything is completely normal between us … even though our situation is anything but.

  “I don’t have to work today.” Shapiro comes strolling in the front room as if he owns the place.

  And I ignore him while I lie on the couch.

  “I was thinking maybe we could …”

  Cold shoulder be damned, I can’t help it. My ears perk up at the thought of actually leaving the apartment.

  “Maybe watch some Grey’s.” He comes over to sit on the love seat across from me.

  I could keep pretending he’s not there, but what good would that do me? I’m stuck in a house with no one to talk to except for Shapiro.

  Hell, I can’t even message Nina because she went on a little vacation with her now fiancé. Just thinking about them being engaged pisses me off.

  Don’t get me wrong, I’m extremely happy they are taking the leap. I’m not happy about the fact I had to stay upstairs due to security reasons.

, I suck it up, and tonight I’ll spend the evening with Shapiro watching Grey’s.

  “Sounds good.”

  “Sounds good? What’s that supposed to mean?” He leans forward. Elbows on knees he watches me.

  “What do you mean, what’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I mean exactly that? You have been trying to get me to watch it for days, but I’ve been too busy with work.”

  “Try weeks.” I sit up, flinging off my throw. “I’ve been trying for weeks and you make up excuse after excuse on why you can’t.”

  “I’m sorry.” His apology comes out of left field.

  “You’re sorry?”

  If he’s sorry and knows he’s wrong, then why do it in the first place? Why not talk to me? Why work? Why leave me alone day after day and why pretend that kiss didn’t’ happen. Because it did.

  “Yes, I really am.”

  “Sorry enough to let me say …” I tap my chin. “Make a special Kool-Aid?”

  I have to make light of this situation. Maybe that was his way of moving forward. Maybe I’m just overreacting. The man is trying to watch over me all while providing me free living.

  “Nope not Sharkleberry Finn.” He folds his hands together and pleads. “I’ll give you a Incrediberry.”

  “Is that the one that changes colors?”

  “That’s the one.”

  “You have yourself a deal.”

  So much for our deal. It wasn’t an hour before he got called away for God knows what. Now, I’m stuck here again, with nothing to do. I’m not sure why my feelings are hurt. I’ve been here time and time again for the last few weeks. We wake up, have breakfast, do our stuff around the house, have lunch and he has to cut out to work. It’s a cycle, that I’m tired of repeating.

  This is ridiculous. Why am I just sitting here moping over a guy who obviously doesn’t want to be here? Why am I sitting here day in and day out waiting for something to happen?

  Nothing will happen.

  I promised him I wouldn’t leave the house. I begged him to not fix the lock and he didn’t, but with that, came trust. Trust that I would keep my word and stay put so he always knows where I am, but what about him? How can I trust a man that is so secretive?

  “Gah!” I scream. Pulling at my hair. “You’re driving me crazy!”

  Pacing the floor, I try to keep my mind off him and why he chose to leave me on a night we could have had together? Did something better come along? Does he have a girlfriend? Is he dating anyone? These are all questions I should have asked myself or better yet asked him, but I didn’t.


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