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Lumberjacked : A Holiday Mountain Man Lumberjack Romance

Page 7

by K. C. Crowne

He sucked one nipple into his mouth, kneading my other breast with a large skilled hand, and the attention to my breasts sent a message direct to my pussy. I arched my back, closing my eyes. The way he touched me and kissed me, the way he worshipped me with his mouth was incredible. I felt as beautiful as he kept saying I was.

  Viktor moved to my other breast. “You are like honey on my tongue,” he said, murmuring the words between the swells of my breasts, dropping kisses on my sternum before sucking my other nipple into his mouth and switching hands.

  I moaned deeply with great pleasure.

  “Do you like this, Malen kiy?” Viktor asked, glancing up at me. He stuck out his tongue and swirled it around my nipple while he made eye contact with me.

  I shivered. “Yes.”

  “Tell me how much you like it.”

  I swallowed, mustering up the courage to make a move. I took his hand from my breast and guided it down, tugging my pants down a little. I pushed his hand between my legs. He massaged my slit as I guided him, and he groaned when he felt my readiness.

  “That’s how much,” I told him, watching his face.

  “Fuck,” he bit out, his teeth clenched. “You are so wet.”

  I was confident and I felt beautiful and sexy. I loved the way he was touching me and how he looked at me. I knew I had something this big powerful man wanted to the point that it made him weak to even be around me.

  That made me feel incredible. His vulnerability made me want to give myself to him that much more.

  Viktor moved on the bed, lithe and agile despite his size, and he kneeled between my legs. He hooked his fingers into the elastic of my pants and pulled them down. Slowly, deliberately, unwrapping me like a gift. His eyes were on mine, as if he was testing the waters.

  Asking…no, challenging.

  But I wasn’t going to tell him to stop. I didn’t know how much I was ready for, but this much I wanted. Badly.

  Viktor slowly slid his thick fingers into me, and I cried out in ecstasy, all thoughts leaving my brain.

  It was becoming abundantly clear to me that Viktor’s number one priority was to give me great pleasure before all else. Yet he was teasing me and building up my desire to a point that it would soon be impossible to bear not having him inside me.

  “You’re mine, Malen kiy,” he murmured in a voice so deep it was almost a growl. “This body, this sensation, this experience, is all mine. No one has been here the way I will be. Do you hear?”

  I nodded and Viktor had a glint of something raw and powerful in his eyes.

  Viktor discarded my pants and placed his hand between my legs again. He put his other hand on the inside of my thigh. Slowly and gently, he rolled a thick thumb over my clit. Jolts of pleasure shot into my body as he did. He pumped his fingers slowly in and out of my pussy while he played with my clit. I squirmed and writhed on the bed as he kindled a flame to life inside me that only grew and burned brighter as he continued.

  My fluids covered his fingers, the sight of it giving him obvious great pleasure.

  “Malen kiy,” Viktor murmured, the pet name sounding so erotic on his lips. “Let go. Give yourself to me.”

  A man had never given me an orgasm. The way Viktor touched me was very, very different. His hands were magic. His fingers inside me…the fire grew and grew, changing from a dancing flame into a roaring furnace. It spilled over my skin as goosebumps rose all over my exposed body.

  “I’m going to bring you to the point of exploding, my Angel,” Viktor purred. “And I’m going to keep you there. And when you can’t hold it anymore, I’m going to push you over the edge.”

  I shuddered, my whole body tensing.

  “And just when you think it couldn’t be possible to top that point of satisfaction, I’m going to give it to you again and again.”

  I moaned at the promise of his words.

  Where was this man all my life? He must have been sent from heaven.

  “Imagine it, Malen kiy, my cock instead of my fingers, pushing into you. I want to feel every bit of your delicious pussy. I want to feel your body clamp down on me.”

  While he talked, Viktor moved his thumb over my clit in circles. He’d stopped moving his fingers inside me, only wiggled them slightly now and then, but he let me feel how full it was with just his fingers. If they were replaced with his cock, how much more intense would it feel?

  His words, the image he created with them, pushed me closer and closer.

  Without warning, Viktor dipped his head between my legs and my thighs fell open for him. He closed his mouth over my pussy, and I moaned, crying out when he ran his tongue over my clit. He flicked his tongue over the sensitive bud a few times, his fingers were still buried inside me. When he returned to my clit, he started licking and sucking, much like he’d done to my nipples. He pumped his fingers in and out of me, and I cried out as something animalistic and delicious grew inside me, threatening to take over.

  I lifted my hands to my breasts and cupped them, tweaking my own nipples. Viktor groaned when he saw it, and the deep reverberations of his voice vibrated through my pussy, making me curl with pleasure. I was so close, my whole body trembled. My breathing was shallow and erratic.

  “That’s it, Malen kiy,” Viktor murmured against my clit, the words almost buried in my pussy. “Come for me.”

  As if I was doing it on command, I came undone. The orgasm ripped through me, starting at my core and spreading through my body, and I cried out in ecstasy. Viktor held his mouth against me, sucking gently on my clit as he moved his fingers inside, allowing me to ride out the wave of pleasure that overcame me.

  It was the most powerful orgasm I had ever experienced.

  And the first a man had given me.

  But he wasn’t finished with me.

  Holy shit.

  When I came down from my high, Viktor withdrew his fingers. He looked me in the eye as he lifted his hand to his lips and licked his digits.

  “You taste like heaven, Angel.”

  He crawled over my body, moving deliciously slow. When he balanced himself over me again, lying half on top of me but his weight off me for the most part, his face was only inches from mine. He lifted his fingers to my lips, and when I breathed in, I caught my own scent.

  “Incredible, Angel,” he said and kissed me. His hand rested on my breast, only cupping it without moving. He kissed me slowly, exploring my mouth. Finally, he dipped his head into my neck and sighed.

  “Sleep, Angel.”

  He reached for the covers that had been pushed away and tugged them over us. I was still naked, but Viktor still wore his boxers. He tucked me close to his chest, the physical barrier between us broken, and planted a kiss in my hair.

  “Sleep, kitn,” he said again.

  “What does that mean?” I asked, already sleepy after my intense orgasm.


  I smiled and turned onto my side so he could spoon me. Viktor curled his body around mine like a question mark, and I felt his thick cock against my ass.

  He hadn’t asked to do anything more than give me an orgasm. He was moving slow, and I didn’t have to ask him to. It made me feel special. I closed my eyes and sank into a blissful sleep, more satisfied than any man had ever left me.

  Viktor really was something else. A man from a fantasy, maybe. Because someone as sexy, as able, as incredible as he was couldn’t be real.

  He was almost too good to be true.


  When I opened my eyes, she was asleep on my arm, her auburn hair spread out over my bicep, and the contrast against my white skin was beautiful. I studied her features while she slept. Fuck, she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. Delicate, pure, innocent.

  And I was fucking with that, wasn’t I? I just had to have a taste of her last night. No matter how much I had tried to hold back. She had touched me with such a gentle hand. No one treated me like that. No woman I’d been with before had touched me as if they could chase my demons away.

  My demons were far too fucked up for Angela to be able to chase away, but that she thought she could made me feel different.

  I’d never felt like this about anyone. And I was in a hell of a lot of trouble. Because even though this woman had only been here for… what was it? Three days? I felt something for her. Something serious and deep.

  And that was a problem.

  Men like me couldn’t have women like her. Men like me didn’t deserve to find happiness.

  Besides, she was a distraction. If I stopped being vigilant because I had my eyes on a pretty girl and Maksim found me, I would be fucked five ways to Sunday. Maksim wouldn’t hesitate to kill me. Hell, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill her either. But not before he did other things to her. Things I didn’t want to think about. It awoke something dark inside me to think of Angela getting hurt. She was better off without me.

  A knock on the door made me stiffen.

  “Malen kiy,” I said, gently shaking her shoulder. “I need to get up.”

  Angela lifted her head, her eyes still closed, and I retrieved my arm. She lay back on the pillow, and I made quick work of getting dressed. I knew who it was. Only one or two people knew where to find me, people I knew wouldn’t blab to anyone.

  When I opened the door, Axel stood in front of me. “Vik, my man,” Axel said, holding out his hand. I shook it. “Sorry to bug you so early, man.”

  “What is it?”

  “Just letting you know we won’t be working in the forest this week,” he announced, grinning. “Too dangerous after the mudslide.”

  “Alright.” I started to swing the door shut, but he stopped me.

  “Hey, man, sorry again, but I need your help.”

  I didn’t know what Axel’s story was, why he was up here running from the world. He looked rough as fuck, with long dark hair and a beard that nearly reached his chest. He trimmed it once a year and then just left it. He was covered in tattoos and moved like he knew how to handle himself. He wasn’t quite my size, but he was pretty close.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “My tractor won’t start. I know it’s a drag getting you out to help, but I don’t want to have to tow the thing to town.”

  I nodded. He didn’t have to add that he wasn’t going to call someone up to his cabin. Our kind didn’t want people knowing where we holed up.

  “I’ll be there in a bit.”

  I wanted him gone. I wanted to get back to Angela. Last night had been fucking fantastic. But I wanted more of her. I wanted to get back to bed and taste that body again. That delicious, virgin body. God, just thinking about it made my cock stiffen in my pants.

  “Viktor?” Angela asked, appearing in the doorway of the bedroom. She’d wrapped a sheet around her, and fuck if I didn’t want to jump her, claim her as mine and be done with it.

  Axel frowned and leaned a little to the right to look. Angela blushed and jumped back into the room. He whistled through his teeth, looking at me.

  “Back the fuck off, buddy,” I growled.

  “Hey, easy, I didn’t realize you had a girl.”

  Uncomfortable with the jealousy, which was completely misplaced, I grumbled, “It’s a recent thing.”

  He nodded, his eyes twinkling with knowledge. “Get around to the cabin when you have a chance. But I’ll understand if you take your time.”

  “I’ll be there later,” I repeated gruffly.

  Axel nodded, and I all but slammed the door in his face, turning to get back to Angela, who was biting her lip and looked sexy as hell.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I didn’t realize you had company.”

  I stalked to her and grabbed her hips, pulling her against me and kissing her. She melted against me.

  “Good morning,” she breathed when I finally broke the kiss.

  “How did you sleep, Malen kiy?”

  Angela blushed. “Really well. Orgasms do that to a girl.”

  I smirked. “Let’s play, kitn.”

  Angela blushed harder. “Aren’t you going to help… your friend?”

  “Later,” I growled and tugged at the sheet around Angela’s body.

  She didn’t hold onto it and it slipped to the ground, revealing her perfect body. Holy fucking shit. In the light and completely naked, she was even hotter than anything I had seen before. Curves for days, an ass that made my cock sit up and beg, and the most perfect tits I’d ever seen. Perfect, everything about her was perfect.

  I took a step closer to Angela and kneeled before her. I gripped her ass, cupping them in my hands, and buried my face in her pussy. Nothing serious, I told myself.

  She was a fucking virgin. Knowing that no man had been inside her made me want to fuck her hard, coat her walls with my seed, stake my claim so that any other man who came close to her would know she belonged to me.

  “Viktor,” Angela gasped, grabbing my hair and moaning as I licked her pussy.

  The orgasm was sudden and intense, and she collapsed on the bed, writhing and moaning, her legs pulled up. It wouldn’t take any effort at all for me to push my cock into her opening. Her pussy glistened with her juices, her mound swollen, a flush over her breasts indicating she was ripe for me, ready for me to take her.

  But I refrained. She deserved a slow pace. Her first time had to be right. Once we had that out of the way, I would do it the way I wanted to. I would fuck her like an animal. Hard and fast, with her panting and moaning and begging for more.

  After getting dressed – it took a hell of a lot of self-control to not ask her to stay naked all day – Angela and I drank coffee and ate. We sat in the kitchen at the small table, drinking and eating as if nothing had happened between us. As if I didn’t want to reach over and devour her.

  There were things to take care of, though.

  Angela and I trekked through the forest to Axel’s place. It was quite a walk, and Angela was out of breath quickly. I offered to take a break, but she shook her head.

  “I’ll rest when we get there.”

  I nodded. Her determination shone through every now and then, and it only made her more attractive than she already was. She was silk over steel, a beautiful woman, with soft curves and a gentle way about her. But she was hard as nails under that.

  Would a woman like Angela be able to deal with the demons from my past?

  Nyet, I told myself. I didn’t deserve someone like her. She didn’t deserve scum like me. I wasn’t going to think about it. What she could deal with didn’t matter. I wouldn’t do that to her.

  Finally, we arrived at Axel’s cabin. I hadn’t thought about the fact that I would have to introduce them, which felt a little like adding to a circle of friends I didn’t want. When we climbed out of the truck, Axel smiled a welcome.

  “Hello, and thanks for coming,” he said, shaking my hand. He turned to Angela and held out his hand. “Hey, I’m Axel.”

  She smiled as she shook his hand. “Angela.”

  “You know, we might be a few minutes out here. You’d probably be more comfortable inside,” Axel told her, smiling.

  I didn’t like the idea of her getting cozy in his cabin, but I did agree with him that she would be better off inside. I turned to tell her to go in, but she beat me to it.

  “I would much rather be inside, thanks,” she said, a little shiver passing through her body. “It’s still a bit chilly.”

  “Mountain living,” Axel commented cheerily. “There’s a fire inside. Make yourself at home.”

  She smiled at him, then at me, and said thanks again before heading in. I stared after her, enjoying the way she looked in the new clothes she’d picked out in town. She was gorgeous, head to toe, and when I finally moved my eyes off her, I caught Axel looking at me, grinning.

  “What?” I growled.

  “Just a little amazed, that’s all,” he commented, chuckling.

  “Show me your tractor,” I grumbled, choosing not to address what was clearly none of his damned business.

  We walked to the shed
Axel had built himself. He had some equipment up here, an operation a little more advanced than what I had. But he’d been there a little longer. Axel was also a woodworker, doing projects for people now and then. He actually seemed to enjoy being around people some, unlike me.

  “So, where did she come from?” Axel asked when I popped the tractor’s hood and studied the archaic engine. I still didn’t know where the hell he’d found this piece of shit.

  “She was stuck in a mudslide.”

  Axel chuckled. “Just like that?”

  I glanced up at him, my face an intentional scowl.

  “Okay, okay,” Axel said, catching the silent warning. “She’s a hottie, though.”

  I glared at him. “Yeah, and she’s off-limits.”

  “Calm your tits, big boy,” Axel joked, laughing and slapping me on the back like a pal would. “I’m just saying. I have no interest in your woman.”

  The phrase pulled me up short. Angela wasn’t my woman. But I sure as shit wanted her to be. I wanted her to stay with me. In the cabin. Not just because she was so fucking hot. I actually liked having her around.

  We tinkered with the ancient tractor’s engine, exchanging ideas about what might be wrong as well as several colorful phrases about the piece of shit. Silence fell when I climbed up on a tire to look at a different angle, and when it ended, Axel was putting himself in my business. Exactly where I didn’t want him.

  “If you want my advice,” Axel said, as if I gave a shit about his advice at all, “you should woo her a little.”

  I dropped to the ground and lifted an eyebrow. “What?”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “You look confused. You might have the rugged thing going for you, but girls like to be pampered. Take her out on a date or something. You know, something special.”

  I grunted. A date? That meant we would have to go to town. Where there were people. But maybe Axel had a point. Angela deserved the best. And all I could offer was sex and a rustic cabin. Fucking good sex. But women wanted more, needed more, than amazing sex.

  I hated to admit it, but Axel was right. I had to charm her, pamper her, play the right cards to stay in this game. Which meant I would have to deal the cards again, would have to figure out how to keep my location and my identity quiet while wooing this woman. But I could figure that out if I was careful.


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