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Cane's Dominance (Devils Riot MC: Originals Book 9)

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by E. C. Land

  A man I could never have. One because he’s beautiful and perfect. Two is due to my brother being who he is. Three did I mention he’s beautiful and perfect. With his longer hair, trimmed close to his face, beard, and of course I can’t forget the tattoo, you can see the tattoo on his left arm. I try not to think of how far up the art really goes.

  Then there’s the fact he’s got these eyes that if you meet his gaze you become enthralled under his spell.

  As my song comes to an end and the next one ‘Love is a War’ by Jelly Roll and Struggle Jennings starts, I wonder what made me pick these two songs for tonight. I mean ‘Mindfield’ I get completely because it describes my life to the fullest. People judge me for being a mom at nineteen, for living in the place I live in. I lose myself in the pain and I can’t find my way back without the music bringing me back. ‘Love is a War’ just goes on to finish what the other song didn’t speak of. My demons eat me alive and there’s nothing to stop them. I’d die protecting the only thing I know is worth doing over.

  My daughter.

  If not for Mrs. Martinez, who lives next door to me, I don’t think I’d ever find someone to watch Piper. And if that were the case, I wouldn’t be able to provide even the smallest thing for her. Which makes me feel like the worst mother in the world.

  If I had to pick my poison, I wouldn’t have to choose since I’m drowning in the stuff that my demons pour on me. It would take a war to defeat the battles within me to win.

  As my music comes to an end, I do my ending number by sliding down the pole upside down coming to the floor. I kick my legs out flipping myself until I’m on my feet facing the crowd with a smile on my face. Winking at them, I give a little wave and head to the back of the stage as one of the girls comes out and grabs the dollar bills for me. This is what Victoria set in place for me. She didn’t want me out there longer than I had to be. I danced and got off the stage.

  “It’s the mystery of you that keeps the lap dance numbers going up since you started two months ago,” Victoria stated with a smile when she explained this to me. I didn’t ask her to explain further not wanting to know the rest of the reasoning.

  I step off the stage and grab my robe right away, sliding my arms through the sleeves and tightening it closed.

  This was my last dance of the night and I was more than ready to change and get out of here. I need to get home, shower, kiss my daughter good night, and fall asleep on the rickety couch I use for a bed.

  “Tink, can I speak to you for a second?” Victoria asks as I start heading to the dressing room. I hadn’t even seen her standing there.

  “Um, yeah is everything okay?” I ask nervous about what she’s going to say. She’s the only one who knows about my daughter and the only reason she knows is due to if there’s an emergency I can leave.

  “Come to my office,” she murmurs, nodding in the direction to said office.

  Oh no.

  Did I do something wrong?

  Following her into the office, I’m not surprised to see her husband, a member of the Devil’s Riot, sitting on the couch off to the side. What does surprise me though is seeing Cane, another member of the club and the very same man I find beautiful, standing on the opposite side of the room.

  “Um, what’s going on?” I ask nervously as Victoria closes the door behind her.

  “You need to sit down,” she declares.

  “Just tell me. Am I fired?”

  “What? No. You’re not fired but I need to inform you the cops are at your apartment. They called here looking for you while you were on stage.” I feel myself going pale at her words.

  “Is Piper okay?” I ask.

  “We don’t know. Shots were fired and they found Mrs. Martinez dead.” Victoria breaks the news causing my knees to weaken, before I hit the floor, an arm wraps around my waist.

  No. No. No. This can’t be happening.

  Chapter Two


  I’ve been mesmerized by this woman from the first day I saw her take the stage. After that first night, I asked Vi to make it where she only dances, she doesn’t pick up her tips and I didn’t want other men touching her.

  I knew I wanted her but I had to be cautious in going about my plan to make her submit to me. I could tell she’s not in the same lifestyle I choose to lead. I’m a Dom and I don’t hide it from my brothers. I don’t hide shit from them. Or more like I don’t speak of my past that was not a good start in this world. If not for Stoney, his uncle Croc, and the rest of the club, I’d probably be dead right now for the things I endured when I’d been eight.

  I have a certain taste in things I like sexually and at first, I had a hard time coming to terms with myself, until Shadow. He was a prospect when he went down to the Franklin Charter for the club and when he came back, I found a moment to approach him about it since I’d noticed he was somewhat similar to me in the way he acted with the women around the clubhouse.

  Reason I had a hard time coming to terms with my being a Dom was I didn’t want to be like him. My father who Croc didn’t allow to leave that day so long ago. No, Croc had been outraged along with Stoney at the news of what he’d done to me. He ended up disappearing and my mother signed over her rights to me without a problem. Probably because the club threatened her. Momma B took me on as one of her own but I stayed in the clubhouse with Stoney and Horse since they were my actual family.

  When Vi hired Parker, we looked into her like we do others and found she was related to someone we didn’t want associated with our club. We’d debated letting her go but from everything Nerd found on the woman she didn’t have anything to do with him. Not after what he did to her. I saw the police reports and the pictures, but there was no way to tie the asshole to what she’d been through that night. Nor was there a way to get the motherfucker who did rape her considering Parker didn’t inform the police of the name of the man who raped her.

  We also knew she had a daughter to take care of, she ended up with her after what she endured. It’s for these reasons alone the club didn’t fire her.

  “What . . . she’s . . . no,” Parker murmurs, shaking her head. I tighten my arms around her as she becomes frantic. “I . . . need to go.”

  “Easy, lil mama, you need to stay calm,” I whisper against the top of her head. I don’t know where that name came from but it suits her. I’ve seen her with her daughter and know without a doubt she’s so much like Rachel and the other ol’ ladies at the club. Fiercely loyal to their family.

  In Parker’s case, her family being a sweet two-year-old girl who looks just like her mom.

  “Calm? How can I be calm?” she yells and yanks herself out of my arms, which seeing she needed the space I allow her. “I need to get dressed and go. I have to go get my daughter.”

  “How do you know who has your daughter?” Tracker asks.

  “Because there is only one monster who I know would do this. The very same monster who is making my life a living hell,” she snaps and tries to step toward the door.

  “Tell us, lil mama, we can help you,” I say with a firm commanding voice.

  “Yeah? You can help me? Ha, that’s laughable,” she says sarcastically.

  “Lose the sarcasm, Parker,” I snap. “You need to calm down and tell us who would take your daughter and kill the babysitter.”

  “It’s not your problem,” she protests.

  “It’s our problem since you work for the club,” Victoria speaks up, gaining Parkers attention. “I get you’re upset but let us help you. I screwed up a couple weeks ago by hurting a friend of mine, I’m not about to let it happen again to someone else I’d like to be friends with.”

  I knew she still felt like a complete bitch, same as Luna, for how they treated Harley. I get it’s due to them being hurt by her for shutting them out. They didn’t know what was going on and it pissed them off. Women can be funny sometimes and if it wasn’t for Rachel and the ol’ ladies from Twister’s club coming up and lighting a fire under their asses, the
y’d still be feeling that anger.

  Now though, Victoria has been trying to rectify how she acted. I heard her the other day speaking with Harley. They didn’t know anyone was around them and this was a big deal for Harley since she has a hard time being around other women due to everything she’s endured in the past several years. Victoria explained how she felt and how her not telling her anything triggered some very bad memories of lies and deception for her. In the end Harley forgave her but I knew she’d still be timid around the woman. Victoria is a woman on her own level, which is why she’s the manager here at Dolly’s Playhouse.

  “Victoria, thank you for wanting to help me. I really appreciate it, I do. But I can’t ask you for help. You’ve already given me a job when I needed it. So, I’ll handle the rest of this alone. I promise everything will be okay in the end,” Parker murmurs, tears rolling down her face. Without delay she quickly skirts around me, opens the door, and rushes out of the office.

  Again, I allow her this. Mainly so she can go get dressed. I’m not about to let her leave this building without me.

  Parker isn’t in this alone anymore. She wants to think that, go right ahead but I’m not about to let it stand.

  Fuck that. I’ve watched her for months now without her knowing she’s being looked after. It’s time she figured it out.

  Chapter Three


  Rushing out of the office, I make a beeline for the back exit rather than changing my clothes. I don’t have time for any of that. I stop long enough to remove my stripper heels and toss them to the ground, not worried about whether or not I’ll need them. I run as fast as possible staying to the shadows, I don’t need to be seen in my robe with nothing on underneath but a G-string thong.

  I run past my apartment building and stop at my brother’s main bitch’s house. I hate her but I know she’ll be strung out enough to not know I’m there. I need clothes and shoes of some sort.

  I don’t bother knocking on her door. She wouldn’t have heard me anyway with how loud her music is. I open the door and step inside letting it slam behind me. Glancing into the living room, a shiver washes through me at the sight. Gross. Cherry and Peaches going at it with five different dudes watching them. They’re so consumed in the show they don’t see me.

  Thank God.

  I make my way to Cherry’s room and quickly grab a pair of new leggings still with the tag on them. This is good news for me. It means I don’t have to wear anything she’s already had stink snatch covered in. I also find a tank top and zip up jacket. I grab them both and don them.

  Not wanting to see the scene playing out in the living room, I decide to go out the back door. It’s good all of them were high as a kite on whatever they’d been given. This gives me the chance to get what I need and get gone.

  With clothes covering my body now, I begin to run the rest of the way to my brother’s. I can’t believe he’s done this to me. I’ve been paying him every night like he ordered me to. Why now did he kill my babysitter? An elderly woman who watches my daughter.

  I run for a good five minutes until I get to his place. Unlike Cherry’s his place isn’t loud or trashy looking. He lives in a nice place with a brand-new car.

  Making my way to the front door, I try to ignore the men sitting on my brother’s porch. The lewd comments they make are nothing I haven’t heard before.

  I open the door and step inside. My daughter’s cries come from somewhere inside. I rush through the house to find her sitting in some whore’s lap in my brother’s office.

  “Give me my daughter,” I demand, storming over to the bitch who all but throws my daughter at me.

  “Take the whining cunt, she’s giving me a headache with all her screaming,” the whore sneers.

  If I didn’t have my daughter wrapped in my arms, I’d slap her in the face for her comment. Instead, I glare in her direction as she makes her way out of my brother’s office.

  “Guess you got my message I wanted to see you,” Warren, my brother, cackles. Everyone else calls him by his nickname but he’ll never be that to me. I only see him as the brother who went from being nice and protective of me to being a giant, money hungry dick who wants nothing more than to bleed me dry as punishment for not being in on the plan with him.

  “Why would you kill Mrs. Martinez?” I ask, tightening my hold around Piper. “And why take Piper? I’ve done as you asked.”

  “You have, I know. But I’m changing the stipulations of that. You see. I’m moving you and your brat back home. This means you won’t need to save any money for food or rent and whatnot. In fact, you won’t be going back to that club ever again.” A sense of dread fills me at his words.

  A commotion from outside stops me from speaking another word as the front door is kicked in and nearly a dozen bikers storm inside. One in particular glares in my direction. They soften a small amount at the sight of my daughter in my arms.

  “You all have got some balls for coming into my home like this,” my brother snaps, climbing to his feet and adjusting his dick back into his jeans.

  That’s really gross. He was getting a blow job while my daughter is in this very room.

  “Talk about us having the balls to come into your home. How about we talk about you killing the sitter of a toddler who is the daughter to my brother’s ol’ lady,” Stoney snarls, stepping forward along with each member of the club.

  “Ol’ lady? Is this true, Parker?” My brother’s anger is then turned on me and I’m unable to speak. “You betray me like this?” he demands.

  “I’ve done everything you asked by giving you money. I never told you I’d do anything else. I’m not betraying anyone. It’s you who betrayed me,” I scream, placing my hand over Piper’s ear to lessen the loudness of it.

  “Parker, get over here,” Cane commands, as he steps closer to his President.

  I keep my mouth shut even though I want to scream at him as well. I told him and Tracker this isn’t their problem.

  “Sweetheart, let’s get you out of here,” Stoney states quietly while stepping up directly next to me when I don’t move.

  “I leave I’m dead,” I murmur.

  My brother cackles. “At least you know your place, bitch, and what will happen if you don’t listen to me. Take this as her resignation.”

  “I suggest you shut the fuck up, Chigger, if you know what’s best for you,” Stoney sneers.

  “I don’t think so. This is my sister, my family, and I’ll do whatever the fuck I want. Now get the hell out of my home before I have my men shoot you,” Chigger snaps as he stands toe to toe with Stoney.

  Oh shit.

  I’ve been around the man a couple of times and I know he’s not a man to be trifled with.

  “Parker, lil mama, come here,” Cane orders once again, this time his hand wraps around my upper arm as he pulls me into him. He places me in one of the other brothers’ arms. “Get her and Piper out of here. Take them to the clubhouse and put them in my room.”

  My throat tightens as I’m guided out of the house.

  I didn’t realize just how much my world could change in one night.

  Chapter Four


  I’m going to spank the woman’s ass bright red. Not only did she leave Dolly’s Playhouse in nothing but a fuckin’ thong and robe, she ran straight to her brother. A brother who as he stands head-to-head with Stoney, I can’t fuckin’ stand. He wants to control his sister.

  I’m getting in my head after what she said to him, he took all of her money from her as payment for what she refused to do. Most likely selling his drugs in our club. Proud of her for that but I intend to put a stop to it first chance I get.

  Meaning when I get back to the clubhouse.

  I’m done giving her space. I was done a week after first seeing her. Now I’m gonna be directly in her face as I wear her down. She’s had all the time I’m goin’ to allow her to have. Don’t matter to me if she didn’t know I’d already claimed her or not.
br />   “Stoney, I suggest you give my sister back to me. She’s my property, my blood and family. Right now, you’re starting a war you don’t want on your doorstep,” Chigger announces. “You really want to do that over some pussy?”


  “Cut the shit, Chigger, you started this shit when you tried pushing in our territory. Keep it out or I’ll be sure to make it a habit of takin’ all your boys down for this,” Stoney warns, holding out an arm to keep me from stepping past him.

  “This isn’t your territory anymore. It’s mine and I’ll fuckin’ do whatever the hell I want.” This dickhead is stupid as all get out. He’s not only fuckin’ up by messing with my ol’ lady but trying to take our territory.

  “Is that so? Then we’ll have to see about that won’t we,” Stoney says, a sinister grin sliding into place as he quickly slams his fist straight into Chigger’s face causing him to stagger backwards.

  “Motherfucker,” Chigger snaps, cupping his nose. “You’re a dead man, Stoney, fuckin’ dead. Same goes for the fucker who thinks he can claim my sister. The only person she belongs to is me. Don’t worry I’ll get my hands on her. Even if it means taking that little cunt away from her in the process of it all.” His gaze lands on me.

  “I suggest you back the hell off, Parker’s mine,” I sneer, trying to remain in control of the rage wanting to be unleashed.

  “I don’t think so. I’m willing to make her life a living hell in every way possible. Ask my sister, she’ll tell you just how good I am at getting what I want when I want something,” Chigger snickers.

  “Go ahead and try me. I’ll make sure you’re in an unmarked grave before I allow you near my woman or kid,” I say, clenching my hands into fists at my sides.

  “Come on, let’s get out of here. This is your warning, Chigger, stay the fuck away from our territory. You don’t, it’ll be you who ends up dead and in doing so I’ll make sure to unleash the beast I’ve kept back this time. Do not threaten me, boy. You’re playing in a man’s world now and it’s you who better watch your back. We see any of your twatwaffles dealin’ or whorin’, I’ll personally send them to the grave,” Stoney growls and turns to leave without listening to the asshole yelling out anymore of his minuscule threats about us being sorry for what’s to come.


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