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Mary McGrory

Page 34

by John Norris

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 90

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 39, 49, 81–93, 96, 104, 127, 163, 209, 240

  civil rights and, 89–90

  Eugene McCarthy and, 86–87, 100, 101, 103–5, 107, 112, 113, 117

  first major press conference of, 81–82

  Humphrey and, 87, 88

  JFK and, 45–47, 81, 91–92

  JFK’s assassination and, 72, 73

  McGrory flirted with by, 90–93

  McGrory’s 1953 profile of, 17

  presidency assumed by, 72, 81

  in presidential election of 1964, 84–90, 93

  in presidential election of 1968, 100–104, 108, 112, 113

  presidential election withdrawal of, 117–18

  RFK and, 84–88, 96, 99, 100, 102, 108

  Star staff invited to White House by, 93–94

  Vietnam and, 96, 100–102, 105, 107, 113, 119, 128, 280

  Jones, James, 207

  Jones, Paula, 260

  Justice Department, 60, 67, 82, 83, 238

  Kalb, Bernard, 155

  Kamen, Al, 238, 243, 284, 288

  Kauffmann, John, 141

  Kauffmann family (Star owners), 13

  Kefauver, Estes, 22–26, 29–30, 128, 258

  Kennedy, Anthony, 275

  Kennedy, Caroline, 52, 54, 75, 77

  Kennedy, Edward M. “Ted,” 42, 123, 140, 148, 185, 188, 190, 235, 244–46, 288

  Chappaquiddick and, 148, 187–88, 235

  at event honoring McGrory with Fourth Estate Award, 264

  in presidential election of 1980, 187–90

  Kennedy, Ethel, 60–61, 75, 79, 81, 114, 121, 140, 268

  Kennedy, Jacqueline, see Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy

  Kennedy, John F., 24, 26–29, 53–64, 66, 68–70, 72, 97, 104, 105, 114, 119, 185, 215, 223

  assassination of, 72–76, 78–80, 81, 83, 84, 86, 95, 96, 104, 203, 275

  Bay of Pigs invasion and, 56, 79

  Bentsen’s remark to Quayle on, 224

  Berlin crisis and, 61

  Cuban missile crisis and, 64, 66, 68

  elected president, 52

  Eugene McCarthy and, 86

  extramarital affairs of, 55

  first overseas trip as president, 56–58

  funeral of, 76–79, 83

  Goldwater and, 71

  Johnson and, 45–47, 81, 91–92

  Khrushchev and, 58, 61

  McGrory’s “anniversary” interview with, 62–63

  McGrory’s column on funeral of, 76–79, 159, 168, 264

  Nixon and, 49, 50

  presidential campaign of, 39–52

  presidential inauguration of, 53

  Kennedy, John F., Jr., 54, 75, 77, 83

  Kennedy, Joseph, 26, 52, 56

  Kennedy, Robert F. “Bobby,” 32–33, 44, 47, 55, 59–61, 75, 79, 81–83, 93, 96, 100–105, 127, 185, 223

  assassination of, 121–24

  at Democratic National Convention, 87–88

  Eugene McCarthy and, 86–87, 100–102, 112–14, 120–21, 129

  funeral of, 122–23

  JFK’s assassination and, 72, 73, 78, 79, 83, 84, 96

  Johnson and, 84–88, 96, 99, 100, 102, 108

  King’s assassination and, 119

  presidential campaign of, 102–4, 108–9, 112, 114, 118–21, 125

  St. Ann’s orphans and, 67–68, 79–80, 170

  Saint Patrick’s Day speech of, 84

  Vietnam and, 96, 100–103, 109

  Kenworthy, Ned, 206

  Kenworthy, Tom, 198–99

  Kerry, John, 211–12

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 34, 58, 61

  Kilpatrick, James J., 128, 212–13

  King, John, 101

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 70, 127

  assassination of, 118–19, 122

  funeral of, 118, 146

  King, Peter, 290

  Kirby, Gerry, 19

  Kissinger, Henry, 135–38, 147, 181, 265, 276

  meeting between war protestors and, 136–37

  Klein, Herb, 30, 64–65, 141

  Kleindienst, Richard, 155

  Ku Klux Klan, 70

  Kuwait, 231–32

  Lake, Anthony, 163

  Laxalt, Paul, 275

  Lebanon, 220

  Lee, Robert E., 89–90

  Lehrer, Jim, 280

  Lennon, John, 99

  Lewinsky, Monica, 261, 263

  Lewis, Anthony, 16, 18, 89, 184

  liberation theology, 184

  Lieberman, Joe, 274

  Limbaugh, Rush, 249, 252–53

  Lincoln, Abraham, 14

  Lippmann, Walter, 6, 35

  Lisagor, Peter, 70

  Livingston, Bob, 263–64

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 27–28, 71, 84

  Look, 39

  Los Angeles Herald Examiner, 179

  Lowell, Robert, 106, 113, 120, 122, 126

  Luxenberg, Steve, 276, 281, 281–282

  Ma, Yo-Yo, 276

  Maas, Peter, 79–80

  Making of the President 1960, The (White), 45, 51

  Manchester Union Leader, 148

  Mankiewicz, Frank, 123, 148, 151

  Mansfield, Mike, 82

  March on Washington, 70

  Markey, Ed, 246

  Markley, Rita, 68, 170–72

  Martin, Dean, 41

  Mayberry, Catherine, 187

  McCain, John, 273

  McCarthy, Abigail, 113, 116, 121

  McCarthy, Eugene, 32, 46–47, 85–88, 96, 100–101, 108, 128, 129, 133, 147, 223, 236, 239, 264, 286

  Clark as campaign chairman for, 106–7, 108, 111–13, 116, 118–22

  Johnson and, 86–87, 100, 101, 103–5, 107, 112, 113, 117

  King’s assassination and, 118–19, 122

  McGrory’s relationship with, 111–12, 115–17, 129, 132

  McLaughlin and, 116

  presidential campaign of, 100–107, 108, 110–22, 124–29, 152

  RFK and, 86–87, 100–102, 112–14, 120–21, 129

  RFK’s assassination and, 121–22

  Vietnam and, 96, 101, 105, 108, 116, 133, 147

  McCarthy, Joseph, 2, 30, 132, 270, 271, 278

  Army-McCarthy hearings, 2–7, 17, 36, 158, 159, 234, 271

  McClendon, Sarah, 34

  McCullough, David, 245

  McGill, William, 167

  McGovern, George, 125, 148–52, 287

  McGrory, Brian (cousin), 23, 163, 257–58, 267, 273, 276, 277, 281–82, 286, 289

  McGrory, Edward (father), 8, 9, 28, 215

  death of, 11

  McGrory, John (brother), 190

  McGrory, Mary:

  awards received by, 217–18, 251–52, 264–67, 280–81, 289

  background of, 8–10, 13, 40

  “bearers” for, 23, 24

  beginning of journalism career of, 12

  birth of, 8

  book offers received by, 36–37

  Catholicism of, 12, 15, 40, 46, 61, 173, 183–85

  childhood of, 8–10

  Colby College speech of, 218

  cooking of, 33

  congressional coverage, 31–32

  daily routine of, 201

  death of, 291

  education of, 10–11, 23, 76–77

  ‘exit snarling’ column by, 65–66

  feminism and, 23, 143–45, 151, 214, 239, 241

  foot operation of, 220

  funeral arrangements dictated by, 276–77

  garden column of, 162–63, 206

  half-German heritage of, 9, 10, 46, 86, 247

headstone of, 281, 291

  Italy vacations of, 18–19, 102, 206, 262–63, 277

  Kennedy funeral columns by 72–80

  mail received by, 4–5, 132, 138, 154, 156, 157, 167, 207, 218, 278–79, 281–82, 284–86

  parties of, 32–34, 140

  prodigious output of, 268

  profiles of, 35–37, 169

  romantic relationships of, 1, 11, 15, 19–21, 27, 29, 36, 38–39, 54, 58–59, 89, 97–99, 115–17, 129–30, 132, 190, 203–4

  single life of, 130, 215, 217, 239, 269

  smoking quit by, 227, 269

  strokes suffered by, 281–82, 285–90

  syndication of column of, 35, 37, 38

  tax audits of, 147–48, 156

  tributes received by, 289–90

  volunteerism and charitable contributions of, 147–48, 206, 250, 255–56; see also St. Ann’s Infant and Maternity Home

  writing style of, 159–60

  McGrory, Mary Catherine (mother), 8–11, 13, 19, 68, 214

  death of, 139

  McGrory, Polly (niece), 97, 98, 117, 140

  McGrory, Ted (nephew), 140, 286

  McIlwain, William F., 194–96

  McKelway, John, 156–58, 264, 269

  McKenna, Steven, 238

  McKinney, Joan, 226

  McLaughlin, John, 212

  McLaughlin, Marya, 116

  McLellan, Diana, 166

  McNamara, Robert, 72

  Matthews, Chris, 248

  Meese, Ed, 198, 208

  Meet the Press, 254

  McGrory on, 270

  Miller, Ernie, 191–92, 277

  Minot, George, 12, 34–35

  Mitchell, Andrea, 191

  Mitchell, John, 150

  Mixner, David, 116, 122, 124, 134–35, 185

  in meeting with Ehrlichman, 132–34

  in meeting with Kissinger, 136–37

  Mondale, Walter F. “Fritz,” 179, 209–10, 213–15

  Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam, 134–35

  Morgan, Edward, 40, 138

  Moyers, Bill, 86–87

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 69, 74, 95

  Ms., 169

  Mudd, Roger, 5, 31, 188, 264

  Munro, J. Richard, 194–95

  Murphy, Josephine, 184, 229–31, 254, 255, 290

  Murrow, Edward R., 7

  Muskie, Ed, 148

  Nashua Telegraph, 188

  National Press Club, 34, 179, 264–67

  National Public Radio, 201

  National Women’s Political Caucus, 143

  Neeson, Liam, 248

  Newman, Paul, 155, 248

  Newsweek, 37, 111, 180, 208

  New York Daily News, 196, 253

  New Yorker, 270

  New York Herald Tribune, 35

  New York Post, 88, 97, 98, 169

  New York Times, 35, 36, 38, 144, 158, 201, 206, 220, 236, 248, 260

  Pentagon Papers and, 146

  Reston’s offer to McGrory to work at, 17–18

  New York Times Book Review, 12–13

  Nicaragua, 219–21

  Nixon, Richard, 30, 39, 41, 85, 92, 99, 131–32, 141, 142, 145–46, 149, 151, 153, 154–63, 173, 197, 211, 212, 240, 271, 279

  in California gubernatorial election, 64–67

  elected president, 128–29

  enemies list of, 146–48, 155–58, 168, 226, 251, 264

  first press conference of, 131

  Ford’s pardoning of, 163

  Gridiron Club and, 226

  Kennedy and, 49, 50

  at King’s funeral, 118, 146

  and McGrory’s column on crime, 131, 142

  McGrory’s “exit snarling” column on, 65, 67, 100, 159

  Pentagon Papers and, 146

  in presidential election of 1960, 48–52

  in presidential election of 1968, 99–100, 105–6, 109–10, 124, 128

  in presidential election of 1972, 146, 148, 150–52

  presidential inauguration of, 131

  reelection of, 154, 173

  resignation of, 161, 164

  at Star owners’ lunches, 105–6, 141–42

  Vietnam and, 110, 132, 133, 135, 137, 143, 152

  Watergate and, 149–50, 154–55, 158–60

  White House tapes and, 158, 160

  Nolan, Martin, 86

  North, Oliver L., 219–21, 243, 283

  Northern Ireland, 205, 246–48, 290

  Novak, Robert, 148–49

  Noyes, Beppie, 234–35

  Noyes, Crosby S. (brother of Newbold), 24–25

  Noyes, Crosby S. (great-grandfather of Newbold), 13–14

  Noyes, Newbold “Newby,” 1–5, 16–18, 22, 24, 35, 37–38, 68, 73, 94, 138–39, 141, 142, 164, 193, 198, 234–35, 266

  death of, 266, 269

  retirement of, 165

  Noyes, Tommy, 16, 24, 93, 105, 113–14, 229

  Noyes family, 13, 16

  nuclear weapons, 69, 208

  antinuclear movement, 207–9, 216–17

  Soviet Union and, 208–9, 215–16

  Oates, Marylouise, 134

  O’Brien, Larry, 72, 82

  O’Connor, Brian, 256

  O’Donnell, Kenny, 53, 62, 72, 74, 104–5

  Oklahoma City bombing, 252, 253

  Oliphant, Pat, 167

  Oliphant, Tom, 7

  Olympic Games, 150–51

  Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 50, 52, 56, 81, 83, 93, 168

  JFK’s assassination and, 72, 73, 75, 77–79, 83

  O’Neill, Mike, 196

  O’Neill, Owen, 84

  O’Neill, Thomas, 246

  O’Neill, Tip, 180, 192, 219

  in commercials, 219

  death of, 246

  Operation Desert Storm, 231–32

  O’Rourke, Larry, 226

  O’Sullivan, John, 132–34

  Palestine Liberation Organization, 150–51

  Patriot Act, 280

  Paul VI, Pope, 183, 185

  Pentagon Papers, 146

  Peretz, Marty, 111–12

  Perot, Ross, 239–42

  Philip, Prince, 78

  Poindexter, John, 220

  Poland, 228

  Powell, Colin, 232, 283–85

  Powers, Dave, 72

  Powers, William, 263

  presidential elections:

  of 1956, 22–30

  of 1960, 39–52

  of 1964, 84–93

  of 1968, 108–29

  of 1972, 146, 148–53, 173

  of 1976, 172–76

  of 1980, 187–90

  of 1984, 213–15

  of 1988, 221–25

  of 1992, 235–42

  of 1996, 257–59

  of 2000, 271–75

  Pulitzer Prize, 7, 18, 23, 66, 79, 202

  McGrory’s winning of, 167–69

  Purdum, Todd, 162

  Pyle, Ernie, 37

  Quayle, Dan, 223–24

  Quindlen, Anna, 289

  Quinn, Sally, 166

  Rabin, Yitzhak, 253

  Radcliffe College, 11

  Ramsbotham, Peter, 179

  Rather, Dan, 23

  Reagan, Nancy, 189, 229

  Reagan, Ronald, 100, 110, 173–76, 191–92, 198, 201, 203, 207–16, 218, 224, 226, 227, 240, 246

  Alzheimer’s Disease of, 219

  assassination attempt on, 192

  charitable contributions of, 205–6

  elected president, 190

  Iran-contra scandal and, 219–21

  McGrory’s description of, 209

in presidential election of 1980, 188–90

  in presidential election of 1984, 213–15, 221

  press conferences of, 205–6, 209

  reelection of, 215

  Soviet Union and, 210, 214, 216

  Redford, Robert, 167

  Reedy, George, 90

  Reluctant Hussy (Burke), 13

  Republican National Conventions:

  of 1964, 85

  of 1968, 124

  of 1976, 175–76

  of 1992, 240–41

  of 2000, 274

  Reston, James “Scotty,” 17–18, 35, 36, 58, 169

  Ribicoff, Abe, 125

  Rispoli, Vito, 19–21

  Robert F. Kennedy Lifetime Achievement Award in Journalism, 251

  Roberts, Cokie, 98, 145, 200

  Robertson, Nan, 34

  Robertson, Pat, 222

  Rockefeller, Nelson, 41, 71, 84, 110

  Rodino, Peter, 161

  Roe v. Wade, 176

  Rollins, Ed, 210

  Romero, Oscar, 256

  Romney, George, 71, 100, 109–10

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 66, 251

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 82, 244, 251–52

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 244

  Rostropowicz (Clark), Joanna, 98–99, 106, 269

  Rubin, Jamie, 248

  Russert, Tim, 254, 258–59, 263, 270

  Sadat, Anwar, 185

  Saddam Hussein, 231–32, 283, 284

  Safire, William, 147

  St. Ann’s Infant and Maternity Home, 15–16, 29, 36, 67, 97, 98, 130, 147–48, 169–72, 184, 204, 229–30, 250, 268

  Clintons and, 254–55

  Mary Gloria Room at, 255–56

  McGrory’s stroke and, 290

  RFK and, 67–68, 79–80, 170

  White House Christmas celebration and, 254–55

  St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 168

  Saint Patrick’s Day, 84, 247–48, 285

  St. Petersburg Times, 277

  Sakharov, Andrei, 216

  Salinger, Pierre, 51

  Salvation Army, 191–92

  Sandbrook, Dominic, 116

  Saturday Evening Post, 36

  Scalia, Antonin, 275

  Schiff, Dorothy, 88, 97

  Schine, David, 6

  Schlesinger, Arthur, 276

  School of the Americas, 256

  Schorr, Daniel, 146, 155

  Schumacher, David, 121

  Seagraves, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, 251

  Seigenthaler, John, 55, 60, 103–4, 114, 123

  September 11 attacks, 277–81, 284

  Sevareid, Eric, 25

  Shannon, Elizabeth, 9, 91, 144–45, 188

  Shannon, William, 144–45, 181

  Shaw, Bernard, 224

  Shays, Chris, 262

  Shepley, James, 179–81, 186, 193

  Shields, Mark, 8–9, 33, 229, 289

  Shultz, George, 222, 241

  Shuman, Howard, 5


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