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Destiny Undone 3

Page 4

by Heartley, Amanda

  I drove to Pascal’s and pulled into one of the six parking spots in front of the store. It was one of the most exclusive jewelry shops in Destiny Beach and they often had some amazing pieces made by their own craftsmen. I strolled through the huge glass doors into the store and headed straight for the earrings and necklaces. An assistant offered me a bottle of sparkling water, but I wasn’t thirsty so I politely declined and asked him to show me their latest designs. I wasn’t impressed with what I saw and despite his best efforts to sell me something, I left fifteen minutes later. That had been a big disappointment and I hoped it wasn’t a sign of things to come. I needed a good gift, a special gift for my wayward friend.

  I visited a couple more shops but I couldn’t find anything that I thought Aven would like, then at the very last store in this dinky outside mall, I stumbled across a pair of baby blue Bulgari sunglasses with diamond-encrusted arms. Oh, yes, those screamed Aven! The clerk put them in a pretty bag for me and that little problem was solved. Next on the list was my nail appointment. I hadn’t had them done in so long—not since before I started diving with the dolphins—and apparently, my stunt at Sea Lab was the hot topic of discussion when I entered the spa that morning.

  I was greeted by my usual manicurist, Suzanne, and she welcomed me in with a big, beaming smile. “There’s our dolphin girl! You look great, Miss Anderson! Your tan is amazing. Come on back. I’m all ready for you.”

  I waved at a few of the regulars as I walked through the salon and answered all of Suzanne’s questions. Evidently, I’d made the news and everyone was amazed at how I’d turned my life around.

  “That’s so great!” she said. “Weren’t you afraid?”

  “Not really. Maybe a little at first, but Singh is so gentle. If you know anyone who loves dolphins, make sure they go by Sea Lab to see him. He’s always there on display in his tank. You can walk down a little path and watch him through the glass as well.”

  “Oh, how fun! I’ll tell my sister—she has a bunch of kids who’d probably love to see him. Now, does everyone get to ride him?”

  I laughed. “No, only the trainers get to do that. He’s kind of particular about who rides him, but there are so many other activities for the kids to do. I’m sure they’d love it.”

  “So, hidden talents, Pepper? Very nice.” Then we chit-chatted while she finished my manicure and pedicure, and soon I was back on the road to meet Aven at her house. I thought it was unusual for her to have a low-key birthday party, but maybe this was her way of turning over a new leaf. We weren’t kids anymore, after all.

  Aven lived in the guesthouse of her parents’ sprawling beach property. It had fantastic interior design with its tall, vaulted ceilings, huge windows looking out to the ocean and tons of cool amenities, like a fitness tidal pool, sauna and a spa room that almost everyone who saw it tried to copy. Aven waited for me in the circular driveway and waved furiously at me when I arrived, with a big smile on her face. That was nice to see.

  I parked the car, picked up my bags from the passenger seat and stepped out as she ran bare-footed towards me. “Pepper! I’m so glad to see you! It’s been so long. I’m so sorry for being such a jerk! Please forgive me.”

  “Of course I forgive you. You’re my bestie. Now give me a hug, birthday girl.” And she wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed me tight.

  “Come inside! Is that for me?”

  “Hey! Oh, my God! You are just like Charlotte’s chihuahua! Calm down!” Still I hugged her back and she kissed my cheek. “Yes, this is for you—but you can’t have it until you let me in the house.”

  “Come on, then! I’ve got a fantastic cake just for us. It’s from Peabody’s, so you know it’s perfection on a plate!”

  Arm in arm, we went inside and I walked with Aven to her kitchen. My heart simply melted when I saw her table beautifully decorated with two place settings—one for me, and one for her. She had a goofy tiara set on each plate and she’d bought me a gift, too. Now I really did want to cry.

  “Aven. It’s your birthday, and you did all this? Thank you so much for inviting me. I’ve really missed you.”

  “I missed you, too, and I was an ass. I know I was, but I didn’t know how to apologize. Come on, help me cut this cake! It has ridiculous candy diamonds on it and I can’t wait to tell you everything.”

  “I have a few things to tell you, too, but it’s your birthday so open your gift first!”

  “Take my picture!” I picked up my phone and snapped an endless amount of photos of her holding the bag, opening the bag, trying on the shades and she obviously loved them. “Oh, my God! These look fab on me! How did you know I wanted these Bulgari’s?” She padded over to my chair and hugged me. “Let’s put on our tiaras and eat some cake!” I did as I was told and dug into the cake. She wasn’t joking—it was wonderful.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t have a party this year. I mean, that’s not the Aven I know. I thought for sure you’d have something going on. What happened? You can’t be depressed about being over twenty-one?”

  “No way, sugar! I know I’m young…and hot!” She laughed, and dipped her finger in the icing and sucked it off. “But I’m dating someone who doesn’t need the headlines and he’s asked me to stay out of the front page, so I am trying to behave. I noticed you’ve been a good girl, too.”

  “Don’t change the subject. So, who is he? I take it he’s nobody we both know.” I didn’t want to mention Church, but he’d been the main source of contention between us—at least for the past six months It was no secret that my friend had a big-time crush on that roguish millionaire, but I was happy with Gabe and anyway, after I’d caught him with Evangeline, she could have him.

  “No, I don’t think you know him. His name is Dominic LaTrelle—he plays number seventeen for the Alabama Crimson Tide.”

  “Oh, my gosh! Really? I had no idea, Aven.”

  “He’s amazing, and so smart. I mean, when he’s done playing ball he plans on going into sports medicine. He’s not a big party person, but everyone knows him. I think he’s the one, Pepper. I really do.”

  “How does he feel? Has he said the ‘L’ word yet?”

  “No, but neither have I. I want him to say it first and I think he will. He tells me I’m his ‘beautiful bird’—whatever that means. I’m okay with that, though. He did mention about us getting matching tattoos, though, like Kanye and Kim. Or maybe it was Beyonce and her guy? I can’t remember. I keep putting him off, though, because you know Daddy will lose his mind if I get a tattoo.”

  Aven’s dad was from Jordan and although he wasn’t super radical in his ideas about women, he didn’t go for piercings and tattoos. Strangely enough, Aven didn’t even have pierced ears, but I knew for a fact she’d snuck around and gotten her navel pierced, although she chickened out and let it heal up. No way was Aven getting a tat.

  “Yeah, your dad would totally lose it if you did that. It does seem kind of premature to be getting a permanent tattoo, though. Does he have a bunch of them or something?”

  “No, just one that has his kid’s name on it. It’s on his right arm.”

  “He has a kid?” I ate some more cake, unable to resist the delicious flavor.

  “Yes, but he rarely gets to see him. It’s kind of sad. I got the idea that the child’s mother wants to keep him away. Why, I don’t know. Parents do weird stuff, don’t they?”

  I laughed and cracked open a bottle of water. “They do indeed, and you’ll never believe what I just found out.” I told her the whole story, and she listened like a good friend would. And like a good friend, she completely understood and I felt so relieved.

  “That’s a crappy thing to do. What did your parents say?”

  “Dad says he loves me and that he always will, no matter what. He says that I’m his daughter, regardless of what a DNA test says. Evangeline is her usual crazy self.”

  “I would think no less of Doug. He’s an awesome father. I’m kind of jealous.”

No reason to be. You’ve got a pretty cool Dad, except for his dislike for tats and piercings.”

  We talked a little more and then she brought up the subject of Jonathan Church.

  “Pepper, I am so sorry again about what happened with Church. Here’s the thing, when you and him fell out, he’d call me and when you were mad at him, he’d come talk to me. I realize I was a fool to think that he really liked me—I should have known he was a liar and a cheat and I feel so silly now.”

  “Forget it, Aven. That’s all history now. I’ve moved on, and I guess he has, too.”

  “Well, I remember the rule you and I made a long time ago, to never date the same guy, and I know that I broke that rule. It was a rotten thing to do. I feel so bad.”

  “I forgive you, Aven. I understand what it’s like to be confused by feelings and Jonathan is very good at manipulating people. I’m sorry if he lied to you or played with your feelings. You deserve better than that so I’m glad you met Dominick. You seem so happy now. Forget about Church. I’m crazy about Gabe and Church is old news. Please, let it go. I have.”

  “You are so awesome, Pepper. I don’t deserve a good friend like you. To be fair, though, I really do think Church was crazy about you in his own, selfish way—and kind of obsessed. He really liked you, but I’m glad you’re done with him.”

  “Church was wild and fun, but he’s not healthy for me. I know that now.” I couldn’t help but smile when I thought about Gabe and how things had turned out.

  “That’s good to hear.” She cut another piece of cake and slid it towards me. “Wait a minute! What aren’t you telling me about Gabe? The hottie from the party, right? Have you kissed him? Oh, my God, Pepper, have you done it?” I pretended I didn’t hear her and continued to devour the cake.

  “Mmm…this cake is delicious!” I said.

  “No, no, no! You’re not getting away with that. Now you have to tell me everything… and I want all the deets!”

  Between bites of cake, a glass of wine and numerous selfies, I told her everything about me and Gabe then Aven took a few minutes to Skype with Dominick so I got to meet him, sort of. I liked him and he sure seemed to like Aven. It was just like old times and a few hours later, I left feeling good again about our friendship.

  As I drove home, I thought about Gabe and looked at my watch. He should be home by now so I decided to surprise him. His home was only ten minutes away, and I had nothing else to do so maybe I could cook him some dinner. I zipped down the highway and pulled into his driveway. I didn’t see his car, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t here. His place was huge with a row of garages for all their cars, so his could be in any one of them.

  I slid my glasses up to the top of my head and grabbed my purse. I was so glad that I’d taken the time to get my mani and pedi today. I rang the doorbell and waited with a smile on my face. The big, white door opened and an older, attractive woman stood there.

  “Hello, can I help you?” Who was she? The housekeeper?

  “Hi, I’m here to see Gabe. Is he home?”

  “No, I’m afraid he isn’t. I’m his mother.” Her eyes assessed me, and somehow I felt like she was judging me. “Can I help you with something?”

  “Um, no. Not really. I just wanted to see Gabe, that’s all. I’m Pepper.” I extended my hand, but she didn’t accept it and I’d never felt so embarrassed in all my life. Naturally, my smile faded from my face. What do I do now? Walk away and ignore her? This was Gabe’s mom!

  She gave me a fake smile through her taupe lipstick. She was a young-looking woman, but her voice was hoarse and kind of sexy, in a deep voice sort of way.

  “You just missed him. I think Sophie picked him up, though, if that’s why you are here. Would you like me to call him to make sure?”

  I stepped back off the step. “N-no, that’s okay. It can wait. It wasn’t really important.”

  “Pepper, did you say? You’re that celebrity heiress, aren’t you? The same one who went swimming in the fountain just a few months ago and went to a party where everyone danced naked?”

  “That’s not quite accurate. You can’t believe everything you read, uhm…Mrs. Gregory. I’ve been known to go for a swim occasionally, but I don’t think of myself as a celebrity. And yes, my name is Pepper. Pepper Anderson.”

  “Pepper…that’s right! I remember seeing your picture in the paper. Gabe and I were just talking about you this afternoon.”

  “You were?”

  “Yes, he said you’re an interesting young woman. Seems you made quite an impression on him.”

  “Really?” I had no idea what kind of impression I was making on her, but it didn’t seem like it was a good one and pretty soon, I was left with no doubt about what she thought of me.

  “I hope you aren’t planning anymore photo shoots, at least not with my son. As his mother, I wouldn’t want to see him land on the front page of any of the rag magazines. He’s doing important work, you know. Well, I guess you do. You’ve been working with him, haven’t you?”

  “Um, yes, I have,” was all I could come up with in reply. This is his mother? What was I supposed to say now? “Well, okay. Thanks anyway,” I said and my heart sunk in my stomach. She closed the door without a goodbye or anything, and I climbed back into my car and slid my glasses down over my eyes. My heart hurt like hell and I drove away feeling like some part of me had just died—the part that held my hope.

  Yeah, that had been a hope-crushing conversation, if I’d ever had one. Oh, well, I could take the hint. No need to tell Pepper Anderson twice. I would step out of the picture like the lady I was. Whether Mrs. Gregory believed it or not—I was a lady. All the way!

  Chapter Five — Gabe

  What a great meeting I’d had at Sea Crest! Patricia Clark and I had worked out the logistics, but I’d left the details up to her. For Sea Lab’s part, we’d agreed to foot the bill and I had no problems with that—that’s why we’d had the fundraiser. Thankfully, I think we had everything covered.

  Dad had offered to pick me up from the airport but I wasn’t that tired. However, just ten minutes after I’d left the terminal, I felt the inevitable jet lag creep up on me, so I cruised through Starbucks for a quick pick-me-up and drove home.

  I really wanted to talk to Pepper. I’d left so quickly that I didn’t have time to contact her before my trip. Well, I guess I could have, but things had moved pretty fast between us and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing for me, or not. I knew I definitely liked her, but I didn’t want to move too fast and ruin everything before it had really gotten started. The ‘I love you’s’ had thrown me for a loop, but God knows, I always had a hard time keeping my hands off of her.

  I thought again about the weird encounter I’d had with Sophie before I left for California. She’d stopped by the house, apparently to pick up something from Mom and I knew from my earlier conversation with my mother that she and Mom had been chatting about me. I instantly felt uncomfortable about that, but I took her lead and treated her like the friend she’d always been since we were kids.

  Sophie had looked a million bucks, of course, and I wondered if she’d ever looked bad even one day in her life? Probably not. She’d worn her dark hair in a bun on top of her head with wisps of hair hanging around her forehead and above her ears. She’d worn a fitted, red dress that looked both professional and sexy, but to me, she’d always be a friend. I’d felt guilty at the time, but I couldn’t hide my feelings. Yes, it was Pepper that I wanted. Not Sophie.

  After saying goodbye to my parents, I’d rolled my suitcase out of the house when Sophie had followed me, shouting goodbye to Mom.

  “Hey, you need a ride to the airport?”

  “No, I think I’ll drive. I’ll only be gone for one night so it’s no bother.”

  “Gabe, I don’t mind driving you.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I’m good. I’ve only got about an hour before I have to get there, though, so I need to get going.”

  “Oh, I see. Is this ho
w it’s going to be?” Sophie opened her car door and tossed her red purse on the seat.

  Did I want to do this right now? No, but it appeared that I had no choice. “What are you talking about Sophie?”

  “This would go much quicker if you cut the bull, Gabe.” She leaned against her car with her arms crossed. “You know I’m talking about me and you.”

  “Come on, Sofe. There’s not been a ‘me and you’ in a very long time and even then, it was never a sure thing. I’m not sure what you want from me. Why the sudden interest in me?”

  “I thought the wanting was mutual, Gabe, but I guess then there really is nothing to talk about.”

  I sighed, “What do you want me to say? I’m not good at guessing games.”

  “If you have to guess, then I don’t want you to say anything.” Her sad smile let me know that I’d given her an answer she didn’t want to hear, and then she’d gotten into her car and driven away. I’d headed to the airport, wondering what was going on with her. In all the years Sophie and I had known each other, she hadn’t indicated that she’d held a torch for me and now, all of a sudden, she did? Maybe I’d been that stupid? That was a possibility—understanding women had never been my strong suit. I was much better equipped at understanding the ecology of the Gulf of Mexico. I hoped that I hadn’t lost a friend since I cared about Sophie a lot, just not in the way she wanted.

  When I arrived home, I called Pepper again and got her voicemail. I wondered what she’d be doing and I’d honestly missed her. I was happy to find the house empty so I could relax without any conversation. I drug my suitcase upstairs and left it in the middle of the floor then kicked off my shoes and climbed onto bed fully-clothed. I needed a nap.


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