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Control Us (Next Generation Book 1)

Page 4

by J. M. Walker

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m not complaining,” I confessed.

  His dark eyes twinkled.

  “But…I should go.” As much as I didn’t want to, I also didn’t want to make out with him in his car.

  “That’s a good idea.” He glanced in the back seat. “Especially before I do something we’ll regret.”

  I laughed lightly. “I don’t think either of us would regret that.”

  A slow grin spread on his face. “True.” He brought my hand back up to his mouth. “Chat later?”

  “Yes,” I breathed. “Definitely later.”

  “Have a good evening, Moonbeam.”

  I leaned toward him and placed a soft peck on his cheek. “Thank you, Zach.” Before I changed my mind, I quickly left the vehicle and headed home.



  My lips still tingled from the kiss Luna and I had shared. It had been the first time I had felt her lips on mine and I wanted more. Fuck, did I ever want more. But I knew she was a virgin. I also knew that she didn’t date. Hell, I wasn’t sure if she ever even had a boyfriend. The idea that she was completely innocent stirred something feral inside of me. I wanted to show her, to teach her. I wanted to use her body to make both of us feel good.

  Once Luna left the vehicle, I waited, watching her walk up the sidewalk to her house. I hadn’t parked in front of her place, knowing there would be people watching. It was hard to keep anything private amongst our group of friends.

  I slowly drove toward Luna’s house and once I saw her slip through the doors, I was about to drive away when a tap on the window stopped me.

  Ashton stood on the other side, motioning for me to roll down the window.

  I did and put the car into park. “Hey, Ashton. What’s up?”

  “You’re not coming to the party?” he asked, leaning his arm on the hood of my car.

  “Party? I didn’t know there was one.” I wasn’t overly surprised that Luna never mentioned it. She was usually holed up in her room whenever her roommates had people over.

  “Yeah, this one was last minute. Not a lot of people. More like a get-together, I guess. Gigi said we’ve all been working hard and just wanted to have some friends over.” He shrugged. “I just go with the flow and besides, the girls have some hot friends.”

  I chuckled, shutting the car off. “I was going to go home but I can stay.”

  “Good.” He pulled away from the car and leaned against the hood. “How was your date?”

  “It wasn’t a date,” I told him, really wishing people would mind their own business.

  “It wasn’t?” Ashton raised an eyebrow. “Did you pick her up? Was there dinner? Did you drive her home and kiss her goodnight?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I told him. I loved the guy like a brother but right now, he was starting to piss me off.

  “Right,” he said slowly. “The girls talk. You should know that. They helped Luna get ready.”

  “It still wasn’t a date,” I said, even though I knew it actually was. But whatever was going on between Luna and I, I wanted to keep it to myself for now.

  “Alright.” He clapped my shoulder. “Then if it wasn’t a date, you wouldn’t mind if I set you up with someone.”

  I stopped walking. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Even if there wasn’t anything going on with Luna, I still wouldn’t agree to Ashton setting me with God only knew who. “Not interested.” I shrugged him off.

  “Why not? You’re single, are you not?”

  “Still not interested.” My friends had been trying to set me up for a while. At first, I didn’t want a relationship. It had never been my thing. Only because I had never found that one person I wanted to spend time with. I tried convincing myself that there was a person out there for me when really, she had been in front of me the whole damn time.

  Luna got beneath my skin and that kiss sealed the deal. She would be mine.

  “She’s a good girl, Zach,” Ashton continued. “She’s not one of these girls that you keep diving between.”

  “I don’t do that shit anymore,” I mumbled, not that he would believe me anyway.

  “Right,” he repeated.

  My blood burned through me, my hands clenching into fists. I loved him but right now, I really wanted to smash my fist into his face.

  I shoved my hands in my pockets. “If she’s so great, why don’t you date her then?”

  “Because.” He didn’t say anymore on the subject, but I knew. Ashton and his twin brother had been sharing another one of our friends. But I wasn’t sure if that had been a one-time thing or not. “Besides, she would be perfect for you,” he added. “She’s taking over her daddy’s business when he retires.”

  “Why, Ashton?” I stopped at the base of the steps leading to the house that Luna shared with a couple of our friends. “I never pegged you for a gossip.”

  Ashton rolled his eyes. “I’m not gossiping. I’m stating facts. Listen, one date. That’s all I’m asking.”

  The answer was still no but I was curious. “Why?”

  “I’m being nice, alright?” He shrugged. “Even if you end up just being friends, you can never have too many of those you know.”

  “How do you know her?”

  “She volunteers at The Dove Project every now and again,” Ashton explained. “We told her about you and she’s happy to go on a date.”

  “You told her about me?” Fuck, I did not need this right now. If she volunteered at the center, Luna must have known her.

  “It’s just one date, Zach.” Ashton clapped my shoulder. “It’s not like there’s anyone else you’re interested in, is there?”

  “No one I can have anyway,” I muttered.

  “Exactly. See? What are friends for?” Ashton winked.

  Aiden took that moment to join us. “What’s my brother going on about now?” The twins weren’t identical, but you could still tell they were brothers by their blond hair and big builds. With their matching piercing blue eyes, they both looked at me like I was a lost little puppy.

  “He’s trying to set me up on a date,” I told Aiden.

  “Ah.” Aiden smiled. “Yes. Clara’s looking forward to meeting you.”

  I sighed. “I’m not going on a date. With anyone.”

  “Listen.” Aiden placed both his hands on my shoulders and turned me toward him. “I know you like Luna. You don’t have to confirm either way but I’m not stupid. I also know that her father is the reason you haven’t made a move. I’m sure there’s something else holding you back as well but I know that Stone is a big reason. I get it. But I also know that you want something. Anything. Maybe trying something that’s not within our circle would be better for you.”

  My stomach clenched. “I hate that you can read me so well.” But there was no way I could do that to Luna. I could be an asshole but dating someone else after kissing her would surely prove to her father that I was not good enough for her. I didn’t need that.

  “Call it a special talent.” Aiden gave my shoulders a squeeze before he let me go. “One date, Zach.”

  “The answer is no. I’m not dating another woman when I went out on a date with the actual woman that I want tonight. It’s not happening.” My mouth snapped shut. I never expected to admit that Luna and I went out on a date. At least not to my friends.

  Ashton’s brows narrowed.

  Aiden smirked. “Well it’s about time that you admit there’s something there.”

  “I…” I shook my head. “I didn’t admit to anything.”

  “You admitted that tonight was a date. Good.” Aiden released me and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “You are confusing as hell,” I mumbled.

  Aiden chuckled but still, Ashton never said anything. Was he hoping that I would agree to the date? Either way, it didn’t matter what he was hoping for.

  Luna was mine .


  LATER THAT EVENING, I was carrying a tray of
drinks out to the back deck. Our parents had joined us early on and would leave before the night was over, allowing us ‘kids’ some time to ourselves. Much to our fathers’ dismay of course. They liked to stay behind and throw their weight around, thinking the guys would leave because of the big bad daddies. But it never worked.

  “Hey, piccola .”

  I spun at the sound of my own father’s voice, my smile widening when my gaze landed on his face. “Hi, Daddy”.

  “How’s my girl doing?” He wrapped me in a hug, placing a soft kiss on my head.

  “Good. Trying to be social even though I’d rather be reading right now.” I caught sight of two other girls I had come to know through Gigi. They were giggling and talking amongst themselves. They pointed our way every so often. My father had that effect on women. He was tatted up and big. Girls liked that thing it seemed.

  I only laughed, shaking my head.

  “What is it?” he asked, looking around us. “Something wrong?”

  “No.” I patted his arm gently. “You worry way too much. All of you do.”

  “It’s our job,” he grumbled. “Gigi sure knows how to throw a party. I don’t even know half these people. I’m not sure I like that fact.”

  “This isn’t a party.” There were a few other people that we had come to know from living in the same neighborhood or going to school together, but the party wasn’t as big as it used to be.

  “Oh, this is nothing.” I told my father. “Wait until you guys leave.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

  “Alright, my love.” My stepmom, Creena, came up beside us. “Leave her alone. She’s an adult and is old enough to take care of herself. Remember?”

  My dad rolled his eyes which was an odd movement for someone so big. Even though they were now in their fifties, you couldn’t tell. Mom was Japanese and hardly aged a day since I was a little girl. And my dad was Italian and still grumpy as hell.

  “Doesn’t matter how old she is.” Dad scowled. “She could be fifty and I’d still beat any fucker who touches her.”

  “That’s why I won’t tell you.” I winked.

  His jaw ticked, his face reddening.

  I laughed, patting his arm. “I’m kidding.” I stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek, his graying beard tickling my lips.

  “You girls are going to force me into an early grave,” he grumbled, grabbing his wife’s hand. He leaned down to her ear and whispered something only she could hear.

  She choked on a laugh, her cheeks going pink.

  I giggled, shaking my head. My parents inspired me. All of the parents did. Us kids didn’t know their whole life story. We weren’t allowed to know as they wanted to protect us, but I knew they had worked hard for their love. That was what I wanted. Someone to love me like my dad loved my mom.

  My real mom died when I was a baby, but Creena was everything I could ask for in a motherly figure. It was amusing when I introduced her as my mother, and we looked nothing alike. Seeing as I was Italian, and she was Japanese. The looks we got were highly worth it.

  My dad gave me another hug. “Just be careful. I don’t want to go to jail for murder if I find out some fucker touched you.”

  “I’ll behave,” I reassured him. “I promise.”

  “Good girl.” He pulled back. “We’re going to head out early. Your brother’s here so keep an eye out on each other. Alright?”

  “We will.” My brother was nineteen and had my dad’s temper running through him. If anything happened to me, no one would know about it because the culprit would be dead.

  Mom pulled me into her arms. “You be careful but also not too careful. You are allowed some fun. You don’t do it much.”

  “I know.”

  “I hear Zach will be showing up.” She held me at arm’s length and gave me a wink.

  “Really?” I thought he was leaving after dropping me off.

  “Yeah.” She smiled. “He was talking to Ashton and Aiden outside as your father and I showed up.”

  “Oh.” My cheeks burned. “That’s nice.”

  She laughed. “We’ll talk later.”

  “I look forward to it.” And I did. Talking to her was like talking to a best friend but with her being more experienced and older, it helped whenever I needed advice. When it came to Zach though, I imagined I would be needing that advice sometime very soon.

  When my parents left, I went back to serving the rest of the drinks.

  “Did you hear that Zach’s going on a date?” someone whispered.

  My hackles rose, my back stiffening.

  “Really? I thought he just went out with Luna tonight,” someone else responded.

  I casually handed out drinks, trying to keep within earshot without looking too noticeable.

  “I guess that wasn’t a date,” the first person said.

  “Wow. Poor girl.”

  My cheeks burned, shame weighing heavily on my shoulders that I thought something was finally happening between Zach and I.

  He was going on a date? How could he do this to me? And after we had just gone out for dinner and shared a kiss. My lips tingled, remembering his mouth on mine.

  I ran my fingers along my lips, wondering what his deal was. He was known to be a player, never settling down for anything other than casual sex. But I never questioned him about it. We were best friends but that was a subject I didn’t feel I had any right talking to him about. I also didn’t want to know how many notches he had on his bedpost.

  After I finished serving the rest of the drinks, I brought the tray into the house. When I headed back outside, I was stopped short by Zach standing with the twins.

  He was beautiful. His hair was more unkempt than when I left him not even an hour before. He had been running his fingers through it. I knew because I had seen him do it whenever he was stressed. What was he stressed about this time? Work? His upcoming date?

  Blood burned through me. Did I have a right to be upset? Yes, yes I did. My parents had taught me not to let a guy use me. I was stronger than that. Although a part of me wanted to stomp over to him and demand what the hell he was thinking, I wouldn’t. No. I would make him come to me. My mother taught me that as well.

  “If a guy pisses you off or hurts you in any way, don’t you dare go crawling back to him.”

  I stared at my stepmom with wide eyes. “Why not?”

  “Because if he cares, if he actually cares about you, he’ll come crawling to you, Luna. Make him work for your heart.”

  Mom was right. But hearing that Zach was going on a date, still hurt.

  Zach’s dark eyes caught mine. He nodded once. The movement had been so sudden, I wasn’t sure if I saw him do it. Lifting his hand, he brushed his fingers along his mouth.

  My heart stuttered, my skin breaking out into a sheen of sweat. Even though he was going on a date, I knew, I knew to the marrow of my soul, that he wanted me.

  “Luna.” Gigi came up to my side. “You okay?”

  “I overheard someone saying that Zach’s going on a date.” I shook my head. “Did you know?”

  “Really?” Gigi’s eyes widened. “No, I had no idea. But you guys just went—”

  “Yeah, I know,” I mumbled.

  “Wow.” She paused. “I know that Zach has a messy past with women, but I never thought he would do this to you.”

  I swallowed hard, the backs of my eyes prickling with tears. Clearing my throat, I stood up taller, refusing to let it show that he got to me.

  “Do I have a right to be upset?” I asked her, needing reassurance that I wasn’t overreacting.

  “Of course.” Gigi shook her head. “Girl, could you imagine if a guy did this to Meadow?”

  I laughed. “He’d wake up with no dick.”

  “Exactly.” Her gaze softened, her shoulders dropping. “If you need to talk, I’m always here.”

  “I know.” I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, giving her a hard hug. “I love you.”

  She laugh
ed lightly. “I love you too.”

  Gigi released me, her eyes scanning the small crowd. “I’m going to go get drunk.”

  “Have fun.” I sighed, wishing I could do the same. Not that I couldn’t, it just wasn’t what I wanted to do. No. I wanted him . Even though I knew I shouldn’t and that he didn’t deserve it.

  Heading to the patio set, I slumped onto an empty chair and waited. It took every fiber of my being not to go up to him and demand to know why he would go on a date with another woman after taking me out for dinner.

  “Let him come to you.”

  My stepmom’s words bounced in my head. I would listen to her, even though it was hard as hell.

  Zach stood off to the side. He was quiet and brooding. Always watching what was going on around him which was something he did quite often. He kept on high alert. I also noticed how he always faced people, never keeping his back to them if he could help it.

  My stomach clenched, wondering what that was about but fearing the answer just the same.

  Zach had taken off the suit jacket, leaving him in a white dress shirt and black dress pants. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, making the tan in his skin become more pronounced. He had also removed the blood red tie, leaving the top three buttons open.

  He caught my gaze.

  I glared at him.

  He raised an eyebrow.

  My body buzzed, my heart picking up speed with each passing second that ticked by. My mouth tingled, remembering full well what his lips felt like pressed against mine.

  Crossing my arms under my chest, I lifted my chin defiantly.

  His mouth twitched, pulling up into a smirk.

  Shaking my head, my palms tingled, itching to slap that smirk right off his face. Cocky fucker.

  “Hey, Luna.”

  I jumped, the back of my neck heating as Ashton sat down beside me.

  “How’s it going?”

  “Not too bad. You?” I was thankful for the distraction, knowing full well that Zach and I would eventually get caught eye-fucking each other across the backyard.

  “Oh, you know, living the dream.” He stretched his long legs out in front of him, resting his arm across the back of the couch behind me.


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