Control Us (Next Generation Book 1)

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Control Us (Next Generation Book 1) Page 23

by J. M. Walker

  She huffed. “Fine. It does bother me alright? I don’t want Meadow to get hurt. I don’t understand casual sex. I just don’t get it. I know it happens. I know it can happen where people have sex and move on, but I personally don’t get it. And Ashton is a player. You’ve seen the countless women he’s been through.”

  “Come here.” I reached out for her.

  “I have to finish getting ready,” she mumbled.

  “Luna,” I demanded. “Come here.”

  She huffed again, slid into her bra, did up the back, and made her way toward me. “What?”

  Moving to the edge of the bed, I circled my arms around her waist. Placing a soft peck between her breasts, I inhaled the faint scent of sex on her skin.

  “Zach,” she whispered, running her fingers through my hair.

  “Casual sex is sometimes easier. Maybe Meadow’s been hurt in the past and can’t handle anything more right now. Maybe Piper broke Ashton’s heart, even though I know he would never admit to it.” I leaned back, looking up at Luna. “Maybe they both just want to feel something other than loneliness.”

  Luna chewed her bottom lip. “You think they’re lonely?”

  I shrugged. “I know before you, casual sex was all that I could handle. I know you don’t want to hear it and I know your heart is too damn big for casual. That’s what I love about you. You told me that you were in love with me long before I manned up and admitted that I was in love with you too. And, Luna, you didn’t care that I never said it back. So, while our sex wasn’t casual, you’re not like most women out there either. Because most would have demanded to hear it in return.”

  “I’m really…I just…I didn’t want to put pressure on you. I also didn’t want you to say it when you didn’t mean it because what’s the point in that?”

  “You’re fucking incredible.” I pulled her onto my lap. “You know that right?”

  She laughed lightly. “I’m really not.” She squirmed in my arms. “I need to get ready.”

  “You will.” I kissed her throat. “But this outfit is doing something funny to me.”

  “It’s not an outfit,” she said breathlessly.

  “Hmm…” I inched a finger beneath the thin strap on her shoulder and pulled it down her arm. “You’re so fucking perfect.” I licked along her throat, fisted a hand in her hair, and just held her. Touched her. Kissed her. Enjoyed her. There were so many things we had to talk about still, but I didn’t want to.

  “Zach,” Luna whispered, pushing her fingers through my hair.

  “Yeah?” I kissed her chin.

  “I love you.” Her dark eyes met mine. They were wild, filled with lust, and took my breath away.

  “I love you too, Moonbeam.” But as much as I wanted to continue this, she was right. She did need to get ready. I needed her all to myself for dinner but after, we could hang out with our friends at the bar. Until then, she was mine.

  Luna placed a soft peck on my lips. “I should get ready.”

  “You should.” Although I said the words, I couldn’t find it in myself to release her.

  She laughed lightly. “Zach, I really should.”

  I tightened my hold on her and sunk my teeth into the top of her breast.

  She gasped, her head falling back.

  A hard knock suddenly sounded on the door. “What the fuck are you doing to my daughter?”



  I remembered those words like I had only screamed them yesterday. I didn’t remember what caused me to say them. But as I stared my father down, with his face red and his hands gripping the door frame like he was the Hulk, I had a feeling those words would be screamed. Again. And soon.

  “Stone, what are you doing?” Mom came up to him, glanced into my bedroom and found me wrapped in Zach’s arms. “Shit,” she muttered. “Stone, let’s go.” She grabbed his arm, trying to pull him away.

  He shoved her off of him. “I asked you a question,” he said, the venom in his voice sending a nervous flutter racing through me.

  I pulled the bra strap back up my arm and cowered against Zach.

  “Let’s go, Stone, so she can get dressed.” Mom tugged on his arm again. “Stone, now .”

  He finally looked at her, back at us. “You have one minute,” he barked, slamming the door closed, sucking all the air from my lungs.


  I ignored Zach and slid off his lap. Quickly slipping into a black dress, I turned away from him. “Zip me up?”

  “Of course,” he murmured, stepping up behind me. His fingers grazed up my spine as he did up the zipper. “Luna, we need to talk about this.”

  “I—” The door opened again, revealing— “Okay, I’ve had enough of this shit.” I spun on my father. Thankfully Mom was standing behind him. She mouthed a sorry but seeing her gave me all the courage I needed to continue. “Daddy, I love you but you’re being unreasonable. I’m not a child.”

  “I come in here and find you naked with him,” he bit out through clenched teeth.

  “I wasn’t naked, and haven’t you ever heard of knocking?” I threw back at him. “I’m also a damn adult. Do you remember the conversation we had when I was a little girl? How you told me that you wanted me to be happy? How you couldn’t wait for the day to see your little girl grow up into the woman you hoped I could be. You also told me that you wished mom could see me because you were so damn proud of me.”

  Dad looked away.

  “Do you remember that?” I demanded. “I asked you a question,” I cried, stomping my foot.

  “Yes.” His eyes shot to mine. “Yes, I remember that.”

  “Well I am happy. He makes me happy,” I said thrusting my arm out in Zach’s direction.

  “Piccola ,” my father said gently.

  “No.” I raised a hand. “I’m done. Either you support us or you don’t, but I’m sick of you invading my space.” I stepped up to Zach and stood in front of him. “I don’t know what you’re thinking but Zach won’t hurt me. You’re not going to lose me like you lost Mom.”

  He flinched.

  “She’s right, Stone,” my stepmom said gently. “You know she’s right.”

  He looked back at her before glancing our way.

  “I want to ask you a question,” Zach finally said amidst all of this chaos. “If I was anyone else, would you approve of this?”

  “Yes,” my dad blurted.

  I gasped.

  Zach stood there, stock-still but no emotion displayed on his face.

  “Stone.” Mom shook her head, her eyes wide.

  I swallowed hard. “So you will never approve of this,” I said, even though I already knew the answer.

  “No.” Dad turned around and left my room.

  “Luna. I had no idea. I’ll talk to him. This isn’t right.” Mom gave me a quick hug. “I like you for her,” she told Zach. “And I know Stone can be difficult. I don’t know what his deal is, but I’ll get it out of him.” She touched his arm, giving it a gentle squeeze then rushed out of my room.

  Once Zach and I were alone, I made my way to the door and quietly closed it. Turning around, I leaned against it and let out a slow breath.

  Zach’s eyes met mine from across the room.

  I looked away. I couldn’t handle seeing the pain etched on his face. Or the questions hidden behind his eyes. I didn’t know what to do.

  Warm, strong arms wrapped around me.

  A soft sob escaped me. I latched on to Zach, pulling him hard against me. “I…”

  “Shhh…” He held me, rubbing his hand in circles on my upper back. “I love you, Luna,” he said.

  I braced myself for the but .

  He leaned back and cupped my face. “I hope you know that.”

  I nodded, swallowing hard. “I do.”

  “But as much as I love you, I won’t make you choose between me and your father,” he said, his voice rough.

  “No. I’m not…that won’t happen.” I shook my head, cove
ring his hand that was still on my cheek.

  “Baby,” he said gently. “I’ll step aside.”

  “No,” I cried, circling my hands in his jacket. “Don’t say that shit to me. My dad will get over this…whatever it is. He has to. I can’t…I refuse to lose you when I only just found you.”

  “You’ve never had to find me, Luna.” Zach placed a soft peck on my forehead. “I’ve always been here. I’m sorry for pushing you away.”

  “You’ve stopped,” I reminded him.

  “I have but I refuse to sneak around. And I can’t go around worrying that he’s going to gut me like a pig because I touch the woman that I’m in love with.”

  I leaned my forehead against his chest. “I feel like this is it. That we’re breaking up all because my dad is an asshole. You finally let me in and now this. I don’t know what his problem is.”

  “He has his reasons, Moonbeam.” Zach cupped my nape. “I don’t know what they are but…”

  “We can ask him.” I looked up at him.

  “I think you already know.” Zach paused. “You’re the one who said that you wouldn’t leave him like your real mom did.”

  I looked away. “He doesn’t like talking about her.” A revelation dawned on me. Could that be why my dad had an issue with me dating? “That doesn’t make sense though. It has nothing to do with you.”

  “I know, Luna.” He kissed the top of my head. “I’ll go so you can—”

  “No, please, Zach.” I snaked my arms around his neck. “Don’t leave.”

  “I’m not.” He cupped my forearms, running his hands up and down them. “I’m just going to leave your room, so you can finish getting ready.”

  “Oh…” I breathed out a sigh of relief. “You know, I don’t even know why my parents are here in the first place.”

  “Did you have something planned tonight with them that you forgot about?” Zach asked, releasing me.

  “No.” I let out a hard sigh. I stood on tiptoes and placed a soft peck on his cheek. “I love you.”



  When I left Luna’s room, I closed the door gently behind me, and blew out a slow breath.


  I turned, finding Meadow and Ashton coming toward me.

  “What’s going on?” Meadow asked, frowning. “We heard yelling.”

  “I think you should go in there and talk to Luna,” I told her.

  “Oh, shit. Okay.” She placed her hand on the doorknob before turning back to us. “I’ll see you guys later for drinks?”

  “Oh yeah,” I mumbled, heading down the hallway to the living room. When I stepped into the open space, I saw Creena and Stone outside talking to Aiden and Asher, the twins’ dad. Why were they even here?


  I turned, finding Ashton coming toward me. “Not now.” I couldn’t deal with his shit. Not tonight. Because I knew that if he said something, my fist would land against his face before I could stop myself.

  “No, listen. I’m sorry.”

  I stopped. “Why?”

  He chuckled, running a hand over his head. “I get it now. I’m a dick. Alright? I know that. But I get it. You and Luna. You’re meant to be. There’s a spark there that even I can see, and I’ve sworn off love completely. Anyway.” He shook his head. “What I’m saying is, fight for her.”

  “What do you think I’m fucking doing?” But was I really? I ignored that thought and headed into the kitchen with Ashton hot on my trails.

  “Zach, I know I’ve given you shit over Luna, but I love you both. You’re fucking family. And if you don’t end up together, how do the rest of us have any hope?” Instead of waiting for me to answer, he left the kitchen and headed out into the backyard.

  It made me feel like a child. That same boy that spent weeks on end locked up in that small dark room. For years, I was told I was worthless. That I wouldn’t amount to anything. That I couldn’t be the man a wife needed. For Luna, I could be that man. I was that man. But then why, after everything, after all that we had been through, why did I still feel so damn worthless. That I wasn’t good enough for her. She was close. Too close. And I didn’t know how to take it. I loved her. I loved her with every inch of me but that same love, scared the shit out of me. I didn’t want to get hurt. And if anyone could destroy me, it would be her.

  Stone caught my gaze. He continued talking but his eyes never left mine.

  I had dealt with a lot. Could bring businessmen more powerful than me to their knees, but one look from the father of the woman that I was in love with and it sent a tremor of fear down my spine.

  I didn’t know what Stone had done for a living while he was in the navy. All I knew was that he was into some hard shit before he met Creena and Luna’s mom lost her life because of it. Could that be why? Could that be the reason he didn’t want me with his daughter?

  I didn’t know and a part of me was even scared to ask.

  My phone vibrated suddenly.

  I reached into my pocket and fished it out, thankful for the distraction from the man currently plotting my death.

  Clara: Hey! I hope your dad is well. Also, would you and Luna like to go out for dinner with me?

  Me: That sounds like a wonderful plan. Double date?

  Clara: No. That ship has sailed. Do people even say that anymore? Lol! Anyway, it would just be me.

  I softly chuckled.

  Me: That—

  “My daughter has been the only one to ever put that smile on your face. Who are you texting, Zach?”

  My body twitched, my blood pounding in my ears. I looked up and put my phone away, meeting the eyes of my maker.

  “What are you accusing me of?” I asked Stone. I respected the hell out of the guy but this shit with Luna was getting old. Real fast.

  “I’m not sure yet.” He crossed his thick tattooed arms over his chest.

  “Why are you even here?” I blurted before I could stop myself. “You guys never come over unannounced.”

  Stone took a step toward me. “Prove to me that you’re good enough for my daughter,” he said, ignoring me.

  My eyes widened. “What? How the hell can I do that when you keep barging into our business?”

  “Stop being a fucking pussy, Zach,” Stone bit out through clenched teeth. “Prove it.”


  He stopped, glancing over his shoulder.

  I looked past him and found Luna standing there, along with everyone else.

  “I think you should leave,” she said softly.

  “Piccola , I just want what’s best for you.” He reached out for her, but she stepped back.

  “How can you know what’s best for me when you won’t even let me figure that out on my own?” She shook her head. “Why are you here?” she asked. “Were you hoping to catch us?”

  “What?” Stone looked between us both. “No.”

  “Then tell me, why are you here?” Luna demanded.

  “He’s here because I was hoping he would apologize,” Creena said. “He actually told me he would. But apparently my husband lied to me.” Her face hardened.

  Stone looked away. “I—”

  Luna’s shoulders slumped. “Leave. Just leave. Please.”

  “Come, Stone.” Creena held out her hand.

  Stone hesitated but like any good man, he listened to the woman in his life and did as he was told. He took his wife’s hand, letting her lead him away but not before I caught a look in his dark eyes. Sadness? Guilt? Who fucking knew anymore? But what I did know was that I had to make a decision.

  Even if Luna ended up hating me for it, this would be for her. Always for her. There could be no other way.

  “Prove to me that you’re good enough for my daughter.”

  How the hell could I do that when I didn’t even believe it myself?



  Once my parents were finally gone, I stepped up to Zach. Placing my hands on his chest, I stood on tiptoes
to kiss his cheek when he grabbed my wrists and pushed me back.

  My eyes widened. “Zach.”

  “I need some time. I think we’re going to have to postpone our date.” Although the words left his mouth, he never looked me square in the eye.

  “No,” I gasped. “Please. You can’t do this. You can’t listen to my father.”

  Zach grabbed my arm and pulled me against him in a rough move. “He’s right, Luna,” he murmured into my hair. “He’s always been right. I’m not good enough for you. I never have been, and I never will be. I think you…I…fuck…” His body shook. “I can’t do this. Not with you. I can’t lose you but I…”

  “You can’t have me either. Why?”

  “It’ll break me if you hurt me.”

  I leaned back, staring up at him. “You think I’ll hurt you?”

  “You can find someone else,” he murmured, ignoring my question.

  “No.” I cupped his nape. “I don’t want anyone else.”

  “You need to move on,” he said, his voice flat.

  “I…I can’t believe this. After everything.” I was vaguely aware that we weren’t alone. That our friends were in the living room, but I didn’t care. “Please, Zach. We can work through this.”

  He looked at me then, his eyes cold. “No.”

  That one word ripped my heart in half, and I knew right then that because of my father, because Zach was terrified to let me into his heart, this was it. I had lost him, and I had no idea if I would ever get him back.


  “LUNA.” I GRABBED HER hands and pushed her back gently. “I’ll never love anyone else.” I cupped her face.

  Tears streamed down her cheeks. “God, I can’t…this hurts.”

  Seeing her cry tore at my heart. It shredded into a million little pieces. And I knew it right then. If we never came out of this, if we never found our way back to each other, she would be my greatest accomplishment.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  “Don’t.” She pushed me. “You can’t say that shit to me.”


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