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Happy Place

Page 6

by L. P. Maxa

  The moment Declan came up next to us Wyllie lunged for him. Well, there went that plan.

  Dec grabbed his son and threw him up in the air, causing him to squeal in delight. “Hey, Wild Man, did you have fun with Gigi and Papa? Did you slide?” He cradled Wyllie back to his chest and then hugged each of his parents in turn.

  Mrs. Preston rubbed a hand over Wyllie’s hair. “When did you get into town, Declan? I thought you were coming straight to the house?”

  Declan nodded. “I was, but I ran into Cassie at the airport.”

  I knew both our families probably assumed we’d both just flown into town today. Declan’s parents came over and hugged me as well. “It’s so good to see you, Cassie. Wyllie has gotten so big over the last month.”

  I chuckled. “I know. I swear he gets bigger every day. And he’s learning so much. If you blink, you just might miss something.” Declan cleared his throat and shot me a loaded look. Oh, right. Declan had missed it all up until this point. Because of me and my lies. I took a cleansing breath. “Actually we have something that we need to talk to y’all about.”

  My mom looked concerned. “Okay, darling, why don’t we go into the sitting room?”

  En masse, we moved down the hall. Declan and I stood in the front of the room, by the fireplace. The mantle was overflowing with beautifully framed pictures of Wyllie and was decorated with more lighted garland that had ornate glass deer ornaments placed throughout. The breakables stayed high out of Wyllie’s reach.

  Declan’s parents sat on one couch, mine on the other. I looked over at the gorgeous man beside me, holding our son, who was reaching for the decorations he knew he couldn’t play with. Dec nodded, urging me to get it all out.

  “I don’t really know how to tell you guys this. I should have said something so long ago.” Declan put his arm around me and Wyllie played with my hair. These two men next to me, I loved them both, so fiercely. “Declan is Wyllie’s father.”

  Declan’s parents rose to their feet. His mom looked at me, so much hurt in her eyes. “I knew it. I knew he looked like Declan. Cassie, how could you?”

  My own mom was shaking her head in disappointment. “Cassandra, darling, why lie? Why keep this a secret for so long?”

  “I don’t have a good answer for you, for any of you. All I can say is that I thought I was doing what was best for me and Wyllie. I always planned on telling Declan. I never wanted to keep them apart. I never wanted to deny anyone the chance to know him, to love him. I was scared. I thought I was guarding us both from heartache.” That all came out in a rush, and I needed to take a deep breath. “But I was wrong, and I will never be able to apologize enough. I’m so sorry.”

  No one said anything. All eyes turned to Dec, waiting for his reaction.

  “I ran into Cassie at the airport yesterday, I met Wyllie. She told me I was his father, and we spent last night talking.” Declan kissed Wyllie’s cheek. “I am so in love with my son. I understand why Cassie did what she did. I don’t like it, but I understand it.” He pulled me close to him. “I won’t hold it against her, and I don’t want anyone else to either. It’s time to do what’s best for Wyllie, and what’s best for Wyllie is to move forward. To be a real family now.”

  Mrs. Preston came over to her son, and placed a sweet kiss on her grandson’s head. “I’m a grandma.” Tears filled her eyes and she wiped them away, smiling. “Connor, get over here and meet your grandson.”

  Mr. Preston rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face gave away his happiness. “Gale, I’ve known Wyllie since he was a month old. And I’ve known he was my grandson from the first picture I saw of him.” Mrs. Preston’s eyes widened. “Declan told me he had dinner with Cassie in Florida before he left for London. I did the math. How the rest of you couldn’t put two and two together, I’ll never know.” He reached up and took Wyllie from Declan. “Isn’t that right, my little Wild Man?” Mr. Preston looked over at me and winked. “I figured you had your reasons, sweetheart.”

  Growing up, Declan’s father had been quiet, reserved, and stoic even. When I was younger, I was almost afraid to bother him. But now, as an adult I saw him differently. He was watching us, always observing, taking it all in.

  I kissed Mr. Preston’s cheek then grabbed Declan’s phone out of his pocket. “Let me get a picture, three generations of Preston men.” I ignored my mom and Mrs. Preston, who had both started to cry. All three boys looked over at me, grinning from ear to ear.

  I took a step back, trying to get them all in the frame. My dad placed his arm around my shoulder and gave me a squeeze. “I’m so sorry, Dad.”

  “We’re all at fault here to some degree, darling. Connor could have mentioned Wylder to Declan. Your mother and I could have pushed you to tell us who the father was. In the end, things happen for a reason. You can’t go back. No use trying.”

  Everyone spent the next hour gathered around Wyllie. I was overwhelmed by everyone’s reaction. I’d done a selfish thing, and I didn’t deserve their forgiveness or acceptance. Declan was being so understanding, so calm. Which made me feel even worse for what I’d done.

  “Cassandra, darling, are you going to Nicole’s annual Christmas Cookie soiree? The invitation got sent here. We can watch Wylder; you and Declan should go. Go see some of your old friends.” Leave it to my mother; Wyllie has two more grandparents vying for his time, so let’s get rid of his parents for the evening.

  I glanced over at Dec. His nose was wrinkled and he was shaking his head. “I take it you don’t want to go to Nicole’s annual Christmas Cookie soiree?”

  He made a disgusted face. “Is Nicole the one who—”

  I held up my hand to stop whatever inappropriate thing he was about to ask. “Yes.”

  “Why would we want to go to that? I don’t like your friends and neither do you for that matter. Plus, I’d rather stay home and hang out with Wyllie.” Declan reached for his son but his mother spun away from him like she played offense for the Cowboys.

  “No, honey, you should go.” Mrs. Preston looked at my mom for backup. Good choice, my mother was much better at manipulation. “And you really shouldn’t talk about your friends that way. It’s in bad taste.”

  “You kids go, call a car service. Dance, drink.” My mother turned to Declan’s and mumbled, “Make us another grandbaby.” Both women startled to giggle.

  Declan looked at me, puzzled. “Did she just say what I think she said?”

  My dad let out a deep laugh, “You two do make a beautiful baby.” He came up and kissed my forehead. “Go have some fun, sweetheart.”


  Our parents all but forced us to go to this party. Declan and I were both upstairs in my room getting ready. My parents also insisted that we share a room. When we tried to explain to them that we weren’t together, that we weren’t dating, they ignored us. My mom made some excuse about it just being easier that way in case Wyllie needed something. Liar. My mother has never come to me in the middle of the night to ask for help with Wyllie.

  “I really don’t want to go to this party, Cass. Coke whores, liars, incestual weirdos. Your friends are the worst.”

  I threw a pillow at his head. “Call Brice and ask if he’s going. Maybe some of your friends will be there too.” Not that his and Brice’s friends were any better in the whore department.

  He picked up his phone, dialed Brice and put the phone on speaker.


  “Hey, man, what are you doing tonight?” Dec fastened the necklace I was holding around my neck.

  “Oh, the usual. Drinks, sex…why?”

  Dec rolled his eyes. “I think Cass and I are going to stop by Nicole’s party for a while, come with us.”

  “That does not sound like a good time, bro.”

  Declan cocked his head to the side. “Remember that time your sister gave birth to my child and you didn’t tell me?”

  Brice groaned on the other end of the line. “How long are you going to hold that against me?”<
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  “Until Wyllie’s eighteenth birthday.”

  “Fine, I’ll go. Douche.”

  Dec smiled in victory. “We’re getting a car service, we’ll pick you up in an hour.”

  Chapter Twelve


  I had no idea how I was going to make it through the night without pushing Cassie up against a wall and having my way with her. She looked smokin’ hot. Tight edgy leather leggings, a loose-fitting gray sweater that kept falling off one beautiful shoulder. Her hair was piled-on-head messy and perfect all at the same time, and her six-inch heels screamed, “Fuck me.”

  Cassie’s friends would never wear something like that. Her loose sweater and leather pants were too rock-and-roll for them. Those bitches were little cougars in training. Before long all of them would be banging their landscapers and trainers. They were always in short cocktail dresses even in the dead of winter. They dressed to impress, at all times, because they were always on the prowl.

  I tore my gaze away from Cassie when Brice got in the car. He looked pissed. “Can you tell me again why we’re going to this stupid party?”

  Cassie reapplied her lip gloss, which made my mouth water. “The invitation got sent to the house and Mom’s making us.”

  Brice touched his chin, pensive. “Mom’s making you go to your friend’s party? Are you a grown-up? Or are you a twelve-year-old?”

  After Cassie explained the events of the day, Brice chuckled. “They didn’t care if y’all went to this ridiculous party, they just wanted you out of the house. Why don’t we just blow this thing off and go get some drinks instead?”

  Cassie clapped her hands quietly. “Ooooooo yeah. Let’s do that.”

  I shook my head. “As much as I don’t want to go, I think the party is a good idea.” After I’d thrown a mini temper tantrum about having to go, I’d realized that we could use this little outing to our advantage. “My mom is not going to be quiet about the fact that she has a grandson. She’s going to be shouting it from the rooftops of every luncheon and charity event she attends. We might as well just get in front of this.”

  “Get in front of this? What am I supposed to say? Oh, uh, so I got pregnant by my lifelong crush and I just now told him, but he doesn’t hate me and I’m not a pathetic loser.” Cassie shook her head, causing her subtle perfume to waft around me. “I can’t do this.”

  I jerked back like I’d been slapped. “Your lifelong crush?” I knew she’d liked me when we were kids, and then in Florida she’d really liked me. But had it been a constant thing?

  Brice rolled his eyes, ignoring me. “Are you kidding me? Look, you don’t have to make a big announcement. Go in there and act natural. When they ask about Wyllie, let Declan answer.” He looked over at me. “Just talk about him like he’s your son.”

  “He is my son.”

  Cassie bit at her thumbnail. “I can’t do this, I should’ve had a drink before we left the house. Those girls are going to eat me alive. They sense weakness.”

  “Here you go, little sis, I got ya covered.” Brice pulled a leather-tooled flask out of his pocket and slapped her finger away from her mouth as he handed it to her. “And since when are you weak? You are one of the strongest chicks I know. Man up.”

  The car slowed to a stop a few moments later. Cassie looked around, confused. “Wait. Why are we stopping already? Is something wrong with the car?”

  Brice peered out the dark tinted window. “No, we’re here. Nicole and her husband only live a few houses down from me.” The house we stopped in front of looked brand-new and somewhat out of place in the older affluent neighborhood. They must have torn down the original house. Pity. I was such a fan of making the old new again. I hated teardowns.

  Cassie leaned forward and placed her hand on our driver’s shoulder. “I am so sorry, sir, if I’d have known how close these last two stops were, I would have made my lazy brother meet us there.” I smiled, she was so damn sweet.

  Brice made a face. “Cassie, he doesn’t care if he makes ten stops or two, he’s still getting paid.”

  She whispered back. “Don’t talk about him like’s not here.” None of us made any move to get out of the car. Cassie took another sip of the flask before handing it back to her brother. “You live down the street and you weren’t planning on coming to her party?”

  “God no. I don’t like Nicole or her husband, who by the way looks waaaaaay too much like her brother.” Brice took a pull and then handed it to me. “I live on the ‘M’ streets because they are close to all the good bars and restaurants and a great investment. Nicole lives on the ‘M’ streets because she’s trying to seem rich and trendy at the same time. We aren’t particularly neighborly.”

  I looked over at Cass. “All right, princess, take one more sip and then it’s time to go.” She did what I said, but then I had to all but shove her out of the car.

  Walking up to the house, she seemed pale and shaky. She looked like a little lamb going to slaughter. This wasn’t right. Cassie was strong and happy, and she needed to walk into that house with confidence. I grabbed her arm, whirled her around and put my hands on her face. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and take her back to the car and pay the driver to take a walk.

  “You did it, Cass, you did it all. You broke away from your family and you made your own choices. You made a good life for yourself, a great life for our son. You are an amazing mother and you’re fucking sexy as hell.” I reached behind her and slapped her ass, causing her to jump in surprise. “Now go in there, and show those catty bitches who is boss.” She smiled up at me, so beautiful my heart skipped a beat.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Thanks to Declan’s little pep talk and ass slap, I walked into the house feeling pretty damn good about myself. That was, up until I heard my old girlfriends squeal my name like we were still in varsity cheer. And Brice veered off in one direction and Dec in another. “Where are y’all going? Declan Wylder Preston, I thought you said you’d be by my side.”

  He turned to me with a smug smile. “Oh I have every intention of being by your side, eventually. Payback’s a bitch, princess.”

  I shot a death glare at his retreating back. All at once I was enveloped in a suffocating cloud of perfume and hair spray. “Cassandra. It’s been ages, what have you been up to?” I hadn’t seen them since before I hooked up with Declan in Florida. And I hadn’t missed them. Not once.

  Ugh. “Oh you know, just busy with my son. I opened my own store down in Seaside. Just l-i-v-i-n’…” The expressions on their faces told me that my new hippie stance on life wasn’t impressive. These girls thrived on drama and money. My quaint little bookstore and beach life would never seem appealing to them.

  Nicole wore a dramatic pout…well, as much of a pout as she could manage with her lip implants. “Let me tell you, we have all been so worried about you, darling.”

  Could they just leave it at that? Just concern for an old friend? Of course not.

  “First Steven calls off your wedding, then you end up pregnant from a one-night stand? And now, a working single mother to a fatherless son.” Amber put her hand on my arm; her long talon fingernails grossed me out.

  Are you mothereffin’ kidding me? They were making my life sound like a made-for-TV movie. And a bad one at that. “Well, actually, I called off our wedding, not Steven. And my son is not fatherless. Declan is Wyllie’s father.”

  Then Racheal, dipshit number three, piped up. “Declan? Didn’t he move to Europe? Oh you poor little thing, he found out you were pregnant and then left anyway. How tragic.”

  How I should have reacted: calm yet contrite. Yes, Declan has been living in London for the last two years. But I just recently told him about Wyllie. It’s been a tough couple of days, but we’ve come together as a little family and he is so in love with our child.

  How I actually reacted: letting out a high faker-than-fake tinkling laugh that I hadn’t heard come out of my mouth in over
two damn years. “Oh don’t be silly. Declan and I have been together since that first night. We just thought it would be tacky to rub our blossoming family in Steven’s face. He did move to London for a while. It wasn’t easy but we made it work. He’s the best father, we’re so lucky.”

  Nicole glanced down at my bare ring finger. “Together for two years? With a child? And no proposal? How could he do that to you?”

  I looked across the room and saw Dec standing at the bar; he had a scotch in one hand and a glass of wine for me in the other. He was going to shoot me. I’d already turned his world upside down…and I was about to do it again. But I couldn’t stop the words from coming out of my mouth. I just couldn’t.

  “We’re engaged, have been for over a year now. He popped the question right after Wyllie was born. Uh, it was our first night home together as a family. He filled the house with flowers and candles, and got down on one knee. It was so romantic.”

  Again she looked down at my ring finger. “Really? When’s the wedding, darling?”

  Could this hole get any freaking deeper? Sure it could, watch. “Well, you didn’t hear this from me, my mother would just kill me for ruining the surprise…but her annual Christmas Eve party is actually our wedding.” Oh. My. God. The lies were just flowing like wine. I knew I shouldn’t be but I was kind of impressed with myself. Maybe I needed to see a therapist? Had I always lied like this?

  “Oh, a surprise wedding. That is so in right now. Don’t you worry your pretty little head for just one minute—our lips are sealed. We are so happy for you, Cassandra, aren’t we, girls?”

  They answered in sync. “So happy.”

  I wanted to vomit. Had I been like that? Had I been dipshit number four? I would like to think that I’d always found them gross and fake. Well, better late than never, right?

  Of course Dec picked that moment to walk up. He handed me a glass of chilled white wine. I slipped my hand around his waist. “There you are, sweetheart.” Out of the corner of my eye I could see him staring down at me, wearing a confused smile.


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