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The Sheikh King's Ward (Halabi Sheikhs Book 1)

Page 8

by Leslie North

  “Of course, miss.”

  Bas was lurking around the dayroom when Fiona made her appearance. His brows drew together as he caught sight of her attire, jeans and a loose tunic, entirely inappropriate for palace wear, but she hadn’t bothered to change. Not for Rashid. Fiona avoided his eye, afraid he might guess her intentions. She wanted a quiet exit when the time came, no angry confrontations. No chance for either of them to say anything they couldn’t take back.

  Rashid rose as she entered, beaming from ear to ear. Fiona found herself smiling back, swept up in his good spirits. She stood on tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek, and she thought she heard Bas snort behind her, a low sound of displeasure.

  “It’s good to see you again,” she said. “How’s your mother?”

  “Oh, well, persistent.” He pulled a face. “Shall we go?”

  “Yes, let’s. It’s a beautiful day.” Fiona led the way to the gardens, relieved when Bas didn’t follow. She made her way down the steps and past the fountain. “I take it you’re not here in pursuit of my heart?”

  Rashid laughed. “Heaven forbid.” He flapped his hands. “Not that you aren’t charming. But, you know…”

  “Believe me, I do.” She led him under the trees, where the shade was cool and pleasant. “It’s all so boring, isn’t it? The parties, the dinners, the endless, awkward small talk…”

  “Last week, I met this music major. She brought her laptop, and we spend our whole date watching YouTube clips of shopping malls.”

  “Shopping malls?”

  “Mm-hm.” Rashid huffed laughter. “It’s this new thing in music, like…mall noises mixed with electronic tracks, all set to videos of abandoned shopping centers.”


  “You’re asking me?” Rashid caught her arm, a sudden grin lighting up his face. “Hey, want to try something fun?”

  “Does it involve a shopping mall?”

  “I promise you it does not.” He gestured past the stables, where the hills shimmered in the heat. “I heard there’s a lookout point past the flame trees, way up in those peaks. You can see all the way down the coast on a clear day, maybe to the lighthouse. Want to go?”

  Fiona’s breath caught in her throat. The lighthouse was right near her house. She’d often walked to it as a child, brought a picnic to eat on the beach. It would be wonderful to see it again, even for a moment. “How would we get up there, though? Bas said the trails don’t go that high.”

  “We’d climb, of course.” Rashid winked, all confidence. “Don’t worry. I’m an expert. I wouldn’t let you slip.”

  “You’d better not.” She picked up her pace, laughing. “I’ll haunt you if I die. Follow you up Everest, all woo-woo in your ear.”

  “Oh, I’m not doing that anymore.” He made a pouting face. “I looked it up. You were right about the garbage. I might as well climb a landfill. So I’m getting a boat instead. Sailing around the world.”

  “Better avoid the South Pacific, then.”

  “Don’t tell me there’s garbage there, too?”

  “A whole raft of it.” Fiona broke into a trot, laughing at Rashid’s indignation. “Don’t worry, though. I’ll be up to my ears in it, too. I’ll be working my way up at some auction house, going on coffee runs, dreaming of handling the art.”

  “Maybe I’ll see you some day. I’ll be bidding, you’ll be selling, and we’ll laugh at all this, how desperate we were to be free.”

  “I hope so. I really do.” Fiona unlatched the gate, and together, they fled the palace grounds.

  Fiona clung to a tough little bush, willing herself not to look down. The path was hardly a path, up this high, just a narrow strip of rock overlooking a steep hillside. A fall wouldn’t be fatal, but it would certainly be uncomfortable, and she didn’t much care for the idea of sliding down on her backside, maybe getting a scorpion down her pants.

  “Give me your hand.” Rashid reached for her. Fiona closed her eyes and took his hand.

  “Now, slide your foot forward—your left foot, right there.”

  Fiona swallowed. Moving would mean letting go, stepping out into the unknown, and she wasn’t sure Rashid could hold her if she fell. She might pull him down with her, and they’d both get stung by scorpions, maybe bump their heads.

  “It’s okay,” he said. “If you slip, there’s a tree right there. You’ve got to look down.”

  Fiona cracked her eyes open. Rashid was right. An acacia tree stood maybe six feet down, clinging to the hill at an angle. Its branches formed a net, plenty to grab at. She was in no real danger, but her heart raced all the same.

  “On three, okay? One…two…”

  “Three!” Fiona slid forward, and it wasn’t so bad. The ground held firm beneath her, and she dropped Rashid’s hand with a whoop. “Ha! Made it. Where now?”

  “Now, we scramble up here, and we’re safe.” Rashid clambered up the incline, spidering from foothold to foothold. He made it look easy, but when Fiona followed, she found herself slipping. Pebbles broke loose in her wake and went rattling down the slope.

  “Grab that root there.”

  Fiona grabbed for it, missed, and flopped flat on her belly. Rashid laughed, and that lit a fire in her. She kicked furiously at the dirt, propelling herself over the top in a cloud of dust.

  “Quit cackling. I made it, didn’t I?”

  Rashid ran his sleeve over his brow. “You might want to wipe your face.”

  “Maybe after I…” The words died on her lips as Fiona straightened up. The sea hadn’t felt so close since Bas had plucked her from home. The coast arrowed north beyond the port, and she shouted as she spotted the lighthouse, a shimmering white column in the distance.

  “Good, isn’t it?”

  “That’s an understatement.” She did a slow turn, laughing with delight. “Bas would have a conniption if he could see me right now, all sweaty and covered in dirt.”

  “I mean, you’re meant to climb up, not crawl up.”

  Fiona shoved him lightly. “Easy for you to say.” She stretched out her arms and inhaled the sea breeze. When she closed her eyes, it felt like home, right down to the smell of warm kelp. She half-expected to open her eyes and find herself on her own terrace, and this all a dream.

  “We should probably head back,” said Rashid. “I underestimated your butterfingers. It’s three o’clock already.”

  “Excuse you. How quick were you, your first time?” She turned and looked back the way they’d come, and her heart jumped into her throat. It hadn’t seemed so bad on the way up, looking up instead of down, but from this angle, the drop seemed precipitous. “I’m not sure I can do that in reverse,” she said. “We should take the long way.”

  Rashid glanced to the west, where the hill had a gentler slope. He scoffed. “Seriously? That’d take all night. And weren’t you looking for adventure? Where’s the excitement in that?”

  Fiona thought she’d had about all the excitement she could handle, not to mention more than her fair share of dirt, but Rashid was dancing from foot to foot, the picture of impatience. And Bas might have something to say if she was out till the wee hours with a man she wasn’t betrothed to. She had a bad feeling about this, but what choice did she have?

  “All right,” she said. “Here goes nothing.”


  The balcony was deserted when Bas arrived, the table set for two, but no Fiona. His brows drew together—what was she playing at now? He’d been quite clear in his summons. He waved the housekeeper over with a frown.

  “Where’s Miss Nadide? I gave instructions that she join me.”

  “My apologies, Your Majesty. We thought she was with you.”

  “What? Why would I call for her if she was with me?” He rushed to the railing, alarm bells ringing in his head. It was dark out already, the sunset a red line along the horizon. “Who is she with, then? Who chaperoned her on her walk?”

  “You did, Your Majesty—didn’t you?”

  “No. No, I…” He’d
meant to, of course, but then she’d gone and kissed Rashid—just a friendly peck, but he’d nearly snapped the boy’s neck on the spot. He’d stormed off with every intention of sending someone in his place, but Yasir had waylaid him in the cloister, and after that—

  It didn’t matter. He’d let himself be distracted, and now Fiona was missing.

  “Find them,” he growled. He strode forth himself, his pace slowing as he realized he had no idea where to look. This was Edlyn all over again, one thoughtless moment, and it all flew apart. Bas caught himself on the wall as a wave of lightheadedness overtook him. He closed his eyes and saw Fiona pale and bloody, shattered on the rocks. It would be just like her to propose a ride, just like Rashid to agree to it, and he’d kill that boy when he caught him, rip his guts out through his throat.

  Bas made a strangled sound. This was getting him nowhere. He steeled himself and waved a guard over. “Report.”

  “Miss Nadide isn’t in the palace. We’re still searching the gardens, but that will take time.”

  “Have you checked the stables?”

  “We have, Your Majesty. All the horses are accounted for.”

  Bas massaged his temples, fighting a headache. Maybe she’d simply run away, had her fill of his bullying and fled. “Has anyone checked her room?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. There’s a suitcase half-packed on the bed, but nothing is missing.”

  “Keep looking,” he said. “Get a party in the hills—a helicopter, as well. Leave no stone unturned.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  Bas jogged out to the garden, heart racing. Lanterns bobbed in the distance, search parties passing in the night. They wouldn’t find her. How could they? The gardens held no dangers. She’d left the palace grounds, and anything could’ve happened.

  “I should’ve been with you…” He hurried past the stables and let himself out the gate. The hills stood black against the sky, stretching as far as the eye could see. There was too much ground to cover, and if he’d just swallowed his jealousy—if he’d answered her differently in his study…

  Why can’t it be you?

  What good had it done him, clinging to the rules? What good had it done her? He could’ve reached for her hand and told her he loved her, and it would’ve been him with her today. They’d have been celebrating. Instead…

  He pushed the thought away, but it circled back and wouldn’t leave him: What if he’d left it too late? If they pulled her body from some gully, or never found it at all?


  His shout echoed back to him, hollow and mocking.


  He closed his eyes again, and he was back in his study. It seemed easy now, breaking the rules. More than that, it felt right. “It should be me,” he said. “It can only be me. I love you.” He pulled her close and inhaled her clean scent, that light mix of soap and plumeria. Her hair brushed his arm as she stole a kiss, and he knew he’d never kiss anyone else. He knew he’d never want to.



  He jerked upright so sharply he nearly lost his balance. “Fiona? Where are you?”

  One shadow separated itself from the rest, a slight figure jogging down the trail. She was staggering, barely holding herself upright, and Bas rushed to meet her.

  “Fiona! What happened?”

  “Rashid. He fell…we were climbing. He was showing off, taking a harder path, and he—” She caught herself, half-sobbing. “He’s up past the trails. I tried to carry him, but he’s heavy, and…”

  “I’ve got you.” Bas caught her as she fell, holding her tight to his chest. Fiona slumped in his arms and he lifted her, turning back to the palace. “I’ve found her! Fetch a doctor—wake everyone up!” He barreled through the gate at a sprint. Fiona felt too light in his arms, too tiny and fragile, but there was still time to make this right.

  There was still time to make this right.

  “Sit still, would you?” Edlyn put her hand on his arm, but Bas surged to his feet. The doctor was taking forever, and that could only mean bad news. Broken bones. A head injury. He’d heard of that, people pushing themselves through catastrophic injuries, riding on a tide of adrenaline, only to succumb when it wore off.

  “You’re making my head spin,” said Danny. “Quit pacing. It’s only been twenty minutes.”

  Bas glanced at his watch, but he had no idea if that was true. Everything since Fiona’s collapse was a blur. The guards had met them with a stretcher, and Bas had trailed them to the palace, only to find himself barred from Fiona’s rooms. She needed quiet, the doctor had told him, and privacy for her examination. They’d call for him soon, but when was soon?

  “I’ll walk with you,” said Chadil. He got up and paced with Bas, matching him stride for stride. “She’ll be fine. You’ll see.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “Yes I do.” He elbowed Bas in the ribs. “She wasn’t bleeding. How bad could it be, with no blood?”

  “There could be internal bleeding….” Bas pinched the bridge of his nose. “This is just like with Edlyn. I ignored my responsibilities, and now—"

  “Oh, no, you don’t.” Edlyn pushed herself forward, rolling into his path. “Don’t think of bringing me into this.”

  “It is, though. I—”

  “I’m not finished,” she said. “And I’m not your tragic backstory, or your excuse to hide behind the rules. I’m a person who made a mistake, and I’m fine now. It’s time for you to grow up and stop acting like everything’ll be perfect as long as you stick to the code.”

  Bas stood thunderstruck, mouth hanging open. He’d never seen Edlyn so angry or heard her talk that way. He took a step back, head swimming. “Is that really how you see me?”

  Danny stifled a laugh. “She does have a point. Rules are made to be broken.”

  “Or not followed blindly, at least.” Chadil took his arm. “Look, it would be one thing if you were having an affair, but you really do love her, don’t you?”

  Bas could only nod.

  “Well, then. You can’t follow the rules without thinking. You have to remember why they exist. That one protects children, but Fiona’s a grown woman.”

  Bas opened his mouth to answer, but the doctor chose that moment to emerge.

  “You can see her now, Your Majesty.” He stepped aside to let Bas precede him but stopped him just short of her door. “Before you go in, you should know she’s still weak. We’re treating her for shock and dehydration, but she and the baby will be fine.”

  “The baby?” Bas let his hand drop to his side, surprise warring with elation in his heart. “How—how far along is she?”

  “I’d say about five weeks since conception.”

  He swallowed. Five weeks ago, he’d pushed her up against that door and kissed her like the world was ending. She’d led him to her bed, and how many times had he given in to her charms? He’d been careful, but not careful enough, and try as he might, he couldn’t see a downside to this new wrinkle. This was the answer to his prayers, his duty and his heart’s desire aligned at last. He thanked the doctor and barged past him, hurrying to Fiona’s bedside.

  “Bas. You’re here.”

  “Of course I am.” He dragged a chair to her bedside and sat down, squeezing her hand. It hurt him to see her so pale, propped up on the pillows with her face smeared with dirt. He leaned in and kissed her forehead, plucked a leaf from her hair and tossed it aside. “Oh, Fiona.”

  “I’m all right. I promise. I just…I left my bag so I could run faster, and I ran out of water.” She hesitated, looking down at her lap. “Did he tell you about the—?”

  “Our baby?” Bas squeezed her hand. “We’ll be married, of course, as soon as you’re able.”

  Fiona’s eyes narrowed to slits. She snatched her hand back and crossed her arms over her chest. Bas jumped, startled by her fury. He was making a mess of this, all his diplomacy washed away on a tide of emotion. To Fiona, this would loo
k like one more demand, a nod to propriety instead of a declaration of love. He sank to one knee, shaking his head.

  “No, don’t be angry. I’m not telling you. I’m asking. Proposing.” He held out his hand again, but Fiona didn’t take it. “Fiona Nadide, your king is on his knees, begging you to be his wife.”

  “And what’s changed his heart, all of a sudden?” She hooked a finger under his chin, leaning in to study his face. “Don’t think about it. Just answer. Why do you want to get married?”

  “For our family, of course. You can’t think I’d abandon you, abandon our baby?” He reached for her belly, but Fiona slapped him away.

  “Not good enough.” She turned her back on him, pulling the covers to her chest. “It’s all about duty for you. You’re stuck being my guardian, we can’t be together. Your condom breaks, so you insist we get married. But I’ve already told you what I want. I’ll marry for love or not at all.”

  “Fiona…” Bas rocked back on his heels. This wasn’t going as he’d expected. Every word out of his mouth seemed to dig his hole deeper, and Fiona’s anger was palpable, rolling off her in waves. He opened his mouth to try again, but Fiona cut him off.

  “You should go. I’m exhausted.”

  “I think we should—”

  “Before I say something I’ll regret.”

  Bas got to his feet, head pounding. He felt sick and groggy, like he’d just stepped off a roller coaster. Surely this was everything they’d dreamed of, the happiest ending of all, but Fiona wouldn’t hear him. Wouldn’t look at him.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, but Fiona didn’t respond. She buried her face in her pillow, smearing grit on the delicate fabric.

  “Your Majesty.” The doctor caught his eye, tapping meaningfully on his watch.

  “We’ll talk in the morning,” Bas promised her, but she didn’t respond. He left her room and made straight for the kitchen. He had a lot of thinking to do.


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