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Roaming Wild (Steele Ridge Book 6)

Page 29

by Tracey Devlyn


  Britt choked back a laugh.

  Miss Joan patted Deke’s arm. “You can’t go wrong with my Evie.” Then she scampered off to find her eldest daughter.

  “Wish I could’ve caught your fish-eyed expression on camera,” Britt said. “Special Agent Deke Conrad, able to level an elaborate trafficking ring, but buckled under Mama Steele’s formidable, matchmaking eye.”

  “Shut it.” He and Evie were still finding their footing after the Harwood family takedown. The incident had understandably shaken her net of safety, and he’d spent hours in interviews, doing paperwork, and getting his ass chewed by Director Vasquez.

  Even with all that was going on, he and Evie had managed to spend all their evenings together. Sometimes talking, sometimes locked in a comforting embrace, sometimes bringing each other to passionate climax.

  “Wes doing okay?”

  “As salty as ever. Once his ankle’s healed, he’ll start several weeks of rehabilitation.”

  “Glad they managed to save his foot.”

  “Rae gets most of the credit. If not for her field triage, we’d be having a different discussion.” Deke took a swallow of beer. “Thanks again for helping us relocate the live animals from Harwood’s storage units.”

  “It’s a damn shame about the cub.”

  “The good news is that the Harwood family business is dead and that Blaze and Eli are going to stand trial for their crimes.”

  “Amen. How’d things go today?”

  “As expected.” After thirty-seven years of marriage, Iris Conrad had given her husband the boot, with him and Dylan by her side. “Lots of bluster and ‘this is my house,’ but he packed up his necessities and left. Dylan and Dara are helping her box up the rest.”

  “Let’s hope you and I will be better fathers than ours, when the time comes.”

  An image of Evie, heavy with his child, filled his mind. Although doubt still crept into his thoughts at odd times, he’d moved beyond worrying about the whatifs, couldbes, and ifonlys. Not age, brothers, education, or serial killers were going to keep him and Evie apart.

  “Mama sent me over here to liven things up.” Reid strode into their midst. “Said you two looked too serious.”

  He released a tight breath, thankful for the interruption.

  “Any new news on the Harwood case?” Reid asked.

  “We found another hidden compartment in the abandoned barn. In the cellar.” The scent of rotting flesh still stained his nostrils. They’d found eleven skulls at the bottom of the basin. According to Eli, his father had been torturing “stray” people in the barn’s cellar for years. Made his sons watch. “Blaze Harwood kept the bulk of his business records in the cellar. Didn’t trust technology. He’d amassed a multimillion dollar business in seven short years.”

  “Anything on Gold Star?” Reid asked.

  “A codename for an elaborate Chinese distribution network.” Taj had tracked Harwood’s recent shipment from Wilmington to China.

  Britt shook his head. “Right here in our backyard.”

  “The Chinese have an insatiable appetite for black bear gallbladders—and other exotic animal parts—and they’re willing to pay top dollar for what they want.”

  “At least Harwood won’t be contributing to their demand any longer,” Reid said. “Still can’t figure out what the Chinese’s attraction is to bear parts.”

  “Long-held beliefs about their medicinal properties. They believe the gallbladder cures illnesses like fever, diabetes, liver disease, and more.”

  “Did Vasquez confirm Colin Fisher as Harwood’s spy?” Britt asked.

  Deke nodded. “He’s a cousin to the Harwood clan.”

  “Damn hillbillies,” Reid said.

  “I’m pretty sure we have as many relatives on this mountain as Harwood,” Britt said.

  “I hope you ladies aren’t planning another family rescue mission without me.” Grif Steele joined them. Though his words carried a teasing quality, the hard lines marring the corners of his eyes suggested he might never forgive his brothers. Ditto for Jonah and Micki.

  “Instead of whining,” Reid said, “you should be thanking us.”


  “We saved your fancy shoes from smelling like cellar rot.”

  Grif stepped forward. “How about I shove my fancy shoes up your—”

  Deke moved between them. “Your brothers kept mum about the operation out of respect for my situation. They weren’t any happier about it than you are.”

  Grif’s razor-sharp gaze landed on Deke. “I’m not happy with you, either. But Evie’s safe, so we’ll put this one behind us.” He pointed his beer at Britt and Reid. “Jonah and I will settle this with the two of you later, in the woods. With guns.”

  Deke shot Britt a glance.

  “Paintball.” Britt cranked his lips into a smile. “Welcome to the family.”

  “Here comes the birthday girl,” Reid said.

  Four sets of male eyes followed Micki’s vehicle as it barreled up the gravel drive, with windows down. Three smiling females, hair whipping in the breeze, came to a jarring halt on the grass not far from where he and the Steele brothers stood.

  All his tension floated away when a pair of warm blue sparkling eyes located him.


  “There’s my baby girl.” Mama wrapped Evie in a sweet, cookie-scented cocoon, forcing her to break eye contact with Deke.

  “What is all this about?” Anxiety skittered beneath her skin.

  “It’s your birthday, of course.”

  “My twenty-third birthday. Not significant enough for—” she swept her hand over the crowd, “—all of this.”

  “That’s why we decided to celebrate your graduation, too,” Micki said, snuggling into Gage’s embrace.

  Overwhelmed didn’t begin to describe the emotions running amok inside her. People filled her mom’s front lawn and a large white tent erected on the side of the house. A steady stream of ladies banged in and out of the kitchen’s screened door, and men milled near the large grills. Children chased each other with plastic water guns, reminding her of the many paintball gun battles she and her siblings had fought over the years.

  As her gaze swept over the crowd, she began seeing familiar, yet non-family, non-Steele Ridge resident, faces. Many of them were patients that she and Lisa had treated. But she saw no sign of Lisa.

  She clenched her shaking hands into fists and willed her heart to calm its frantic pace.

  “Excuse me, everyone.” Her mom’s amplified voice echoed over the valley.

  While she’d been gawking at the guests, the boys had assisted her mom into the bed of Old Blue, Britt’s beloved heap pile of a truck. She stood above them all, holding Grif’s hand, like a general about to address her troops. Surprise twisted her stomach when she noticed her father leaning against the side of the truck, giving her a proud thumbs-up.

  Good Lord, something must be wrong for Eddy Steele to crawl out of the woods to come to a large get-together.

  “Gather round, y’all.” Her mom waited a few more minutes while everyone formed a semicircle around Old Blue. “As y’all know, we’re celebrating two momentous occasions in my youngest daughter’s life.”

  A large hand slid over her lower back, warming her as it moved to rest on her hip. “I got you, Squirt,” Deke whispered, enveloping one bloodless fist in his palm. “Lean into me. Breathe.”

  She followed his instructions, while concentrating on her mom’s beaming face. She wouldn’t ruin this moment with an attack. She wouldn’t. Not with Deke by her side. Deke—her lifeline in the darkness.

  “Today, we honor Evie’s twenty-third birthday with a gathering of family, friends, and good food.” Her mom began the birthday song. “‘Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…’”

  Splaying her fingers wide, she coaxed her body to melt into Deke’s. Her breathing and heartbeat soon eased into a normal, rhythmic pattern.

  Lifting her chi
n, she smiled into Deke’s concerned blue eyes. “Thank you.”

  He kissed her. Right there in front of her entire family and friends and a few people she couldn’t recall. It started off sweet, reassuring, measured. But when her fingers tunneled into his hair, the tenor changed. Became more demanding, intimate, raw.

  A throat cleared behind them, and she broke away, embarrassed but not ashamed. She peered over her shoulder to find Britt, one blond brow raised high.

  Grif and Reid wore the same guard-like expressions. Micki winked.

  She giggled. Couldn’t help it. She loved these big lugs, no matter how irritating they tried to be. Snuggling into Deke’s arms, she closed her eyes as the last of her birthday song came to a close.

  “‘Happy birthday to Evie. Happy birthday to yooooou.’”

  “Now, to mark this moment in my daughter’s professional journey, the Steele Health Foundation, with the help of your generous donations, is proud to present Evie with a brand new Med Mobile to replace the one lost in a tragic fire.”

  “What?” she asked, not believing her ears. “What did she say?”

  Deke’s hold tightened as everyone’s attention swung to the opening behind Britt’s truck. An engine rumbled in the distance, and she took a tentative step forward. Then another. When she no longer sensed Deke’s presence, she searched for him over her shoulder.

  With his rogue’s smile in place, he said, “You got this, Squirt.”

  She produced a wobbly grin before continuing toward the rumbling sound. Then she saw it—them. Lisa in the driver’s seat of an enormous, shiny new RV. Jonah stuck his head out the passenger side window, pointing at her, knowing she was about to die of shock and loving every second of his surprise.

  Tears blurred her vision and heat crept up her neck. OhmygodOhmygodOhmygod.

  The RV rolled to a stop beside her, and she read the slogan emblazoned on the side.

  The Dawn of a New EVE

  Health Care for Everyone

  She cupped her hands over her nose and mouth, unable to believe her eyes. She couldn’t breathe for an entirely different reason.

  A gentle hand smoothed down her hair. “Do you like your surprise, sweetheart?”

  “Oh, Mama. It’s too m-much.”

  “Never.” Tears filled her mom’s eyes. “Miracles are going to happen in that RV. And my baby girl’s going to be at the helm.” She swiped at Evie’s tears. “I’m so proud of you, Evelyn Steele.”

  She threw her arms around her mom. “Thank you, Mama.”

  “Don’t thank me. Thank your brother, Jonah, for setting up the foundation, and all these wonderful people for donating their hard-earned money.”


  “Everyone. From one dollar up to a hundred. Aubrey even contributed ten dollars.” Her mom cradled her cheek. “Some of the money went to assisting with Rachel’s and Rita’s funerals.”

  An image of Rachel on the floor of the RV, her life’s blood pooling beneath her. And poor Rita. Such a sweet, kind woman didn’t deserve such a violent end.

  “Go on.” Her mom nudged her away. “Thank your brother properly. We both know this wouldn’t have happened without his generosity.”

  Drawing in a breath and wiping her eyes, she made her way toward the RV. Toward Jonah. Her pace increased until she was running full tilt. She jumped into his arms. He hugged her back just as fiercely.

  “How am I ever going to repay you?” she asked, her face buried in the crook of his neck.

  “Help them. Help as many as you can.”

  “I’m not ready. I still have so much to learn.”

  He coaxed her chin up. “Sounds like you need a mentor to guide you.” His eyes panned to the right, where Lisa stood talking to Deke.

  “You’ve thought of everything.”

  “Not me. The whole family was in on the caper. We make a good team.”

  She slid out of his arms. “Thank you. The words are inadequate, I know.”

  “Your smile was more than enough. Now get over there and hire your first employee.”

  Grinning, she kissed his cheek and skidded to a stop in front of Deke and Lisa.

  “How’d it feel to drive that big rig?” she asked her friend.

  “It’s a smooth ride, despite its size.” Lisa squeezed her arm. “There’s so much room inside. You have a proper waiting room and a little nook for kids to occupy themselves while their parents are being treated.”

  “I can’t wait to look inside.” She held her hand out to Deke, and he threaded his fingers through hers. “Lisa, I was wondering. What are your plans over the next few years?”

  “Back to full-time at the clinic, I guess. They still haven’t committed to replacing the Med Mobile. Even if they did, I don’t have an operating budget.”

  After some coaxing, Lisa had finally confided in Evie about the Med Mobile’s reduced funding and the grant application as well as its subsequent denial. Why her friend had believed she needed to bear that burden alone, she didn’t know. No wonder she’d been having migraines.

  “What do you think about operating my Med Mobile?”

  “Your—” Lisa’s attention darted between her and the RV “—mobile?”

  “I still have so much to learn and can’t think of a better mentor.”

  Lisa placed a trembling fingers against her lips. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “How about yes?”

  “Yes!” Lisa launched forward and threw her arms around Evie. “Yes, yes, yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  Evie laughed. “Just remember how happy you are right now, because I’m sure to annoy you later.”

  “Not possible.” Lisa withdrew. “Now I need to start planning our next tour.”

  “Why am I not surprised?”

  Lisa glanced between Evie and Deke, her smile warming. “I’ll see you two later.”

  Feeling more content than ever before, Evie slid into Deke’s arms. “That felt good.”

  “Good deeds always do. You have a sweet and generous soul.”

  “It wasn’t entirely altruistic. I need her as much as she needs me.”

  “Then you made the right decision.”

  “Life’s about to get very busy.” She held his gaze. “It’ll take a while for us to work out a rhythm.”

  “It’ll be a beautiful melody when we’re done.”

  She smiled. “Yes, it will.”

  He drew a line down her nose. “What do you think about kids?”

  Her chest clinched. “Umm—”

  “They’re so cute, especially when they’re small.”


  “Since you’ll be busy with graduate school and squeezing in tours when you can, I’m thinking about adopting a couple kids.”

  She couldn’t think of a time when she’d ever been struck speechless, but Deke had managed the feat.

  “Two, maybe three, to start with. Of course, I’ll need to get a house with a yard. Give them someplace to play and eat.”

  “I’ve heard the adoption process takes months, sometimes years.”

  “Shouldn’t be an issue. There’s a farm in Black Mountain that has a surplus.”

  Shaking her head, she asked, “Farm?”

  His lips twitched.

  Her eyes narrowed. “Kids. As in goats?”

  “They make great lawnmowers, I hear.”

  She whacked his arm. “How about we get you a puppy or kitten, instead.”

  He kissed her softly. “I’ll take one of all three.”

  “Good Lord,” she nuzzled his nose, “we’re going to wind up with a menagerie.”

  “Lots of animals need saving.”

  “People, too.”

  “Guess we’d better start with the two of us.”


  Clasping her beneath the arms, he lifted her until her legs wrapped around his waist. “Ready for your birthday
present?” His hands slid under her dress to cup her bottom.

  “I already got it.” She ran her fingers through his hair.

  He started walking down the hill, away from the guests. “Not my special gift.”

  “Then let’s go open it.” She clenched her legs, bringing his erection into her center. “Together.”


  Discover More Steele Ridge

  Don’t miss Jonah’s story. . .

  Stripping BARE, Book 7

  After her confidential files are compromised, corporate psychologist Tessa Martin must partner with her former boss, billionaire game developer Jonah Steele, to protect his devastating secrets and win a real-life game of survival.

  The BEGINNING, A Short Prequel, Book 1

  Going HARD, Book 2

  Living FAST, Book 3

  Loving DEEP, Book 4

  Breaking FREE, Book 5

  Roaming WILD, Book 6

  Don’t miss out on a single release—or sexy hero!

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  Want to help Kelsey, Tracey, and Adrienne get the word out about their Steele Ridge series? Write a review and/or recommend to a friend!

  Also by Tracey Devlyn


  Historical romantic suspense

  A Lady’s Revenge

  Checkmate, My Lord

  A Lady’s Secret Weapon




  Historical romantic mystery

  Night Storm


  Sweet historical romance

  His Secret Desire

  Author’s Note

  While doing research for another series, I came across an interesting article in OutdoorHub. The author, James Swan, shared a story about a chance meeting he had with a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service special agent.


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