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Elesian Dragon Mates: Dragon Shifter Reverse Harem Complete Series

Page 10

by Sammie Joyce

  She just needed to turn corners faster than Kaylee could, and she’d be safe. Still, it was a dubious proposition. Better to avoid conflict altogether.

  Rose interrupted Kaylee mid-breath. “I have something to say now.”

  Kaylee glared, her nostrils flaring. Rose wouldn’t have been surprised if she breathed flames. “Well?”

  “I know what you think of dragons—believe me, I really do. You’ve given me a lot of reasons to hate them—some sound, and some not. Just listen to me for a minute. I’ve been spending time with them, more time than you or the other witches ever have.”

  She took a deep breath, steeling herself. “They’re not bad people. They’re not perfect, but neither are we. Look at what’s happened to both the witch and dragon populations over the last two decades. We’re killing each other. Even if you don’t believe they have any good in them, you have to realize that fighting them is just going to end in extinction for all of us. We need to find a way to unite our people—or at the very least, learn to live with each other.”

  “If every witch dies fighting those monsters, it’ll be worth it. Better we all die than have one of them free to wreak havoc on the human population.”

  “That’s not what they’re going to do, though. I know you think they will, but it’s just not true. It may have happened hundreds of years in the past, but Asher and the others don’t bear any responsibility for what their ancestors did.”

  “You all bear the crimes of your forefathers,” Kaylee hissed. Rose could have sworn that for a moment, her eyes flashed red.


  Kaylee blinked several times, her hands clenched on the desk. “You will report at once to Maria. If she can’t heal you of your delusion, you will have to be transferred to a specialist ward.”

  “I’m not delusional just because I don’t agree with you! Maria can’t cure me, because there’s nothing to cure!”

  “We’ll see.”

  Rose was perched on the edge of her seat, her legs braced against the desk, ready to push if Kaylee showed the slightest sign of aggression.


  “What did you say to me?”

  “I said no. I’m not delusional or psychotic—anyone can see that. If you try to force me into some kind of mind modification spell when it’s clearly not needed, none of the coven will trust you anymore. How could anyone trust a leader who will try to modify their thoughts if they disagree with hers?”

  There was a flicker of doubt in Kaylee’s eyes. “If I say you are sick, they will believe me.”

  “Maria won’t. She’ll look for any kind of illness, physical or mental. When she doesn’t find any, what will she do? Do you think a healer would keep quiet to let one of her patients be harmed? What will the rest of the coven think?”

  “I won’t have you spewing dangerous lies.”

  “Look, Kaylee, you’re still the leader of the coven. I know I’ve gone against your rules, and I’ll submit to whatever punishment you decide on. I will not, however, let you hurt me like you hurt the dragons. The other witches put up with it when it’s not them, but to see one of their own strapped down and undergoing dangerous spells to alter her very consciousness? I don’t see that going down too well.”

  Rose knew that the witches had done exactly that in the past, but she was counting on them having become more progressive since. As misguided as some of their views were, most of them weren’t evil people. She didn’t believe they’d stand by to let her mind get mauled by magic when there was another option. At least, she hoped they wouldn’t.

  Kaylee was breathing hard, still looking like she might spit fire at any second. “You will not see the dragons. You will no longer bring meals to them. If you see them working around the mansion, you will turn around and find another route. You will not speak your views to anyone. You will not come to class. If I get even a whiff of disobedience from you, you’ll be kicked out of this coven. You’re on probation until I decide you’ve learned a lesson. And Rose, you’d better use the time to do some deep soul searching. I won’t be fooled by your lies again. The next time I question you to determine whether your views have improved, I will use a truth spell.”

  That didn’t sound good. Rose doubted she could get around a truth spell, but at least she was relatively safe for now. She had time to figure out a plan for the next time Kaylee questioned her.

  “Understood. May I go?”

  “Get out of my sight.”

  Rose felt tears prickling behind her eyes as she walked. If it wasn’t for the dragons, she’d leave right now, but she couldn’t abandon them in this place. Instead of heading to her room, where Annabelle no doubt waited, she went outside, to the forest.

  She was torn between figuring out an exit plan for her and the dragons, and staying to try to unite them with the witches. That was seeming more and more like an impossible hope, but Rose hadn’t forgotten about Hellith.

  If the dragons were right, Hellith would be rising again soon—how soon, none of them could be sure. It was a matter of urgency that both witches and dragons united their powers, or they would all be destroyed.

  You will not risk yourself. If staying here and trying to convince these people puts you in danger, then we need to find another way. Rose could tell by Asher’s smoldering tone that he wanted nothing more than to rip Kaylee limb from limb.

  What if there isn’t another way? It won’t do us any good to stay safe for a little longer, only to be killed by Hellith.

  My brothers and I will protect you.

  I’m not just worried about me—I want all of our people to survive, not just the four of us. Let’s give it a few days. I’ll do the whole penitent act. For now, let’s just let things settle. We’ll have to figure out a way around the truth potion, but if we can do that, we might have a chance to stay here a bit longer.

  Why would you want to stay in this awful place?

  If I’m to be of any use against Hellith, I need to learn how to use my powers. Besides, I can’t very well convince the other witches to help me if I’m expelled from the coven.

  You should be very careful doing that. If word gets back to Kaylee…

  I know, Asher, I know. I’m walking a thin line here.

  Rose brushed a branch out of her way as she walked along the forest path. A flash of gold caught her eyes. She gasped as she rounded a corner. There before her was a huge gold dragon. It was stretched out low, so that it was still covered from view of the mansion by the tops of the trees.


  It’s me.

  How did you get out?

  I knew you needed me. My brothers helped. We have many powers that can’t be contained by them.

  Why do you stay, then, if you can get out?

  It took all of our power to get me out. We can’t all escape, at least not without help.

  You mean me?

  Yes. I think with your help, we can escape, but you’re right about waiting. It’s not an option I want to take unless we have to. Among other things, the rest of my clan would be punished for it.

  Rose stepped close, putting a hand to his scales. They were hot, but not hot enough to burn. Asher’s wing came around her, like an arm pulling her into an embrace.

  “I’m glad you’re here.”

  The wing suddenly disappeared. The next moment, Asher was standing before her. “Me too.”

  He opened his arms, and Rose stepped into them. He hugged her tightly, his warmth burning away some of the fear in her. Rose took deep breaths, letting his presence steady her.

  When she leaned back enough to see Asher’s face, his eyes were intent on hers. In them, she could see some of the emotions that echoed inside her. Rose wasn’t sure which one of them moved first. Their lips met.

  Asher’s kiss was hot and possessive. His tongue plundered her mouth, leaving her breathless and wanting. He grabbed Rose’s hips, lifting her up. Her weight seemed to present no obstacle to him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, returning
his kiss, letting her tongue explore his mouth.

  She could feel his cock pressing up into her ass. The knowledge of just how much she excited him spurred her on. Rose tugged at his shirt, unable to get it off in her current position. Asher understood and had the shirt off so fast she wondered if he was using some kind of dragon magic.

  He removed her shirt, leaving her in just her bra. Rose pressed her breasts against his chest, arching up against him. Asher took the hint, taking one breast in his hand, his thumb rubbing over her nipple. Rose moaned and tightened her grip on him.

  She reached one hand down between them, shifting her hips slightly so that she could get to his cock. She rubbed the bulge in his pants.

  Asher’s knees collapsed as he groaned loudly, burying his face between her breasts. He set her on the ground, pushing her to her back. Rose was intoxicated by the effect she had on him. Asher started to take her pants off, but paused when Rose reached around to touch his cock again. It was making a wet stain on the front of his pants.

  “Rose… I know you’ve never done this before. Do you want…?”

  “Keep going.” Rose wanted this. She wanted it more than she’d ever wanted anything before. It was as though Jagger had opened a door for her, and now she needed what was behind that door. She fumbled with Asher’s pants, eventually getting them down to his knees. He kicked them off the rest of the way. When Rose took his cock into her hand, he thrust his hips forward automatically, panting.

  “Show me how.”

  Asher took her hand in his, moving it up and down his length. After a few strokes, he let go, and Rose continued. His chest heaved and he moaned again. Rose pulled him closer with a hand behind his neck. Asher had to break away several times to gasp in some air, his breath becoming more labored by the moment.

  “Stop.” He pulled out of her grip. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to end this too early.”

  He moved down to Rose’s pants, carefully unbuttoning them as though unwrapping a gift. He drew them slowly down her legs. Rose had to resist the urge to kick the pants away. She let Asher do it. His fingers caressed her flesh as they finished with the pants and drew her panties off.

  Naked, Rose lay before him, her body screaming for more. Asher didn’t make her wait long. He seemed to dive into her pussy, licking her clit relentlessly. As Rose’s cries became sharper and more urgent, Asher pushed a finger inside her pussy.

  Rose arched her back as her thighs tightened. She knew she was close to achieving her second orgasm. She thrust her hips against Asher’s finger, not satisfied with the slow pace of his thrusting.

  Suddenly both his finger and tongue disappeared.

  “Asher?” Rose tried to snatch his hair, but he was already sitting up. “Asher, I need—”

  “And you will have. I just don’t want this to end too soon. This is our first time. I want to enjoy it.”

  Rose could see by his leaking cock that he needed to come just as badly as she did; she knew he wouldn’t last much longer, finishing too soon or not.

  “Who says we can’t go again? I need you in me, Asher. Right now.”

  In answer, he kissed her fiercely, a kiss that would have taken her breath away had she any breath to take.

  Asher positioned himself between her legs. “This will probably hurt. I’ll go slow. Tell me if I need to stop.”

  Rose felt him pressing into her. It did hurt, more than she expected. She gripped Asher’s arms. “Wait.”

  He froze in place. “Should I pull out?”

  “No, I just need a minute. Kiss me.”

  He did as she asked, which effectively distracted Rose. The pain was fading fast. “Keep going,” she murmured. Soon, Asher was fully sheathed within her. At Rose’s nod, he pulled almost all the way out, and pressed into her again.

  Rose quickly became used to the sensation. By the time Asher was thrusting quickly, her own pleasure started to catch up. She’d never imagined anything feeling like this. She wrapped her legs around his waist, helping to pull him deeper.

  Asher used one hand to hold himself up so that he didn’t crush her, while his other hand explored her breasts.

  “Asher—I’m going—going to—”

  He seemed to understand, because he moved his hand from her breasts to her clit. That was all Rose needed to tip her over the edge. She screamed Asher’s name as wave after wave of pleasure inundated her. He thrust frantically into her a few more times before his own release overtook him.

  Asher collapsed heavily next to her, pulling Rose into his arms so that she was lying on his chest rather than on the forest floor.

  They both caught their breath for a few minutes. Rose was the first to speak. “That was… incredible.”

  “For me as well.” Asher was staring at her, his eyes filled with what Rose could only read as love. She knew that she must look much the same.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Rose. Rose, wake up.”

  “Nhmh.” Rose put an arm over her face, hoping she’d be left alone. She was so comfortable, here in Asher’s arms. They were technically lying on the ground, but he’d positioned them so that she was resting on him. He was the one who should be uncomfortable, but he had seemed perfectly at ease—at least until now.

  “It’s morning. We have to go.”

  Rose opened her eyes to see that it was indeed morning. “We fell asleep?”

  “We certainly tired ourselves out.”

  She couldn’t argue with that. She’d lost track of how many times and how many positions they’d shared. At some point in the night, both of them must have succumbed to exhaustion. Rose sat up in a rush. “What time is it?”

  “A couple of hours past dawn. We should get back.”

  “How? How are we going to get back?” Her sleepy contentment was rapidly evaporating into worry. “Can you do the invisibility spell again?”

  “I’ll need to be closer to my brothers. Come on.” Asher sighed as he gave her a hand up. “This isn’t right. I should be sharing you equally with my brothers—you belong to all of us, not just me. I’m sorry; I just couldn’t help myself.”

  “Don’t be sorry.” Rose gave him a quick kiss. “I’m not. I don’t belong to anyone—I choose who I want to be with. But I don’t think you need to worry about your brothers being left out. Believe me, the next time I’m alone with any of them, I’ll be jumping them faster than you can say ‘share’.”

  Asher chuckled at that. “Fair enough. You’d best tell them that, though, before they decide to arrange a mutiny when they smell me coming back.”

  “Smell you?”

  “We have heightened senses, remember? They’ll be able to smell exactly what we did all last night.”

  Rose was sure she was going scarlet. “Oh.” Her voice came out in a squeak.

  “Don’t worry, they’ll all be jealous.”

  Rose nodded, looking around for her clothes. She remembered kicking them away last night, just not in which direction. Before she could search far, Asher pulled her into a scorching kiss. They were both still naked, pressed up against each other.

  The kiss must have distracted Asher, or he surely would have heard the approaching footsteps. As it was, neither of them had any warning. A scream rent the silent woods.

  Rose and Asher broke apart, spinning around to face the intruder. It was Maria, staring at the two of them in horror. Even as Rose watched, Maria staggered back, her eyes still fixed on them.

  Rose quickly stepped toward her, away from Asher. “Maria, I can explain.”

  Maria wasn’t waiting for explanations. She lifted one hand up, sending a bolt of power into the air. It was the emergency signal. Witches would be here within seconds.

  “Asher, go!” Rose positioned herself between Maria and Asher, sure that Maria was about to unleash magic on her dragon.

  “No, I’m not leaving you here! They’ll lock you up for sure. I won’t let them hurt you.”

  “Rose, come here. I won’t let him hurt you.”
/>   “He’s not hurting me! Just let us go, Maria.” Even as she spoke, Rose knew that it wouldn’t work. They couldn’t leave Gavin, Jagger, and Mace at the mercy of the other witches.

  She didn’t have any more time to consider. Witches were teleporting everywhere. Rose tried to cover Asher with her body, but she couldn’t be on all sides. He cried out as three different pain spells hit him at once. He wasn’t even trying to fight. He could get away, but he didn’t, not wanting to leave Rose and his brothers.

  Rose recognized the incantation for a sleep spell. She didn’t have time to dodge before it hit her. The world went black.

  When she woke, Rose was in her bed. For a fleeting moment, she hoped that the whole thing had been a bad dream. She glanced over to see Annabelle watching her. One look at Annabelle’s face told her that she hadn’t imagined it.

  Rose groaned. “What happened?”

  “We managed to capture the dragon that raped you. We—”

  “WHAT? He didn’t rape me! Are you insane? He would never hurt me. I chose to be with him.

  “He seduced you and raped you. It’s not your fault, of course—he no doubt used a spell on you.”

  “No, that’s not what happened—”

  “Rose, listen to me.” Annabelle pulled a chair close, taking both of her hands. “You listen very carefully. You know what happens to people who fraternize with dragons. You’ll be kicked out of the coven, at best. But if he enchanted and assaulted you, that’s not your fault. Do you understand?”

  She understood, but that didn’t mean she was going to play along. “I won’t say that of Asher, no matter what it may mean to me. He made love to me. I wanted him to. I gave him my virginity, and I don’t regret it.”

  Annabelle winced. “You’d best reconsider that attitude.”

  “Tell me what’s happening with Asher.”

  “The rapist has—”

  “Stop calling him that!”

  Annabelle returned Rose’s glare in kind. “I’m trying to help you!”

  “If you want to help, then tell me what happened.”

  “The ra—the monster is being confined with the rest of his kind. His execution is set for tomorrow night. At that time, after watching its death, you will be expelled from the coven. The others will be punished thoroughly to ensure that they don’t get any such dangerous ideas as their leader did, but they will live, at least for a time.”


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