Book Read Free

Falling for You

Page 12

by Bailey B

  Me: I’ll believe that when I see it. Either way, I hope your baby is okay.

  “Hey!” Layla wrinkles her brows when she turns the corner, her smile falling. “Everything alright?”

  “Yeah.” I shut my phone off. Amanda may be going through a rough time, but I don’t need to be dragged into her problems. She has a family and a baby daddy out there that should be helping her through this. Not me. I gesture at the costume packs Layla’s hugging to her chest. “Find something you like?”

  “Maybe.” She smirks and I get this feeling tonight is about to get interesting. “Promise you’ll keep an open mind. Okay?”

  Giving Layla shots may have been a bad idea. This girl’s the epitome of white girl wasted, but she’s adorable. Her hips sway from right to left, the flap of her Native dress creeping dangerously high with each movement.

  Hattie’s idea of group costumes lasted about as long as Landon does in bed, two minutes.

  Hattie is dressed as a sexy cop who’s caught her fugitive. Sam is a vampire intent on leaving his mark on as many girls that will let him tonight. As for Layla, she wanted to braid her hair and be a Native. Instead of being her Squanto, we agreed I could be a cowboy, but she wouldn’t let me wear my work clothes. Layla’s got me in fringe chaps, a faux-leather vest and holsters with toy guns. At least I get to wear my own hat.

  I take Layla by the hand and spin her once, then pull her into me. She laughs, tripping over her feet and falling against my chest.

  “Damn boots,” she mumbles, her cheeks flushed red. Hattie’s fringe boots are two sizes too big for Layla’s tiny feet, but she insisted on wearing them because they matched the costume.

  I sway Layla’s hips, seamlessly taking us from standing to dancing as the song changes into something slower. “Kind of a fan of them right now.”

  “Really? Because I’m kind of a fan of you right now.”

  “Careful, you keep talking like this and people are going to think you like me.” I lean down and press my mouth to hers. Layla tastes like strawberry Jello, likely from the shots she’s pounded back.

  “Let them.” Her breath hitches when my lips graze the crook of her neck at the sweet spot that makes her squirm. Hands that were just at my hips grip the sides of my shirt. My lips move up her neck leaving a pathway of kisses behind them. She takes a step back, putting too many inches between us. “I...uhh… I’m going to go to the bathroom.”

  I twirl a strand of fringe draped over her chest around my finger. “Want me to come with you?”

  She smirks, walking backwards. “I think I can manage.”

  I stare up at the stars from one of the six folding chairs surrounding Landon’s makeshift fire pit. Empty beer boxes burn on top of logs, cracking in the warm fall air. My lips twitch, curving into a smile as I take a sip of my soda. For the first time in years, I don’t hate tonight.

  “I thought I’d find you out here.” Amanda takes the chair beside me, dressed like a scarecrow with a pumpkin over the beginnings of a bump. She’s all belly, although there’s not much belly to be. She’s so tiny, it’s scary.

  “What do you want?” I refuse to look at her, instead crossing my arms behind my head and scooting down in my chair until I’m comfortable.

  “The doctor said Bryson’s spine looked good. He’s thinking that the lab made an error on my test, but doesn’t feel comfortable releasing me back to my OB. Apparently, I’m considered high risk now.”

  “I’m glad your baby is okay.” I am. I may not give two shits about Amanda or the kid, but no one wants to hear their baby has an abnormality. As a parent, you deal with whatever you’re given, and you love the kid no matter what, but still.

  “Our baby, Josh.” Amanda shifts in her chair and stares at me until I give in and look at her. “Bryson is our baby. Why won’t you admit it?”

  “Because he’s not my kid.” Plain and simple. If the condom broke, I might be worried, but like I said, the odds of him being mine are slim to none.

  “If you’re worried about that tramp you’ve been fucking the last few weeks, I took care of her.” Amanda says that bit so matter of factly, I’m shaken. There’s no malice in her tone, or even bitterness.

  She sounds almost remorseful, which is the only reason I’m not yelling. I’m confused. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Lula, or whatever her name is, isn’t going to come between us anymore.” Amanda reaches out and sets her hand on my arm. “She knows and understands.”

  I stand and shake Amanda’s hand off of me. I scan the backyard but don’t see Layla anywhere. There’s a chance that she’s in the house somewhere, but I’ve got this gut feeling that something is wrong. “What the hell did you say to her?”

  “The truth!” Amanda yells, pushing out of her chair. “I told her that once Bryson is born we’re getting married.”

  “Have you lost your mind!?” I run my hands through my hair and look up at the sky again. This woman is pushing my last nerve.

  “I won’t raise our baby in a broken home, Josh. Not happening.” She sets her hands on her hips and shoots me a look that I think is supposed to make me nervous.

  I am nervous. Nervous Amanda may have fucked up the best thing I’ve got going. I run towards the house, leaving Amanda and her pleas to talk behind me.

  That baby isn’t mine, but even if it was, I still wouldn’t marry her. I refuse to trap myself in a loveless marriage and raise a kid in a toxic environment. What the hell am I thinking? It’s not mine. I don’t need to worry about this.

  I yank the door to Hattie’s cottage open. There’s only a few people inside, but none of them are Layla. I cross the tiny house in quick strides and reach for the handle of the bedroom. It’s locked, as expected, and I don’t have my keys. Shit.

  I run out the door again and across the field to the church parking lot. I gave Layla my key ring when she had to go to the bathroom. I don’t think she’d drive drunk, she seems smarter than that, but people do stupid things when they’re upset. Considering how badly things went the last time Amanda showed up, I’d say tonight is about to take a downward spiral.

  I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding when I see Layla sitting on my toolbox, staring up at the sky. My keys are beside her, along with a bottle of water and her cellphone.

  “I texted you a few minutes ago,” she says, turning her head to me when I lean against the side of the truck. “I don’t feel much like partying anymore.”

  “Amanda’s a bitch. You can’t listen to a word she says.”

  “She’s not a bitch, Josh. She’s scared. I know you say that baby isn’t yours, but she’s holding on to a shred of hope that it is.” Layla sighs and looks up at the stars again.“Are you going to marry her?”

  “Fuck no.” I drop the tailgate and climb onto the bed to sit beside her. “On the off chance that kid is mine, which it’s not, I don’t love her. Having a kid isn’t a reason to get married.”

  Layla bites her lip, probably reading too deep into what I said. I don’t love Layla, but I could one day. I like her enough, but it’s too soon to cross that bridge.

  “My parents don’t love each other. They don’t even like one another.”

  I cup Layla’s cheek and force her to look at me. “That won’t be me. My mother loved my dad so much, she never married again after he left us. Even though they didn’t work out, I want a love like that. I want to be with someone that makes my heart race so fast it skips a beat. I want to wake up with that person, every day, and know that, no matter what, we’ve got each other's back. I want that person to be my best friend, because being partners isn’t good enough. Amanda can never be that person to me. “

  Layla’s quiet for a long time. I need her to speak. I’m going crazy in my head. Given enough time, she could be that person. What we have is special, she’s got to know that. I don’t want to lose her because of some batshit crazy pregnant chick.

  “Those are some big shoes to fill.”

smile, relieved that she might want to fill them. “That’s why I haven’t dated in years. I never met anyone I thought was right for the job.”

  “And you think I am?”

  “I think you could be.” My hand slides from Layla’s cheek to the base of her neck. I want to kiss her. To feel her body mold against mine. To hold her soft curves and let the fire that comes with her touch consume me.

  But Layla pulls back. I laid my heart out there for nothing. My stomach drops to my feet. I don’t bother to hide the downturn of my lips. Layla didn’t break my heart. I may be falling for the girl, but I’m not that deep. She did put a chip in it that aches and reminds me why I don’t put myself out there anymore.

  “Take me home, Josh.” She stands and hops off the tailgate. “Because I’d hate for our first time to be in a church parking lot.”

  I didn’t expect that. My lips twitch, turning upward. “It would make a great story for our grandkids one day.”

  Layla smirks and punches my shoulder. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. If you don’t have the moves, there won’t be any grandkids.”

  “Oh, I’ve got moves, baby.” I jump over the side and open the passenger door. “Just you wait and see.”

  “I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” I announce as soon as we pull into Josh’s driveway. I bolt out of the truck and run to the front door. It’s open, as per usual because as Josh says, “If someone is willing to walk on my land and steal my shit, they better be willing to die.”

  I shut the bathroom door and twist the little lock on the handle. I don’t have to pee, but that twenty minute ride was long enough to sober me up. Back at Hattie’s house, I was confident, ready to jump on Josh and ride him until sunset. Now, I’m fucking terrified. I got so deep into my head, thinking about how bad Ashley was in bed, my leg started shaking.

  Josh, of course, noticed, but I played it off like I was cold. Bad idea. He cranked up the heat. So, not only am I stress sweating from nerves, I am also sweaty from the ride here. I lift my arm and sniff my pit. It’s not bad, but there’s a distinct deodorant smell. Not exactly sexy, if you ask me.

  I grab the washcloth that’s hanging on the rack and run the corner under the water. I swipe the rag down my chest, because salty boobs are nasty, then rinse again and wipe under my arms. I look in the mirror and straighten my high-rise, low-cut Native dress, then decide going to the bathroom now versus later is probably a good idea. Of course, as I’m sitting on the toilet, it dawns on me: if my boobs are sweaty and gross… I look down at my freshly shaved vag and grimace… I bet that’s sweaty too.

  I finish tinkling, wipe, then grab the wash cloth again. I never worried about any of this with Ashley. Having sex with him was a once every few months chore. If I was sweaty and gross, he never said anything. In fact, he never made any sounds. Our five minute rides were awkward, silent, and unsatisfactory. Dear God, I hope sex with Josh is better. If not, I don’t see the point.

  I slip my panties off, then raise my leg to the toilet. No sooner do I wet the rag again and bring it to my center is there a knock at the door. Shit!

  “You alright in there?”

  “I’m fine!” I grab the towel hanging on the rack and dry myself, then toss it and the wet washcloth beside the toilet. I whip the door open and smile. “Hey.”

  Josh smirks, giving me a once over. “You’re flushed. Everything okay?”

  Of course I’m flushed. My goddamn rosacea flares up every time I'm nervous, excited, or angry; covering my cheeks and neck with a veil of crimson. Colson used to try and piss me off, just to see how red he could make me. “Just a little hot.”

  Josh’s brows push together with worry. “Can I get you a glass of water? Or something?”

  I take a step forward, swallowing the knot in my throat, and grip his faux leather vest. The moment my hand touches him, something inside me burns to life. My body aches to be touched. If Josh knew how badly I wanted him, water would be the last thing he’d be offering. “Or something.”

  I slam my body into his and literally every thought and worry is gone the moment our lips meet. Josh’s fingers dig into my thighs as he lifts me off my feet. I wrap my legs around his waist and curl my fingers into his hair.

  Josh backs me into the wall. I break our kiss, gasping for air. I barely register the sting of my back hitting what might be a door because Josh’s mouth is on my neck again. He nips and sucks and I quiver, already on the edge of coming.

  The door gives way as lips find my ear and we’re moving again. Josh drops me on the bed. He tears that stupid cowboy vest off then pulls his shirt over his head. My eyes meet his, silently begging for him to do something. Anything.

  Josh slides his hands up my thighs, then smirks when he realizes I ditched my panties in the bathroom. I bend my knees, my legs instinctually closing, but he presses them open. “How bad do you want me, Layla?”

  He dips his head, running his nose along the inside of my thigh, nipping as he goes. My hips buck and he takes that as an invitation to swipe his tongue along my center. I bite my lip, holding in a whimper, but loose all control of the sounds coming out of me when Josh inserts one finger, and then another, pumping them in and out until I see stars.

  He dips his head again and sucks on my clit, all while working his fingers. I claw at the sheets, desperate to get away, even though this feels amazing, but Josh has my leg and pulls me onto his face. A few more pumps of his finger, and I feel it. That rush of euphoria that leaves me a limp mess on his bed.

  Josh smirks. He lifts his head then wipes his mouth with the back of his hands. “You taste delightful.”

  “Uh-huh,” is all I can manage. My heart is racing. My legs are shaking, and I can feel my pulse in my eyelids.

  I stare at the ceiling and take a moment to catch my breath. That was fucking amazing!

  Josh’s pants fall to the floor and I’m hot again. I push up onto my elbows and see Josh, adjusting himself over his boxers, staring at me, his eyes perusing my body.

  “Tell me you don’t want this now, because I make no promises that I’ll be able to stop if you change your mind.” He pauses. Smirks. “Or how long I’ll last.”

  I let my legs fall open and reach down, touching myself. I’m wet. Wetter than I’ve been any other time I’ve done this. I run my fingers over my clit, circling until it feels good. Josh’s eyes go wide. If I thought he was handsome before, this look, this burning gaze, it sets me on fire.

  “If you don’t do something soon, I’ll be taking care of myself and won’t need those moves you promised.”

  Josh drops his boxers to his feet and, for a moment, I’m shocked. His length is what I'm assuming to be is average, but he’s thick. So much thicker than the two fingers he had inside me. He sheaths himself with a condom, then pulls me by the legs to him.

  “You’re fucking beautiful.” Josh slams his mouth into mine again. Our tongues move out of sync because I can’t focus on anything but his dick pressing against my center. He’s not entering, just teasing me with a little pressure, then pulling back, only to tease me again.

  I feel the sharp nip of Josh’s teeth on my bottom lip. I groan, dizzy with want and frustrated to the point of nearly pushing him off of me to take care of myself. Just when I’m at the edge of pissed and desperate, ready to tell Josh to make up his mind on if this is happening or not, he thrusts deep inside me. I gasp and bite his shoulder to hold back my moan as he adjusts himself, then fills me completely.

  The stretching of my skin around him is a pain comparable to when I lost my virginity, but it isn’t unpleasant. Josh moves his hips, and with every pump, the pressure between my legs morphs from uncomfortable to unbelievable.

  I arch my back, angling him to the sweet spot. Just as Josh finds it, he pulls out.

  “Get on your hands and knees.”

  I flip on to my belly. Josh grips my hips, pulling my ass into the air before sinking into me again.


  My body shakes with pleasure af
ter the first pump. My arms give out and I fall onto my elbows with the second. This angle is even better than the last. I grip the sheets, coming again, and Josh pumps deeper. Harder. I’m riding the wave of yet another explosion when Josh stills. He pulls out and I collapse onto my stomach.

  “Jesus.” I close my eyes, feeling my pulse thrum against my skin. Now that is what sex is supposed to feel like! The bed dips as Josh shifts beside me. He rubs circles on my back. I turn my head and see him through new eyes. “I think I understand why Amanda won’t let you go.”

  Josh narrows his eyes and grunts.

  I roll onto my side, still feeling the buzz beneath my skin, and smirk. “Too soon?”

  “Never is too soon.” Josh pulls the used condom off and cleans himself up with a dirty shirt. “Want to take a shower with me?”

  I roll over and kiss his lips. “Yes.”

  I smile, keeping my eyes closed a few seconds longer as Josh threads his fingers through my hair, sending shivers of delight down my spine. I slept better last night than I have in years. Multiple orgasms will do that to you.

  “You are absolutely gorgeous,” he mutters, then kisses my lips.

  “Careful.” I roll into Josh’s arms and gaze into his eyes. “You’re gonna get me used to this.”

  His lips lift in the corners. “Kinda hoping you do.”

  “I wish I didn’t have to leave.”

  He kisses my neck, finding that spot that makes me shudder in delight. “So don’t. Skip class tomorrow.”

  “I can’t.” Jesus, that feels amazing. “My… um… midterms are this week. I need to study.”

  “If you weren’t in school, I'd keep you hostage and never let you go.” He slips his hand between my thighs.

  I spread my legs, welcoming his touch. “Pretty sure that’s called kidnapping.”.

  Josh presses against my center, but doesn’t go in. I tilt my hips, anxious to feel him again, but he purposely holds back. “Or moving in.”

  “You want me to move in with you?”


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