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Alien Healer

Page 9

by Sadie Carter

  “We thought we could work out a roster so one of us is always here,” Marc said.

  She smiled, relief filling her. “That would be—”

  “Unnecessary,” Racar interjected.

  She frowned over at him. “What?”

  “There is no need. I will be here to care for Ellie. It is my right, after all.”

  His right? What the hell did that mean?

  “Your right?” she asked.

  Keely scowled over at Racar. “Just because you’re here doesn’t mean we can’t be as well. Ellie is our family. We have the right to be here for her.”

  Racar folded his arms over his wide chest. Damn it, why did he have to be so damn gorgeous?

  And what did he mean by his right?

  “You are exhausted,” Racar said to Keely then turned his gaze to Blue. “And your mate is getting ready to do what Que threatened to do if you do not leave and get some rest.”

  “I’d like to see him try,” Blue said in a low, menacing voice. “He’ll find himself with blue balls.”

  Oh no. The last thing she wanted was to become between Blue and Safan. “You guys, he’s right. You all need to go and eat some food and get some rest. I don’t want any of you getting ill.”

  “You need rest most of all,” Racar said.

  Keely turned to glare at Racar, her beautiful hair glinting under the lights. How could she still look so freaking beautiful despite her lack of sleep? “Listen, buddy. You’ve been doing your best to keep us away from Ellie since she got sick and we mostly allowed it while she was so ill. But she’s getting better now. So you can just back off and let her family take care of her.”

  “It is not up to you to see to her care. That is my right. That is my responsibility.”

  “Okay, that’s the second time you’ve said that!” Ellie said loudly. She instantly regretted speaking so loudly when her head started thumping. “Damn, I feel worse than the time I downed half a dozen of tequila shots.”

  Blue snorted. “Lightweight.”

  “Yeah, and this time, I get the headache without any of the fun.”

  “It was funny watching you try to teach a bunch of Zogs to two-step,” Keely said with a grin.

  “They were terrible,” Ellie replied. “Although they did have six feet so I have to cut them some slack.”

  “I will get you a pain inhibitor,” Racar said in a low, quiet voice. “It will take care of the pain.”

  “I want to know what you meant when you said I was your responsibility. What are you even doing here? Why are you my healer?”

  There was silence. She looked around at all of them. “Okay, why do I get the feeling you all know the answer?”

  More silence.

  “Tell me,” she demanded. “Why do you keep saying I’m your responsibility?”

  “I am here because I am your mate. Your health, your welfare, your safety are now my responsibility. Now, your friends are going to leave and you are going to get some rest and I do not wish to hear another word about it.”


  I am your mate.

  What would she have given to hear those words a few weeks ago? To have him recognize her as his, to take her into his arms and tell her that he wanted her.

  Her head spun at the suddenness of his turn-around. Could she believe him? Trust him? She wasn’t so sure.

  “Ellie? You are awake? How do you feel?”

  Like she’d been run over by a truck. “I’m okay.”

  “Do you have any questions for me?” He entered her line of vision. After his little declaration earlier, he’d hustled all of her friends out, telling them she needed to rest. Before he had returned, she’d closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

  Then she’d actually fallen asleep.

  Which had been a blessing, as it allowed her to escape from her thoughts for a while. But now, everything flooded back.

  Why hadn’t he recognized her as his mate before? And what if he was wrong? What if she let down her guard and let him close and he found out he’d made a mistake? She didn’t think she could get her hopes up only to lose him.

  It would tear her apart. She just knew it.

  But if it was true…that meant he needed her. And just her.

  Oh hell, how did she know whether to trust him or not?

  “Are any of my friends around?” she asked.

  His turned his face away from her. “They went home to rest.”

  “I thought they were going to work out a roster so one of them was always here.”

  “Why do you need them? I am here.”

  She blinked up at him for a moment. “Are you jealous?”

  “What? Of course I am not. I am your mate.”

  “How do you know?” she asked.

  “What?” He looked down at her in confusion.

  “How do you know you are my mate?”

  “I touched you.”

  “Right. And when you touched me, you recognized me as your mate? Yet you had no inkling I was your mate before then?”

  “I had not touched you before. And no, I did not realize…I did think it odd I could not stop thinking about you. And when I saw you undressing…” He took one look at her face and stopped speaking. Wise, very wise.

  “When I found you collapsed on the ground, I thought for one terrible moment that you were dead. I was terrified. I thought I had lost you.” He stared into the distance. But she could hear the pain in his voice, see it in his face. And something hard inside her melted. He looked tortured.

  Maybe…maybe he really was her mate.

  Maybe he did care and this could all work out. There was no mistaking the fear in his voice.

  “I reached out to check for a pulse. It was there, but it was weak…thready. When I touched you, this heat rushed through my body. It crashed into me. Stole my very breath. And I knew you were mine. And that you were in danger. The urge to protect, to defend, it was overwhelming.”

  He stared down at her and the intensity in his gaze made her breath catch in her throat. Wow, so this is what it felt like to be at the center of one of these alien’s attention. And Racar was more intense than most. Being his, she now realized, could be all-consuming. If he devoted just some of that focus on her…it could be everything.

  “What if you’re wrong?” she whispered. She shouldn’t think like this, shouldn’t hope, but she couldn’t help it. It looked like she’d been wrong before when she’d said she was completely done with him. Because there was still a part of her that wanted something with this idiot of a man. And that piece of her was peeking its way out of the place she’d buried it.

  But she had to know he was certain.

  He shook his head. “I am not. For Zerconians, there is no mistaking our mate. It is hard to explain it exactly. But I know. I know you are mine.”

  More hope unfurled itself.

  “You were scared when you found me?”

  “Not scared. Scared does not explain how I felt. Even before I touched you, before I knew who you were to me, I was pleading for you to be alive. Because the thought of your death,” he took in a shuddering breath, “was more than I could stand. And if you had died, my grief would have been unstoppable. Even though the mate bond is not there yet, I know I would not have survived.”

  She was shocked by his words. His very raw pain. She knew Zerconian matings were forever, that when one mate died the other often followed. She’d wanted that for herself. Wanted the guarantee that came with being mated to a Zerconian. To knowing they would not leave you. But hearing the agony in his voice brought it home to her what exactly a mating bond meant. For him as well as her.

  The urge to jump him and demand that he complete the bond was pounding at her. Not that she was up to that yet. She was still weak. It had been a while since she’d showered. Shaved. She also needed time to think this all through.

  “I-I don’t feel any differently.”

  “Probably because you have been ill,” he told her. “Human females u
sually faint at the first touch with their mate, but you were already unconscious.” He frowned slightly. “Our bodies are likely to push us together. The mating heat is different for every couple though, so I hope it will not get too bad while you are recovering.”

  The mating heat. Right. Okay, she was feeling completely overwhelmed now.

  “How long have you been here with me?”

  “Since I brought you in.”

  Her insides melted. At this rate she’d be goo at his feet by evening. “Right, well, you probably need to sleep and eat and check on your research. I’m sure my friends will be back soon and there are other healers around to keep an eye on me.”

  She braced herself for him to take her up on her offer. For him to turn around and leave. She fully expected it. So she was shocked when he shook his head. “I am not leaving you. Once you feel better, I will return to my research. But right now, you are my priority.”

  She stared up at him as he looked down at her. She couldn’t remember ever being anyone’s priority before. Yep, she was turning into a sticky blob of goo. She knew how important his research was to him, and he was putting it aside for her. She felt wanted. Desired.


  Was this really happening? She hoped she wasn’t dreaming. Zerconians mated for life. They had a bond that was unbreakable. It was forever.

  She wanted forever.

  Suddenly, she realized he was standing there, waiting for her to say something. She opened her mouth. Closed it. Okay, so she probably looked like a constipated blow fish.

  Say something, something profound, something that tells him what you are thinking, feeling…




  He raised his eyebrows. “Oh?”

  She licked her dry lips. “Can I have a drink of water, please?”

  “Of course, my mate.” He immediately grabbed a glass of water then sat next to her, and slipping an arm around her back, helped her sit. Being so close to him sent a shiver of desire across her skin. He’d always had this effect on her. She’d noticed him right from the beginning. Admired the way he’d worked tirelessly to help Blue and Safan when they’d nearly died.

  He was very dedicated. She admired his work ethic. His dedication. Even if she was still pissed at him. She drank some water before slumping against him.

  “You are exhausted. You need more rest.” He gently laid her back against the masic.

  “Racar,” she said as he fussed over the covers. She wished she wasn’t as weak as a newborn.

  “Yes, my mate?”

  “You hurt me.”

  Shit. She hadn’t meant to say that. She didn’t want to make herself vulnerable to him, to show weakness. She’d done that once before.

  But he appeared stricken by her words, his eyes widening, his skin growing pale.

  Shoot. More of her guard went down.

  “I know I did. And I regret our words more than I can ever say. If I could go back, I would do everything different. I would never have pushed you away.”

  She licked her lips. “I wish that too.”

  Ellie awoke to whispering. She opened her eyes, blinking away the cobwebs. Happiness filled her as she saw Keely sitting on a chair beside her masic.

  “She’s awake,” Keely said quietly.

  “Oh crap, did we wake you, Ellie?” Blue asked.

  She turned her head to find Blue sitting on the other side of the masic. “No,” she lied. She cleared her throat. “Is there some water?”

  “Yeah, I’ll just get the masic to help you sit up.” Blue uttered a few commands in Zerconian, and one end of the masic rose. Only it was the wrong end, her legs going straight up in the air.

  “Oh shit,” Blue said quickly.

  “Blue, you just told it to raise her legs!” Keely said.

  “Shit. Shit. I can’t think of the commands to use.”

  “That much is obvious,” Keely countered.

  “Um, guys, you want to help me out here?” she said.

  “Oh crap. Sorry, Ellie,” Blue told her. She spat out another command. This time, her upper body was raised. But her lower half stayed right where it was.

  “Fuck!” Blue swore. “Oh, Ellie, I’m so sorry.”

  Keely bit out a command and her legs were lowered.

  “Shit, Ellie, are you all right?” Blue asked. “Did I hurt you? Do you need me to get someone?”

  Ellie started giggling. Blue and Keely stared at her. Then they started to laugh as well. Blue laughed until tears dripped down her face. “Oh man, I’m sorry, Ellie.”

  “Just as well I’m flexible,” Ellie commented. “Do you think I could get that drink now without you turning me into a human pretzel?”

  Blue grimaced. “I think I can be trusted with that.” She held the glass out for Ellie. She reached out and took it. Her hand shook a little, but she managed to take a few sips before handing it back to Blue.

  “Damn, I’m weak.”

  “You’ll get better fast. Probably didn’t help that you were already rundown,” Keely told her.

  Ellie sighed. “I know.” She bit her lip. “What am I going to do about my stall? What about all my customers?” She hated to let them all down.

  Blue sighed. “Everyone knows you’re here. We’ve had a lot of people send messages saying they hope you get well soon. Most of those messages have come from Racar’s two assistants. I think they may be a bit addicted to your muffins.”

  “That sounds like the start of a bad porno,” Keely said dryly.

  Ellie and Blue looked at her. Then they started giggling again. “We could call it Ellie’s Sticky Buns,” she joked.

  Blue and Keely groaned. “That is so bad,” Blue told her.

  “And the Zerconians probably wouldn’t even get it.” Keely rolled her eyes.

  “That’s half the fun.” Blue winked at her. Then she grew serious. “I’m sorry about your stall. Once you’re feeling better, we’ll help you get it up and running again. You should really think about a shop this time.”

  “I know, but I don’t have the money.”

  “I happen to know this really loaded guy who thinks your lemon squares are the bomb,” Blue said to her.

  She shot her a quelling look. “I am not borrowing from Safan.”


  “No,” Ellie said firmly. “I’m not doing it.”

  Blue sighed and looked over at Keely unhappily.

  “Babe, we just want you to be happy,” Keely told her.

  “I am happy.”

  Liar. Liar.

  “Don’t try to lie to us,” Blue said sternly. “We know you better than anyone. And you are not happy. We know what it did to you when Racar…”

  “Rejected me?” she supplied helpfully.

  “He’s a fucking idiot,” Keely muttered. “Like all of these damn Neanderthals.”

  “How is Que?” Ellie asked, trying to move the heat off her.

  Keely scowled. “I don’t want to talk about him.”

  “I think he really cares about you, Keely,” she said gently. “What if you’re his mate?”

  “Once he learns the truth about me, he won’t want me.”

  Ellie’s heart broke for her. They knew her secret, but no one else did. And it was her story to tell. She glanced over at Blue to see her staring at Keely worriedly.

  “Anyway, we’re talking about you, not me,” Keely said dismissively.

  Blue sighed. “We can’t take over for you, since none of us can bake. I mean, I could give it a go—”

  “No,” Keely and Ellie said immediately.

  “Last thing we need is to give all of Ellie’s customers food poisoning,” Keely said dryly.

  “That wasn’t my fault,” Blue said quickly. “That was a bad batch of eggs.”

  “You don’t even know what sort of creature those eggs came from,” Ellie pointed out.

  “I thought they’d work in a pinch. I was trying to do a nice thing.”
r />   “You were,” Ellie said with a smile. “Thank you, I appreciate it.”

  “You appreciate getting the runs for two days straight for your birthday?” Keely asked with mock-surprise. “You sure are easy to please. I’ll remember that for your next birthday.”

  “Smart ass,” Blue muttered. “Why do we put up with you?”

  “Because you guys love me. You always have. I’m completely and utterly lovable.”

  “You two are crazy.” Ellie sighed happily.

  Blue squeezed her hand gently. “You scared us, Ellie.”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t believe some worm caused all this. I never get sick.”

  “How long were you feeling unwell for?” Keely asked with a frown. “You should have said something.”

  “It’s not your fault.” Ellie didn’t want her to feel guilty. She should have told someone she wasn’t feeling right. “It seemed to come on quick. And I’m fine now.”

  “Yeah, well, it was touch and go. You damn well died in front of us.” There was a haunted look in Keely’s eyes.

  Ellie looked worriedly over at Blue before reaching up to grab Keely’s hand. “I’m okay, Keely. I promise.”

  “You have to let us take care of you, Ellie. You look after all of us. You have to let us do the same for you. We can’t lose you. You need to let us help you.”

  “Okay, I’ll try.”

  Keely shook her head. “You have to do better than try. No more trying to do it all on your own. No more hiding when you’re not feeling well or when you’re exhausted. Promise.”

  “I promise. I thought I was just tired. I threw myself into work to try to forget…”

  “Racar?” Keely supplied.

  “Yeah. I thought the nausea and fatigue were because I wasn’t getting enough sleep. I’m never ill.”

  “I’m just glad they figured out what was wrong,” Blue told her. “You had us worried.”

  Keely nodded. “I cried tears. Real tears.”

  “In her eyes tears,” Blue added with a grin.

  Ellie widened her eyes in response. “Not in her eyes tears. I didn’t think she knew how.”

  “I know. I half expected her face to crack.”

  “Oh, shut up, you two,” Keely said without heat. “Point is, you scared the shit out of me. You’re the closest thing I have to a sister. I can’t lose you.”


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