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Page 10

by Penny Wylder

  Suddenly, I understand. “You were worried about me.”

  “Of course I was worried about you, you dummy,” she snaps, and she looks even more irritated when I laugh. “It’s not funny. You could’ve been hurt.”

  “I wasn’t. I’m fine,” I reassure her. “So is the cabin.” I gesture over her shoulder at the flames. Already, in the distance, I can see that the fire trucks and chopper are doing their work. “We get wildfires out here a lot, Jenna. They aren’t a big deal; the fire department is prepared, and this village knows how to keep these kinds of things from reaching our homes or shopping areas. At least, we do during this time of year. Now, fall fires, those can be doozies.” I dip down to steal a kiss from the corner of her mouth. “But I have to admit, it’s nice to know you were so worried about me.”

  I get another glare in response for that. Jenna shoves my arm, albeit weakly. “It’s scary to step outside your front door and see fire trucks everywhere! And a helicopter, for Christ’s sake.”

  “Come on, let’s take your mind off it.”

  She makes a point of staring around us, as if to say, the whole town is here. “Where exactly are we supposed to go that will just ‘take our minds off this’? There’s smoke everywhere, sirens all over the place…”

  “I have an idea.” I take her hand and turn her away from the smoke and flames. I steer her down the road, toward where I parked my truck when I drove into town this afternoon. I had to free up space around my cabin for the firefighters to make their way through.

  “Where are we going?” she asks, frowning with confusion as we pile into the car.

  “Trust me, okay?” I flash her a wink, which earns me a groan in response. But she does pull on her seat belt, and I take that for a sign of agreement.

  I drive us up into the mountains. They’re west of town, far from the direction the fire might spread—though to judge by what I saw back there, I think the trucks will have it contained in no time. They caught it early. Radio says it was deliberately set, which makes me uneasy—now we can add arsonist to the list of suspected persons hiding out in our sleepy village? But at least someone noticed it before the flames got any higher than the first couple trees. I’m pretty sure they’ll save most of the forest, and anyway, it’s not like California out here. We don’t really see huge sweeping brush fires that threaten to envelop whole houses and towns.

  Still, just in case, I make sure to steer in the direction the wind’s not blowing. Along the way, I stop at a corner store.

  “What are we doing?” Jenna squints out the windshield at the grocery store, studying the fresh fruit stands outside and the distant racks of food supplies within.

  “Stay here,” I tell her. When she glares at me and makes to get out of the truck, I reach across to catch her wrist gently, and bring her hand to my mouth. I kiss her palm, casting her a sly smile as I do. “It’s a surprise, okay?”

  She sighs and leans back in her seat, finally relenting. “Fine.”

  I move as quickly as I can, all too aware that if I take too long running this errand, she’ll get restless and come to find me, surprise be damned. I love that about Jenna. Her stubbornness. It’s attractive as hell. It just sometimes makes it difficult to impress her.

  So, I stock up my cart with everything I think we’ll need. Picnic supplies first off—I get supplies to make sandwiches, a few side veggies to keep Ms. You’re-an-Unhealthy-Bachelor pleased, and then I top the whole thing off with a couple bars of dark chocolate, and some fresh baked goods, because I know the people who run this store are top notch bakers. I toss in a bottle of apple cider (the non alcoholic kind, given her condition, but every bit as delicious in my opinion), and check out just in time to prevent Jenna from sneaking in here and finding out what I’m up to.

  Shopping done, I stash the bags in the back of the truck and climb back in to drive us up to the trailhead. The whole way, she peppers me with questions about where we’re going, what we’re about to do. But I refuse to let anything slip, and eventually, she gets tired of asking and gives up with a sigh, leaning over to rest her head on my shoulder.

  It makes my heart beat faster, her proximity now, the touch of her skin against mine. All I want to do is pull over and claim her right here in the front seat of this car. Pull her onto my lap and fuck her while she rides my thick cock.

  But we’re right along a busy highway, and I know my girl doesn’t like to show and tell. Neither do I, for that matter. I want this woman all to myself, no spectators allowed.

  So all I can do for now is floor the gas pedal and get us to our destination sooner.

  It’s not far. When I pull off the main road onto a gravel one, Jenna raises her head from my shoulder to look around. I drive us up to the trailhead and then shut off the engine, turning to grin at her.

  “Where are we?” she asks.

  “My favorite hiking trail. Come on.” I open my door, and hurry around to open hers before she can. I offer her a hand down from the truck, and I can see the stubborn set of her jaw as she debates whether to accept my help or not. But she does, and I keep my hand wrapped around hers as I grab the bag full of groceries from the truck bed with my other, then lead us toward the trail.

  “Your favorite. So you do a lot of hiking?” Jenna winds her fingers through mine as we start up the trail.

  I nod. “But this trail in particular… This one is special.”

  “What’s so special about it?” I notice her looking around us, taking it all in. The trail is lined with pine trees mostly, and I love the way they smell. It winds easily up the hill—not too difficult a hike, one I figure will be fine for her right now, because it’s mostly level ground and there aren’t too many difficult climbs or rocks to throw you off-balance. Plus, she’s got me here to watch over her.

  “This is the trail my grandfather and I used to hike all the time, when I was younger.”

  She glances back over my shoulder, in the direction we drove. “Kind of a ways out of town, isn’t it?”

  I nod. “He’d drive me up here to hike it whenever my parents were fighting.” My jaw tenses at the memory of that time period. “It happened a lot back then. They had a rough couple of years where they almost got divorced—Mom threw Dad out a couple of times.”

  “Wow. I’m sorry, Gil.” Jenna tightens her grip on my hand.

  I shake my head. “But, while I was feeling ignored and lonely at home, Grandpa reminded me I was loved. He’d take me hiking up here, and for a while, out in the woods, everything else would fade away. I didn’t have to worry about what was going on at home, or what I might come back to find. I just had to follow Grandpa, keep to the trail, while he taught me everything there is to know about the woods. How to hunt, how to fish, how to tell about a hundred species of trees from one another.”

  “He sounds like quite a guy.” Jenna watches me from the corner of her eye, smiling broadly.

  “He was.” I find myself smiling too, fondly. “It’s because of him I stayed out here, you know. Or, well, came back. After my parents moved away, while I was in college. At first I figured I’d move away too—and I did for a bit, backpacked all over the south and the West Coast up through Canada. But at the end of the day, I realized I was just looking for this place all over again. I wanted to come back to somewhere I had roots, somewhere that reminded me of the best times in my life.”

  “You wanted to live in the house your grandfather built,” Jenna murmurs. “I get that.”

  I bob my head. “But, it’s not like I can’t ever see myself leaving here. I’ve loved my time, but it might be coming to a close now. Who knows?”

  Next to me, she shivers. “How can you say that so easily? How can you just accept that everything in your life is about to change?”

  “Because I realized I’m ready for a change. And change isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you know, Jenna. Without any change, you never find anything new. You never get totally and completely thrown off your tracks by someone you never saw coming.�
� I stop walking, turning to face her.

  She faces me too, and her eyes search mine. I know she understands what I mean. That I’m talking about her. She leans in, toward me, but I flash her a grin and nod over her shoulder.

  “Like this, maybe?”

  She turns, and the gasp she makes, the way her eyes widen in surprise, that’s worth every minute of this walk.

  We’re standing in a clearing on the edge of a cliff. The cliff is pretty far from us—there’s plenty of grassy hill between us and the drop off. But beyond that drop, you can see for miles. The vast carpet of forest stretches own below us. A little ways away, there’s a deep turquoise lake, one so still that it reflects the trees over it, a watery blue double-image. Farther off, you can see the more distant Poconos, with their snowcaps still melting in the spring air.

  “Gil, it’s… beautiful.” Jenna’s lips part with awe.

  While she’s staring, I set down the bags I’ve carried from the truck bed. From within one, I pull out the blanket I keep stowed in the car at all times, in case of emergency. Can’t be too careful up here in the mountains, where sometimes the snowplows can’t reach during bad storms. One wrong skid and your car could be immobilized, and you need to keep yourself warm until help arrives.

  Today, however, the blanket has happier purposes to serve. I spread it out on the grass, right in a patch of sun that overlooks the whole valley. Then I start to unpack the lunch.

  Jenna drops to her knees beside me, then crosses her legs and sits. “You put all this together in that grocery store?” she asks, eyebrows raised.

  “I’m not a complete bachelor,” I tell her. “See, look, I even bought you some greens for side dishes.” I gesture at the peanut butter and carrot sticks I bought, along with a few apples.

  She snorts. “Neither of those are green,” she points out, but she does take one of the carrot sticks and dip it into the peanut butter anyway. “You’re ridiculous, you know that right, Gil?”

  “I swear I don’t act this way all the time.” I lean over and catch her, pulling her body flush against mine on the blanket, the picnic now forgotten on the far side of us. “I blame you. You domesticate wild old me.”

  “I don’t know if I’d describe you as domesticated, bad boy.” She raises an eyebrow at me, smirking. “More like a wild animal I accidentally seem to have adopted.”

  “Hmm.” I grab her waist then, and swing her around until she’s straddling my lap. “And how are you feeling about that; wishing you’d stuck with tamer men?” As I ask, I trail my hands down her sides, over her hips. Then I grip her ass, hard, and tug her hips down against mine so she can feel the hard press of my cock, already growing stiff inside my jeans.

  She obliges, grinding against me and reaching up to slide her hands up my neck and bury them in my hair. “Nah,” she says, grinning now. “I prefer you wild.” She leans in to trail her tongue along my neck, until she nips and sucks on my earlobe. “You make me so much hotter for you, this way.”

  “You mean when I surprise you?” I grin and slide one hand down the back of her jeans. Her firm, tight little ass is soft and molds easily to my fingers, as I massage her ass cheeks, one after the other.

  Her eyelids flutter closed, and her lips part in a perfect little o. “Mm, exactly,” she whispers.

  “Well. I do have one more surprise for you today, Ms. Walker.” I reach back around to the front of her jeans now, and begin to undo them.

  She gasps a little, and her eyes dart to the trailhead.

  “Relax,” I murmur, cupping the back of her head with my other hand and drawing her down into a kiss. “This place is abandoned this time of year. Did you see any other cars in that lot?”

  She shakes her head a little.

  “People get too worried about snow to come up this way. And no locals hike this trail. Especially won’t be doing it today, with all the activity back home to distract them.”

  She relaxes a little. Lets me finish undoing her jeans. Eventually, she decides I’m right about the privacy, and reaches down to undo my jeans too.

  I push hers down around her waist, and she sits up off me so I can wriggle them all the way down to her ankles. She tosses them aside, and I’m left with a perfect view of her tight ass in that sexy little thong she’s wearing, just for a second, before she sits back up and straddles me again. God, I could watch her move like that forever.

  I hook one thumb around the thong. Use it to drag her hips back over mine, until she’s sitting right on top of my dick. She can feel it through my boxers—there’s no way she’d miss it. I’m rock solid now, and when she starts to rock her hips along my length, grinding against me, it’s all I can do not to tear her thong in half to get to her.

  Instead, I keep myself calm, and push her up a little in order to slide my boxers off. The second my cock springs free, she’s all over me, her hands sliding along my shaft. She dips her head to kiss my tip, sucking me between her lips, and I groan and let my head fall back against the blanket for a moment, while she works her magic. Because fucking hell, does that girl ever know what she’s doing with a dick. I’ve never had a blowjob like the one she gave me, the perfect amount of dirty, hot, and deep as hell.

  She starts to lean forward, taking my cock farther into her mouth, and I savor the sensation, just for now. But when she starts to pump up and down, working in earnest, then I have to catch her shoulder and stop her. Because as much as I’m fucking loving this, I know what I want to do today.

  “I want to watch you ride my cock, dirty girl,” I tell her, and her eyes flash with an expression torn between desire and a bright red blush.

  Still, she obeys and straddles me again. “You want me to take my panties off for you, bad boy?”

  “Slowly,” I tell her, and I drink in the sight as she eases them down her hips, wriggling that tight ass to get the thong the rest of the way off. She steps out of them, one long, lean leg at a time, and tosses them aside before she climbs over me again.

  I reach between her legs and drag one finger along the length of her slit, from her ass all the way up to her clit. When I reach her clit, my finger is already soaked, coated in the juices that are dripping liberally from her pussy. “You get so fucking wet for me, dirty girl. I love it.”

  “What can I say?” She leans over me so her hair brushes my shoulder, the side of my face. Does she know how hot that is? Her hair tickling my skin as her hot breath comes against my ear, while she whispers into it. “You know how to push my buttons, wild man.”

  I run my finger back down her length, start to stroke back and forth along her slit, coating my finger in her juices. “I just enjoy making you react to me. Watching you lose yourself in the sensations.” I stroke faster, push harder, so my fingertip glides right across her pussy entrance with each stroke. “I love the glazed look you get in your eye, when you’ve forgotten everything but me. Everything but how this feels.”

  “Yes, Gil,” she murmurs, and there’s that look I was just talking about, her eyes at half-mast as she rocks against me, losing track of the world around us.

  Then I slide my finger inside her, and she moans, rocking against me harder.

  “Yes,” she whispers again, voice lower and softer this time. “Yes, yes, yes…”

  She keeps whispering, as I keep fingering her, adding a second, then a third, to prepare her for me. At the third finger, she moans louder, unable to stop herself, and begins to buck up and down, riding my hand.

  I can’t take it anymore. I need to be inside her. I pull my hand out of her, and she gasps in protest, her hips bucking down against mine, clearly not wanting me to stop.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, Jenna,” I tell her, and she moans something indecipherable, but it sounds like fuck yes please all jumbled together into one word. I don’t let her go wanting for long. I grab my cock and aim it at her entrance. Then I let go, reach up to grab her hips instead, and gently, slowly, I ease her tight pussy down onto my cock.

  “Oh god,
Gil, yes,” she moans. Her eyes flutter shut completely now, and her head falls back, as she drops onto my cock.

  “Take my cock, baby, take every fucking inch.” I grit my teeth at the spark of pleasure that fires through me. Every inch deeper into her I go, I feel her body trembling a little harder, until I feel her pussy lips touch the base of my shaft. I’m buried inside her, filling her to the hilt. At this angle, I can feel every inch of her pussy around me, her tight walls as they clamp hard around my shaft. Even the slight press at the end, as the head of my dick meets the end of her pussy, just barely, just enough to let us both know how completely we fit into one another.

  I draw her face down to mine, claim her mouth in a hard, hungry kiss. “I love feeling your pussy around me,” I murmur against her mouth.

  “I love feeling your cock inside me, filling me up,” she whispers back, her breath a ghost across my lips.

  I tighten my hands around her hips and gently draw her back upward, pushing her off me, before I pull her back down again. “That’s it, ride me, Jenna.” She starts to rock with me, using her thighs, clamped tight around mine, to propel herself. I thrust up into her as she rides me, and I look down between us to savor the sight of my thick cock driving into her narrow little hole, over and over. Before long, we’re both moving faster, as I fuck her and she twists back and forth on top of my dick, lips parted, faint little gasps escaping her throat with every deep thrust I make into her.

  “Oh god. Oh yes,” she’s gasping. She looks fucking irresistible, gorgeous and sexy as hell as she bucks her hips, my cock driving into her over and over, her head bent back and her breasts thrust out. I grab them through her shirt, massage them tightly, and even with her bra and her shirt still on, I can feel the rock hard little nubs of her nipples between my fingers and thumb, excited as she is right now.

  “Fuck me, Gil,” she pants, until finally, I catch her hips in both hands and in one smooth motion, still keeping my cock buried within her, I flip her around and underneath me.


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