Band of Bachelors: Jake Book 3

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Band of Bachelors: Jake Book 3 Page 15

by Sharon Hamilton

  “You know, rumor on the street is that they’re going out of business soon. Lost a lot of their good agents. My broker has picked up quite a few from them. They did better when Adele was selling, I hear.” Christy was also a realtor in San Diego, but was now working more part time to be with the kids.

  “Gerud works there, Jake’s brother.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know he had one. Don’t think I’ve ever done a deal with him. Has he been a help?”

  “Kind of the opposite. It’s hard to explain, really. He kind of sought me out after Jake left Monica. He knew I regretted the divorce in the first place. I don’t know, I considered him a friend, but—” Ginger could find no path to the discussion she wanted to have. “Let’s just say it’s complicated.”

  “No kidding. I’m sure Jake will appreciate all you’ve done when he gets home.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I think you’re going to be very good for Jake. He needs someone like you, someone level-headed, to ground him. I’m not supposed to express opinions, but I’m going to anyway. I never liked those other two, and I could never figure it out. I could tell they’d never fit into the community, the lifestyle. It’s hard on women. They think they can, but in the long run, drives some of them bananas. They run the household and make all the decisions, and then the King comes home and all of a sudden he’s running things. You saw that, right?”

  “Yes, I did. That wasn’t the hard part. Jake just never talked about things.”

  “He can’t, Ginger. Not allowed to, and probably wants to keep it from you. I know Kyle has done things he never wants me or anybody to know about. Has seen things he doesn’t want anyone to know about. I honestly think if he did tell me about all that stuff, it would be worse for us, not better. I sort of have to trust him with all those secrets.”

  “Yes. That’s what happened with us before. And when Jake felt I didn’t trust him anymore, that’s when it was over. He didn’t wander back and forth at my doorway, he was just gone and never looked back.”

  “And now you have a second chance.”

  “Yes.” Ginger felt her cheeks flush. “I feel like a newlywed.”

  Christy threw back her head and laughed, fanning herself. “Whoo! Now you’re giving me dirty thoughts! What I wouldn’t give to feel like that again. I can’t complain, though. Kyle tries really hard. Can’t do anything if only one person is pulling their weight. Has to come from both sides.”

  “I agree. I think we’re there, but just beginning.”

  Christy gave her a big hug.

  “Listen, I have a great idea. Why don’t you stay here tonight?”

  “No, I couldn’t possibly.”

  “Yes, you can. You can sleep with me in the master. The girls would be thrilled to wake up and find you here. I can lend you some clothes, if you need it. Seriously, Ginger. You’ve spent your whole day being with people who probably weren’t a whole lot of fun and not on their best behavior. Spend a morning with us, the kids, here. And tell your boss to shove it if he doesn’t let you.”


  “Absolutely. I’ll take Brandon to school, but the girls can play. I’ll keep Maggie out of preschool if you want to. The three of them would have a ball with that puppy.”

  “They need their friends too, but I think it would be fun for them for just the day. I’m not sure I’m going to resume Adele taking care of them after school anymore. I don’t know. There are so many things up in the air. I want to wait to see what happens with Jake.”

  “Of course. Now. No more decisions or too much thinking. Go have a nice hot shower, or do you want a bath?”

  “Shower would be great.”

  “I’ll get you some pajamas, and we’ll head for bed. Tomorrow, hopefully, we’ll still be all together and maybe we’ll hear from the men. How does that sound?”

  “Sounds lovely.”

  “Good. Now the master bath is down that way.” She pointed to the left. “I’ll leave your pajamas in the bathroom for you.”


  Ginger hugged this nice woman, the Mama Bear of SEAL Team 3. She was every bit the rock Jake had told her she was, and that hadn’t changed since the first time she met her. She was smart, compassionate, and not afraid to speak her mind. Her part time work supplemented Kyle’s salary. She was every bit the leader and resource for the Team wives and girlfriends as Kyle was the leader for his squad.

  The shower felt wonderful. Christy left the folded pajamas on the counter for her. Ginger looked in the mirror at her face and swore she had more lines than she’d ever had before. Her right eye was slightly bloodshot as well. It was clear. She needed rest.

  Christy was getting ready to climb into bed.

  “I’m just going to check on the girls, if you don’t mind.”

  “Sure, mind if I peek?”

  “No problem.”

  The two women tiptoed to the first bedroom, where Brandon and his sister were sleeping hard. Brandon had rolled himself up in the comforter and it left Maggie with just a sheet. Christy added another throw to Maggie’s side, and they quietly left the room.

  The second bedroom was Brandon’s room. The two girls were snuggled together with the puppy sprawled between them. The dog scrambled to the end of the bed and greeted Ginger without barking. She picked her up and whispered to her.

  “She’s so cute,” Christy whispered, scratching her fluffy head. “I’m going to be in serious withdrawal when you go home, sweetie.”

  Out of the darkness, they heard Jennie’s voice. “Mama? Are you back?”

  “Yes, sweetheart.” Ginger handed the puppy to Christy. “I’m right here.” She bent over and gave her a kiss. Then Jasmine woke up and wrapped her arms around her neck.

  “Can you sleep with us?”

  “Well, no. This is a single bed. Too small for three people. I’m going to be just down the hallway with Christy. Not far.”

  They said their good nights, and placed the puppy between the two girls. Christy and Ginger tip-toed down the hallway to the master. As soon as Ginger got situated, she heard the door open.

  “Mama, can I sleep with you?” Jennie’s little voice rang out.

  “Go ahead,” whispered Christy.

  “Come on in.”

  Jennie climbed into bed, and Ginger wrapped her arms around her. A few seconds later, she heard another voice. “Mama, I’m scared all by myself. Can I come in?”

  Christy giggled. “Oh heck. You guys take the big bed, and I’ll sleep in Brandon’s room with the puppy, unless—”

  This time Fiona Chelsea sat, looking at the tall bed she couldn’t jump up on, and barked. Christy put her with Ginger and the girls, and then left the room, closing the door.

  Ginger lay on her back, one girl on each side of her. She couldn’t see the ceiling, but she imagined stars and wondered if Jake was seeing the same stars in the sky. Her heart was healing, and having her girls close to her was a big part of what felt so normal and right. Christy had been right about that. But another big piece of her heart was down in Mexico, and she hoped he was out of harm’s way and would come home to her soon.

  Love you, Jake. I need you to come back to me, safe, and I’ll do all the rest. Just come home to me.

  The puppy circled, looking for the right place to land, until she dropped to the bed, centered between Ginger’s outstretched legs.

  Chapter 26

  At the base on Puerto Cortes, their leased plane landed, greeted by Mexican authorities, waiting for them to deplane. Kyle’s attention piqued when he noted a C-212 Aviocar parked near their Naval military transport, which thankfully had arrived ahead of them. The Mexican military used the 212s for transporting small bands of troops. Two crewmen from the transport were on their way, jogging to meet the greeting party, but the plane was still running and the pilots in place. Jake knew they intended to leave as soon as the clearance was given.

  Jake and Kyle shared a look without either saying anything.

�You guys wait here while I find out what’s going on. Didn’t expect this welcome committee.”

  Kyle motioned to Armando to accompany him, and the two walked down the gangway. Jake and several others kept in the shadows on board, but had a perfect view of everyone congregating below.

  He watched Armando translate the introductions as the two American airmen without uniform arrived, taking their place in line with the Mexican officials.

  Armando began translating, “It has come to our attention that members of your SEAL Team 3 murdered an innocent girl at a party at Baja Nuevo resort. There are many witnesses, and also several who were killed defending her honor.” Armando’s eye twitched as he translated that last sentence.

  The airman interrupted and removed a letter from his notebook, which had the insignia of the CIA or some government agency on the outside.

  “Excuse me, gentlemen, but I have a signed letter from Admiral Adam Wellesley, Commander of the Pacific Fleet. I think you should read this first.”

  He presented the letter to the Mexican General Cortez, who handed it over to his aide.

  Armando whispered, “He’s not happy with the letter. Says he thinks it’s a hoax designed to embarrass the Mexican military.” Armando continued as Cortez addressed the group in English, shoving his aide aside.

  “You will wait one minute here. No one leaves. Not you,” he pointed to the American flight crew, and certainly not you.” He pointed to Kyle. He turned on his heels, formally, and disappeared into the airport offices.

  Kyle shook the hands of the two American crew. Jake couldn’t hear what they exchanged.

  “Well, you got an Admiral at your back, at least, Jake,” whispered T.J. as he slapped his shoulder. Thank God they got here first or they’d not be given permission to land.”

  “Yeah, how does it feel to be so wanted?” Fredo sneered at him.

  Coop whispered, “Too bad we couldn’t make a run for it. But that would cost us everything, maybe even our lives.”

  “Roger that. No. We don’t do that. We got an Admiral working for us. If need be, I think we stay right here until we get further word.” T.J. looked up at the Mexican pilot who had come back to overhear the conversation.

  “I have to return the plane. You must all go. Go now!”

  “Hold on, buddy, we’re not going anywhere,” said T.J. “You wanna call someone, go right ahead, but we’re staying aboard this bird until we get our orders.”

  “No, I cannot stay here. I do not want to get involved.” Jake could see the pilot was terrified.

  Kyle looked up the gangway. “We got a problem up there?”

  “It’s the pilot. He wants to leave.”

  “Well, he can leave as soon as we are allowed to board that plane.” He nodded to the airmen. “Keep those engines running. And you better call the Admiral.”

  Kyle made a call as well.

  Jake asked Coop. “Can I make one? Can I find out about my dad?”

  “Shoot, Jake, I sure hope so. Wait a minute and let me find out.” He leaned into the doorway, “Kyle?”

  Their LPO interrupted his phone call. “Jake needs to call about his dad. Can you grant permission?”

  “Tell him go ahead. In fact, everyone get on the phone and call home. I’m on the line with our liaison now. You get everyone to start calling the Spec Ops Center, and someone call Congressman Denkins. Somebody got his number?”

  “Okay, Jake. You’re cleared,” Coop repeated. “And say what, Lannie?”

  “I don’t know. Tell them the Mexican government is holding a whole squad of Navy SEALs against their will.”

  While Jake was dialing, he could see several of the Mexican officials who spoke English nervously speaking amongst themselves. They all were peering at the little office shed, waiting for the General to bring them some news.

  “Hey, I got KTLA on the line,” said Alex. “Old girlfriend is the weather girl on the weekends there.”

  T.J. started to chuckle, “Holy motherfucker. I guess the shit’s gonna hit the fan now.” He shouted down to Kyle. “You’re gonna be on the evening news, Lansdowne.”

  On the fourth ring, Ginger picked up.

  “Hey baby, we’re coming home. At least we think we are.”

  “Oh my God, Jake. So good to hear your voice!”

  He heard cheering in the background. “You still at Christy’s?”

  “Sure am. I spent the night here.”

  Jake heard the voices of his daughters fighting over who got to talk to him. Ginger was trying to navigate getting away from them so she could talk.

  “Hold on, honey. Listen, we got ourselves a situation here. You gotta tell Christy to get hold of someone over at SpecOps and to put the lady SEALs on it. We need some help getting released.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Some General wants to hold us. We made a dirty exit. I can’t give you the details, but nothing you hear is going to be right, so don’t bother.”

  “Oh, Jake. Are they going to put you in jail? A Mexican jail?”

  Jake looked around the plane at his friends. He was aware what kind of firepower they had on board, and he knew there was a skeleton crew on the defunct Mexican Naval Base, mostly deployed taking apart equipment and old planes and selling them for scrap. He knew if a fight broke out, unless reinforcements were sent in, it wouldn’t end well for the locals.

  “Not a snowball’s chance in hell. Only question is, how’s it going to go. So, you tell Christy to call Kyle, and let me talk to the girls, okay?”

  “Okay. Miss you, sweetie.”

  “Same here. I’ll feel a lot better when I get home. Get back on California soil.”

  “Girls, girls, who wants to talk to Daddy?” he could hear her say.

  “Oh, Ginger, what about Dad? I almost forgot.”

  “Jake, I’m sorry. He had another heart attack.”

  He closed his eyes. Something in him knew it was so.


  “Hi, Daddy!” Jasmine’s voice shrilled over the phone. The puppy was barking, and he could tell the girls were in a tussle over who was going to hold the phone.

  “Hey, Jasmine. You share with Jennifer, okay? Daddy doesn’t have a lot of time, so I want to talk to both of you.”

  They agreed. “Are you coming home now? Are you in America?”

  “No, sweethearts. I’m still in Mexico, but I’ll be home soon. Maybe tonight. Would you like that?”

  “Yay!” came their voices. Someone dropped the phone. Jennifer was the first to come back on the line. “Daddy, Chelsea Fiona is getting big. And she’s a girl.”

  “I should hope so, with a name like that,” chuckled Jake.

  He heard a whistle from outside, and T.J. gave the cut sign.

  “Look, sweethearts, Daddy’s got to go. You tell Mama I love her, okay. Gotta go.”

  He hated to disconnect, but there was a flurry of activity. He heard his name being called out.

  T.J., the pilot and others moved out of the way to allow Jake to stand at the top of the gangway. He saw Kyle motion for him to join him on the tarmac.

  “Jake, I’m afraid we need to see you, buddy.”

  Several of the guys patted him on the back with encouragement. He noticed the General was stoic. The decorum didn’t look dangerous, but Jake reminded himself it only took one gun to kill someone. He still had his tucked into his waistband. T.J. put his palm there before he started down the steps, and whispered, “You sure?”

  Jake hesitated, and T.J. took the Glock back.

  “Wise choice.” Jake heard as he made it down the ramp.

  “General Cortez, this is Jake Green, Navy SEAL Jake Green. My entire squad attempted to rescue two children and their teacher last night. In the firefight, Jake is the one who accidentally shot Ms. Lopez, who was the girl’s teacher. These girls were kidnapped from their boarding school, along with their teacher. Our Navy is prepared to issue a full report to your government within twenty-four hours, and if necessary
, accompany Special Operator Green here back to Mexican soil to answer to any outstanding charges. But under no circumstances, and I have it on the highest Naval authority, are we to be detained any further on Mexican soil. These gentlemen,” he pointed to the transport plane crew, “have been tasked by the Admiral of the Pacific Fleet to bring these boys home.”

  General Cortez gave Jake a dangerous look. “You shot that girl?”

  “The man I was shooting at was behind her, sir. They had all the girls up on a pool table and were undressing them, sir. She ended up in the line of fire. It was an accident, sir.” He was speaking louder than necessary, but part of it was to keep himself from shaking. He was also about to lose his stomach contents.

  He did not flinch at Cortez’ stare. He’d seen bad guys much worse than this guy—guys who lived their whole lives for one purpose only: to kill Americans. This man didn’t have the taste for killing that Jake had confronted face to face.

  The General flinched. He said something to his aide, who produced a cell phone and they took Jake’s picture.

  “Here, you wanna take another one, please?” said Kyle. He gripped Jake’s shoulder and whispered, “Smile.” The aide took a second picture of the both of them, smiling.

  The aide asked for the correct spelling of Jake and Kyle’s names, and then gave approval for them to go.

  Jake nearly collapsed in Kyle’s arms, which wouldn’t have been a good thing.

  “You okay, there, buddy?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Sure you are. How’s your dad?”

  “He’s not so fine.”

  “Damn shame.” Kyle looked up at him. “Then we go home and start to pick up the pieces, right?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  “Okay, everyone,” Kyle shouted, “Get your shit and let’s get back to California.”

  One by one they brought their equipment and ice chests full of ammo, plus a couple of fishing poles they’d brought just to enhance the cover, and loaded up the transport. Kyle waved to the pilot and handed him an envelope. He also gave the General an envelope, and saluted the man, who saluted back.


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