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Talon (Uncompromising #1)

Page 31

by Sybil Bartel

  I chuckled and dragged my thumb over that bottom lip I wanted to kiss so bad I could taste it. “Never claimed different. You got a place in mind you want to move to?”

  She shook her head like she couldn’t believe we were having this conversation.

  “There’s a small town a few hours’ south of here. It’s known for having pretty good surfin’.” It wasn’t California or Hawaii surfing but Florida had become home to me. The small beach town I was talking about was just enough off the beaten path, and it was halfway between Neil in Ocala and Blaze and Layna and André in Miami. I could let Kendall take over the shop. I could still make boards. The wheels were spinning and shit felt like it was coming together. “Whatdaya think? Wanna check it out?”

  “You’re talking like we’re already married and we’re planning our future together.”

  I fingered a soft strand of her hair while I studied her. “How come you and Carter never married?”

  She dropped her gaze. “We didn’t fit…but he never asked.”

  And she wouldn’t have pushed. That’s not who she was. I tipped her chin up so I could see her eyes. “Do you ever think about getttin’ married?”

  “Yes,” she said quietly.

  I couldn’t take another minute of not touching her like I wanted to. I stood and gently helped her to her feet so she didn’t wake Maddie. “C’mon.”

  “Where are we going?”

  I put my hand on the small of her back. “To bed.” I silently led her to the bedroom and to the crib I’d pushed against the wall. “Put her down.” I picked up one of the blankets we’d washed earlier today.

  “She could wake up.”

  “We’ll bring her to bed with us later. Lay her down, darlin’. I need to show you somethin’.”

  Cradling her head, Siren put Maddie in her new crib. I placed the blanket around her and she tucked her in. Siren may not have noticed it, but I did. We worked seamlessly together.

  I took her hand and led her toward our bed. Slow, gentle, I pulled one of the shirts I’d bought her over her head and tossed it on the floor. I dropped to a squat and kissed her scarred thigh as I dragged her shorts down her legs.

  Holding her wrists at her sides, I kissed my way up her naked body then let her hands go with a gentle command. “Don’t move.”

  I pulled my T-shirt over my head and stepped out of my board shorts. Already hard as fuck, I wanted to devour her but more than that, I needed to show her what she meant to me.

  I kissed her once then I brushed my lips across her temple. “I love touchin’ you.”

  She shivered.

  I moved behind her and my breath caught in my throat seeing the evidence of what she’d lived through. I drew my fingers up her spine and traced her gorgeous tattoo. I kissed her shoulder. “I love your scars.”

  A tremor went up her back.

  My chest to her ink, I stepped up against her and lowered my lips to her ear. My fingers skimmed across the top then under her perfect breasts. Fighting the urge to rock my hips into her, I trailed down to her stomach and over her hips then I traced the scar from her C-section. “And I love your body.” I cupped her between her legs and pushed a finger through her wetness. “But mostly…” I sunk two fingers inside her. Her back arched and she moaned. “I love how we fit together.”

  I turned her around and brought my mouth to hers. My tongue swept in and I kissed her how a man kisses a woman he loves. Holding her, curving my body around hers, I stole her breath and took what was mine. I devoured her lips and dominated her tongue. Her arms wrapped around my neck and when she pushed into me, a groan ripped from my chest. I couldn’t hold back another moment. I needed to show her how we fit together.

  I grasped the backs of her thighs and she wrapped her legs around my waist. Her slickness rubbing up against me, I fought for the control not to thrust inside her and take her up against a wall. Holding her tight, I gently lowered her to the bed. I grasped her ankles, untangled them from my back and pushed her legs wide. With one last sweep of my tongue, I released her mouth.

  Her sound of protest turned into a moan as I sucked her hard nipple into my mouth. Using my teeth just enough to sting, I kissed away the burn and moved lower. The second my mouth landed on her wet heat, she cried out. My dick pulsed painfully and I swirled my tongue over her clit but then I crawled up her body and settled my weight between her legs because tonight wasn’t about how many times I could make her fall apart.

  My arms cradling her head, my mouth hovering above hers, I stared down at my Siren and gave her a quiet command. “Keep your eyes on me.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  I thrust forward and sunk deep inside her.

  Her lips parted with a gasp and for one incredible moment the only thing that existed was me and her. This beautiful, strong woman was giving herself to me, body and soul. Sharp need slammed into me and I drove my hips into hers, chasing away any doubt or distance between us.

  Holding her gaze, I pulled out then thrust deep and gave her something I thought I’d lost two years ago. “I love you.” I gave her my heart.

  He gorgeous hooded eyes widened and she stilled.

  I brushed my lips against hers. “I want it all with you. Your heart, your hand. My future is you.”

  “Talon,” she whispered.

  Thick with emotion, my voice dropped. “Heart and soul, I love you, Nicole Marie Archer.”

  “Talon.” Soft and hauntingly beautiful, she caressed my name like the siren she was and cupped my cheek. “Heart and soul, I love you too.”

  I made love to my Siren.


  I pretended I was still asleep.

  Tiny little hands landed on my chest a second before a toddler crawled on top of me. “Cookie,” she stage whispered like only a two-and-a-half-year-old could.

  Swift and sure, I wrapped my arms around her and let out a roar worthy of a lion.

  Maddie dissolved into a fit of giggles.

  I covered her in kisses and sat up in bed. “Is that how you wake a man up, sweetness? Demandin’ food?” I tickled her ribs.

  “Cookies!” she squealed, dropping the stuffed bunny she carried everywhere.

  I fought to hide my smile and make my voice stern. “Cookies are no kinda breakfast. Bacon and eggs, fruit, that’s what you’re gettin’.”

  Her little face scrunched up in thought then she smiled. “Smoothie,” she countered.

  I narrowed my eyes and faked a grave seriousness. “With protein powder?”

  Eyes wide with innocence, she nodded.

  I held my stern expression and pretended to consider it. “Strawberry?”

  “’Nilla,” she whispered.

  I grinned. “Done.”

  She clapped her hands together.

  “Let’s check the waves, baby girl.” I scooped Maddie up and walked to the wall of windows looking out over the ocean that were twice as large as my old house. I counted sets for a minute as Maddie quietly rested her head on my chest.

  “It’s lookin’ good today.” I pointed. “Smooth and glassy, clean breaks goin’ in one direction. You see that, baby? Nothin’ stopping that break on the top of that wave, it peeled straight. Looks like we got a nice offshore wind. What kinda day does that mean?” I’d been teaching her about the waves since the first time I took her to the beach.

  “Beach.” She snuggled into me.

  I rubbed my hand across her small back and contentment settled deep in my bones. “That’s my smart girl.” Smiling, I kissed the top of her head. “But first, sweetness, let’s go find Mama.”

  I loved the new house. It was a giant picture frame of glass for the ocean. Even the hallway leading from the master suite to the open-plan kitchen and living room was a wall of windows. Neil and I hadn’t done much to house except convert part of the four-car garage into a workshop so I could make boards.

  The smell of coffee and something sweet baking hit us before we stepped into the kitchen. With her back t
o us, Siren stood at the counter. Her long blonde hair loose, in tight little shorts and a tank top, she took my breath away.

  “Now that’s a gorgeous sight.” I grinned.

  Siren looked over her shoulder smiled shyly. “Good morning.”

  “Good mornin’, beautiful. What smells so good?”

  “Your birthday cake. Don’t forget everyone’s coming around three. I’ll need a few extra chairs from the garage to go on the deck.”

  I’d told her I didn’t want a fuss over my birthday so she’d gone behind my back and invited everyone for a barbeque for the day before my actual birthday. I gave her shit but I loved her for it. “Everyone comin’?” I asked casually. I hadn’t seen Blaze since he and Layna got back from Europe.

  “Yes, Blaze and Layna are coming.”

  Damn. “Is that what I was askin’? You think you know me?” I teased.

  She put down the spoon she was using and turned around. “Only what you tell me.” Innocent, pure, she was so beautifully honest.

  She was also observant as hell, not to mention sexy as fuck. “Should I tell ya what I’m thinkin’ right now?” She’d left our bed way too early this morning.

  Desire swirled in her eyes. “Okay.”

  I swung Maddie to my hip and grabbed Siren by the jaw. Leaning to her ear, I nipped the sensitive flesh of her neck and whispered, “I might be holdin’ our gorgeous daughter but I’m havin’ impure thoughts about sinkin’ inside that tight heat of yours and losin’ myself. You left me hangin’ this mornin’.”

  “I needed to—”

  “I know what you need.” I slipped a hand down, cupped her over her shorts, and rubbed my thumb in a tight circle.

  Siren moaned and leaned into my touch.

  “Feel that, darlin’?” I pushed my hips against hers and gave her a slow grind. “Come nap time, you’re mine.”

  Her head fell back and she gripped the counter behind her. “Talon.”

  Hearing my name like a breathless plea on her lips made a smile spread across my face. I set Maddie on her feet. “Baby girl, go get Bunny and wait for Daddy on the couch while I make your smoothie. You remember how to turn the TV on?”

  Big blue eyes looked up at me and Maddie nodded with the seriousness of a toddler.

  I kissed the top of her head. “Good girl.” She ran off.

  I stood and pushed my hand into Siren’s shorts and slipped my fingers into her tight pussy. Already wet for me, my blood surged south and my dick throbbed painfully. Growling, I gripped a handful of her hair and brought my lips to hers. She smelled like sugar and my woman. “You’re gonna come hard and fast right now then I’m gonna fuck the shit out of you later.”

  “Okay,” she panted, grinding into my hand.

  I drove my tongue into her mouth and fucking devoured her. My fingers curling deep inside her, my thumb hard on her clit, I kissed her like I was starving.

  The kitchen exploded with the soundtrack of a princess movie coming out of the ceiling speakers.

  I broke the kiss and hollered over the noise, “Madeleine Talerco. Did I say turn the stereo on?”

  The sound muted and giggles cascaded out of the living room. “Daddy!”

  A low groan ripped from my chest and I bit Siren’s neck as my fingers slowly stroked. “What, darlin’?” I called over my shoulder, trying like hell not to laugh.

  “Daddy Maddie dance!”

  I grinned at Siren and an identical giggle escaped her perfect lips.

  “I’m already dancin’ with Mama. You wait your turn.” I leaned into Siren, put my lips on her throat and dropped my voice. “I’m gonna make you come so hard.” I curled my fingers.

  Little footsteps padded across the hardwood.

  I straightened. “Halt.”

  The footsteps stopped and I breathed out.

  “Kitchen’s off-limits right now, baby girl. I wanna hear that TV turn on and I want that pink pajama’d little butt on the couch in five seconds flat or I’m not takin’ you surfin’ today.”

  “Surfing, surfing, surfing!” The footsteps receded and the TV turned on.

  I smiled mischievously at Siren. “Where were we?”

  Humor touched the corners of her mouth. “She’s got you wrapped around her finger.”

  I kissed the spot below her ear that always gave her chills and she shivered. “Like mother, like daughter. I’m wrapped and runnin’, just trying’ to keep my women happy.” I circled her clit with my thumb.

  “You love it,” Siren breathed, her eyes fluttering shut.

  “You’re right. And I’m about to show you how much.” I smiled against the sweet jasmine smell of her skin then I spun her around. In three quick movements, I yanked her shorts down over ass, fisted my cock and sunk inside her.

  We both groaned.

  She gripped the counter for support and I drove deep. My fingers still on her clit, I shoved her shirt up then grasped her hip.

  Kissing my way up her scar, grinding my hips with every thrust, stroking through her slickness, I fucked her and took her to very edge.

  “You feel that?” I whispered. Her legs trembled as she started to contract around me.

  “Yes,” she panted.

  I pinched her hard nipple then soothed the sting with my palm. “You’re right there but you’re not gonna come yet.” I slowly plunged into her, inch by inch. “You’re gonna wait for me to come inside you first.”

  “Okay.” She panted, squirming.

  I held her firm, my dick buried to the hilt. “Okay what?” I fought for control.

  She ground her hips into me and her tight pussy started to quiver. “I’ll wait.”

  Fuck, I wasn’t going to last. I gripped her hips with both hands and pounded into her three times.

  Her back arched and her muscles clenched around my dick.

  I fucking exploded inside her. Cupping her jaw, I turned her head and drove my tongue into her mouth, riding out our orgasms. When I felt her body go limp under me, I pulled her bottom lip between my teeth and slowly eased out of her.

  She turned in my arms and wrapped her hands around my neck.

  I caught her chin and kissed her. “Goddamn, Mrs. Talerco, I love you.”

  Her shy smile spread across her face and went straight to my heart. “Love you back, Mr. Talerco.”


  Thank you so much for reading TALON! If you were interested in leaving a review on Amazon or Goodreads, I would be so appreciative! Reviews mean the world to authors. They are helpful beyond compare.

  Thank you! XOXO


  Did you want more of Blaze and Layna? You can read their complete story in the Unchecked Series. IMPOSSIBLE PROMISE, IMPOSSIBLE CHOICE, and IMPOSSIBLE END are all available now!


  Turn the page for an excerpt from NEIL (Uncompromising Series Book #2) by Sybil Bartel, coming September 1st, 2016.

  SHAKING MY ARMS OUT, I pulled my left leg up behind me and pushed it to my ass. I stretched the muscles out like I was runner, which was a total joke. I rotated my neck and my song came on.

  Fuck. I hated stripping.

  I strode out on stage like I owned the damn joint and let the music take me into my routine. I shook my ass and pushed my tits together and counted off the steps. Each one meant I was a second closer to going home to my boy.

  I smiled.

  Conner always made me smile. It was fucked-up that I was thinking of my two-year-old son while I was strutting my pussy wares but that was exactly what I was doing when I spun to show off my ass and saw him.

  I stumbled. I fucking stumbled.

  He was that gorgeous. All six feet six inches of him. He also scared the ever-loving shit out of me.


  Custom tailored suit, dress shirt open at the collar, light brown hair, grey eyes, and muscles that had muscles, he was so ridiculously built, I’d swear he spent five hours a day in a gym but he was in commercial construction. Or so he’d said. He could be a damn mercenary
for all I knew. It didn’t matter, because I wasn’t going to get close enough to find out. He was bad news and he made the word alpha sound like child’s play. No thanks. I’d already made every bad decision I was going to make in my life. Me and Conner. That was it for me now.

  I forced myself to look away from him and concentrate on the routine. But instead of the moves flowing, I worked for every step. I was disjointed and worse, my legs were quivering, my heart was pounding, and my stupid stomach was fluttering at just the thought of him.

  Double fuck.

  Three strides away from the end of my routine, I walked off the stage. With a quick glance over my shoulder, I scanned the end of the bar where he’d been standing. When I didn’t see him, air whooshed out of my lungs and I rushed backstage.

  Grabbing the bills in my G-string as I walked to the dressing room, I was intercepted by the manager.

  “What the fuck was that, Ariel? You didn’t even finish the song. You think you’re too good for us now that you got a day job?”

  “Fuck off, Davie.” Shit, I barely made ninety bucks.

  He threw his hands up. “What do I pay you for? Get your ass back out there and sell some fucking drinks!”


  His arms dropped and his voice turned menacing. “What did you just say to me?”

  I sighed and turned to go into the dressing room but he grabbed my arm.

  “Let go of her.” Deep, quiet, his voice rocked through the hallway, a thousand times more threatening than if he’d yelled.

  “Who the fuck…” As Davie’s eyes traveled up the height of Viking, he stopped talking.

  “Don’t make me repeat myself.” Viking’s accent was as scary as his presence.

  Davie dropped his hand from my arm and held it out to Viking. “Dave Castellano. You ever thought about being a bouncer?”

  “Step back,” was all Viking said.

  Davie dropped his outstretched hand. “Right, right, sure, I get it, personal space and all that.” He took a giant, theatric step backwards. “This good?” he spoke as loud as if he’d crossed the room.


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