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His Secretary with Benefits

Page 7

by Fiona Murphy

  She unzipped her dress and pushed it down her body, allowing it to fall to the floor. Still he didn’t move, just watched her. Her bra came open easily at the front clasp; all it took was the lightest touch for it to fall to the floor. Laura watched his cock harden below the loose sweats, but he didn’t say anything or move. She pushed down the thong and went down on her knees in front of him.

  “I’m sorry it’s late,” Laura said as she slid her hands up his hard thighs and cupped his cock through the sweats.

  “Did a man get close to you?” He gritted out the words as his hands went into her hair and pulled her toward his cock.

  “No, we stayed at the table all night. Just dinner and only one drink. Mainly we were catching up. Not once did a man get close to me. The feel of your cum inside me has had me hot and wanting you all night. I went to the restroom and my fingers played in your cum and I licked myself almost clean. Now I want your cock in my mouth. I want just the taste of you in my mouth.”

  Pulling his hard cock from the sweats, she was hungry for the taste of him all over again. His hands were punishing in her hair, and he was fucking her mouth as roughly as he would have fucked her pussy. She didn’t care. She loved every minute of it. After these long months, she took him easily into her throat, even when he was as brutal as he was being now. She choked only once, and that was when he began to spurt in her mouth, but she recovered quickly and sucked him deeper until he was limp in her mouth again.

  At last satisfied, he gentled his grip on her hair, and Laura allowed his cock to slide from her mouth. She rested her head on his thigh and lightly traced her fingers over this part of him that filled her with so much pleasure. She adored his cock, and although it was rare for her to wake up before him, often he would wake up to find her in the position she was in now. Her head on his thigh, her fingers lingering over his cock, gentle, as if she were committing every inch of it to her memory. The few times she had woken before him and she wasn’t studying his cock, it was in her mouth, and she was sucking him for all she was worth.

  “That was rough, baby. I’m sorry.”

  Laura smiled, not taking her hand from his cock. “I know it’s bad of me, but you know I like it when you get rough. You don’t do it nearly enough. It’s almost as good as when you’re gentle and sweet. We women are such a pain in the ass, so I’m sure if you were rough all the time then I’d complain about it. But don’t apologize—if you want to make it up to me then you can take me to bed and fill up my ass with as much cum as you did my pussy.”

  He laughed, pulled her up and into his arms, and carried her to bed. She went to her knees and his hands came down on her hips. When he slammed into her pussy, hard and deep, she moaned her pleasure. Her whole body quivered. He was going to be just as rough as she needed him to be.

  When he pulled out, a smack rang through the room and her ass shook. She moaned her pleasure, and another smack bit into her ass. The blunt head of his cock played in the juices seeping from along the lips of her pussy. Another smack and she begged him for his cock. She felt him there at the tight hole of her ass, and he thrust in. His hands on her hips were almost as painful as his fierce thrust until he was buried deep. She had no time to savor the feel of him buried deep before he was out again, almost past the tight ring, and then he was back all the way deep inside her. Her head went back and she cried out his name. His hand caught her hair and kept hold of it, and she loved it. Faster and faster, he moved inside her ass, and, trembling, she felt her climax build. A smack to her ass and she groaned, so close, and then he was fucking only inches in and out of her, faster, deeper, and she was clenching her ass around his thick cock. Her orgasm surprised her and slammed into her as powerfully as Paul’s cock. She cried out. It was so strong, it was almost painful. As her ass clenched around him, Paul slammed deep and came, his cum filling her.

  Her arms gave way and she fell forward, her face buried in the sheets. Paul clung to her around her stomach and followed her down, still buried deep inside her. He knew she loved the feeling of him inside her.

  “Was that rough enough, sweetheart?” he murmured into her neck.

  “Yes, thank you, but when you catch your breath and get hard again, I’m going to need you to do it all over again.” She felt his cock twitch, and she clenched around him.

  “I absolutely love how insatiable you are for my cock. Have I told you that? Have I told you how hard I get just thinking about your love for my cock?”

  “Hmm, no, but actions speak louder than words.” She loved the feel of his teeth sinking into the flesh of her neck. “Paul, do you think you’re ready to fuck my ass again?”

  His reply was a smack of her ass, and she moaned her approval.


  Two weeks later and it was a gorgeous day out, and all she wanted to do was lie in bed with Paul, but she couldn’t. She had plans with April to go shopping for a dress to Kelly’s wedding in three weeks. The few dresses she had thought would work didn’t pass the Paul test. She’d had to beg him to stop tearing them off her, but he hadn’t listened, with the explanation that she wasn’t ever going to wear them again anyway, so what did it matter if he tore them off her? As the daughter of a Pentecostal preacher and now a kindergarten teacher, April was the person she could trust to help her pick out something stylish but conservative enough to please Paul.

  Paul was already up, and she could smell the coffee. She had an hour before she was due to meet April, so she had to get into gear. Her shower was quick, as she had put her hair up. They would also be getting their hair cut and pedicures today. Thoughtful of pleasing Paul, she wore a long black peasant skirt and a matching black loose tee shirt. She tucked a pair of panties into her purse. She knew she wanted Paul to take her before she left for the day. While they had been up late last night, it had been mainly for work, and he’d only taken her once before they’d fallen asleep. She loved going about her day with the feel of him inside her.

  He was at the dining table working. Even though he had an office, he rarely used it.

  “Hey, sweetheart, do you have time for breakfast? I’m sorry, I meant to wake you earlier.”

  “No worries. I don’t have time for breakfast. We’re planning to meet at a coffee shop anyway, so I’ll get something there. I don’t have much time, but I do have five minutes for you to fuck me and fill me up. Please, Paul,” Laura whispered as she pulled up the skirt, showing him her naked pussy.

  “You sure as hell better not be going out without panties,” Paul said as he stood up. He backed her up against the wall and she went willingly, her hands on his jeans and pulling out his cock. It always made her wet knowing how strong he was, when he picked her up easily, her pussy clenched in need. She wrapped her legs around him and sighed with pleasure as he slid into her wet pussy, and with one aggressive stroke he was buried to the hilt. Her arms around his neck, her head went back. He belonged inside her. She knew she would never get tired of the feeling of him inside her.

  “Hmm, of course not. I have panties in my purse. Stop talking and fuck me hard.” She moaned, and her pussy squeezed him.

  His mouth covered hers, and he pumped fiercely into her. It didn’t take long before he was spilling into her, and she moaned as she hit her climax with an intensity that almost overwhelmed her. He began to move, but she murmured her disagreement and he sank back into her with a sigh.

  “Why do you need to go shopping?” His words got to her, and she remembered April and sighed as she forced herself up. He moved out of her and set her back down on slightly wobbly legs. She went down on her knees to clean his cock, as she loved to do.

  “Because of you. Don’t you remember all those dresses you tore? I can’t go Kelly’s wedding in something like this.” She pulled her panties out of her purse and stepped into them.

  “Why do we have to go the wedding? Why can’t we be out of town or something?”

  “Because it’s a wedding over a year in the planning. We can’t suddenly forget now.”
r />   “It just seems like such a waste. All that time, money and effort on one day that means nothing.”

  “Paul! What do you mean it means nothing?”

  He shrugged as he fastened his jeans and flopped back down. “Marriage is a crock of bullshit. Ten years from now, if they’re even still together, all that money spent on such a huge wedding will be a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of money they’ll be spending on lawyers.”

  “Just because your marriage didn’t work out doesn’t mean it can’t work out for other people. Kelly really cares about Eliot.” Laura did her best to hide her distress.

  “Cares about—and if she cares about him so damn much then how was she still fucking me not just while they dated, but four months into their engagement? Yeah, I’m not impressed with that much caring. Kelly is marrying him so she can have a certain lifestyle she couldn’t have without him. He’s marrying her because she gives amazing head and she looks good on his arm.

  “So what happens if the market turns against him and Kelly stops looking good? Kelly has already told me she has no intention of having kids, because in her family one kid and the body goes. She wanted kids before she met him, but she’s too afraid of not being able to get her body back in shape enough to please him, so out go the kids. I can practically guarantee those two will be a part of the statistic that fifty percent of marriages end in divorce.”

  “Maybe when you don’t get married for the right reasons, but maybe when you get married for the right reasons then those people are the other fifty percent that stick it out for life.”

  Paul shook his head, but whatever he might have said was lost when his cell phone rang. It was Garrett, and Paul pulled her to him and gave her a kiss on the neck before pushing her away.

  Laura walked away in a haze of pain. He’d really meant everything he said about marriage. Their time together hadn’t changed that. She hated to admit that she’d really thought it might be different. Paul had treated her far more like a girlfriend and permanent part of his life than a lover. Yet even though she was dying to move in, she just couldn’t do it. She was terrified they would wake up one morning, together for years but nothing ever solid and settled. It was getting harder and harder each day to keep the words from spilling out. The few days she spent away from him were her time to be free with her feelings. She also hated to admit that it gave her a thrill when Paul acted as if she had been away from him for ages instead of just a night or two.

  April was waiting for her, and Laura sat down with thump, unseeing. It came out then, everything he’d said, and then the tears started. April was a good friend and hugged her while she cried. After almost an hour, Laura was finally able to get herself under control.

  “I’m sorry, sweetie,” April said. “I really thought when he asked you to move in that was the start of something deeper for him. Don’t do this. Don’t give up on him. He invites your friends out to dinner not once but twice, and puts up with Tina’s smart ass while never once looking annoyed. Those aren’t the actions of someone who doesn’t care about you. We go out and there are beautiful women everywhere, and I swear I don’t think he takes his eyes off you more than once or twice for longer than a minute. But he’s a guy and, let’s be honest, no matter how smart they are in business, when it comes to women they can be stupider than we believe they are.

  “He had a rough time and apparently a bad example with his parents. Maybe he just needs to live with it a little longer to really get what love is.”

  “Maybe you’re right, but you know how bad I am at being patient,” Laura said. “I guess there’s a part of me that wonders how the hell could he not know by now? The way he talks to me at times, all that’s missing are the words ‘I love you.’ He wants to wake up with me in the morning and fall asleep with me in his arms. He took me with him to New York last time, and he said he couldn’t stand being away from me for so long. It’s three days, I tell him, and he’s all, so what, I get antsy when I can’t see you or touch you for so long. I mean, damn it, how can he not get it?”

  Laura’s exasperation was building as she remembered all the other little things he had said and done. The way he made her coffee for her, cooked her breakfast, and all the tiny ways he took care of her. None of those things had anything to do with sex, and yet they were just as important for him to get right for her.

  “Laura, don’t give up on him. A little more time and I know he’ll get it.”

  With a nod, Laura promised, but after a long day of shopping she made an excuse and texted Paul that she was spending the night with April. She needed some time and room. She didn’t tell April what she was doing, and pretended like she was fine as she waved goodbye later that afternoon.

  That night, Tina brought over popcorn, a DVD, and a bottle of wine. Tina gave the dress a thumbs-down, which meant Paul would love it. Tina agreed with April that Laura needed to give Paul more time, and, after they gave up on the bad movie, gave her a hug before going back to her own apartment.

  Laura had just turned off the light and got into bed. It didn’t matter that it was only a little after nine. She couldn’t stop her chaotic thoughts, and sought peace in sleep.

  Her bedroom door opened with a bang as it hit the wall, and the light came on a second later. The look of relief on his face at the sight of her in bed almost made up for the fear he’d put her through. But he was still angry, very angry.

  “What the fuck are you doing here when you’re supposed to be with April?” He tore the covers off her, and he exhaled heavily to see her in a long tee shirt and panties.

  “For fuck’s sake, Paul, what is the matter with you? I wanted a quiet night all to myself and it seemed easier to use April as an excuse.”

  “A quiet night all to yourself? You’d rather be here alone than with me?”

  Shit, he looked hurt, and Laura fought back tears. She couldn’t tell him the truth—she was supposed to be giving him time. She hated lying, hated it with a passion, but she didn’t hesitate. Whatever it took to reassure Paul, she’d do it. “April upset me, okay? She told me moving in with you was a bad idea, really bad. She told me I should break it off with you, that I was becoming too wrapped up in you. I was so confused and upset that I knew you’d see it and it would become a big deal. I’m sorry, I lied.”

  Her hands were claws in the bed. She wanted to go to him but she was scared. His face became darker at her words. “Why the fuck would April say that? Never mind.” He crossed the room and pulled her up and into his arms. “I don’t care. I’m sorry she upset you, and we won’t discuss it. I know she’s one of your oldest and best friends. Get dressed, I’m taking you home.”

  Nodding meekly, Laura found the clothes she’d worn that day, and then went into the living room to see Paul looking at the dress she’d picked out. “I like it, as long as it isn’t too tight.”

  He picked up the dress and held out his hand to her. Laura took it without hesitation, eager to put the night behind them.

  But the night was far from over, and that night he took her to heaven and back again and again. It started when he tore the skirt and panties from her and opened her wide for his mouth. His tongue was hungry for the taste of her pussy. Light laps of her juice and then he went deeper into her channel, fucking her with his tongue, and then he added two fingers, stroking the skin between her pussy and ass. His fingers toyed in her juices and sank into her ass easily, fucking her in time with his tongue, and she begged for more. A third finger was added to her, and she begged for his cock to fill her up. On and on his torture continued. His mouth moved to her labia, and she moaned in welcome as he moved toward her clit, but he was only taunting her. His fingers slipped from her ass, and she almost cried. Then they slipped into her pussy, playing inside her and slipping into her channel. They weren’t enough for her. Then they slipped out, and her body bowed with tension as they found their way to that spongy little spot that she knew would have screaming, and then she was as he caressed her without mercy and s
he squirted out of her pussy. She trembled from the orgasm he knew she preferred to do without, as it embarrassed her. She felt there was no need when he was already so well versed at giving her an orgasm in other ways. She tried to roll away, but he wasn’t having it, and he held her in place as his mouth found her all over again. She begged until her throat was raw for him to be inside her. That was just the start; there was very little rest and no sleep until the dawn began to break and he finally pulled her into his arms and told her to sleep.

  Chapter Seven

  Two weeks later and Laura was snippy with Garrett as he asked her where Paul was. She didn’t know, because last night she’d slept at her apartment, and it had pissed Paul off to the point where he hadn’t answered his phone or any texts since she got in this morning. He was late, by over an hour, simply to torture her for digging in her heels on moving in with him. The last two weeks had been the most explosive they’d had, and it was killing her and filling her with hope at the same time. He was using sex as a weapon against her for not bowing to his request, and she didn’t care when he did it so well. Except the night before last, when he’d tied her up and spent the evening and late into the night keeping her on an almost constant knife’s edge of a climax, three times. Six hours of almost constant sexual attention and he’d only allowed her to come three times. Yesterday, she’d left before he woke and left only a brief note that she was spending the night at her place. No explanation, not even her name.

  So now was payback time. Laura stiffened as she heard the woman laugh before she saw her. Liza Graham, that fucking bitch. She’d come looking for retail space a few months ago. The bitch had been all over Paul, batting her eyes and getting as close as Laura would allow, which wasn’t very close. But it hadn’t been for lack of trying. Paul had laughed off Laura’s jealousy and pulled her into his arms and fobbed the woman off on Dan. Laura knew that Dan was gay and that only a day later the woman had decided she wasn’t quite ready to lease.


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