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The Playful Prince

Page 12

by Playful Prince(lit)

  When she was finished, the king said, “I hate to admit it, but I agree that Lord Myrddin is the most logical choice. The news about the black moss is disturbing to say the least. Do you think you can help us stop it?”

  Tori nodded. “I believe we can, given enough time. If we know exactly what the black moss is and how and why it was created, that would really speed up the process. It’s imperative I speak with Lord Myrddin. Not only do I need a DNA sample to rule him out, but I need to know what exactly they were doing in that cave. The records we took were too corrupted by time to translate into any kind of recognizable data.”

  “Prince Falke and Prince Reid are going to Lord Myrddin’s home. They leave tomorrow. You may accompany them if you wish.” Kirill stood and moved to place his hand on her shoulder. “I want you to heed their advice while you’re gone. Actually, I insist upon it. They know Lord Myrddin and they know the marshes.”

  “Thank you. We will.” Tori stood. Kirill’s hand fell from her arm. “Please let Prince Falke know that we’ll be ready to leave at first light.”

  * * * *

  Quinn stormed into his brother’s office, scowling as he demanded, “What do you mean she can go? Are you insane?”

  Kirill had the audacity to grin at him. “I wondered how long it would take you to find out.”

  “It’s too dangerous,” Quinn put forth, ignoring his brother’s teasing. “Would you send Ulyssa?”

  “Ah, you see, Ulyssa is my mate. Dr. Elliot is a scientist who means nothing to us, except on a professional basis. Isn’t that what you said earlier?” Kirill’s grin widen as Quinn’s expression hardened and turned red. “Besides, with Ulyssa I wouldn’t allow anything, she’d just do it. I can’t stop her from being who she is. It’s one of the reasons I love her.”

  Quinn began to curse, a long string of words in their native tongue.

  “Feel better?” Kirill asked with he’d finished.

  “No,” Quinn grumbled. “If that foolish woman insists on this madness and you are too ignorant to stop her, then I must go with them.”

  Kirill’s mouth opened. Before he could speak, Quinn growled.

  “I’m not asking for your permission, brother,” Quinn stated. “I’m going with them.”

  Kirill didn’t move. Turning on his heel, Quinn left the office the same way he came.

  Chapter Nine

  Tori stretched her arms over her head and yawned. Everything the three scientists needed for the trip was packed. They weren’t bringing much, except for some basic instruments and their personal belongings. Looking at Vitto, she opened her mouth to speak. Before she uttered a syllable, the door to Grant’s suite swung open.

  “Quinn...?” she began, moving to stand up. His face was red with anger and she knew he’d found out about her plans to confront Lord Myrddin. Trembling, she took a step back.

  Quinn stormed forward to grab her. Vitto came forward to block his path. The prince looked at him, his eyes shifting dangerously as he growled in warning.

  “Vitto, no, it’s all right,” Tori said, not wanting to see her brother hurt. “I know what this is about.”

  “Come on,” Quinn growled. He grabbed her arm and forcibly pulled her out the door. Dragging her down the long halls, he didn’t speak.

  “Quinn, what are you doing?” Tori demanded, trying to pull her arm free as she tripped to keep up with his swift pace. “Let me go! You’re hurting my arm.”

  They came to the hall before his home and he stopped. Turning to her, he dropped her arm. His eyes dared her to try and run. Tori didn’t move, sensing that he would surely catch her if she tried to escape. She shivered, seeing how close he was to shifting. Claws were drawn on his fingers. Looking at her shoulder, she tensed. They’d ripped through her lab coat and ESC jumpsuit.

  “Quinn? What’s going on with you?” Her words were a whisper, shaking slightly in light of his outrage. “You’re not the same as when I met you. Are you ... sick? You don’t seem well. I’m a doctor, granted not that kind of doctor, but I can help you. Are you sick?”

  “I told you no,” he stated, ignoring her questions. “It’s not safe for you to go to Lord Myrddin’s. I don’t want you going. Let Grant and Vitto do it.”

  “That’s not your decision to make. It’s mine. Besides, it’s my job to go.” Tori took a calming breath, trying to sound reasonable. “I owe it to Simon to uncover the truth. Furthermore, I started a job on this planet and I intend to finish it. I’m the one in charge and I refuse to hide like a coward just because I’m scared.”

  “It’s my duty to protect you!” Quinn growled in frustration. His chest heaved. “How can I protect you if you don’t listen to me?”

  The comment struck Tori as odd. She swallowed, nervous. “Why is it your duty? Because I’m a scientist and you the Var ambassador?”

  Quinn’s expression hardened at her words and his eyes darted away. He hesitated, before stating, “Yes, that’s why. It’s my responsibility to make sure what happened to Dr. Simon doesn’t happen to the rest of you. If you truly believe Lord Myrddin is the killer, then it’s not safe for you to confront him. You’re human. He’s a Var warrior. He’ll be able to kill you with one swipe of his claw and you won’t even see it coming.”

  “Your concern is noted,” Tori answered, hardening her look to match his. “Prince Reid and Prince Falke will be escorting us. I have no doubts they will provide adequate protection for myself and my team. If you’re concerned about political backlash from HIA should something happen, I’ll be happy to sign a waver.”

  “I’m coming, too,” Quinn answered. His jaw flexed. His bright blue eyes were rigid with anger. She was sorry to see the playful expression he usually carried was completely gone.

  Tori glanced down, seeing his claws hadn’t retracted. He might be hiding it better, but he was still very angry. Unable to answer, she merely nodded. She was surprised by his admission, though she knew she shouldn’t be.

  “You will obey my orders while we are gone,” Quinn continued, working back into his rampage. His voice rose, dictating as he said, “This is not negotiable.”

  Tori bit her lip and lowered her voice as she stepped closer to him. Very clearly, she answered, “I will tell you what I will do while we are gone, Prince Quinn. I will question Lord Myrddin about Dr. Simon. I will clear Qurilixen of biological weaponry. I will find a way to stop the black moss from continuing to spread. Do you realize in anywhere from ten to thirty years your whole planet could be dead from it? Now, if in doing these three very important things I happen to obey your will for me, then great. But, if your will jeopardizes my ability to do my job, then ... ahh!”

  Tori gasped as Quinn shot forward. She flinched, thinking he meant to strike. Instead, he grabbed her face and yanked her body to his. His lips found hers in a bruising kiss that both punished and rewarded. His fingers thrust back into her hair, giving her no choice of escape. She felt the tips of claws scraping dangerously close to her scalp, but they didn’t hurt her.

  Passion built within her at his display of strength. His hold had never been so dominating. He was always confident, but usually his touch was worshipping, not demanding. His head shifted, slanting his mouth hard to hers, punishing her lips as he thrust his tongue deep inside her mouth.

  Heat curled in her stomach, rolling over her until she couldn’t think. Primal animal instinct overtook them as Tori moaned. Her hands reached to pull his tight body closer. The feel of his arousal burned into her. Her mouth moved, meeting his demands with some of her own.

  Before she realized what was happening, he had her pressed up against the hallway wall, trapped beneath his searching hands. His fingers were everywhere, her breasts, her thighs, her waist, her back. He broke his lips from hers only to trail to her neck to place hot, sucking kisses over her throat. His tongue drew over her flesh, tasting her.

  “Ahh!” Tori gasped, clutching to him. The hard stone of the tile wall was unforgiving against her back, but not as much as the man be
fore her. She heard a rip and felt her jumpsuit parting down the front. His claw snagged the material, opening it all the way to her thighs. The heat of his chest soaked into her breasts as he leaned into her, making her nipples incredibly hard.

  His hands left her, but she still couldn’t move because the full press of his length kept her pinned. She felt his weight shift. Quinn’s mouth found her earlobe and he bit passionately at it before rimming her ear with his tongue. When his weight shifted again and his hands returned to push apart the torn pieces of her jumpsuit, she felt his heavy arousal against her thigh.

  “Quinn,” she said breathlessly. Vaguely she was aware that they were in the hallway, where anyone could walk by.

  His answer was a throaty, dark, possessive growl. Fingers cupped her large breasts, massaging them in feverish circles, pinching the buds until they screamed for more. Next, his hands moved to her hips, jerking her up against the wall. He expertly angled his hips between her thighs. She had no choice but to let her legs fall open. In one swift movement, he embedded himself deep, sliding in the cream of her body’s excitement.

  “Mine,” Quinn growled, over and over, low and dark. His eyes held hints of green within their blue depths. “Mine.”

  Tori couldn’t understand his words, as he spoke in his own growling language. She trembled violently. He began to move, slipping in and out of her, building a sweet ache deep within her core. His rhythm was fast and hard, ferociously claiming her like a wild beast.

  Suddenly, she climaxed so hard her teeth chattered and all she could do was moan and pant insensibly. Her body clamped down on him, spasming so fiercely that he had no choice but to find his own release. It came to him with shaking force, racking their bodies together.

  His hands weakened and he let her slide down to the floor. Their breaths mingled, coming harshly from their parted lips. Quinn forehead fell against hers. Her eyes lifted to his. He was so close she could feel every inch of him. The pupils in his eyes dilated.

  “You will obey my orders while we are gone,” Quinn whispered, repeating his earlier decree. “This is not negotiable.”

  Tori gasped. Quinn spun around on his heels, leaving her in the hall as he stormed into his home, slamming the door behind him.

  Tori stared for a long moment, wondering if what had just happened was meant to be a punishment. She didn’t feel punished at all. She’d felt his desire for her, taken out in the frustration of his body’s thrusts. Then, glancing down, she saw her naked body, exposed by the torn jumpsuit. Quickly, she pulled her lab coat together and took off down the hall for her suite.

  * * * *

  Prince Falke was ready to leave the palace at dawn. Siren was called upon to awaken the scientists. Unfortunately for the stoic commander, and the roused scientists, Prince Reid didn’t stumble into the banquet hall until almost noon. Tori knew that Reid lived outside the palace, in the forest, near the Draig border, so it was unlikely Siren could give him the same wake up call she’d given the others.

  Most of the morning, Quinn, Kirill, and Falke talked amongst themselves at one of the tables. Servants brought around drinks. The scientists formed their own group two tables away, going over paperwork and strategies for handling Lord Myrddin.

  Tori did her best not to look at the handsome Quinn. He hadn’t spoken to her since their encounter in the hall. He barely even acknowledged her. His dismissal hurt deeply, causing a low ache in her chest. She swallowed the pain and concentrated on work. Tori never expected their relationship to last forever, but neither was she ready for it to end. Thankfully, Vitto and Grant had the good sense not to ask her about it.

  Since her black jumpsuit was now torn, Tori wore the clothing of the Var. She pulled the laces tight at her hips, closing the material all the way. The pants molded to her like a second skin, but she was happy that her outer thighs didn’t peak through the side laces. The sleeveless shirt was perfect for the warmer weather. It hugged just as tight around her breasts. Her sides were exposed, but she pretended not to care. The truth was, she felt damned sexy in the outfit and was disappointed Quinn hadn’t noticed.

  When Reid finally walked in, he merely winked at his brothers, giving them a sheepish grin. He was dark featured and moved with the steady grace of his brothers. Muscles formed his body and he carried them proudly, as if he expected women to swoon at his feet. Falke didn’t comment, just grunted as he rose to depart. They all followed suit, slinging backpacks over their shoulders as they prepared for the hike.

  As they neared the side gate to the palace, Quinn dropped back and fell into step next to Tori. She blinked, looking at him in surprise. He glanced at her, his blank face giving nothing away, as he said, “I’ve been assigned to your protection. Falke will look after Grant. Reid will look after Vitto.”

  Tori looked ahead and saw that each prince fell into stride with the other two men. They went straight into the forest, going to the shadowed marshes. Tightly, she stated, “We can take care of ourselves. We don’t need to be looked after like children.”

  The words were soft. For a long moment Quinn acted as if he hadn’t heard her. She was about to repeat herself when he finally answered. “It is the king’s wish that it be so. We will not risk your lives while you remain under our protection. Resign yourself to it, Dr. Elliot, or we will be forced to turn back around.”

  Tori refused to answer. The idea of Quinn protecting her was oddly comforting, even though he didn’t appear too pleased with the task. She really wasn’t trained for physical combat. Now a verbal debate was something she could win.

  They continued to walk in silence for a few hours. Falke set a rigid pace, but none complained. Tori was too preoccupied to notice. Quinn stayed close, but his eyes didn’t turn to her, he didn’t smile, and he didn’t talk. Ahead of them Reid laughed and joked good-naturedly with Grant and Vitto. Leading the group was Falke by himself.

  “When will we arrive?” Tori asked. It was very warm and sweat had begun to bead on her flesh, making her clothes stick.

  “At this pace? Tomorrow.” Quinn finally looked down at her. He’d been doing his best to convince himself that he didn’t care for her, that he only wanted her as a lover, a diversion. He was afraid it wasn’t working.

  The silence was killing him inside, but he refused to end it. They came from different worlds. When the job was over, she’d be leaving him behind. Qurilixen was his home and he wouldn’t be running out on it like his brother Jarek. It was his duty to stay, his destiny, and his choice. He was content in his life, or at least he had been until he met Dr. Tori Elliot.

  “So we camp?” she asked.

  Quinn glanced down to her. Sacred Cats! She was beautiful in his native clothing. He’d been stunned when he saw her in the outfit. He wondered if she knew that the effect the tightened laces had on her backside, pulling the material tight across her butt. He nearly groaned to remember it and had an insane urge to fall behind just to get another glimpse.

  “Yes,” he answered, a little too late.

  Damn, but he couldn’t concentrate around her. He knew he sounded harsh, but after spending the entire journey walking so close to her intoxicating scent, he was about to go mad with lust. The encounter in the palace hall only fueled his desire for her. He hadn’t meant to take her like that but, when she didn’t protest, he couldn’t stop himself. Afterwards, alone in his home, he’d been confounded by his total lack of control.

  “Hey, Tori!” Vitto called. His smiling face turned around amidst a round of laughter. He waved at her to join them. “Tori, come here, you have to hear these stories!”

  Tori spared a brief glance at Quinn, before hiking forward to join the men. Grant was laughing so hard that tears formed in the corners of his eyes. Vitto grinned. Reid was chuckling, but a moment’s worry passed over his face as she joined them.

  “Ah, go ahead,” Grant said, still laughing. “Elliot here’s just like a man, aren’t you Elliot?”

  “Yes,” she drawled, “just.”

bsp; Reid’s gaze narrowed, as he blatantly checked her out. His eyes stopped a second too long on her breasts and a smile of male appreciation crossed over his lips. When he looked back up at her, his eyes danced with amusement. His brow rose and Tori had the distinct impression the look of masculine invitation was meant to aggravate Quinn more than entice her. In a low, flirtatious tone, he murmured, “She looks very much a woman to me.”

  Tori blushed, knowing he said it loud enough so Quinn could hear him. Hearing a noise, they all turned to see Quinn righting himself from the ground. He’d tripped. His eyes met Tori’s and he wasn’t smiling.

  “Watch out for the path, brother,” Reid taunted. “It has a tendency to jump out at you.”

  Vitto and Grant snickered, but hid their expression.

  “It’s not the path, brother,” Quinn returned. “It’s the back of your ugly head.”

  “I’ll have you know women find my head particularly attractive,” Reid returned, not at all insulted. Keeping a straight face, he added flippantly, “As well as the rest of me.”

  Tori couldn’t help it. She laughed outright at his conceit. Reid was so full of himself, and yet seemed not to take himself seriously at all. Quinn grumbled behind them. Reid’s smile only widened.

  “All right, my lady,” Reid said gallantly.

  “Back off Reid,” Falke called, his voice full of warning. “I don’t want to have to dunk you in the swamp.”

  “Ah, you stay out of it!” Reid answered good-naturedly. Tori blinked in confusion and finally concluded it must be a private joke between brothers. “This is between Dr. Elliot and me. I can’t help it if she’s attracted to me.”

  Tori’s mouth fell open at the audacity. In truth, she thought Reid was funny. He was handsome, but she could only think of the moody prince walking behind them. Reid turned to her and winked. To her amazement, she blushed again.


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