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The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1)

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by Marie Higgins

  After meeting with his associates earlier this evening, Mick wracked his brain trying to figure out a way to save James’s company, but no decision had been made. Plain and simple, they didn’t have any brilliant ideas. And then Nicole came into his life... and actually fell on his lap. It didn’t take him long to realize she was his answer.

  More than anything, he needed to gain her trust. By doing that, she’d convince the other shareholders to trust him. Mick would do anything to make her like him – even taking her to his room just to show her what a nice – and respectful – guy he really was.

  Nicole looked absolutely stunning tonight but she was innocent. He liked that. Innocent women could be trusted more. How far would she go to save her grandfather’s company? Far enough to take Mick on as a partner?

  He stroked her hand. “What’s your answer, sweetheart? Does an evening of entertainment with me sound interesting?”

  She lifted her glass to her lips and her hand quivered. As she set her Sprite back on the table, she took a deep breath and smiled.

  “I will on one condition.”

  “Name it.”

  “I want you to know that I’m not that kind of girl.” She flipped a lock of her long, chestnut-colored hair over her shoulder. “I’m sure you don’t find that often in your line of business, but I’m not easy. I’m only going with you to get to know you better, and so that I can stay off my foot until the swelling goes down. If that’s not what you were hoping for, then we can part ways right here.”

  “That’s all I want to do is get to know you.” His smile widened as he lifted his glass. “To the beginning of a very pleasurable evening.”

  She clinked her glass against his. Her gaze stayed glued to his as she drank her Sprite.

  Eager to get her alone, he drank his Colorado Bulldog as fast as he could. His body was accustomed to this drink, and he was confident that the alcohol wouldn’t go to his head. Besides, he was sure the bartender hadn’t added a lot of vodka to it, since earlier tonight Mick had told the bartender that he wanted to stay sober tonight.

  Mick assisted her out of the booth before wrapping his arm around her waist. She leaned on him, but she still tried to put pressure on her swollen foot. She didn’t have to tell him how much pain she was in, her grimacing and the way she squeezed his arm every time she stepped on it was enough for him to know.

  The idiot cowboy who had stepped on her foot, peeked over his shoulder at them. A grin stretched across his face, widening the man’s mustache. Mick wanted to deck the guy in the face for his behavior with Nicole.

  Just before they reached the door leaving the lounge, Mick lifted her in his arms. Gasping, she threw her arms around his neck, holding on tight. He grinned. He couldn’t have planned this any better.

  “Mick, really... I can walk.”

  He met her wide-eyed gaze. Their faces were so close he could smell the lilac-scented perfume surrounding her. He liked that. He also enjoyed the feeling of being her hero by carrying her. Hopefully, she’d allow him to do this manly gesture.

  “There’s no way you’ll be able to walk to the hotel, sweetheart. Please, don’t fight me on this. I know how much you’re hurting.”

  Her mouth thinned and she nodded.

  He suspected that she didn’t want to be seen entering the hotel in his arms. He understood fully. There was nothing worse than judgmental eyes watching every move he made, especially the paparazzi who constantly took pictures and flashed them all over the tabloids, accompanied by lies about what he’d been doing in those pictures. He hated when they spread lies, especially now when he wanted to change the Remington reputation... at least the Mick Remington reputation

  The sun dipped in the horizon. As orange and yellow highlighted the cloudy sky, the majestic mountains sprinkled with autumn colors added to the spectacular backdrop. In a few months, winter would be upon them and snow would cover the tips of the Rockies. He hoped he’d find an excuse to leave his Manhattan office to visit Colorado during those months. And with any luck, Nicole would keep him company – and keep him warm – on those cold evenings.

  Just before he walked through the automatic double-glass doors of the hotel, he moved his gaze back to the adorable and innocent woman in his arms. “Bury your face in my chest. That way, nobody will know the identity of the woman I’m carrying up to my room.”

  Her tight expression relaxed and she followed his instructions.

  The people gathered in the lobby gaped at him as he carried Nicole to the elevator. So far, he hadn’t seen any journalists, but knowing them, they were lurking somewhere, waiting for him to do something newsworthy.

  He hurried into the elevator, pressed the twelfth floor, and stepped back to wait for the doors to shut. Seconds before the door closed, a man rushed inside. He pressed the eleventh floor. The short and stubby balding man nodded, giving Mick a smile. He returned the polite gesture.

  When the man faced forward, he reached into his suit coat pocket and withdrew a cell phone. It was then when Mick noticed the journalist badge hanging around the man’s thick neck. By now, Mick found those badges easy to spot.

  Inwardly, Mick groaned. Would those people ever leave him alone?

  Nicole slowly raised her head, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the journalist sneak a peek their way as he raised his cell phone. Immediately, Mick knew the man was trying to take a picture. Without another thought, Mick quickly pressed his mouth against Nicole’s to keep that from happening, blocking the man from seeing her.

  She sucked in a quick breath and her body stiffened. But he couldn’t let her break the kiss. Not until the bald guy exited on his floor.

  Mick’s arm crept up her slender back to her neck, bringing her closer. He moved his lips with hers, gently pecking, and then nibbling before caressing his lips against hers, but taking it very slowly. Soon, her body relaxed, and it didn’t take long before her mouth participated.

  Heat shot throughout him like he’d just touched an electric current. The rhythm of his heartbeat quickened, as did the urgency flowing through every nerve in his body. It amazed him that this woman’s kiss could give him that reaction. He was helpless to stop the passionate moment. But slowly, his energy seemed to drain from him. No matter, he wouldn’t stop the contact he had with her. She kissed like an angel – and yet, he sensed a demon lurked somewhere behind the intimate kiss. She was so very enchanting, turning his mind to mush.

  Nicole’s gentle fingers threaded through the hair at his nape. Everywhere she touched nearly melted him with desire. He tilted his head, deepening the kiss. His head swam dizzily, and for some strange reason, he could swear he was floating on clouds.

  Never had he experienced such a sensual kiss – and he’d kissed many women. But Nicole was so very different, and from the reaction of his body, he knew he never wanted to kiss anyone else ever again.

  The ding of the elevator’s doors opening brought Mick briefly out of his dazed state. He didn’t stop kissing this sexy woman in his arms, but he knew the exact moment when the journalist left. Once the doors closed, Nicole pulled back. Her breathing was as ragged as his. Their gazes locked.

  She licked her lips. “I’m... assuming that kiss was to entertain the man who was with us?”

  Mick chuckled. “He was a journalist. I saw his badge and his cell phone. I didn’t want him looking at your face – or heaven forbid – taking a picture of the woman in my arms.”

  “What makes you think he didn’t take a picture of us kissing?”

  “Oh, I’m sure he took some, but I didn’t hear his phone clicking. The only thing ringing in my ears was the beat of my heart hammering out of control.”

  She narrowed her gaze at him. “Are you all right?”

  He laughed, assessing his feelings once again. For some reason, he couldn’t catch his breath. And although the kiss was over, his head still swam as if he was under water. His hearing seemed muffled like he had entered a dark tunnel.

  Inwardly, he groane
d. Had that drink gotten to him after all?

  When the elevator doors opened, his legs seemed sluggish as he made his way toward his room. Balancing her with one hand, he fished in his pants pocket for the room card with his other hand. The hallway tilted... or was that just his vision?

  No doubt about it, he was going to pass out. But he wouldn’t embarrass both of them by doing it here in front of the door. He’d wait until he was inside his room and on the bed.

  As he stepped into his room, she slid from his arms. When her injured foot touched the floor, she limped.

  “Mick, you don’t look good at all. Your face has lost color.” She hooked her arm around his and led him toward the bed. “I think you should lie down for a minute. Let me get you some cold water.”

  The room spun out of control, but he made it to the bed and flopped on his back, looking up at the ceiling. He wasn’t drunk. He’d been drunk before, and he didn’t feel like that. So, what was happening?

  She crawled next to him on the bed, cupped his face, and peered deep into his eyes. “Do you want me to call a doctor?”

  Her beautiful face blurred before him and he blinked slowly. When her face came back into view, she was looking at him differently. She didn’t seem to be panicked that he was feeling this way. Instead, the look on her face told him she expected him to be this way.

  Had she drugged him? Her kiss had definitely intoxicated his mind, but... was she responsible for making him feel so dopey?

  Sweet, innocent Nicole. He groaned. Why did he get the impression she wasn’t so innocent after all?


  “Mick? Can you hear me?” Nicole gently patted his cheeks, but he was unresponsive.

  Worriedly, she looked upon his sleeping form. Perhaps she shouldn’t have given him two pills. After all, he had been drinking alcohol, and alcohol and sleeping pills don’t mix well.

  Using her fingertips, she found his pulse on his neck. It was still beating... She sighed. She’d just have to keep her eyes on him and make sure that his heartbeat didn’t become weak.

  She jumped off the bed and limped while she searched for something – anything – that might help her find dirt on him. First, she searched through his briefcase, but all she could find were newspaper articles about Adkins Dev-Tech and a list of shareholders.

  Her heart dropped. Would Mick try to buy out every one of them? If he did that, they were doomed from the beginning.

  After she searched through the briefcase, she moved to his dresser drawers. He’d kept only a few items of clothes in the drawers, and his suits were hanging in the closet. Nicole went as far as to search through pockets, but she came up with nothing.

  Growling, she stomped her foot before realizing that was the swollen limb. Cringing, she limped to the nearest chair and sat.

  She pulled out her cell phone and called Mary. After one ring, her friend answered.

  “Mary, I’m not finding anything,” she said in a low voice, not wanting to disturb Mick’s sleep.

  Her friend grumbled on the other end of the phone. “Nothing at all? Not even in his suitcase?”

  “That was the first place I looked. He’s definitely targeted my grandfather’s company, and from the list of shareholders that was in his possession, I’m wondering if Remington empire is going to try and buy them out.”

  “We can’t let him do that. Half of the people in Maple Springs depend on the company to keep food on the table.”

  “You’re not telling me anything new.” Nicole rubbed her forehead. The throb in her foot was matching the persistent pain in her head. “Now what?”

  Mary sighed heavily. “Now is when I come up and we take some pictures.”

  Nicole grimaced and her stomach churned. “Mary, I don’t know...”

  “Stop it, Nicole. This was part of the plan, and you know it. Now listen for my knock and let me in. This needs to be done before he awakens.”

  “But blackmailing a billionaire—”

  The line lost connection. Nicole groaned and massaged her forehead as she moved back to the bed. She couldn’t possibly go through with Mary’s plan. There must be another way. Although Mick Remington would ruin people’s lives when he took over the company, she would ruin his life with these pictures. Two wrongs didn’t make a right. And yet, this was her grandfather’s company she fought for. This would be her company one day.

  Cautiously, she crawled on the bed and touched Mick’s neck to find his pulse. She sighed with relief that it was still strong.

  She placed her hand on his chest and frowned. She needed to undress him. Well, at least unbutton his shirt and pants. Her gaze dropped to his belt buckle and her hand moved to that spot, but as soon as she touched the square steel of the buckle, she snapped her hand away. No! She wasn’t going to undo his pants – and neither was Mary.

  Nicole redirected her hands. One-by-one, she slid the buttons loose from his shirt. As his chest came into view, she found herself holding her breath. Dang, he was built like Adonis. And his muscles... oh my!

  Once his shirt was unbuttoned, she pushed his shirt open wider. Her throat dried, and her hands itched to touch his smooth-looking chest. He wouldn’t know if she touched him just one time, this time to seek pleasure...

  The small knock at the door startled her and she jumped off the bed as though it was on fire. Instead, it was her body that burned.

  She hurried to the door and opened it. Mary stood in front of her, clutching a high-tech camera in one hand and an empty bottle of tequila in the other. Nicole grabbed Mary’s arm and yanked her inside before closing the door. Her friend’s eyes widened.

  “Nikki? Why is your face so red?”

  Nicole rolled her eyes. “I’ve been trying to tell you... I can’t go through with this.” She pointed to her face. “This is what happens when I unbutton a man’s shirt. I’m not the person for your blackmail scheme.”

  “You unbuttoned...” Mary whipped around, looking for the bed. She gasped and rushed to the edge, staring down at the half-naked man. “Oh, glory,” she muttered as she tucked a small lock of her black hair behind her ear. “He’s better looking than I thought.”

  “Imagine what he looks like awake.” Nicole folded her arms and tilted her head. “His eyes are dreamy enough to melt a glacier.”

  Mary snickered. “What? He’s already melted you?”

  Nicole huffed and slapped her friend’s arm. “No, and I don’t plan on letting him.”

  Mary motioned toward the bed. “Get on the bed and help me maneuver him. I brought this empty liquor bottle to have in the picture. It’ll make him look like he’s passed out drunk.”

  Mary opened her purse and pulled out a bra. Nicole gasped. “Why did you bring that?”

  “Blackmailing someone means they need to be in situations that they’re embarrassed about. If the pictures with him looking like a drunk won’t work, this bra will.” Mary’s grin widened. “We’ll make it look like he wears women’s—”

  “Absolutely not!” Nicole’s voice rose before she realized she needed to whisper. She scowled at her friend and lowered her voice again. “You have a warped mind, Mary.”

  Her friend moved closer. “Remember, we’re doing this to save the company.”

  Nicole sighed. Why did they have to be so deceitful while trying to keep their jobs? “Fine.”

  Nicole crawled on the bed. Mary moved to the other side to help adjust Mick on the bed, but as she started to scoot him, Mick groaned and turned on his own, rolling toward Nicole. She met Mary’s wide eyes. Both of them froze, waiting to see what Mick would do next.

  “Did you give him both pills?” Mary asked.

  Nicole nodded. “Maybe he’s waking up.”

  “No,” Mary whispered, “he’s probably just having a dream.”

  Nicole prayed her friend was right, but mostly she prayed that what they were doing with the unconscious man would help them keep her grandfather’s company.

  After a few tense seconds, Nicole slid an a
rm under Mick to adjust him again. Mary motioned for Nicole to stop. His one arm was outstretched, so Mary lay the empty bottle beside it. Nicole pulled back a little as Mary clicked a couple of pictures.

  “Let’s move him that way.” Mary pointed toward the wall.

  Once again, Nicole slid her arm underneath him in an attempt to move him, but Mick groaned and rolled toward Nicole. This time, his arm wrapped around her waist and trapped her to the bed.

  Sucking in a quick breath, she met Mary’s panicked stare. The position she was in with Mick had her heart beating in a different rhythm.

  He moaned again and snuggled closer to her, laying his head in the crook of her neck. Tingles of apprehension danced across her skin, and she silently cursed her friend for having this insane idea. Lying this close only made the temperature in Nicole’s body climb a notch.

  “This is perfect,” Mary whispered raising the camera to her eye.

  “Don’t you dare...” Nicole warned through clenched teeth, but her friend had already snapped a few pictures.

  “Mary, get him off me!” Perhaps her voice was louder than it should be, but enough was enough.

  Mick groaned again, and Nicole’s eyes snapped open. Panic filled her as she met her friend’s worried gaze. Holding her breath, Nicole prayed that he wasn’t waking up. He couldn’t be waking up. It had only been about an hour since she gave him the sleeping pills. But that wasn’t the panic buzzing through her body right now. It was hard to breathe, but she tried to squeeze out a few breaths, anyhow.

  “Okay,” Mary said softly, “maybe he is waking up.”

  Nicole released a shaky breath. “Then get him off me.”

  Mary leaned closer to the bed as she carefully wrapped her hands around Mick’s wrist. But just as she lifted his arm, he groaned again. This time, his leg hooked around hers as he pulled his arm out of Mary’s grasp and wrapped it back around Nicole’s waist.

  Nicole sucked in a breath. Noooo! He couldn’t wake up now. What excuse would she give him for her friend being in the room with a camera... and for Nicole lying on the bed with his arm around her?


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