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The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1)

Page 7

by Marie Higgins

  He blew out a frustrated breath. “Nicole—”

  “Just take me back to my office. I’ll figure out a way to stop your father by myself. I don’t need you.”

  “Will you let me explain?” He practically yelled.

  “No, because at this point, I’m not sure I’ll ever believe you again.”

  She turned toward the window. From the reflection in the window, he could see her face, and especially the tears building in her eyes.

  This was the very reason he had a hard time being honest with women. He hated to hurt them. His mother had been hurt by so many men in her life, starting with Mick’s father. But now he understood why men lied to women, and he hated feeling like the villain. Once again, his hero status had just been flushed down the toilet.


  Nicole’s footsteps echoed through the main hallway of her grandfather’s house. He owned one of the largest homes in Maple Springs, and yet, he and his servants were the only ones occupying the space. He also had a live-in nurse, which was why he didn’t have to stay in the hospital during his last days on earth.

  When she reached his bedroom, she slowed her steps. It hurt her to see him so sickly, and she cursed the specialists who hadn’t found a cure for lung cancer yet.

  Nicole stopped in front of his door and raised her hand to knock, but hesitated. She had rehearsed everything she wanted to say to him, but she was still afraid. He didn’t need any more stress in his life, and telling him about the takeover – and that there wasn’t anything she could do – would certainly bring on the stress.

  And she definitely didn’t want to tell him about Mick Remington. She’d let her grandfather keep his pleasant memories of the Mick from years ago.

  Nicole rapped lightly on the door and waited. It only took the nurse three seconds to answer it. Nurse Betty smiled at Nicole and motioned her to come inside.

  “How is he doing today?” she whispered to the middle-aged woman with short blonde, curly hair.

  “He’s the same. But he’s been asking about you today.”

  Nicole’s hopes lifted. Perhaps he was feeling better, after all.

  Grandfather had a large room, and a few years ago, it had been filled with many historical artifacts and furniture. Now, however, all of those pieces were gone. Only his bed, drawers, and hospital equipment were inside. He had an oxygen tank, a heart monitor, and a blood pressure cuff monitor. There were a few other machines placed beside his bed, but she couldn’t remember what they were used for.

  As usual, his curtains were pulled closed, and a small lamp with a dim light on the table was the only thing that brightened the room. Nicole wished he’d allow the nurse to open the curtains. At least the room wouldn’t look so gloomy and full of death.

  She neared his bed, and her heart clenched. Once upon a time, her grandfather had been a tall, robust man with olive complexion and a full head of black hair. Now... he was frail, and his skin was gray. A few strands of hair covered his balding head. Wires were hooked to his chest and arms, and an oxygen mask covered his nose and mouth.

  When he saw her, his eyes widened and with a shaky hand, removed his mask. “Nicole,” he said weakly. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Hello, Poppie,” she said, using the nickname she’d given him as a child. She sat on the empty chair beside the bed. “You look a lot better today. Does that mean you’re feeling stronger?”

  He rolled his eyes. “You tell me that every time you see me, but no, I’m not any better than I was the last time you asked. I don’t know what’s taking the Almighty so long to come and get me, but I wish he’d move me up on his schedule.”

  Her grandfather’s words made tears fill her eyes, but she was happy to hear he still had a sense of humor. “No, Poppie. It’s not your turn to go. I need you too much.” She patted his hand.

  “Hogwash,” he mumbled. “You don’t need me. You’re a strong-willed woman now, and you can handle anything.”

  Now was not the time to correct him. “I’ve only been able to handle things because you’ve been beside me.”

  He placed the oxygen mask back over his mouth and took in a few deep breaths. Coughs erupted from his chest, sounding tighter by the moment. The nurse rushed over and helped him with his inhaler.

  Nicole clenched her teeth, praying that he wouldn’t suffer any longer, but not wanting him to die, either. Once he started breathing easier, she released the panicked breath she’d been holding.

  He took off his oxygen mask again. “Tell me what’s going on with the company.”

  “Everything is fine, Poppie. Kate had her baby. It was a boy.”

  “Things are not fine, Nikki. I know Remington is in town. There is only one reason for him to be in Maple Springs.”

  She tried to appear innocent. “For their family reunion, perhaps?”

  He chuckled and shook his head. “For a takeover.”

  She frowned and slid her hand on his. “I won’t let that happen. Mick Remington is not going to get his hands on—”

  “Mick? No, no, no.” He coughed again, but then cleared his throat. “Mick won’t take over the company. His father, however, would do it in a heartbeat and take down as many people as he could along the way.”

  “Poppie, I’m trying to stop him, but I don’t know what to do. He’s already paid off two of our shareholders.”

  “I know what you can do.” He nodded matter-of-factly.

  “You do?” Hope sprang inside of her and she sat up a little straighter.

  “You must talk to Mick. He’ll help. He won’t let his father take over my company.”

  She scowled and folded her arms across her chest. “Mick Remington? I can’t trust that man, Poppie.”

  “You have to. He’s the only one who can help us.”

  She jumped to her feet and paced the floor around her grandfather’s bed. “No, there’s got to be another way. He’s as deceitful as his father.”

  “Do you know him? Because if you truly knew him, you wouldn’t think that. Mick has a kind heart. He cares about people.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Poppie, how long has it been since you have talked to Mick? Years? Because I can promise you, he’s not the boy you remember. He’s been working alongside his father for too long.”

  “Please, Nikki. Do this one thing for me, even if it’s the last thing you do. I want you to find Mick and tell him that I sent you to help save the company.”

  Her throat burned as she held back the cuss words she wanted to spout. Her grandfather didn’t know what he was saying. There was no way... And yet, she couldn’t deny the man who was always there for her when her own father had died ten years ago. Poppie had stepped in to help her mother, and to make sure Nicole had the best schooling.

  He was on limited time. She must make the promise, or she’d never forgive herself if she didn’t.

  “Fine.” She sighed heavily in defeat. “I’ll find Mick Remington and ask him to help us.”

  “That’s my girl.” He touched her hand. “And do me one more thing.”

  She was afraid to ask what he wanted now. “What?”

  “Trust in the Lord. Somehow you’ve lost your faith in Him. He listens to prayers, and if you sincerely pray for help, the Lord will guide you.”

  The tears filling her eyes made her vision blurry. Why hadn’t she thought to do that? After all, she was the pastor’s daughter. But she’d made so many mistakes lately... How could God forgive her when she couldn’t forgive herself?

  “I promise, Poppie.”

  He placed the mask back on his face and within seconds, was breathing easier. His eyelids drooped, and soon he was asleep.

  As Nicole walked out of his bedroom, anger built inside of her. How could she see Mick again now? He’d think she was crawling back to him, but she wasn’t. She was only fulfilling a dying man’s last wish.

  Curse Mick Remington for making her feel this much hatred.

  She stomped out of the house and toward her car. Ju
st as she reached the vehicle, another car pulled up. The familiar shiny, black jaguar had her fisting her hands. If she didn’t know better, she’d think Mick was following her.

  He stopped beside her car and killed the engine. She waited beside her car, tapping her foot irritably until he climbed out and looked at her.

  “Nicole,” he nodded once, “it’s nice to see you today. How is your grandfather doing?”

  “He’s asleep right now. You can’t see him.”

  “Oh.” He frowned.

  As he moved toward her, she scanned his attire. Today he wore a pair of jeans, cowboy boots, and a tee-shirt. Dang! Why did he look good in everything he wore?

  “Do you think I can see him tomorrow?” He stopped across from her, leaning against his car.

  Holding her breath, she silently counted to ten. She needed to tell him about her grandfather’s request. Once Mick talked to Poppie, he’d know about it, anyway.

  “Yes, tomorrow is fine.” She turned toward her car and placed her hand on the handle. “Oh, and my grandfather wants us to work together to try and stop your father,” she said over her shoulder without looking at him. If she saw his cocky grin, she’d be tempted to smack it right off his face.

  “He said that?” Mick moved beside her, leaning against her car, and keeping her from opening the door.

  “Yes. He has a lot of trust in you, but I don’t know why. I’m assuming he doesn’t know what kind of man you really are.” She looked into his eyes and was surprised that his expression of sadness was genuine. Either that or he was a really good actor. “He made me promise him that I’d work with you.” She shrugged. “Although I have major reservations, I couldn’t deny him what might be his last wish.”

  Mick touched her hand. “Thank you. I won’t let you down.”

  She arched an eyebrow. “Now why is that hard for me to believe?”

  The frown stayed on his face as he sighed and turned with his back against her car. “You’re not ready to listen to my explanation, but one day I hope you’re ready to hear it. I’m really not the skunk you’re accusing me of being.”

  Anger resurfaced and rose to her throat. “That’s right because Mr. Mick Remington can do no wrong. Mr. Hot-Shot Moneybags never makes mistakes.”

  “I’m sorry, Nicole. I didn’t want to hurt you. I still don’t. When you’re ready, I’ll tell you everything.” He walked to his car and opened the door. “When do you want to meet again? Tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, sure.” She opened her door but remembered something, so quickly turned around. “Your father has already paid off two of the shareholders. Whatever we do, we need to do it quickly.”

  “I agree. I’ll be in your office tomorrow morning by nine.”

  He climbed in his car and drove away. As she watched him, her chest ached. It would be hard to work side-by-side with someone she didn’t trust, but it would be worse because she had seen Mick’s good side. She knew he wasn’t all bad.

  Shaking her head, she sat in her car and drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. She must treat Mick as any other businessman she’d had to work with. He was not anything special even if he wanted to prove her wrong.

  Oh, Lord... help me get through this.

  She sighed and rested her forehead on the steering wheel. And whatever happens between them, she must not remember the steamy kisses or the sultry looks. He was a player, and he’d always be that way. She couldn’t change him... But she really didn’t want to, anyway.


  Mick had never been a nervous person, even in school when he was on the football team, or meeting girls for the first time. He was confident in his abilities, and he never doubted himself.

  Until now.

  He’d only known Nicole for a few days, and already she had his emotions twisted into a knot. Around her, he’d felt like a hero, and now the villain. He’d felt like the sexiest man alive, and now he considered himself unappealing not only to her but to everyone. Mick had always had a head for business, but these past two days, brilliant ideas were not entering his mind.

  All because he’d wanted to be honest with her.

  His chest tightened. If only Nicole would have let him explain his relationship with Tara Browning – USA’s next top model.

  Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair and stared at himself in the mirror. He really needed to snap out of this depression he’d put himself in. Why was he allowing Nicole to control his feelings, anyway? That was definitely not something he gave a woman permission to do.

  He bent over the bathroom sink and splashed cold water on his face. The meeting with Nicole was in one hour. He needed to look his best, and especially to prove that she didn’t affect him in any way.

  Of course, that would be a lie...

  He rushed about his hotel room as he finished dressing for the day. Within forty minutes, he was heading out of the hotel toward his car. The morning air was crisper than usual. Autumn was definitely upon the town of Maple Springs. Memories of his teenage life here in this very place returned, hitting him full-force. Where had those carefree years gone? It seemed that in a blink of an eye, he’d gone from lovable high-school jock to one of the most feared businessmen in this country.

  Was he really the jerk Nicole thought him to be?


  Before reaching his car, he stopped and turned in the direction his name was called. A beautiful strawberry-blonde woman waved at him from the front of the hotel. He blinked, not believing what he saw. Why was Tara here?

  “Mick, sweetie-pie.” Tara hurried toward him on three-inch black stilettos, her long hair flapping behind her.

  “Tara? What are you doing here?” He walked toward her.

  “Mick, I’m so glad I caught you before you left.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a kiss on the mouth.

  He quickly broke the kiss, not wanting the paparazzi to see and take pictures. Nicole’s heartbroken face flashed through his mind and tightened his chest, once again.

  “Tara? Why are you here?”

  “You called me yesterday, remember?”

  “Of course, I remember, but my message told you to call me back – not come to Maple Springs. I’ll be very busy closing a big case.”

  She laughed in a sultry voice. “But I thought it would be more fun to surprise you. I’ve never been to Colorado.” She glanced at the mountains and frowned. “I had imagined there’d be more snow, though.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Tara, it’s not even October. There won’t be snow for at least another month, maybe later.”

  “That’s okay. We’ll have more time to be together.” She batted her fake eyelashes.

  “No, Tara. I’m here on business. I don’t have time for pleasure.”

  “No time at all?” She pouted. “You always make time for pleasure.”

  He kissed her cheek and pulled away. “Tara, go get yourself a room at the hotel and rest for a while. I’m sure you’re exhausted from jet-lag. We’ll have dinner tonight and talk.”

  She smiled and grasped his hands. “Oh, yes. I have so much to tell you about my trip to Switzerland.”

  Inwardly, he groaned. He’d definitely have to start off their conversation tonight. If he let her tell him about her trip, he’d never be able to break up with her. She wouldn’t give him any time to speak.

  “Tonight, at seven. Okay?” He turned toward his car.

  “Okay, Mick. Love you.”

  He climbed in the car, not wanting to give her a reply. He didn’t love Tara. He’d never had those kinds of feelings for the super-model, and it wasn’t until he’d shared that electrifying kiss with Nicole that he realized he needed to break things off with his current girlfriend. There was no use making Tara think there was more to their relationship when there wasn’t.

  Ten minutes later, he pulled into the parking lot of Adkins Dev-Tech. Once again, he was hit with nostalgic memories. This was where he’d met James Adkins – the man who’d treated Mick as thou
gh he was very important and meaningful in his life. James knew who Mick’s father was, but Adkins had never held that against him. It was actually his relationship with James that had made Mick want to get to know his father better.

  That had been a huge mistake. Although it had made Mick a rich man, he’d rather be a hard-working poor man with a father who loved him without limitations. Money didn’t amount to unconditional love. Not in his father’s life.

  Mick grabbed his briefcase and hurried into the three-story building. As he entered the elevator, he checked the time on his cell phone. Three minutes late! That was unacceptable for Mick Remington.

  The elevator took forever, it seemed, but when he finally exited onto the floor where Nicole’s office was located, he took quick steps toward her office. Just before reaching it, the door opened, and she walked out, holding her briefcase.

  His legs locked, stopping him in mid-stride, and his breath caught in his throat. She was gorgeous. Why had he never noticed one this lovely before?

  The cream-colored dress she wore fell to her knees. The form-fitting garment hugged her delightful curves that made his mind whirl in several different directions. Her black heels complemented the black trim of the neckline and flared sleeves.

  She’d left her hair long today, and the brown locks fell over her shoulders and down her back. Silently, he prayed that he’d be able to focus during their meeting today, but he doubted the Lord would respond to Mick’s prayer. In fact – he grinned – he looked forward to it not being answered.

  “Oh, good. I’m glad you’re finally here,” Nicole said as she walked by him. “I have gathered the shareholders together. We’ll be in the conference room. Follow me.”


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