The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1)

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The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1) Page 8

by Marie Higgins

  Follow her? Inwardly, he groaned. He wasn’t sure he wanted to see the backside of her, knowing full well what she’d look like since he’s ogled her several times already from that angle.

  It wasn’t until he walked into the conference room when his brain finally registered what she’d said. They wouldn’t be alone today. The shareholders would join their meeting.

  In a way, this was a good thing. Then Mick wouldn’t try to charm his way back into her heart again. With the others present, Mick had no other choice but to concentrate on doing his job.

  They both sat at the table; Nicole at the head and Mick to her right. The others in the group – six men and one woman – pierced him with their glares. Apparently, they knew who he was and had heard of the Remington reputation.

  “Thanks for meeting with me on such short notice,” Nicole began in a sweet voice. “I’d like to introduce you to Mick Remington, who is here at my grandfather’s request.”

  Irritable whispers and shocked gasps rose among the others around the table. Mick put on his best smile and tried to meet each one eye-to-eye. Some of them refused to look his way.

  “Mr. Remington and I have already talked,” she continued, “and we felt it necessary to call an emergency meeting with the shareholders. Mick’s father has already sunk his wealthy claws into two of our members, but we can’t let him do anymore. I believe if we all put our heads together, we’ll know how to stop the Remington empire from taking over Adkins Dev-Tech.”

  The older gentleman with a full head of gray hair aimed his scowl at Mick. “If we are trying to stop the Remington empire from taking over, what is he doing here?”

  The others agreed verbally or by nodding. Nicole held up her hand.

  “Joe, Mick does not work with his father any longer, and—”

  “Miss Adkins?” Mick cut in. “Let me tell them.”

  She closed her mouth and her shoulders stiffened. Apparently, she didn’t like being interrupted in front of other people. But Mick knew that if he stood up for himself, these shareholders might look at him differently.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, let me assure you,” he began, looking at every person slowly, one at a time, “I have nothing to do with my father or his empire. I’ve not been connected to my father for a few years. I’ve come to realize how ruthless my father has been, and I vow I will never be like him.” His gaze stopped on Nicole. “Please, give me the chance to prove that to you. All I ask is that you give me the chance to show you what kind of man I really am.”

  Nicole blinked and licked her lips. Her shoulders didn’t look as stiff as before.

  He shifted his attention back to the others. “James Adkins was like a father to me when I was just a teenager still in school looking for a job. James took me under his wing and spent time teaching me how to work here at this company. I have a lot of respect for that man, and when I heard that my father wanted to buy out the company, my heart told me that I had to stop it from happening... that I needed to work with you all here in this office to make sure my father lost, and that Adkins Dev-Tech won.”

  The expressions on the shareholders’ faces changed. Most of them were smiling and nodding their approval. Two members still gave Mick distrustful glares but at least his heartfelt speech had charmed most of them.

  He looked back at Nicole. Of course, she was the most important person he wanted to win over. The way she watched him wasn’t as harsh as it had been earlier or even yesterday, thank goodness. But he wanted to see the spark of excitement in her melting green eyes once again. He wouldn’t give up until he had her full trust.

  “Thank you, Mick,” she said. “My grandfather had a loving heart, and he was a good man.”

  “He was the best.” Mick smiled.

  Her intake of breath was ragged, but when she exhaled, a small smile touched her mouth. That was a start, and right now, that’s all the encouragement he needed.

  “Now, let’s talk business,” Mick said as his mind finally cleared and he was able to focus. “I have a few suggestions on ways to stop my father.” He glanced back at Nicole and smiled fully. “I hope we’ll be able to incorporate one of these ideas and get the ball rolling today.”

  She nodded, giving him the silent okay as she linked her fingers on the table in front of her. Finally, she didn’t peer at him with disdain. Perhaps he was one step closer to capturing her heart.

  His mind halted for a moment. Her heart? What was he thinking? Did he really want her heart, or could they just be very good friends?

  He shook away the thought as he concentrated on the others. He’d think about that later. But by the rapid beat of his heart, he worried that he already knew the answer.


  The longer she listened to Mick, the more hope grew inside Nicole. He might be a skunk, but he had some brilliant ideas on how to turn their profits around. As she watched the expressions on the shareholders’ faces, Nicole could tell they were softening toward Mick. Of course, he had a way with words, and his cocky grin and twinkling gray-blue eyes could change anyone’s mind. Nicole just prayed he could deliver what he promised.

  The day was long, and she had lunch brought in for everyone. Soon, the men had removed their suit jackets and rolled up their shirt-sleeves. Mick had taken off his tie and released a few buttons at his neck. As much as she wanted to hate him, she couldn’t stop admiring the way he was built. But it was more than that. He was a people-person, and she had the privilege of watching him win over almost everyone in the room.

  Including her.

  Several times she caught herself daydreaming, but then she quickly remembered he had a girlfriend. He was the unfaithful type of boyfriend, and she definitely didn’t want someone like that in her life.

  As the evening approached, the shareholders excused themselves to leave one-by-one, and return home to their families. It didn’t take long before it was just Nicole and Mick.

  With the water pitcher in the middle of the table, he poured the ice-cold liquid in his glass. As he drank, his eyes locked with hers. A knot of emotions lodged in her throat, and she forced herself to stay strong.

  He set the empty glass on the table and relaxed in his chair. “That was a good meeting.”

  She nodded. “Yes. I think we got a lot worked out.”

  “Tomorrow morning, I’ll go talk to the banks to see how we can lower the loans.”

  “No, Mick. I think I should do it. They know me. They don’t know you.”

  He stared at her for several uncomfortable moments in silence. “All right but let me go with you.”

  “Why?” She poured some water in her empty glass.

  “If you haven’t noticed yet, I have a way with words. That’s one of my talents, and I love talking to people and swaying them to my side.”

  Nicole had brought up the glass to her mouth but paused as she arched an eyebrow. “In other words, you charm them before they know what kind of trouble they’re in.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, you could say it that way, but my words are much nicer. Either way, it means the same.” He leaned toward her. “Which is why I think I should go with you, because it’ll be my words that will convince them.”

  As she sipped her water, she scowled. She hated when he was right.

  “Fine.” She placed her glass back on the table. “But I won’t have you lying to them.”

  His forehead creased. “Lie? Why would I lie?” He shook his head. “Sweetheart, your grandfather’s reputation is what I’m going to use to seal the deal. And because you are his grandchild – and the next to inherit the company – they will want to keep a family member as president, instead of a crooked man like my father.”

  She smiled. “Are you going to use those very words?”

  “Yes, plus some more, if you’ll let me.”

  “I trust you...” She hesitated, wondering why she’d said that. But then she realized where her thoughts were taking her. “I trust you with this deal,” she added. “If my grandfather trust
s you to pull us through this, then I might as well have faith in you.”

  Relief softened his expression and he placed his hand over hers. “Thank you. That means the world to me.”

  “Then don’t let me down, Mick. Show me what kind of man you really are.”

  “I want to.” He ran his thumb across her knuckles. “You don’t know how badly I want you to see me in a different light.”

  The warmth from his body merged with hers from just his tender touch, making her weak. She couldn’t let this happen. She didn’t want to trust him that way. Or did she?

  Pulling her hand away from his, she stood. To give herself something to do to keep her hands busy, she started cleaning off the table. He joined in and helped her.

  Once she had everything put back, and the garbage in the trash can, she gathered her notes and stuffed them in her briefcase. The urge to look at him was powerful, but she resisted. Her body was fully aware of his presence, and a warm shiver moved over her from time to time, knowing he was studying her.

  “Nicole,” he said, touching her arm. “Will you let me take you to dinner?”

  She snapped her gaze to his. The rhythm of her heart sped up, but she dampened the excitement rising within her. “No, Mick. I don’t think we should get that close.”

  “I understand, but how else are we going to talk about how to approach the bank when we visit them tomorrow?” He shrugged. “We need to know what to do, and what to say when they want to steer the conversation away from what we want. And believe me, they’ll do that, and we need to be ready for a counter-attack.”

  She chuckled, wishing his eyes were not so hypnotic. “Fine. We can go to dinner, but the topic better stay on the bank. Nothing else.”


  “Well... as long as it is business related.”

  “That works, I suppose.” His gaze moved over her, and his eyes twinkled. “Nicole, I haven’t gotten the chance to tell you how beautiful you look today.”

  Heat flooded her face, and she couldn’t decide if she was angry or elated. “Mick! I just said that the topic had to stay on business.”

  “But sweetheart, we’re not at the restaurant yet.”

  “Then I suggest we hurry and get there before this conversation gets out of hand, just like what usually happens when I’m around you.”

  “Do you blame me? I’m just a normal man, after all. And you are...” his gaze caressed every part of her before jumping back to her eyes, “a luscious babe.”

  Rolling her eyes, she grabbed her purse and briefcase before moving past him and headed toward the door. “Save your charm for another woman, Mick. I’ve learned my lesson, and I don’t plan on being burned again.”

  She’d said the words, and yet she didn’t feel like she meant them. Mick was that charming. He was the first man she’d ever met who had the ability to make her insides turn to mush, and her knees weak, and her heart palpitate so fast she thought she was running for her life.

  He reached the door before she did, and he opened it for her, acting like a true gentleman. As they walked down that hall, she realized everyone had gone home. Was it that late?

  They walked in the elevator, and she pushed the button for the first level. Mick leaned his shoulder against the wall, facing her.

  “Do you remember the last time we were in an elevator together?”

  She groaned silently. Why did he have to bring that up? Of course, she remembered. She would never forget it.

  Sighing evasively, she looked at him. Hopefully, her expression would tell him that this topic bored her. “It’s been a long day, Mick. I don’t have the energy to reminisce over everything that’s happened between us.”

  “You know,” he continued, “I still can’t stop thinking about that kiss.”

  She bunched her hands, wishing she could stuff cotton in her ears to keep from hearing him. “I’m sure your girlfriend would be very hurt if she ever found out.”

  “I’m not going to deny that I’ve kissed my share of women, but Nicole, the one we had in the elevator...” He sighed. “It was the best of the best.”

  Nicole wanted to yell at him, to tell him to shut up. And yet, women loved hearing things like this. And the look in his eyes confessed the truth of his feelings. Was he that good of a liar?

  She leaned back against the same wall he was pressed next to, keeping her gaze on his. “I told you before, Mick. What you’d felt was a combination of the effect of the sleeping pills and the Colorado Bulldog you’d drank that night.”

  “No, I don’t think so.”

  “Tell me, lover-boy, why do you think you felt that way, especially since you already had a girlfriend?”

  The elevator jerked, landing them on the lower level, but neither of them moved. She wanted to hear his answer, and she didn’t want any interruptions. She quickly reached over and pressed the red stop button, keeping them inside for a few minutes longer. When she turned back toward him, she folded her arms across her chest, waiting for his answer.

  Mick’s eyes smoldered, making them darker than before. Her heartbeat tripped several times, but she tried not to let it affect her in any way.

  “Six years ago,” he said softly, “I came to visit your grandfather to pay him back for the kindness he’d shown me by helping me get a car loan. His secretary took me in his office, and I waited a few minutes for him to join me. On his desk was a picture of a beautiful young woman with the loveliest green eyes I’d ever seen. There was something about those alluring eyes that captivated me. For weeks after meeting with your grandfather, I dreamed about those eyes and about the beautiful woman they belonged to. I used to imagine kissing her for the first time, and how wonderful it would be.”

  He pulled away from the wall and stood directly in front of her. His warm breath blew across her face, and she inhaled the cologne she loved to smell on him.

  “When I had you in my arms,” he continued, “and the journalist acted like he was going to take your picture, I wanted to shield you from his camera. I didn’t want the tabloids to ruin your name as it had ruined mine. I suppose I could have found a different way to block his view, but I’d wanted to kiss you since you landed in my lap and I realized who you were.” He caressed a lock of hair by her cheek. “My girlfriend was the farthest thing from my mind at that moment. I’m not in love with her. I never was. And when I kissed you, I thought of nobody else but you. That’s why the kiss was so magical to me. It was like...” he paused, and his gaze dropped to her mouth. “It was like my dreams had finally come true because I was kissing Nicole Adkins.”

  Her legs had weakened – again – and she wanted to lean against him. She wanted him to take her in his arms and kiss her like he had that first time in the elevator. The pull was so strong and she cursed the control he had over her body. But she must fight this feeling. His words were seducing her again, but in the end, he’d just break her heart.

  “I... I want to believe you, Mick,” she whispered in a choked voice. “But, you’ve hurt me. You’ve lied—”

  “Shhh...” He touched his finger to her mouth. “I didn’t lie, not really. I just didn’t tell you I had a girlfriend. Do you know why I didn’t tell you?”

  Slowly, she shook her head, loving the soft caress of his finger on her lips.

  “Because when we were together, she was completely out of my mind. I thought of you, and only you. I wanted to be with you, not her. Nicole, she means nothing to me. We’ve been together for five months, but I knew our relationship wasn’t going anywhere. The reason I told you about her was that I didn’t want her hurt if she saw pictures of us in the tabloids. I’ve always been a considerate boyfriend, and I always end a relationship before I begin another one.”

  “Y-you wanted a relationship with me?” Nicole’s voice squeaked, but she didn’t care. She was wrapped up in his web of seduction, and right now, he could probably keep her right here forever and she wouldn’t care.

  He smiled. Both of his hands cupped her face
. “I had considered it, but I didn’t think you would want to go out with a guy like me.”

  She nodded. “Because I thought you were like your father.”

  “Right. But, I hope you know that I’m nothing like him.”

  “So far, I’ve seen a resemblance of the man my grandfather trusts completely.”

  “What can I do to help you trust me again? I want you to believe in me.”

  Her heart hammered so fast, it was difficult to breathe. She didn’t want to think of these questions, only about kissing him. If he meant what he said about his girlfriend – and Nicole prayed he did – then perhaps Mick was a decent guy after all.

  Her yearnings told her to kiss him, but her injured heart warned her to take baby steps. Unfortunately, she didn’t know which one to listen to at the moment.


  Mick waited patiently for her acceptance. Well, maybe patiently wasn’t a good description, since he was as anxious as a school boy who was about to receive his first kiss. But if Nicole didn’t want to kiss him, he’d accept her decision... for now. Of course, he planned to talk her into it eventually.

  “Mick, I... I don’t know. I’m so confused.”

  He closed his eyes and rubbed his cheek against hers. “What confuses you, sweetheart?” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. Immediately, her hands rested on his chest. For a moment, he wondered if she was going to try and push him away, but so far, she hadn’t.

  That was a very good sign.

  “You... me... and especially this.” She sighed.

  He inhaled her perfect scent of lilacs. Holding her in his arms was just so very thrilling. She fit so well against his body. He lowered his face to her neck. Big mistake. Her skin was so near, it would be impossible not to...

  He brushed his lips against her neck. A shiver shook through her body, followed by a soft moan. He was a weak man. She made him weak in the worst way. He couldn’t help himself. He just had to...

  Mick placed a soft kiss just under her ear. And then another... and another... until she melted in his arms.


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