The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1)

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The Billionaire's Pursuit: Billionaire's Clean Romance (The Tycoons Book 1) Page 9

by Marie Higgins

  He raised his head and looked into her dreamy eyes that were half closed, and her mouth was parted and inviting. Her eyes fluttered closed as she lifted her head. That was all he needed, and he brushed his lips over hers, feeling the quick intake of air from her mouth before he covered it completely. A moan came from her throat as she clung to him as if he would save her from drowning.

  But the buzzing of his cell phone snapped them both to awareness. She was the first to pull away.

  Cursing under his breath, he yanked out his phone from his pocket to see who had rudely interrupted what could have been the best kiss ever – for the second time.

  Tara Browning.

  Then he noticed the time. 7:15 p.m.

  Once again, Nicole had made him forget about his girlfriend. That was it! He was breaking up with USA’s next top model tonight.

  Suddenly the elevator doors opened, and Nicole hurried out. Grudgingly, he followed behind her. All of the lights were turned off and everyone was gone.

  Nicole withdrew a set of keys from her purse and glanced at him. Her facial features were tight as she looked at his buzzing phone.

  “Aren’t you going to answer that?”

  “I’d rather not,” he grumbled. “I’d rather be back in the elevator with you in my arms.”

  She smiled, which relaxed her face. She opened the front door. “Things happen for a reason, you know.”

  “Yeah, well... I’m going to get this reason out of my life as soon as possible.”

  She locked up the front door before heading toward her car. “Are we still going out to eat?”

  He stopped with her beside her car. She didn’t appear as rattled as she’d been a few moments ago. There was softness in her eyes, as well.

  “I’d love to take you out for dinner, but this phone call reminded me of other obligations I have tonight.”

  She frowned. “Was the call from your girlfriend?”

  He nodded. “I’d left a message on her voicemail last night, letting her know we needed to talk. I plan on breaking up with her.” He glared at his phone as it started ringing again. “And now, I’m very anxious to get it over and done with.”

  “Then I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” She touched his arm. “Meet me here at nine o’clock and we’ll go to the bank together.”

  He studied her face for signs that she might be upset at him, but all he could see was the tender understanding in her eyes. If he could kiss her right now, he would. “I’m sorry about tonight.”

  She shook her head. “Go make your phone call. But remember to be kind. She has feelings, too.”

  He sighed, grateful for Nicole’s attitude in all of this. He wanted so much to take her back in his arms and show her with his lips how much she meant to him, but before he could go with his urges, she opened her car door and climbed inside.

  Mick gave her a small wave before turning back to his car. As soon as he climbed inside, he called Tara, grumbling under his breath. If only she had waited ten minutes later... If only he had silenced his phone when he first thought of it earlier today.

  After one ring, Tara answered. In the background, it sounded as if she was outside, but there was also a low humming sound.

  “Where are you?” she whined. “I thought you said you’d take me out at seven o’clock.”

  “Are you still at the hotel?”

  “Of course. I’m waiting outside for you.”

  “I’m sorry. My business meeting ran over. I’m heading back to the hotel now. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

  “Okay. Love ya.”

  He clicked the phone without replying. He couldn’t lie to her anymore, not after five months of not being honest. It had been a while since he’d listened to his own heart, and it was time to do it now. Would things work out between him and Nicole? He didn’t know, but he at least had to put forth the effort. There was something special about that woman, and he needed to go with his gut feeling that she just might be the one he could fall in love with.

  He put his car in gear and drove toward the main road. Was the feeling he’d been experiencing with Nicole really love? They’d only known each other for a few days, even though he’d dreamed about her for a few years. Mick Remington wasn’t a love-at-first-sight type of man. Shoot, he hadn’t ever given his heart to a woman. And yet, only after a few days, he was ready to make a commitment with Nicole? That was hard to believe, and he’d have to do some serious thinking before saying anything to her.

  The sun was setting earlier these days, and darkness had sneaked upon the little town. He slowed his car as he rounded a curve. A black truck with tinted windows driving the opposite direction zoomed past Mick, making him swerve out of the other vehicle’s path. What a jerk! Who would drive that fast on this particular road, anyway? Drunken fool!

  As he rounded the bend, a dust cloud from the ravine a half mile up the road captured his attention. The closer he came to that spot, he slowed his car. A dark-blue vehicle was down in the ravine... overturned and crunched!

  He quickly stopped his car and jumped out, peering down the slope. His heart beat in a frantic rhythm as he carefully slid down the hillside. He yanked his phone out of his pocket and dialed 9-1-1.

  As soon as he heard the voice on the other end, he started talking.

  “There’s been an accident on the road by the Adkins Dev-Tech building. It’s just before you reach the curve in the road. The car... looks like it rolled down the hill. Send an ambulance quickly!”

  “Can you stay on the phone? I’m sending out a unit right now.”

  The closer he came, familiarity struck him. That was Nicole’s car!

  Saying a silent prayer, he hurried faster.

  “It’s Nicole Adkins’ car.” His voice broke. The scent of leaking gas filled the air. “Oh, no! The car is leaking gas. Please, tell them to hurry.”

  The car’s wheels were still turning. She must have swerved out of the way of that black truck, which made her car roll down the hill.

  “Nicole,” he yelled, reaching the vehicle.

  He fell beside the driver’s door and looked into the cracked window. The seatbelt held the unconscious – and bloody – woman in her seat.

  “Sir? Is anyone hurt?” the operator asked.

  “Yes. She’s hurt badly.” He bent closer to the window. “Nicole? Can you hear me? I’m going to get you out of there.”

  The operator’s voice came through the receiver again, but he ignored it and slipped the phone back in his pants pocket.

  Carefully, he tried to open her door, but it was stuck. He swore and darted around to the passenger’s side. Thankfully, he was able to open that door. He crawled in, not caring about the broken glass from the windows cutting his arms.

  He reached Nicole and checked the pulse at her neck. When his fingertips felt the slight throb, he sighed. Pushing the car’s airbag away, he felt for the seatbelt and where he could unfasten her. Carefully, he braced his shoulder and back of his head against her as he unclicked the seatbelt. As she dropped onto him, he caught her.

  “Nicole, I got you. I’m not going to let you go. You’ll be all right now.”

  Although he said the words, he knew they needed to get out of the vehicle in case it caught on fire. Maneuvering himself backward, he gently dragged Nicole out of the car.

  Once the ground was under his knees again, he crawled faster. Finally, he was at a spot to pick her up. Using gentle care, he slipped his arms under her and lifted her until he could stand. As he carried her away from the crunched car, sirens wailed in the distance. Help would be here soon.

  He found a place to sit in the grass and laid her on his lap and studied her face. A deep gash across her forehead was where the blood had come from, but it wasn’t bleeding as badly now.

  Emotion tightened his throat and stung his eyes. “Nicole, please open your eyes and look at me. I need to know you’re all right.”

  She wasn’t moving, and that bothered him. He checked her pulse again. I
t was weaker than before.

  “Oh, Lord,” he prayed with all of his heart, “please don’t take her from me. Don’t take her from the people in this town who love her. She’s a special woman. We all need her.”

  He couldn’t say anymore because of the tightness in his voice. He gave her a brief kiss on her lips. “Nicole. Look at me.”

  The sirens were nearly upon them, but he couldn’t feel any relief yet.

  “Nicole, don’t leave me. Please... I love—”

  Voices from up on the ravine interrupted his confession and he looked up. Medics carrying a gurney hurried down the slope.

  “We’re right here,” Mick called out. “She’s unconscious. She needs help quickly.”

  The paramedics were careful as they checked her vitals. They slipped an oxygen mask on her before gently laying her on the stretcher.

  “Is she going to be all right?” Mick asked.

  “We need to get her to a hospital, quickly,” the first medic told him.

  Mick didn’t like the tone in the man’s voice. No! This couldn’t happen. Not to her.

  Numbly, he followed them up the slope, praying the whole time.


  Mick sat on the chairs in the hospital lobby, holding his throbbing head as he waited for someone to tell him what was happening with Nicole. Because he wasn’t family, they wouldn’t tell him anything.

  They’d bandaged his arms from the cuts he’d sustained when crawling across the broken glass, but thankfully, he didn’t need any stitches.

  It had been an hour and forty-five minutes since they arrived at the hospital. Too long, in his opinion. Why hadn’t anyone come out to let him know about her progress?

  Panicked voices from down the hall grew closer. He looked toward the corridor just as a man and woman rushed around the corner. Immediately, he recognized the cowboy who had stomped on Nicole’s foot that night in the lounge. Mick was betting the woman was Mary.

  When the woman with black, spiky hair looked at him, her eyes widened and her face paled. No doubt about it now. This was Mary.

  He stood and raked his fingers through his hair. “Mary?”

  She rushed to him and grasped his arm. “What happened? How is she?”

  “I wish I knew. Nobody will tell me anything.”

  She swung her gaze around the room until it came to rest on a nurse. Mary broke away from him and rushed to the nurse. The look of sympathy on the older woman’s expression as she talked with Mary, squeezed his heart. Moments later, Mary covered her face and sobbed. The cowboy next to her slipped an arm around her shoulders, comforting.

  Mick’s stomach churned. No! Nicole can’t be dead. He wouldn’t accept that answer.

  He marched toward them as his eyes burned with unshed tears, determined to get some answers. He stopped in front of the nurse and opened his mouth, but Mary turned toward him and touched his arm.

  “What are we going to do?” Her voice was tight as she shook her head.

  He took an unsteady breath, trying to hold back from crying. He still had to hear it from his own ears. “Tell me what’s going on first, and I’ll let you know what we’re going to do about it.”

  Nodding, Mary wiped the moisture out of her eyes. “Mr. Remington—”

  “Call me Mick.”

  “Mick, this is Nurse Caroline. She lives next door to James Adkins.”

  Mick nodded stiffly to the nurse.

  “She just told me the terrible news.” Mary’s voice broke again. “James died a couple of hours ago.”

  Mick gasped. “James died? Not Nicole?”

  Caroline shook her head. “Nikki is still in the ICU. She regained consciousness, but when the doctor suspected swelling on her brain, he gave her medication. She’s resting now. It’ll still be a few days before we know for sure what’s going on with her.”

  He breathed slower as relief swept over him. The tears he tried to hide were stinging his eyes. Thank you, Lord. At least she was all right – for now – but... James was dead? Mick’s heart wrenched. If only he’d been able to talk to him one last time.

  “Does Nicole know about her grandfather?” he asked the nurse.


  “Perhaps it’s best to wait until she’s recovering.”

  “Yes, of course.” The nurse turned to Mary. “I’ll let you know more when I hear it.”

  “Thanks, Caroline.” Mary gave the other woman a hug.

  On shaky legs, Mick moved back to the chairs in the waiting room. Mary and the cowboy joined him.

  “Mick? What happened tonight?”

  “I wish I knew. Our meeting with the shareholders ran late. Nicole and I were the last ones to leave. She got in her car and left first. I was only a few minutes behind.” He rubbed his throbbing head. “What I think happened was that there was a speeding truck on the road and Nicole swerved her car to keep him from hitting her – which is what happened to me when the jerk drove by my car. But then she went down the ravine.”

  “She’s so lucky that you were there to help.” Mary touched his arm and smiled.

  “I... I’m glad I was there, too.” Mick glanced at the cowboy who seemed to be concerned over Nicole. Mick arched an eyebrow at the other man. “You’re the one who stepped on Nicole’s foot.”

  The man’s face turned red. “Yes, sir. That was me.”

  “And you’re Mary’s boyfriend.”

  The man nodded.

  “Mick?” Mary said. “This is Kent.”

  Mick shook hands with the other guy but pierced him with a glare. “And next time you try to help your friend, don’t step on her foot so hard. You almost broke it.”

  Kent smiled sheepishly. “Yes, sir.”

  Mick leaned his head back against the wall and closed his eyes. Waiting to hear about Nicole’s condition would probably take all night and maybe into the morning. He didn’t want to camp out at the hospital, but he didn’t want to leave, either. If she woke up, he wanted to see her.

  “What happened to your arms?” Mary asked.

  He looked at her. “Nicole’s car was turned upside down, and it was leaking gas. I knew I had to get her out of there. I couldn’t get the driver’s door to open, so I crawled through the passenger’s side.” He motioned to his bandaged arms. “I cut myself on the shattered glass.”

  Tears filled Mary’s eyes and her lips quivered. “You are truly an amazing man, Mick Remington. You must really care about Nikki.”

  “I do. Very much.”

  A soft smile stretched across Mary’s mouth. “I can tell.”

  He rubbed his tired eyes. The stress of the day had taken its toll on him. But he’d not be able to sleep. Not until he knew Nicole was all right.

  “Hey, who wants some coffee?” Kent asked.

  “I do,” Mary said.

  Kent looked at Mick and he gave the man a nod. “Black, please.”

  Kent moved up the hall toward the cafeteria. Mick hoped Mary didn’t want to talk because he was in no mood to be social. Closing his eyes, he rested his head on the wall again. He couldn’t get today’s events out of his mind. If only he’d had the chance to kiss Nicole, maybe they’d be at a restaurant by now, holding hands across the table, and he’d be making her laugh, and she’d be making him feel like her hero.

  If only... That was the story of his life. He’d made some poor decisions along the way, but he’d also made some wise ones. Having feelings for Nicole was definitely a wise choice.


  A woman’s shriek snapped him out of his thoughts and he sat up. Rushing toward him in three-inch heels, and wearing a strapless, black, shimmering evening gown, was none other than Tara. He groaned. What was she doing here?

  “Oh, Mick. I’d heard you’d been in an accident.” She plopped on the chair next to him and gingerly touched his bandaged arms. “What happened?”

  His gaze jumped to Mary for a second. She stared at him with wide, accusing eyes. Not too long ago, she’d called him an amazing man. H
e’d bet money that she was recanting her comment about now.

  “No, Tara.” He met the strawberry-blonde’s eyes. “I wasn’t in an accident, but I saw one happen and I helped out.” He held up his bandaged arms. “That’s why I have these.”

  She huffed and scanned the lobby. “So where is a doctor? And why isn’t he treating you?” She stood, placing her hands on her almost non-existing hips. “Are there no doctors in this Podunk town?” she said loudly.

  “Tara, stop.” He stood in front of her, grasping her wrist. “I’ve already been looked at.”

  “Then why are you still here?” She arched a painted-on eyebrow. “How could you have forgotten about our dinner date?”

  He dared a quick glance at Mary. She glared at him. Of course, she would. Until he broke off with his girlfriend, he would always be the jerk in everyone’s eyes.

  “Let’s go for a walk outside.” He started moving in the direction of the doors.

  “Are you serious?” Tara whined. “I don’t want to go for a walk in my high heels.”

  “Then take them off,” he snapped, continuing on his way.

  Mick didn’t say another word until they were outside. Tara leaned against him as she slipped off her shoes one at a time.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call you,” he began, “but helping Nicole out of the car was more important.”

  She displayed a fake frown. “Who is Nicole?”

  “She’s the woman whose company I’m trying to save. She’s James Adkin’s granddaughter.”

  “Oh.” She nodded, but the look of confusion was still on her face. “Who is James Adkin?”

  He rolled his eyes. “If you aren’t going to listen to me when I talk, there’s no reason to tell you anything.”

  He moved away from her. The crisp night air helped make him alert as he followed the sidewalk around the hospital.

  “Mick, I’m sorry. Please tell me.”

  He slowed his steps, waiting for her to catch up. “Nicole is the reason I didn’t call you back – and why I didn’t take you out tonight.” He stared at her for a few seconds as his brain finally started working again. “How did you hear that I’d been in an accident?”


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