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The Reluctant Submissive: Courage to Change [The Men of Treasure Cove 14] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 21

by Rebecca Joyce

  “They have a horse ranch north of Treasure Cove. It’s far enough away from the town, no one need know she’s there. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if Violet stayed with them.”

  “I don’t want her living with strangers.”

  “She wouldn’t be. I’d go with her if you let me.”

  “I’ve never met them, Mrs. Prescott. I don’t trust anyone I’ve never met.”

  “I think it’s time you started calling me Cathy again, and my boys, along with my nephews, would die before letting any harm come to Violet. Besides, my nephews just recently married, so there would be another woman there who could help talk to Violet. Cami’s life wasn’t as harsh as Violet’s, but she’s a survivor, too. Please let me help you with Sasha. I can’t just stay here and do nothing. Tristan is going to need all of us when he finds out, especially you.”

  “These men, who are they?” Grey asked, taking out her BlackBerry.

  “Richard, Duke, Jake, Nelson, and Levi Masterson. Their wife’s name is Camellia.”

  “And your sons?” Grey added.

  “Greyson, Bram, Zander, Dew, and Ember Prescott. Bram is Treasure Cove’s preacher. I should tell you that my oldest Greyson has a record. But he’s a good boy, I give you my word on that, Sasha.”

  “I’ll run background checks on all of them, Merrick, and forward it to your email. If I’m going to Treasure Cove, I better leave now. I think it’s best if we arrive on separate planes. That way no one will assume I’m with either of you. I can get more information on my own that way. I’ll be in touch,” Grey said, grabbing her jacket and briefcase.

  “We’ll ride with you to the airport. No sense paying double the fare,” Devlin said. Sasha watched as Grey, Devlin, and Damien left. He still needed to wake Violet and figure out a way to get her agree to come back to Treasure Cove with him. Though he knew it wasn’t going to be easy, and possibly impossible, he needed to try. He needed to talk to Tristan and find out what the hell was going on and what his friend knew, but mainly he wanted the real reason for him being in Treasure Cove. Tristan’s story of a promise wasn’t valid anymore, and there was no way in hell he was letting Violet out of his sight. As it was right now, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He couldn’t be in two places at the same time, so whether he wanted Mrs. Prescott’s help or not, he needed her. Violet liked Cathy and seemed comfortable around her. Maybe if Mrs. Prescott came along, she could help assuage some of Violet’s fears.

  “All right, Cathy. Call your sons and nephews. Let them know we’re coming. If we can get Violet to agree to return to Treasure Cove, I don’t want anyone knowing she’s there. I hate going back on my word to Gabriel, but until this matter is resolved, I have no choice. Violet’s safety comes first. I’ll make arrangements to land in Silver Springs. Have one of your sons meet us there at the airport,” Sasha said, relenting. “I’ll go wake Violet.”

  “Maybe I should wake her,” Mrs. Prescott suggested.

  “No. She’s going to upset enough as it is. I don’t want her upset with you.”

  “You’re doing the right thing, Sasha.”

  “Then why do I feel like the bad guy?”

  “Because when you love someone, the thought of hurting them is abhorrent. She may not understand right now, but don’t give up on her yet. She’s just scared of her past. Help her to see her future.”

  “I wish it was that easy.”

  “Love is never easy.”

  “No, ma’am, it isn’t. It’s messy and I’m afraid I won’t be able to clean this up,” Sasha replied as he went to go wake Violet.

  * * * *

  Tristan had just spent the last hour answering every question from every reporter. He was tired, he was hungry, and his feet were killing him. All he wanted to do was climb back on his plane and fly away. But that wasn’t going to be possible because Gabriel Sexton was headed his way and the man looked pissed off. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with the man, but thanks to Sasha, he was going to have to. So, mustering up what energy he had left, he met the brooding man halfway.


  “Where is she?” Gabriel asked, getting straight to the point. Tristan admired that trait in men. He never did care for an indecisive man who didn’t know his own mind. It was refreshing that even after all these years, Gabriel was still as straightforward as he was in school.

  “Violet is still in New York with Sasha,” Tristan replied. This conversation was not going to end well and Tristan knew it. Gabriel Sexton was a man of means and a cutthroat when the mood suited him. When he claimed someone, that person was claimed for life, and Gabriel would die to protect that person.

  “She was supposed to be back today. Sasha said she would be.”

  “Yes, but neither of us figured on her saying no. So you see, it wasn’t us, but her,” Tristan explained evasively.

  “What do you mean she said no?”

  “Exactly what I said, Gabriel. We informed Violet that we were returning to Treasure Cove and she said she wasn’t going with us.” Tristan was already getting bored with the conversation. He was in no mood to explain himself, and technically he didn’t have to. Violet was a grown woman capable of making her own decisions. If she didn’t want to return to Treasure Cove, then Gabriel was shit out of luck. He just needed to accept it and move on. However, pigs would fly before Gabriel ever did that. “I had no choice, Gabriel. Sasha and I refused to force her. So I returned, and Sasha stayed with her.”

  “I don’t believe you. I want my sister back home.”

  “Then take it up with her. I am not your messenger.”

  “No, you’re just a murderer.”

  Okay, that brought Tristan up short. He’d been called many things in his lifetime, but never that. “I beg your pardon?”

  “You and you drilling machines caused this mess. Several people are dead, Tristan. You won’t be able to weasel your way out of this. And I don’t want my sister around the likes of you.”

  “The likes of me,” Tristan replied angrily, getting in his face. “Look who’s calling the kettle black, asshole. Does your wife know that you beat Lisset within an inch of her life and left her for dead? And then had the gall to claim that you found her. You killed what life she would have had.”

  When Tristan saw Gabriel, he knew his day was going to be shit, and he was right. Because after he had said what he did, he found himself kneeling on the ground, with a bloody lip, and the fucker hurt. He couldn’t remember the last time he found himself on the wrong end of a fist. It definitely had been a while. However, this time Tristan wasn’t completely positive the punch wasn’t warranted. Getting to his feet, he spit a mouth full of blood on the ground and then used the back of his hand to wipe away what blood he could.

  “You know nothing of me or what happened. I suggest you refrain from commenting until you know all the facts. And even then, keep your damn mouth shut,” Gabriel seethed.

  “You know, Gabriel,” Tristan said, grinning through the pain. “You haven’t changed one bit.”

  “I want my sister returned, or I will send Matthias after her.”

  “Good luck with that.”

  “We’ll see who wins, Tristan.”

  “No need. I will. Now, if you don’t mind, I have more important things to do than stand here and reminisce about the past,” Tristan said, turning toward his plane.

  * * * *

  Violet woke to Sasha kissing her neck. She had been having the most wonderful dream about both Sasha and Tristan, she was almost sad to see it go. But a dream was just a dream, and knowing she could have the real thing, she smiled, rolled closer to him, and sighed. She loved how gentle he was with her. He was not what he portrayed to everyone else. With her, he was kind and sensitive, a real gentleman.

  “Little flower,” she heard Sasha’s soft voice say. “I need you to wake up for a minute.”

  “Come back to bed.”

  “Nothing would give me greater pleasure, but something has come up. I need
you to do something for me.”

  “Anything you want. Get naked first.”

  “Violet,” Sasha whispered a little too softly. Opening her eyes, she looked up at him. Something was wrong. His face was etched with worry. She didn’t like seeing him this way. She thought all was taken care of, but something else must have happened. Thinking it was Tristan, Violet sat up in bed, her heart pounding. “What happened?”

  “We need to talk.”

  “What time is it?”

  “Almost nine in the morning.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Tristan’s in trouble. I know you don’t want to go back to Treasure Cove, but I have to. Something’s come to my attention and I need to talk to Tristan in person. He’s going to need my help and possibly yours.”

  “I can’t, Sasha.” Violet sighed, looking out the window as the sun tried to break through the morning fog. “I can’t go back. The memories are too much. I’m trying to move past all of that.”

  “I know that, love. I know going back is scary and you’re afraid. Mrs. Prescott has offered to go with you. She has family in the area and is talking with them now, to see if they wouldn’t mind some company. Mrs. Prescott has offered to stay with you if you go back. You won’t have to step foot in Treasure Cove, or see anyone you don’t want, but I have to go back.”

  “Sasha, I can’t explain why I feel going back is wrong. I just do. I’m different here. I feel safe here. I’m afraid if I go back, I’ll revert to my old self. I don’t want that. Since being here, I’ve come alive again. I can breathe without fear. Do you understand that?”

  “Yes, I do. And I wouldn’t ask you to do this unless it was extremely important.”

  “What’s happened?”

  “I can’t say until I know more, that’s why I need to talk to Tristan. Add in the mine collapse in Treasure Cove and I think Tristan is in over his head. He is going to need some help. Help that I believe only you and I can give him.”

  Violet looked out the window at the gloomy day. She knew last night that nothing good was going to come of her staying. Why was she so stubborn? It seemed no matter what she did, her past wasn’t ready to let go of her. Sighing, she whispered, “I will help him.”

  “Then you’ll go back with me?”


  Chapter Eighteen

  Like most things in a small town, it never took long for word to get around. Tristan watched as Aries Deveroux paced inside the conference room of the Best Lay Hotel, waiting for the three members of the Celestial Town Council to show up. Most of the town was outside waiting to hear what was going on. “Oh, do sit down, Mr. Deveroux, you’re wearing a hole in the carpet.”

  “How did you get here so fast? I thought you were in New York.”

  “I was in the area, that’s all you need to know.” Tristan smiled up at him. “So where is this council we need to talk to?”

  “They will get here when the cosmos demands it. Not a moment sooner.”

  Tristan sighed. He didn’t understand the lingo Mr. Deveroux spouted. He’d heard of free spirit towns before, but never had the pleasure. The town of Celestial was definitely smaller than Treasure Cove, but still had all the amenities he needed. Mainly the land surrounding the town was what he wanted. Untouched by homes and cattle, the free range was perfect for what he needed. Now all he had to do was convince the town council that letting him buy the land was in their best interest. He had planned to let Aries do that. But after the man clearly had found himself immersed in the local life, Tristan knew if he wanted anything done, he was going to have to do it himself. “Are you sure they will show up?”

  “They will be here,” Aries replied, looking at his watch. “I’m just not sure when.”

  “Well, they are already fifteen minutes late. If this is how they conduct business, it will be their last. When I take over this town, I will have it running like a smooth ship.”

  “Celestial isn’t a ship, Tristan. It’s a town, comprised of human beings, not engines and electrical equipment that you can shut off at a moment’s notice.”

  “We’ll just see about that,” Tristan said, as the doors opened and two beautiful women walked in.

  “Please sit down, Aries,” a young, petite blonde said sweetly, taking a seat across the table from them, but Aries stood still. Tristan spotted what his employee was staring at and smiled. Apparently, the man wasn’t expecting the beautiful redhead to be here. Grinning, Tristan knew this meeting might just go better than he planned if his suspicions were correct about Aries and the young woman.

  “I hear you gentlemen have need to speak with the council?” the blonde woman asked.

  “I was told there were three members, where is the third?” Tristan asked stiffly.

  “I am sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Summerfield, but the third member of the council is missing. Moon Goddess hasn’t been seen in over a month. But rest assured that myself and Capri are more than capable of making a decision. However, I must inform you that since our third member is missing, you must have both of our votes before you can proceed with whatever it is you are requesting.”

  “And if I don’t?” Tristan stiffened. The blond was already agitated. This was not how he liked starting meetings.

  “Then you will not get what you want,” she stated clearly.

  “You’re a council member?” Aries whispered to the redhead, causing more tension in the room.

  She replied, stoically, “Yes.”

  “You never said anything?”

  “You didn’t need to know. The council members are changed after every meeting. When this meeting is over, I will be replaced.”

  “What kind of democracy is that?” Tristan demanded.

  “One that has served our community well for hundreds of years, Mr. Summerfield,” The redhead turned to look at him. “Everyone has a say in how this town is run. The governing body of Celestial made sure of that many years ago. No one person was above anyone else. We all live and work to make this town unique. To keep that creed, once a council is convened, new members will be appointed afterward for the next meeting, thus ensuring that everyone has a chance in governing our town. Now, if we may proceed with this meeting. So tell us, Mr. Summerfield, what can the town of Celestial do for you?”

  Taking the bull by the horns, Tristan spent the next two hours explaining in great detail what his plans were for the town. He wanted to show them that having the Summerfield Corporation as a major investment for the town was not only lucrative but beneficial in an ecological way, especially to a town who welcomed alternative ways of living. He thought of everything while he spoke to the two women, who seemed interested in what he and his company had to offer. Only time would tell, but Tristan believed that he was going to get what he needed. When he was finished, he thanked the women for listening and sat down.

  “Thank you, Mr. Summerfield, for that lengthy and very detailed presentation. What concerns me is the influx of people your industry would bring to Celestial. We are a simple folk here and we live our lives accordingly. If we were to allow you to bring your company here and set up shop, then our way of life would change. I’m not sure we can offer you what it is you really want,” the redhead said clearly.

  “I understand your concerns, Ms. Chantilly, but my business would in no way interfere with this town. I only want to help boost your economy and allowing my company to move in would do so. The Summerfield Corporation is a multi-billion dollar a year industry that prides itself on the technical advances to help the ecosystem. I am always looking for better ways to harvest the natural resources of our planet. In doing so, I have come to respect the land and what the earth has to offer. I feel your small town would be a perfect place to showcase such advancements. You yourselves respect nature and all that she offers. I want to show the world that just because we live in the twenty-first century that we don’t have to burn fossil fuels and pollute our air. I am hoping, with your permission, to show the world that a town can run and
operate on clean energy.”

  “That is very noble, Mr. Summerfield,” Fairy said. “But how you plan to do that worries this council. Can you honestly tell this council that what you want is to better this world, or is it to better your pockets?”

  “Ma’am, I make no excuses. I am here to make money, and with your help, I will make quite a bit, which I will gladly put back into this town's economy, but I am sincere about the environment. I want to make Celestial the prototype for future towns. If I can show the world an easier and healthier way to live, I will do so.”

  “But you are drilling right now outside of our town. You are disturbing the ecosystem. And there have been reports that your drilling machines caused the destruction in Treasure Cove, our sister city. Can you explain that?”

  “There is no evidence to support those findings. The latest reports show that the destruction of Treasure Cove was due to an unstable mine. My drilling machines had nothing to do with that. I have…”

  “How do your drilling machines work?” Capri asked, interrupting him. Tristan hated being interrupted. It was rude and unbusinesslike. But what worried him most was the hostility in redhead’s voice. Something was wrong, only he didn’t know what.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Are they solar powered? Do they run on electricity? Fossil fuel?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Then how do they run?”


  “I see.”

  “No, I don’t think you do,” Tristan said angrily. “My drilling equipment is…”

  “Stop,” Aries said before Tristan could say another word. Tristan shook off Mr. Deveroux’s hand and stood. He was not going to let two simple, idiotic women on a power trip stop him from acquiring what he wanted. “Let me handle this, Mr. Deveroux. You had your chance.”

  “No, you’ve said enough,” Aries said, getting to his feet. “The moment you said the word diesel, you lost, Tristan. This town will never allow you to take over. Haven’t you been listening? This town and all of its residents are pro-environment. There is nothing you can say or do to change their minds. It’s over.”


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