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The Gilweean Gateway

Page 7

by R A Lindo

  “It’s a brilliant idea!” replied Farraday, eyeing the cake tower. “The presents are hidden in my house, so that’s where you’re all headed.”

  Jacob understood ‘you’re all’ to mean the three of them.

  “Just so the festivities don’t get out of hand,” Kaira’s dad added, offering a knowing smile to Kaira and Guppy.

  “Don’t worry,” said Guppy as she grabbed a piece of cake and ran for the stairs, grabbing Kaira’s arm. “We’ll be back before you can say ‘Fillywiss’.”

  Off they went, flying up the stairs … birthday jackets and scarves still on … yelling in joy as they reached the Cympgus and vanished through it, Jacob struggling to keep pace.

  Their temporary absence allowed for the adults to speak more freely, Philomeena Renn pouring a little Fillywiss into a teacup.

  “We should set them some clearer boundaries before we return to The Cendryll tomorrow.”

  “Or a clearer sense of duty,” suggested Casper Renn as he studied the balloons, created by the Canvia charm, hovering above them. “Kaira’s reached an age where she’ll begin to test any boundaries we set, and Guppy has little respect for them, as it is. We should reinforce the importance of duty and discipline, similar to the way Weyen did when he came to visit you in Helping Hand, after their little impromptu visit to Dyil’s Ditch.”

  “Being kids, no-one in The Cendryll pays much notice to them,” commented Farraday, “which is probably how they managed to find out so much.”

  “Although, that will change now,” stated Philomeena Renn, glancing towards the kitchen door at the sound of footsteps on the stairs’ landing. “Taking them to Gilweean will signal suspicion amongst those soon to be under surveillance. Moving freely will become more problematic for them.”

  The sound of footsteps bounding down the stairs towards the kitchen brought laughter and thank yous from Kaira and Guppy, inspecting their presents discovered in Farraday’s empty fireplace. Jacob leant against the kitchen door, trying to catch his breath.

  Kaira moved over to her dad and aunt to show them the small, egg-shaped stone. As her dad and Farraday shared a laugh, suggesting a familiarity with the object, Aunt Phee said,

  “It’s an Ozzer, Kaira. Farraday has decided to break with tradition, giving artefacts as presents.”

  “I couldn’t resist.”

  Guppy’s interest piqued at the mention of an artefact, another magical object to store in her Keepeasy - a pouch stitched into a pocket, making any object placed within it vanish. “What does it do?” she asked as Farraday took the fire-red Ozzer from her hand.

  “It sort of affects people,” Farraday explained rather cryptically.

  “In what way?” prompted Guppy, ever keen to learn more about the endless wonders of the S.P.M.A.

  “Their balance, mainly,” offered Farraday with another glance in Casper Renn’s direction - the two friends silently recalling their joint exploits as young members of the S.P.M.A. and how the Ozzer often came in handy to get them out of tricky situations.

  “So, an Ozzer makes people lose their balance and fall over?” queried Jacob as he leant against the door.

  “That’s right,” Casper Renn explained as he took Kaira’s sea-blue Ozzer from the palm of her hand. “It can come in handy when you need to make a quick get away.”

  Kaira wondered if Farraday’s present was chosen in the knowledge that she, Guppy and Jacob would have to do just that as rumours of the Terrecet’s existence took hold in the Society.

  “Can we try it on Jacob?” asked Guppy.

  “Hold on. Wait a minute,” protested her brother as he backed out of the kitchen to the great amusement of everyone present.

  “It’s fairly harmless,” offered Farraday in a particularly unreassuring tone.

  Jacob headed for the stairs, hands raised as Guppy followed, pretending to activate the Ozzer - something she was yet to learn.

  “How do we use it?” asked Kaira as she watched her dad study the small, egg-shaped object.

  “Like this,” stated Casper Renn before throwing the magical artefact into the air, watching the wonder on his daughter’s face as it hovered over Farraday who suddenly swayed one way then the other.

  “Brilliant,” uttered Jacob, increasingly secure in the knowledge that his sister had yet to learn how to activate her present.

  When she finally succeeded, Jacob wasn’t quite prepared for the sudden loss of equilibrium, feeling as he had in the boat on their return from Gilweean - a sense he was about to lose his balance and fall as Guppy’s fire-red Ozzer spun in the air above him, out of reach.

  “I love it!” exclaimed Guppy as she took off her new and jacket scarf - matching green items - to contrast Kaira’s blue ones. “Can we practice upstairs?”

  “Maybe a little birthday cake, first,” suggested Philomeena Renn, an offer welcomed by everyone present for. After all, it was important to hold on to the sense that certain moments of magic - like birthdays for the young - should not to be entirely dominated by the endless wonders of the S.P.M.A.

  There would be plenty of time to learn more about charms and artefacts in the future. For now, it was time to celebrate childhood for a few more moments, Kaira’s dad and aunt conscious of how impending adolescent would gradually brush innocence away.


  The Lost Boy

  With birthday celebrations complete along with the benefit of a peaceful night’s sleep, the inhabitants of 12 Spyndall Street prepared to leave for The Cendryll. Much had been learnt whilst many things remained unclear, including the people involved in the suspicious movements within the Society, and the reason for Kaira knowing so little about her extended family.

  Melackin and other malevolent characters obsessed with the existence of a Terrecet had one, clear motive: absolute power. However, the questionable actions of others like Meyen Grayling were less clear.

  After all, Casper Renn had moved a potential Terrecet fragment to The Wenlands under orders from The Orium Circle, including an unambiguous instruction to keep his movements a secret. Only a handful of people knew, including his sister, Farraday and Smyck so automatically assuming Meyen Grayling’s guilt would be a mistake.

  Unless she was under direct orders, her actions were hard to justify, and Casper Renn was both alarmed and concerned for Guppy and Jacob’s mother. The consequences of such a transgression to the dark side, should this turn out to be the case, would be severe … the damage irreparable, annihilating a reputation in a blitz of condemnation whilst placing a stain on the Grayling name.

  Despite his dislike and quiet disregard for his colleague, Kaira’s dad wished no ill on Meyen Grayling, fighting the sense that ill had already befriended her in the form of The Sinister Four and their suspected connection to the figure who cast the darkest shadow over the Society: Erent Koll. As he buttoned his shirt and adjusted the red tie, Casper Renn brushed a hand over his wine-red suit - the dash of colour inspired by the kaleidoscope of wonders found in Gilweean.

  A plan was afoot, he sensed … a plan that would test his authority in The Cendryll and, perhaps, his ability to render appropriate judgement. At the sound of Kaira and Guppy’s laughter emanating from the bedroom at the end of the hallway, Casper Renn uttered ‘Comeuppance’ and reached for the Follygrin in his waistcoat pocket.

  Undoing the brass clasp on the circular, leather-bound artefact, he turned to the first page, looking at the letter ‘A’ in the centre. Rubbing the elegant letter with his forefinger, he watched the ink bleed, reforming into a string of familiar letters Ask and You will Find…

  “Meyen Grayling,” he muttered quietly, careful not to be heard. The pages flipped to the letter ‘M’ and a sketch quickly formed: intricate in detail and alive in its every feature … a sketch of the vast ground floor of The Cendryll with figures moving in-and-out of the numerous doors lining its walls, whilst a singular figure stood at the top of the spiral staircase, surveying the people she enjoyed having power over: Meyen Grayling. />
  Casper Renn rubbed the sides of the bevelled glass decorating the Follygrin, magnifying the image in order to study Meyen Grayling’s expression more closely. Naturally guarded and supercilious, she gave little away, although an unusual nervousness lined her face, perhaps in anticipation of his return, returning her to a position subordinate to his own, or something else…? Something more sinister…? Perhaps a brush with a dark artefact, hidden in The Phiadal, tempting her towards a darker purpose.

  With the morning light washing over Spyndall Street and the gathering of adults and children in the living room, Farraday suggested they use a Cympgus to transport them to The Cendryll. The year was coming to a close and Founders’ Quad - known as Market Square to above-ground people - was already filling with crowds eager to begin their Christmas shopping in establishments that inspired never-ending awe.

  Of course, those not connected to the S.P.M.A. had no idea of its magical origins, rationalising marvels such as Leaning Lane and Wimples sweet shop as English eccentricity at its best. Magic inspired it all, of course, including the secret ingredients in Merrymopes’ milkshakes, and magic would be the vehicle of travel now as Philomeena Renn uttered ‘Whereabouts’ followed by ‘Cympgus’ to create a collection of ascending stairs in the living room, much to the amusement of Kaira, Guppy and Jacob.

  Cympgus’ were rarely used above ground for the simple reason that they were very noticeable, and being seen using magic by the uninitiated was the fastest way to get expelled from The Society. For this reason, Periums were the desired mode of travel. Activated by penchants - a piece of jewellery or personal appendage with the family’s unique gemstone embedded within it - Periums were doorways within Society buildings across the land, providing access to the building of choice.

  The current decision to use a Cympgus was based on the fact that everyone within the house could be trusted. With the curtains drawn, ensuring there was no possibility of being seen, Farraday led the way up the ascending stairway formed of light and energy, flickering a faint orange at each step taken.

  As Farraday disappeared, pretending to fall forwards to draw laughter from the others, Casper Renn gestured for Guppy and Jacob to follow, leaving him to take the luminous Perium with his daughter and sister: a final moment of closeness before the inevitable burden of responsibility fell onto his shoulders once more.

  The return to The Cendryll was a welcome re-introduction to the wonders of a building illuminated by light - the enormous skylight as elegant as it was striking. The multi-coloured doors of various colours and states of repair swung open and closed as people entered and exited - the S.P.M.A. crest carved into the brass doorknobs - whilst the ever wondrous Quij floated above, their bright, luminous bodies buzzing as they floated in various directions … some drifting down towards The Seating Station to deliver or retrieve books.

  Kaira eyed Quandary Corner, the place she had first spotted Guppy on her entrance to the Society - an alcove situated discreetly away from the busy ground floor. Quandary Corner offered a refuge from the dismissive adults who passed by in various garbs and moods, nodding at Casper Renn, Philomeena Renn and Farraday as they did so.

  There were no such unspoken greetings for the young yet Kaira sensed a mood of grudging acceptance in the expressions of some, all of which would have heard of their recent trip to Gilweean: a journey to gather the temperature of the Society.

  In terms of temperature, there was one figure who invariably emanated a detached coolness. Dressed in her uniform of blue complimented by a neat blonde bob of hair, the only colour in an otherwise blank personality, Meyen Grayling entered from the room underneath the spiral staircase … the one the adults had disappeared into on Kaira’s first day … the day Guppy had used a Looksee to spy on the adults questioning Theodore Kusp about his illegal trading of Laudlum on the black market.

  A permanent picture of insolence and ill will, Meyen Grayling strode towards the group, her pinched expression and militant march symbolic of a hidden resentment. Her lust for power was worn openly, her ongoing ploy to oust her two superiors in The Cendryll yet to come to fruition: Casper and Philomeena Renn.

  “Casper, Philomeena. I trust you had a good journey to Gilweean…?”

  “It was insightful, as always,” replied Kaira’s dad cordially, looking towards the spiral staircase as if he was expecting someone to appear.

  Whilst the adults continued with their forced pleasantries, Kaira’s mind turned to her beloved cat, Churchill, who had been taken care of by Smyck in her absence. As much as she’d loved the wonders of Gilweean and, in particular, flying a Williynx, Churchill was still dear to her, and heading to her dad’s quarters would allow her to experience The Floating Floor once more … studying the illusion of water surrounding her feet as the Quij floated nearby, returning books to the shelves below the skylight.

  As the circular lift made its slow descent to the ground floor, rotating as it did so, Kaira caught Guppy nodding towards it - a sign for them to make an excuse to extricate themselves from adult company. However, no such action was required because, just as Guppy was about to utter an excuse, Smyck appeared at the top of the spiral staircase in his all-black attire, accompanied by a sullen boy, and Meyen Grayling returned to her role as an ineffectual parent whose offspring represented an ongoing imposition.

  “Well, there’s much to do in Creative Charms, Jacob and I’m sure Kaira would like to spend some quality time with her family.”

  Neither Guppy nor Jacob moved - a sign of their increasing contempt for their mother whose disinterest in them was barely hidden. She was no longer respected or feared, their defiant silence symbolic of this.

  “I think we’re going to need Jacob and Guppy’s assistance for a little while longer,” interjected Farraday, nodding towards Smyck who was moving through the intrigued crowds with the boy.

  “Who do you think he is?” Guppy asked Kaira, her interest piqued once more as a potential escape route from her mother had been created by Farraday. She was hoping the new boy would present an extended opportunity to avoid adult supervision and her mother’s inevitable questions regarding her trip to Gilweean: questions she had no intention of answering.

  Kaira had no idea who the boy was. The only obvious thing about him were the tears he was trying to hide, lowering his head to avoid the growing interest of the crowds milling around The Seating Station or pausing as they streamed through the numerous, ill-fitting doors acting as portals to other, magical realms. Keeping Guppy out her mother’s clutches seemed the immediate concern, so she followed Farraday’s lead.

  “We could show the new boy round, Mrs Grayling … the way Jacob and Guppy looked after me on my first day.”

  “Good idea, Kaira,” commented Farraday, knowing only to well Meyen Grayling’s favoured past times of interrogation and humiliation. “I’ll bring Guppy back to you as soon as Conrad’s had a look around and met everyone. How does that sound?”

  Never one to feign interest or friendship where neither was present, Farraday waved Smyck and Conrad Kusp towards him, ruffling the boy’s copper-blonde hair before nodding to Kaira, Guppy and Jacob as if his suggestion to Meyen Grayling was a done deal. Like Kaira and Guppy, the boy was dressed informally in blue jeans, although the startling orange jumper was something he would soon be encouraged to part with.

  “It’s Theodore’s son,” Jacob said to Guppy and Kaira as Casper Renn listened to Meyen Grayling’s frustrations regarding her daughter’s desire to spend more time with Kaira. In his dual role as superior and mediator, Kaira’s dad suggested that Kaira had the same desire to distance herself from him - not entirely untrue - and, taking the particular needs of Theodore’s son into the equation, youthful company was likely to benefit him more than that of adults.

  Having little room to manoeuvre, and no support from the other adults present, Meyen Grayling gave in - a touch of venom in her concluding words: “I’ll await your arrival, Guppy.”

  Guppy nodded, already planning a
work around to stay with Kaira as long as possible, acutely aware that her mother hadn’t even commented on the jacket, scarf and silver necklace given to her as early birthday presents. Nothing had changed since their trip to Gilweean, Guppy concluded, as her mother offered a parting glance. A mother who had neglected her children in her pursuit for power long ago.

  With Kaira’s dad and aunt addressing questions from a gathered crowd, regarding their trip to Gilweean, Guppy introduced herself to Conrad Kusp in her inimitable fashion.

  “So, want to see something funny?” she asked before a command of ‘Comeuppance’ made the Ozzer reappear in the Keepeasy stitched into her jeans’ pocket. Guppy flicked the fire-red artefact over her brother’s head who, for the benefit of their new acquaintance, played along.

  As the Ozzer span above him, Jacob waited for his equilibrium to be disrupted, suddenly swaying one way and then the other, his arms flailing comically as he did so - happy to make a fool of himself to generate laughter from the lost boy.

  As Conrad Kusp had already experienced the wonders of The Floating Floor, they decided to take the circular, revolving lift with the adults. As intriguing as the new boy was, and the reasons for his appearance in The Cendryll, Kaira was eager to see Churchill in order to make up for her absence. It was enough that her beloved cat had had to adapt to a new, bizarre environment, but neglect wasn’t something it should have to endure.

  “Welcome to our world, young man,” offered Casper Renn as he pushed the button to the fourth floor.

  Kaira held onto the brass handle as the lift began its familiar anti-clockwise motion as it rose slowly, the sight of the colourful, effervescent Quij fluttering throughout the vast chamber of The Cendryll always a welcome sight.

  With Guppy and Jacob entertaining Conrad Kusp, Kaira looked through the glass panels of the lift as it rose … towards the crowds gathered at the circular Seating Station along with the masses streaming in-an-out of the numerous doors.


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