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Norse Fire: A Fantasy Romance filled with Norse Gods, Valkyries and Druids (The Guardian Series Book 3)

Page 17

by S. Lawrence

  Giving her no warning, I bite her engorged nub. She shrieks before clamping her mouth shut, but she never moves. I devour her. She tastes like she smells. Heat, cold, and spice. It is an addictive combination. She pushes back at my mouth, and I slap her ass again, growling. She moans as it vibrates through her. Sliding two fingers into her dripping entrance, I work her as she fights to remain still. I move over her, my other hand coming around to grip her breast. I squeeze it in rhythm to my fingers. Her body is vibrating. "Kiss me," I growl at her ear.

  Raven turns her mouth to me, eyes glowing, and she crashes into my lips. One hand snakes back around my neck and pulls my head closer. I let her get away with that movement but pinch her erect nipple hard to remind her who is in control. She gasps at the pain, and her juices soak my fingers. She loves what I'm doing to her. I fight her for control, breaking the kiss. "Hand back, now." Her eyes flare, desire causing them to slide closed as she does what I tell her.

  "Sean. Please...," she begs.

  "Please what?" I grit through my teeth, fighting to wait for her words.

  "Fuck me. Hard." Fuck me. I pull her up, forcing her to her knees, wrapping her white hair around my hand, pulling her head back. I revel in the arch in her back. My other hand wraps around my throbbing cock as I position it at her entrance, then it moves to her hip, forcing her to hold still. Her hips push back, trying to impale herself on my cock, and I spank her again, harder this time, but she only moans more. Fuck, she's going to kill me.

  She circles her hips and looks back at me. My fangs lengthen as my control snaps. I slam home, pulling back on her hip at the same time. Her scream fills the room, and I howl. I set a brutal pace, letting go of her hair to grip her other hip. I force her to take me. She chants my name, coating me in her honey, her heat. Her muscles tighten as she tenses. Her wings flare out, arching high toward the ceiling, as she rises up in front of me. Still, I pound into her as she comes apart. I never slow and push her higher. Her hands come around, and her nails dig into ass, asking for more. Harder. Faster. Deeper. I give her what she wants, what we both want. My eyes lock on the faint red fang marks on one side of her neck, and the next instant, my hand pulls her head to the side and mine slide into the flesh of the other side, marking her. I taste the blood, and my control slips away. I bite harder as I fill her with my cum. Her screams fill the room as she comes again, milking everything from me.

  Long minutes later, we are still locked together as I lick at her shoulder. She shifts in my arms, and I fall onto the bed, pulling her on top of me. We are both covered in sweat, still breathing hard. She looks at me and then leans up, kissing me gently. I deepen it, feeling our lust stir again. I was right -- she is an addiction. I will spend eternity feeding my hungers. Her midnight wings curve around us, blocking out the world. And I fall into the darkness of sleep, dreaming of an avenging angel with black wings.

  His body relaxes in sleep and I can look at him with the love I feel. Michael makes love. Sean fucks. I need both. I want both. I love them both. I sense Michael before I hear him. I tuck my wings away as he slides into bed with us, pulling the fur over us all. I ease off Sean and lay between my two warriors. Fire and Ice. Michael's arm comes around me, and his hand curls around my breast. Sean shifts in his sleep, his hand sliding between my legs. I drift, my soul is finally at peace. My last thought is of the two of them. My dreams are filled with the two of them loving me.

  Chapter 40


  Cora's scream tears me from my sleep, and the three of us bolt upright. Sean is on his feet running for the door, and I'm hard on his heels. As he throws open the door, clothes appear on our bodies. We never slow, racing for the sound of her voice. We find her on her knees in front of the wall of windows that look out at the mountain. Raven slides to a stop staring at the pixie, whose head is thrown back, arms out at her sides, eyes unseeing. Sean falls to the floor in front of her, his hands cupping her head trying to bring it forward. Her body is rigid. On and on she screams until she falls forward, Sean catching her just inches from the rock floor.

  I kneel at her waist, pulling her hands into mine, trying to warm her frozen body. "Lass? Cora?" I whisper to her, trying to pull her back to us.

  Raven paces, circling around us. Sean runs his hands gently over her hair, murmuring to her. Seconds drag by as we wait.

  She startles us as she jumps to her feet and looks around. "They are almost here." Her voice is eerily calm. "They are angry about you killing him yesterday."

  "Set?" Raven moves in front of her, drawing her silver eyes to her.

  Cora's head tilts, she is silent for a minute, and then she speaks. "Yes, Set. The Egyptian. They are closer now." Sean paces to the window, looking out, a rifle appears in his hand. He drops his gaze to it, surprise on his face.

  "That wasn't me," Raven answers my questioning look. "That was you or him." I shrug, it doesn't matter. I focus for a moment and my clothes change, as do Sean's. We are ready for war.

  "You fools, hurry." Cora's voice is more urgent. "They will kill us all, and all will be lost. Michael, hurry! Use your cat and find your perch. You are the silent killer." She rounds on me, grabbing my beard and pulling me down to her face. "You are death. You are justice. It is time to hunt." Her words and her tone send a shiver through me. Her magic is calling my beast forward. "Now Cait Sith!" I shift instantly, her magic forcing it. I look at her with my cat eyes and chuff at the magic swirling around her. I see the threads now, mine joined with Raven's and Sean's. All of ours linked with her before shooting off into other realms. "GO!" She yells at me and I bound to the doors that fly open. Raven is staring open mouthed at the tiny woman who has now turned to Sean. I wait for my brother.

  "Cu Sith, do as you have always done. Find them for him. They come to kill us and then they will move on to those we care for. Let your howl ring once more through the lands. Let them know we come for them, those that would enslave our world." Her magic pushes his change, and the wolf stands before her in the blink of an eye. He lopes to my side where we pause, looking back at her in wonder. She is floating inches off the ground, rainbow hair flying in every direction. "Go, boys. You have been chosen." We run.

  I open my mind to Sean, send him a picture of the mountain above Raven's home, and he races away, making the climb. I turn and race to a huge evergreen tree, the area around it reeking of Fenrir. I leap to a low branch and make my way higher, searching for the perfect spot to wait for those that are coming. Sean sends me his location as I settle on a branch. I shift back to my human form, my rifle in my hand, scope to my eye. We both settle in to wait. I lay there wondering at Cora's power. Each time she opens herself to it, it grows. I sense worry for her from Sean. I have to agree with him.

  Chapter 41


  My body hurts. Raven stands looking at me. Her face is a mixture of awe and fear. I cringe at the fear part of our show. "What happened?" I ask, sighing.

  "Ummm, you had a vision." I roll my eyes. I'm aware of that. I remember this vision, I just don't know what must have happen while I was having it. A vision wouldn't frighten her. "You also forced their change and you were floating." She smiles at me, but it doesn't quite reach her eyes.

  "Floating?" Okay, I'm going to not even think about that. "I don't recognize who they are, those that are coming. If I described them, would you recognize them?" I deflect. My power is beating at me, trying to break free. I'm afraid I will be no more if it does. There will be no Cora, and in her place will be something else.

  "Cora?" I blink, looking at Raven. I had missed something. "Are you okay?" Nope not really, but you can't put the genie back in the bottle, can you? I start describing those I saw. She listens intently. I talk as fast as I can, which is fast, spitting every detail I can at her. When I finish, she is staring out the doors, snow silently falling to the ground. God, I hate the fucking snow.

  "Set was from the Egyptian clan," she begins. I vaguely remember him from a book I read once. "God of Destructio
n, he was not a nice person. Two of those you described must be Sphinx and Nyx, which makes sense because they are from the same clan. Both are known for their love of death and destruction. I have no problem believing they all sided with Odin."

  "They draw near," I whisper, searching the area in front of her home. It has begun. Together we move to stand in the doorway, waiting. I can't see Sean and Michael but I feel them. Her eyes scan the trees, just past the clearing, and I know Michael is there. I saw his memories of war. Yggdrasill showed them to me before we ever left home. His eye is to his scope, and he won't miss. "Will bullets kill them?" I murmur without looking at her.

  "Not likely, but it will give us an advantage." She answers as her wings break free and rise high behind her. I look at her by my side, and my eyes widen at her battle uniform. Black leather pants, black boots, and a silver corset. The corset looks to be made from some metal and is etched with Norse runes, probably functioning like chainmail. Her eyes harden to a dark grey and shine in the lightning that flashes in the sky. She narrows her eyes, and I turn my gaze back to the ones that appear along the edge of the clearing.

  "Thor." Raven spits the name as a giant of a man strides from the trees. He has fiery copper hair and beard. He is actually carrying a fucking hammer, but he is no Hemsworth. I chuckle, drawing his angry gaze.

  "You dare laugh… Human?" The word sounds like a curse from his lips. Thunder booms, and I raise an eyebrow at him just as Raven lights up the night sky. A howl echoes through the mountains and those across from us become restless, trying to locate where the sound came from.

  I don't respond. Raven steps slightly forward. I realize she moved to shield me. I get it, I do, but fuck, I hate being the weak link here.

  A gorgeous dark skinned man moves around Thor. "Who killed Set? It was not this puny human and it wasn't you. You were a caged bird that had her wings clipped," he sneers at Raven. She flexes her wings up into view and a couple of those that came to kill us step back instinctively. They are afraid of her new colors and what that changes.

  I step around her. It's my job to announce those that have returned, those that have been chosen. I stand as tall as I can, a whopping five foot three, and glare at them. Steeling my nerves, I begin, "Those that have been gone from this world have returned. She has chosen her Guardians, those that will protect this world. She has sent them to fight you. They wait now, watching. You can decide your fate. Leave and you live. Stay and you die. The great wolf, Cu Sith, has returned. He is the harbinger of death. The great cat, Cait Sith, has returned. He is the silent hunter, the bringer of death. They watch you now. Choose wisely." My voice rings clear in the night.

  Silence envelopes us, thick with tension, and I jump as a howl rings out, followed by a roar of a great cat. The one Raven identified as Nyx spins in a circle but can't locate our boys. Lightning cuts through the sky again, and the outline of the massive wolf is seen on a peak above us. Eyes, glowing like a green fire, lock on those that threaten us.

  A woman with bird feet walks forward and she flexes her own wings before calling out, "I waited a thousand years for this. Tonight you die, like your mother has long wanted. There is no one here to save you." She launches herself into the air, her hawkish face twisted in rage. Raven flexes her wings, but a shot rings out and the woman screeches. The sound dies as she falls to the ground. Unconscious or dead, I can't tell, but it doesn't matter."Sorry, Cora. I was wrong. The bullets will kill them," Raven says casually, eyes locking with Thor. I realize they might work on some, but she knows it won't work on them all. A moan draws our eyes. "My mistake. The harpy isn't dead. Yet."

  The great wolf lands in front of us. Growling, he paces forward, watching the other as he approaches the harpy. She tries to grab him with her talons but fails. He launches at her, his massive muzzle latching onto her neck, picking her up, and shaking her like a rag doll. The cracking of her spine rings across the clearing, and he drops her dead at the others’ feet. Bounding away from them, he returns to stand between Raven and me.

  "Have you made your choice? Like she did?" I ask them.

  Another roar fills the air, and the magnificent black cat leaps down from the tree, sailing over their heads. Thor swings his hammer, but Raven is there, blocking it with her sword. The clang of metal on metal rings through the mountains as they fight. Thunder booms and lightning crashes all around us.

  Wolf and cat circle the clearing, waiting for an opening. I force myself to look away from Raven and her opponent; the others are not where they were. I turn, looking. "Michael!" I yell and suddenly he is in front of me, the man looking me over, observing for injuries. "They are gone." I wave my hand, and he turns slowly, shifting as he breaks into a run. The wolf turns and howls, following him, disappearing into the forest. I try to force a vision, but nothing fucking happens. I look up at the sky. Surely everyone can see this. More will be coming. He will come for us.

  Still, they battle. Raven is losing. Thor is beating her back. 'Call them back,' the Norns whisper to me.

  "How?" I cry tears choking me. "SEAN! MICHAEL!" I scream it, sending my power out, trying to force them to me like I had during my vision. A howl tears through the air as Raven hits the ground hard. Thor stands over her, hammer raised, and I rush toward them. No fucking idea on a plan of what I'm going to do when I reach them. I slide to a stop as Michael appears like a specter between me and them. I hear a deep growl and look up to see Sean crouched, ready to leap, right above Raven's massive entrance. The cat lashes out, claws raking down Thor's arm. It is shredded, blood spraying as the flesh is sliced to ribbons. The hammer falls from his hand. Raven leaps to her feet, swinging her sword into thin air. He disappeared. Poof. Gone. Hammer is also gone. Fuck. Raven sways as she stands, sword raised, still ready for a fight. Sean shifts and then leaps down, hitting the ground running. Scooping her up, he carries her inside. The cat noses at me, pushing me forward toward the house. The doors close and seal as we cross the threshold. Michael stands beside me. I look up at his face, tears welling in my eyes.

  "I don't know why I'm crying." I rub the back of my hand over my eyes, my voice sounds petulant.

  His arms drapes over my shoulder and he pulls me to his side. "Adrenaline crash. Ye scared the shite out of us, Pixie."

  "Which part? My revelation of doom or my total helplessness?"

  He stops and forces me to look at him. "Ye are not helpless. Your power scared me. It is vast and unimaginable. It wasn't given to you like ours. This is something that has been there, waiting and watching. Ye can't fight it, lass."

  "I'm afraid." Raven nods to Sean and he moves toward us, concern stamped on his face. They wait quietly, watching me. I don't want to voice my fears. They are frozen in their stillness while I fidget. They are silence, while I make little noises. The corner of Sean's lips quirk up; he knows I'm going to break. Michael's left eyebrow arches perfectly. I stare at it, thinking I wish mine were shaped as nice.

  "Cora." I glance at Raven, who joined us while I was lost in my jealousy of Michael's facial hair. I lick my lower lip, drawing it in between my teeth. Michael's thumb slides over it. It would be a sensual touch if it had been anyone else. I sigh. Stepping around them, I walk to the fire. Staring at the flames, I consider how to begin, how to explain.

  Chapter 42


  Thunder and lightning. My daughter battles Thor. I watch and listen from Odin's hall. He sits smugly on his throne. I'm trapped here, the same as if I were chained. Yggdrasill warned me to wait until she calls. His eyes lock with mine and he smiles. Thunder still rumbles but there is no lightning. With my heart pounding, I reach for her, whisper to her, begging her to answer.

  'He has not won, father. My Guardians saved me. We will rest then leave my home. I fear Fenrir has also been captured. We will find him.' I school my face, not daring to give away the contact. My heart pounds with relief and fear. Let him think he won. I shoot to my feet when Thor appears, arm shredded, blood dripping onto the floor. Odin rushes do
wn the stairs to him, pulling him near, and their faces turn to me in moments.

  Odin's eyes narrow in anger. "What happened to the mighty Thor, brother?" I call out, drawing everyone's attention to the ravaged 'god'. As others encircle them, I slip out, running through the halls to Freya's domain. I dare not sift, I want no trace of magic leading him, or others, to me. Freya jumps to her feet as I crash into her sanctuary.

  She seals her doors, adding extra layers of magic and wards. Rushing across the stone floors, she studies my face. "What happened?"

  "It has started." She gasps, eyes wide with fear. "Thor attacked Raven. The Druids have succeeded in their tasks and are now Guardians."

  She paces away before spinning back to me. "I will ready my warriors." She is glorious in her battle armor.

  "Yes. Get prepared but wait for her call; Yggdrasill said wait. We will know when the moment arrives. I have to find my children." I grab her hands. "Be careful, my friend. He will kill you to obtain what he wants. He will kill us all." I squeeze her hand a little tighter before turning and racing out into the snow.

  I run through the falling snow, letting it hide me until I'm miles from Valhalla. I shift into a great stallion and plow through the snow that grows deeper the closer I draw to the mountains. I change into a snow leopard when it becomes too steep for the horse. Higher and higher, I climb. I can't sift to her, for he will be looking for the whispers of my magic, so I shove myself deep within the animals I choose. Of course my daughter would build her nest on the highest part of the mountain. I continue my assent. Finally, I can see the giant trees in the distance. The sun is turning the sky pink as I pad into the clearing. I change back to myself and stand dismayed.


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