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Norse Fire: A Fantasy Romance filled with Norse Gods, Valkyries and Druids (The Guardian Series Book 3)

Page 21

by S. Lawrence

  I draw Sean farther into my mouth, running my tongue over the hardness of him, all the while working my hand up and down in short strokes. He pushes deeper as Michael withdraws. He takes over, pulling my hand away. "Trust me. I have to fuck your mouth." I have no chance to answer as Michael slams deep again, and he slides out of my mouth. They set an opposite rhythm that leaves me off balance and always filled. Michael leans forward, his chest brushing against Sean's back as his fingers reach out and roll my nipple; Sean reaches back and strokes a finger over my clit. They are everywhere, taking me over, and all I can do is lose myself in the sensation of being filled, being loved. That is what they are doing, loving me. The thought sends me careening toward another orgasm, stars bursting behind my lids as I arch, muscles locking down. I fight to keep my mouth open to his cock as it thrusts to the back of my throat. He holds himself there, letting my scream vibrate over him.

  My pussy is milking at Michael's dick as he pounds into to me harder now as I feel him losing control. He set a punishing pace, rocking us all with each thrust. I suck hard on Sean as he moves quicker, fucking my mouth as Michael fucks my pussy. Sean stops, growling, and I feel his hot streams pumping down my throat as I swallow him. Michael tenses right after, plunging deep against my core as he to fills me with his come, rocking his hips long after he's done. Sean slides from my mouth and my body. I turn to him were he has laid beside me, and he tastes my mouth in a gentle kiss as Michael lays himself over me. I wrap my arms around them both, holding them to me.

  Tears fill my eyes at the beauty of these men, their souls, and how they love me. My body is still shaking, and I look at Michael as he raises his head. "Hey, what's wrong. Was it too much?"

  His question has Sean raising his eyes to look at me.

  "I... No, not too much, just beautiful. What I mean is it was beautiful, overwhelming ... perfect." I smile at them both. Michael rolls to my other side, and they wrap their arms around me, hands gripping each other, and I realize this is what love is- at least for us. And I'm so okay with that. Cora had been right, we will find our way, and whatever it is will be perfect for us. I roll to my stomach and push myself up looking down at them as they watch me closely. I reach out and cup their cheeks. My emotions breaking free. "I love you both. I think I fell that first night, watching you protect and care for Aislin. It grew as I got to know you, but now I just... I love us and the possibility of what we can have."

  Sean stares at me, his eyes hard, wild, and I feel a moment of doubt, drawing my legs up, hugging my knees. I clench my jaw, trying not to break at the horror etched in his face. The fear there is staggering. Michael's hand latches onto my hand, and his other reaching for Sean, whose head begins to shake. Then he is up, running for the forest, shifting as he reaches the trees. I feel my heart breaking as Michael pulls me against him.

  "I didn't mean to..." I stop unable to voice my heartache.

  "Och, Mo shíorghrá, tis not ye fault." His burr grows thicker with his own emotions. "He fears love, even when he is feeling. Love has only destroyed him in the past. He may never be able to deal with it."

  I lay my head on his chest as he wraps his arms around me. I listen to his heart beat as I play his words over in my head. I love that he called me his eternal lover, but my heart hurts at his words. In the silence, a long mournful howl rings out, and I flinch.

  "He doesn't know it but he calls to ye." I roll over looking at him as I push up on my arms. I stare at his face, trying to read what I see there. "Love scares us both, but I cannae live without ye. I know I love ye. I know it. I might not say it as much as you need to hear, but never forget in the long years to come."

  His voice grows fierce, then his lips are on mine as his tongue sweeps inside. I feel him pour that love into me. He breaks the kiss, and I pepper him with more, unwilling to leave his lips. I finally sit back, folding my legs under me staring into the trees. Another howl rings out, causing my chest to tighten. I look back at him, reclined on the bed. His face is sad for his brother, but his love shines in his eyes. His hand strokes over my thigh, back and forth. He doesn't say anything, just waits for me to decide.

  I consider his words. Do they need to say it, if they show me in every action? If I can feel it through our bond, do I need the words? No. And I love them both enough to accept them as they are. I could never force them to be different. I look back at the trees before glancing back at him a smile curves his lips at what he sees on my face.

  "Go to him, Mo shíorghrá. I will be here, waiting for you both." I lean down, kissing him gently once more before moving to the edge of the bed. Drawing a breath, I stand and stride to the forest, releasing my wings.

  Chapter 53


  I leap into the air as soon as I clear the portal, wings flapping as I maneuver through the canopy. I search for him following the tug of our bond until I find him lying on a flat boulder the sun shining on his white fur tipped in green standing out against the dark stone. His emerald eyes turn up and lock on me as I glide down to the ground. I sit on the grass in the sun letting it warm my naked flesh. I could get dressed but I will use any advantage I have. I let my head fall back as we sit in silence until the sun starts to sit low in the sky.

  I look up and he is watching me. I stand and move to the edge of his boulder, leaning on it. I draw a breath. "I can't change that I love you, that I fell in love with you. I wouldn't. I know you can't say it yet, and that's okay. You love me how you can. I'll take whatever you can give me. I want us to be forever. Do you?"

  I wait to see if he will change. He stands and jumps down, landing in the soft grass by my side. One instant I'm looking in the wolf's eyes, and the next, Sean is standing before me. His ravaged soul, so damaged by people that claimed to love him, is staring out of his eyes at me. "Anyway, Sean. Never say it, and it is still alright. Please just come back to us. Let me love you. Take what I can give you. Michael waits for us."

  I flex my wings out and then slowly flap them, rising into the air. His eyes grow wide, and I see the moment he chooses us. I turn, flying home, and I hear his howl ring out as he races to catch me. I land just before portal. I can see Michael on the bed right where he said he'd be. I look back as I hear Sean’s steps behind me and hold my hand out. As I face Michael again, I smile at the feeling of Sean’s warm hand sliding into mine. I lead him into our home and to our bed, climbing in and settling beside Michael and pulling Sean to my other side. Michael reaches pulling the covers over us, his hand curling around Sean’s shoulder, holding him to us. I too reach out, cupping his cheek in my palm. He shivers and draws a shuddering breath, then blows it out. Locking eyes with Michael, he nods and then leans toward us and kisses me.

  It is tender and sweet, a love letter, a declaration, a pledge. I blink away tears as he pulls back and tucks me to him. I hide my face and slide my hand back to grip Michael, feeling his head lean against the back of my neck, and the breath he was holding heats my skin.

  I fall asleep with them wrapped around me, thanking the fates for this destiny, for these men they steered to me.

  Chapter 54


  It's been a few weeks. The boys are happy in their home with Raven. Patrick is better and will find his way. I miss home. The others are all off gather information and allies. My visions are quiet and they have been since I got here. No one has seen Loki.

  I stand looking out at the Highlands, thankful for my time here, but now I need to go home. I said my goodbyes yesterday. Morrigan appears at my side, and I jump a little. I will never get used to that. "You ready?" She asks with a slightly apologetic smile.

  I turn and look a the house once more and then nod, waving to Patrick, who stands on the porch. She takes my hand and sifts us to the Isle and the portal there. I can see Fergus in the field beyond the barrier. "You can come through anytime, and I will know you are here. If anything happens, run to the portal, Cora." Her words are filled with concern. I've had the same argument with them all; they all don't
like me returning alone. But I need to be home. It is calling me.

  "Thank you. I will, I promise. I just need to be there." She studies me at my words. "No vision or anything," I assure her. "I just need home. I feel a little lost here."

  She nods. "Be careful. I feel you are very important in all of this." I snort but nod my head. She squeezes my hand once before I pull free and step through.

  The humidity wraps around me like a blanket, and I sigh. Home. Fergus moves to me and rubs his head up my front, almost knocking me to the ground. I push him away gently before rubbing his nose. "She coming to get you soon." I glance around and see the giant black stallion stand near eyes locked on me. "You too, you monster." He shakes his head up and down, stomping his hoof, and I grimace. One more rub over Fergus's sweet face, and then I start to the barn. Aislin arranged for a car to be left for me, and Conal will send someone to get it from my apartment tomorrow. I move into the dimness of the barn and see the keys right where she said they would be hanging, grabbing them as I walk by. I slide in and roll down the windows to get some air moving through it. The inside is like an oven. Sweat trickles down between my breast, and I suddenly miss the coolness of the Highlands.

  It doesn't take long before I reach the causeway bridge and lose myself in my thoughts as the cyclic motion lulls me. Forty-five minutes later, I'm weaving through the tourists to get to my street in the French Quarter. I finally park, thanking whatever gods are watching out over me for the spot right in front of my building. I text Aislin’s grandfather the location and thank him again then climb the stairs to my home. I have the bag that was on the front seat of the car on my shoulder and I dig my keys out. I suddenly realize I had never come home after the wedding. I worry about my bills for the first time. My phone chimes. I look down at it as I pause outside my door. It's Aislin.

  'I figure you are about home. Don't worry, we took care of everything while you were gone. We love you.'

  Tears well in my eyes. Of course they did. Emma and Aislin have been taking care of me, in one way or another, for years. I slide the key in the lock and turn the knob, pushing the door open. Stepping in, I close and lock it before setting my things down. The tightness eases around my heart as I look round my tiny little home, art from Jackson square decorating almost every inch of the walls. Grand-mere's quilt covers my second hand couch.

  I walk to my tall skinny French doors like most of the places in the Quarter have and open them, stepping out onto my tiny balcony, and I stand for a minute, letting the city wash over me. The sounds and smells float up, and I close my eyes; I've missed this. I turn, cross to my couch, and lay down, pulling the quilt over me as some of my sadness returns. It comes in waves, no longer crushing but just washing over me. It is tinged with a hint of fear and apprehension of the future. I slip into sleep with music from the street performers floating up to me.

  My dreams are filled with an all too familiar face, one no one has seen since Fenrir's death.

  Chapter 55


  I've been home a month. Still no word. Everyone's nerves are on edge as we wait for the next shoe to drop. Aislin and Kai have been here. The barn in Scotland was completed, and they came to visit and move Fergus and the beast. That monster pranced right through the portal like he had done it everyday of his life.

  Emma came into town and set up a new manager of her dance school. Her eyes filled with sadness at letting it go. Jason argued against it, but in the end, her mind was made up. Besides, she hopes to get back to it after we win the war. I hope she's right.

  I spend my days at my table in Jackson Square, telling the tourist their fortunes. Only once has my real power flared to life and I was able to warn a mother about danger to her daughter. I don't know if she heeded it but I tried.

  Today, the heat is oppressive, and I'm not in the mood to deal with another will I find love question. So I start to gather my things.

  "You packing up, Cora?"

  I look over at Remy, the artist that sits beside me. I have a few of his pieces on my wall. I nod. "My heart isn't in it today. I shouldn't have even dragged myself here." I walk the few steps and glance at his canvas, my eyes widen. It's me. "Why'd you make me look so forlorn?"

  "Paint what I see, sister girl. And you have been different since you got back from wherever you disappeared to." His polite way of asking once again where I had been. I don't answer. He has no idea just how different. I hide my eyes behind contacts and sunglasses.

  "You're right, Remy. I need a night out. Tonight I'm going to go drink a lot of drinks and listen to some wonderful jazz."

  "You heading to The Spotted Cat?" He knows me well, and I nod. "Well, you be careful and if you need an escort home, give me a call. Or call a car. Don't walk alone; it is too dangerous." I lean over and kiss his cheek.

  "I'm always careful, you know that." I return to my table, putting my cards and stuff in my bag before folding the table. I pick it all up and walk the three block to my home. It's not even lunch time, but I head back to bed. Laying there, I realize he is right; I have been depressed since I've been back, I have to snap out of it. I fall asleep watching the fan spin slowly over head. My dream is haunted again.

  The sun has set when I untangle myself from my sheets and push out of bed. Thirty-five minutes later, I'm walking towards the bar. The night is warm and humid, and I fan myself with my church fan, as we call them, as I stroll along. It only takes me ten minutes to reach The Cat. I smile at Jack the bouncer, and he swats my ass as I walk by. He is a flirt, but his wife would kill him if he was serious. I've known him since I was sixteen and would sit outside on the sidewalk to listen to the music.

  I walk to the bar, and Charlotte yells at me, "Where you been, girl? We were about to call out the guard or have a locator spell done." That's New Orleans for ya, I laugh.

  "I went with Aislin to Scotland, where she's going to be living most of the time now that she got married," I say loudly so she can hear me over music.

  "That sounds amazing. You want your regular?" I nod, and she moves away to get my drink as other orders are yelled at her. She sits it in front of me and leans near. "I'll catch up when it calms down." I nod before picking up my drink and turning toward the band. I sip and close my eyes, letting the bourbon and music wash away my problems.

  I'm so lost in the moment I don't feel the eyes that lock on me from the dark back corner of the bar.


  Also by S Lawrence

  Coming Soon

  Eternal Fire

  The Guardian Series Book Four


  My power often takes over, shifting me into what it thinks is needed. Mine is an old and primal with a mind of its own. Like Odin’s, it came from those that lived long before our people on our home planet. A gift to those first members of the clans. Our family is descended from that first family that made up ours. The first warrior, the first conqueror of the others. War and the power that comes from reigning calls to us. For thousands of years, I have fought against that siren’s song. But recently, the call is stronger than ever before. I fight for control and fighting the change.

  I sit in the back, in the shadows and let the music wash over me. I ignore the drunken tourists like I have since I arrived months ago. Months I’ve hidden here in plain sight, lost in the throng of people that move in and out of this vibrant city. Letting my magic change my form at will. I sometimes, stroll the streets as a dog, others, a homeless woman pushing a cart. I’ve sat and played drums on a bucket looking like a child, I’ve moved through the bars on Bourbon Street as a young handsome man. Tonight it leaves me in my own form.

  I’ve often walked to Jackson Square, skirting around the edge looking for her. It pisses me off. The glass in my hand shatters under the pressure of my grip. It pulls me from my anger. I’m not sure which I’m more angry about the hold she has on me or the fact that I haven’t seen her.

  I feel a gentle caress of power over my skin and I raise my eyes looking
slowly around before locking onto to her. She sits at the bar, a drink in her hand and a look of ecstasy on her face. It’s tilted up, eyes closed, a tiny smile curving her lips as she listens to the music. I can’t look away. Finally. Something settles before my heart starts to pound.

  Her head slowly lowers and her eyes open to slits as she looks around. She has felt my eyes on her and looks for the danger. Smart girl. Her drink lowers to the bar as she turns on the stool, eyes still scanning the crowd.


  I hope you fell in love with these boys as much as I did. I was heartbroken by their life. Child abuse is a terrible reality so many have to live with. Someone very dear to suffered through it and I want nothing more for them than true happiness. To find a person to love them demons and all.

  Please, if you loved the book go leave a review. I’m an Indie author which means I do this all on my own. Your reviews help so much. Most importantly they get my books in front of other readers.


  I have a wonderful support group.

  Other Indie authors, a brilliant editor and a great group of fans .

  Friends that listen when I’m ranting, send me memes to cheer me on and read snippets giving me honest feedback.


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