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Water Games (Watergirl Book 4)

Page 31

by Juliann Whicker

  “It’s too bad my brother couldn’t come,” she said in heavily accented English as she stood at my elbow. “You’re so nervous. You’d think that the daughter of Morganagh wouldn’t be so shy of firearms.” She laughed brightly, like it was the funniest thing in the world, so loud that several of the males glanced our way. The princess’s dark hair gleamed in the late autumn sunshine, and her skin was burnished and glistening. She was gorgeous. Why was it okay for cousins to marry? Didn’t they have the regular genetic problems with inbreeding?

  “I was always trained in hand-to-hand combat over firearms. How are you doing? Still singing?”

  She shrugged her narrow shoulders. “I’m much more interested in politics these days.” She turned and glanced at Sean. If she could have shot and tagged him in that look, she would have.

  “Politics is very important,” I murmured while I tried to focus on my target.

  “May I help you?” a male murmured in my ear.

  I didn’t say anything because was it okay for guys to touch me around Takeo? I guess? He fixed my grip and my stance, actually put a hand on my hip for a moment before he let go and stepped back.

  I pulled the trigger but out of my periphery I saw Claristia and the kickback hit me in the chest, knocking me back a step.

  Claristia’s tinkling laughter made me want to murder her or find Oliver and adore him forever. She just looked so much like him. Seeing her reminded me of him, of that mystical dance.

  Whatever. I gripped the handle of the gun, straightened my arm and shot off three rounds in secession, striking the center of the target twice. I lowered the gun with my hand on the safety, feet apart like I was a soldier instead of a cocktail guest. My dad had taught me gun safety and how to shoot, whatever. We lived in Ohio. People shot stuff, particularly in the woods, sometimes at night, in the dark, drunk. Junie didn’t approve of guns so I hadn’t done much for a long time. Apparently knives were okay, though.

  “You have to watch out for your woman,” the young man who had fixed my position said laughing at Sean. “She’s got bite.”

  Sean touched his neck, for the barest moment and I noticed the most recent tattoo. He must have gotten it this morning. “That’s how I like it.”

  All the guys laughed and gave each other high fives while I stood there in my heels, sinking deeper and deeper in the mud. All these fish people standing around in the Ohio woods shooting guns. So random.

  I waited for my turn and shot. I didn’t make conversation, and since I didn’t need help, no Soremni bothered me. I just focused like my dad said and took out the target then moved on to shooting clay pigeons with a shotgun. My dad was shooting with the older guys down the field. I watched him for a little while, taking the gun and picking apart the pigeons as dead center as always. Reeve shot almost as well. Almost. I smiled as I noticed the other guys treat my dad a little bit differently. Soremni males didn’t respect Vashni males as a rule. Did my dad make a good Vashni male? I knew so little about the Vashni culture. Not that I’d ever find out. The queen had made it very clear that I wasn’t welcome in her waters.

  After the shooting, my hands were freezing and I didn’t mind squeezing between Claristia and Sean inside the sports utility vehicle on the way home. Everyone broke into song, a human pop song. I glanced at Sean and he put an arm around my shoulder and smiled back.

  The ride was too short. When we got back to Fielding House, we hopped out, everyone kind of dispersed and I was left with Sean and the people cleaning up from the party.

  “Where’s your dad?” I asked as I kicked off my ruined heels beside the door.

  “I don’t know. Having a private meeting somewhere with someone too respectable to do deals with him publicly probably. Do you want me to track him down for you?” He undid the two top buttons of his shirt. His throat was so lovely, even with swirls swooping over the tan skin.

  “How do you stay so tan while living in Cierdeep?”

  “No idea. Do you want to sleep here or your dad’s?”

  I glanced up at him quickly. “In your waterbed?”

  “No. That wouldn’t be a good idea. My bed bed is bigger than yours.”

  “That’s true. I don’t have any pajamas.”

  “You can wear a shirt.”

  “I might ruin it.”

  He came close and put his large hands on my waist. “Probably. You’re kind of filthy. You definitely ruined this.” He slid his hand up my side and around to my back. He leaned close and brushed my lips before he pulled away and shook his head. “None of that, Gen. Behave.” He leaned close and kissed me again. “All right, just one kiss.”

  A dozen kisses later, I pulled away laughing.

  Later, after we were snuggled in his bed, beneath the blue coverlet that matched his eyes, I sighed and relaxed against him.

  “Sean, why did you change your mind about being involved in Soremni politics?”

  “So, Trakais did talk to you about that. Irritating old bat. I don’t care if he is your fake fifth cousin once-removed, he’s still dotty.”

  I gently elbowed him. “What changed your mind?”

  “My children.”

  I pulled away from him. “You don’t have any children. Do you?”

  He sighed and snuggled me back under his chin. “Not yet. It’s when I started dating you that it occurred to me that I wouldn’t like my children to be under constant threat of death or capture.”

  “You’re saying that you’re only trying to win the monster games because we started dating? So I am actually the reason you want to be Soremni king? Seriously?”

  “Are you going to talk for a long time? I’m tired. I got up early to have Fred give me my tattoo. They’re getting married in the spring.”

  “I know. Don’t change the subject. But is Fred happy about that?”

  “He seemed fine.”


  “He’s looking forward to being married to her.”

  “Why would you go to all that effort, just for me?”

  “Not just you. My children. Their children. My father warned me that some day my heritage would rear its ugly head, and I’d have no choice but to do something about it. He was right.”

  “I don’t understand. Do something about what?”

  “You tasted the blood of my ancestors. I thought I could ignore the problems and live my own life, but I can’t turn my back on it anymore.”

  “For your children. I remember your determination to live your own life and not be controlled by anyone else. But now your children control you, the ones you haven’t had? You really are going to be the best father in the world.”

  He laughed a low growl that sent shivers down my spine then kissed the side of my neck. “Someday I might be so lucky.”

  “Another female makes more sense for you.”

  “I don’t want another female.”

  “But you wouldn’t have to…”

  He kissed my lips soft but determined. He only stopped after I was as weak as a loopy kitten. “Good-night, Gen, my fake Vashni wife and fake Soremni fiancé.”

  He held me in the darkness while I stared at the ceiling of his bedroom. He was so strong, so beautiful, so good.

  Chapter 35

  I woke up in the morning to an empty bed, but the mattress was still warm where he’d slept. Maybe he was still around. I really didn’t want to be in the Fielding House without him.

  I rolled out of bed and pulled on a pair of his ridiculously enormous sweat pants, finger combed my hair for two seconds and went to find him.

  In the kitchen, he sat at a counter drinking something that smelled like sludge. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and nuzzled his neck with my nose.

  “I missed you,” I mumbled. When was I going to wake up with him all snuggly?

  He pulled me onto his lap and continued drinking, his hand around my ribs. “I left you with two perfectly good pillows.”

  “But you’re the best pillow.”

  He sighed
and leaned his cheek against my forehead.

  “Good morning Genevieve.”

  I sat bolt upright, searching the kitchen for Reeve Fielding where he leaned against the opposite counter, drinking a drink that looked identical to Sean’s. I raised my hand in a slight salute before I tried to get off Sean’s lap. His grip on me tightened, holding me precisely where I was. I gave up trying to leave him; it was against my nature, anyway.

  “Hi, Mr. Fielding. How are things?” So awkward.

  He gave me a warm smile while his eyes sparkled. “Excellent. We’re going to the lab this morning to see how the cure is coming. Would you like to join us?”

  “Oh. I actually told Flop that we’d hang out today.” I glanced at Sean. I really should go and see if I could try some experimental drugs that helped with the obsession, but the idea kind of freaked me out. What if there were side-effects that made me even more of a mess than I already was?

  “I’ll be over tonight for dinner. I’ll make it,” Sean added with a slight smile before he kissed my forehead and reluctantly let me go. He put his drink on the counter and went to find me breakfast. A croissant, a bowl of berries, and a pink smoothie were what he came up with. Such a slacker breakfast.

  I eyed what he had on the counter and actually lifted it up to smell it, like dirt and raw eggs. “What is this?”

  “It’s for men,” Reeve said, lifting his glass slightly. “Puts hair on your chest.”

  I glanced at Sean because he had hardly any hair on his chest. Maybe that’s why he needed it. “Okay.” I put the glass back down, ate my breakfast beside Sean and then walked home in my sheath dress and muddy heels. They offered me a ride, Sean almost insisted, but I wanted to walk around my old town, kind of early, lawns frosted, the crows and mourning doves calling from the trees. At home, I got changed, went to the dojo and began going through katas. I was almost finished by the time Cole showed up, looking horrible.

  I winced as I got a whiff of him. “You had way too much fun last night.”

  He grinned at me. “No such thing. Be gentle with me.”

  I sighed. “I’m about finished. I need to meet up with my friends.”

  He put his hand on his chest. “Like we aren’t friends. That hurts, Vee.”

  I laughed and crouched down. “A short session. Very short.”

  Over an hour later, I headed home to shower off the sweat from my extremely satisfying spar with Cole. I’d have bruised ribs and a couple big bruises on my right leg, but overall worth it.

  I rode my bike to the smoothies place. It was kind of dead, just Junie, Flop and Tuba in our booth. I greeted everyone and plopped down.

  “Why are you so late?” Junie snapped.

  What was with her? She hadn’t been so snappy for a long time. She kept tapping her nails on the table and not looking at Tuba. He shifted uncomfortably from her whole ‘you don’t belong here’ vibe.

  “Tuba, what’s going on? Thanks for sending those tuba recordings. I am going to blow Gerveeg away on our final composition project.”

  Junie gasped audibly and Flop’s eyes went huge. I looked from one to the other innocently.

  “Didn’t I tell you? Tuba’s in on it. Tuba, you’re super sneaky, not letting anyone know what you know.”

  He shrugged and held his smoothie in both hands. “It didn’t come up.”

  I punched his shoulder, a little too hard. “You’re awesome.”

  “You hit people who are awesome?” Junie scowled at me and rubbed Tuba’s shoulder absently.

  “I’m kind of egalitarian. I hit awesome and unawesome people liberally, which is why I’m late. I was sparring with Cole.”

  Flop’s eyes went all wide and fluttery. “You don’t still like him, do you?”

  “It’s not like that. It just feels really good to kick him. Maybe from all those years he tortured me in high school, I don’t know.”

  “So,” Flop said, giving me one last dubious glance before turning to Junie. “How did it go with Dean? Junie was going to make out with him to see if they have any chemistry,” she explained to Tuba.

  He nodded like that made sense. “I get that. I’m dating someone who it’s like that with.”

  Junie looked really uncomfortable for a second while she stared at him. “You’re dating a girl? You shouldn’t just make out with people until you know them. I mean, it’s not respectful.”

  “Not a girl, a woman. Junie, do you really think that after I dated you I would ever be less than respectful to a woman?”

  She swallowed and exhaled, shifting around before she met his eyes. “No. Of course not. I’m sorry. I guess it’s a little weird to think about you with someone else. Not that you don’t deserve someone amazing, you do. You deserve the best, and I hope you guys are really happy.”

  Tuba smiled and patted her hand. “I appreciate that. We aren’t together, just casually dating along with others, no expectations. So, how about your Dean thing? How did it go?”

  She flinched. “It didn’t. I guess I misunderstood the situation. When I went over, he had a girl there.”

  I leaned forward gripping the table. “Girl? What girl? Is she a Vashni spy?”

  Junie blinked at me. “Not unless she’s been around since second grade. I guess that’s possible. Dean knows how to keep his mouth shut, though. All those nights chatting and he never mentioned her. I’m sure he wouldn’t spill the captain’s secrets.” She swallowed and wrapped her hands around her smoothie.

  I stood up. He was going to die.

  “Where are you going, Gen?” Flop asked.

  “I forgot to change the clothes in the washing machine. I’ll be right back. It’ll only take a second. Like half an hour.”

  Junie shook her head. “He isn’t home now, he’s in the lab. You’d have to break in if you wanted to beat him up. It’s incredibly high security.”

  I slowly sat down, sighing. “Am I that obvious?”

  Tuba patted my shoulder. “Defender of innocents. You can’t beat up Dean because your boyfriend is his boss. He’d have to let you hurt him without defending himself. It wouldn’t be ethical.”

  I smiled brightly. “You could beat him up.”

  Tuba laughed. “Yeah, because I’m such a fighter. That’s not my thing. I could have a music-off with him. I’d blow him away with my tuba.”

  “What about Cole?”

  Junie scowled at me. “Would you drop it? He’s allowed to do whatever he wants. I don’t own him any more than he owns me. If he wants to do whatever, he’s entitled. I was having doubts, anyway. When I went over, I started talking about work instead of…”

  Tuba cleared his throat. “That’s unlike you to have second thoughts. Maybe there’s a reason for that.”

  She frowned at him. “You think I had a premonition?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. Search your feelings, Junie.”

  She laughed and kind of decompressed. “You’re such a dork, Tuba.”

  “That’s why I’m so popular with all the college girls. So, you’re working on Sean’s publicity like he’s a politician or a celebrity?”

  She nodded and leaned forward, sweeping her dark hair out of her eyes. “He’s both. The things that I’m learning have been absolutely insane, just so much, but I think that most of it will apply even in the real world.”

  He wrinkled his nose. “Real world? It sounds real to me. How about you, Flop? How are classes going?”

  She sighed and glanced out the window. “Good. I don’t see Fred very often.”

  “You shouldn’t be so obsessed with a man.” Junie took a long sip of her smoothie.

  “I’m not obsessed, that’s Watergirl’s MO. I’m more addicted.”

  “Obsession, addiction, such different things,” I said shaking my head.

  “How is the cure going?” Flop asked.

  “What cure?” Tuba asked.

  Junie glanced around the deserted shop before she leaned over the table. “Gen’s obsessed with Oliver. You kno
w, the—”

  “Foreign exchange student you were trying to set her up with junior year, yeah, I remember Oliver and his mystical green diamond eyes. So, there’s a cure for it?”

  “Dean’s working on one in the new lab outside of town. They haven’t found it yet, but they will.”

  He looked from Junie to me. “How’s Sean dealing with you being obsessed with someone else?”

  “Good. I mean, he doesn’t seem to care that much. He must care, but he never acts like it. He’s so amazing. I really don’t deserve him.”

  Flop pushed me over. “Shut up. You’re like a super hero or something.”

  “Or something,” Junie agreed.

  I laughed as I straightened. It was so nice to hang out with the gang. Afterwards, I rode my bike straight to Cole’s house. There was an extra car parked in front, but that didn’t slow me down as I pounded on the door.

  It took him a few minutes and when he answered, he was pulling down his shirt.

  He stared at me. “Vee. You want to join me and my friend?”

  I yanked him out onto the porch. “I need you to beat up Dean.”

  He laughed and ran a hand through his hair. “Of course you do. Why can’t you do it?”

  “Because my boyfriend is his boss so he couldn’t fight back. It would be unethical. I’ll pay you fifty bucks.”

  “Dean’s kind of a mean fighter. I’d probably get bruised. Seventy-five.”

  “I only have fifty.” I shrugged.

  He looked back towards the house where his latest date was waiting for him. “Tonight. Six-thirty. His place. Do you want me to pick you up? I imagine you want to watch.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “You make me sound like a psychopath, wanting to watch Dean hurt for dissing Junie. Yeah, I guess I do. I’ll be walking down Lamar street.”

  “Don’t want your boyfriend to know? He knows, Vee. He always knows where you are. How those creepy things got through the net of paranoia is a serious mystery.”

  I stared at him. “I don’t know what creepy things you’re talking about. No idea. Also, it was kind of vile for you to leave me unconscious. If that had ever happened.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Which it didn’t.”


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