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Page 19

by Torrie Robles

  I sit on Sienna’s bed while Jenni walks the room, looking at the photos that showcase the life she has before it was taken. “She’s beautiful.” Jenni says. “It’s so sad.” Bianca explained to Jenni how her daughter was no more.

  “It is sad. The whole situation is tragic. More so than you can even imagine.” I play with a fringed pillow getting lost in my thoughts and the story that ends with Sienna hanging, bleeding, dying alone without her family. I wonder if I hadn’t left, if I would have ended up dying at the hands of Tyson. How much worse would it have gotten?

  “How bad was it, Savannah?” Her question pulls me from my thoughts.

  “You mean with Tyson?”

  “Yes.” She turns around, uneasiness present on her face.

  “It was pretty bad.” I answer.


  “We are so late.” I say as Jenni and I get into the car to head back to Tyson’s house. I had just moved in with him two weeks ago. Since I moved in, I haven’t been able to spend any real time with Jenni.

  “Seriously?” She questions as she starts her car. “Are you twelve? Do you have a curfew?”

  “No.” I defend myself. “But it’s just common courtesy to be home when I said I would. I told him ten and it’s now after midnight.”

  “You texted him. He knew you were staying out.”

  “He didn’t respond. What if he didn’t get it? What if he’s worried?”

  “Um, then the asshat should have called you.”

  It’s no secret that Jenni has never really liked Tyson. I think it was the first night that she noticed some of the digs he made my way. I didn’t catch them, and really didn’t agree with her, but since then, Tyson has always left a bad taste in her mouth.

  We pull up to the house. It’s a medium colonial style two story plus a basement. The large plush green lawn runs for days out front and around the back. Big maple trees outline the property, making the entire view inviting. The inside is down classic south; Tyson told me his mom had it decorated so it wouldn’t look too much like a bachelor pad. The walls have wainscoting, wood accents, and vaulted ceilings. It's hardwood throughout with tons of high-end throw and area rugs. Tyson’s mom made it clear that even though I’m living with Tyson, it’s still a Redding home and until my last name matches Tyson’s, I will do nothing but live there and not change a single throw pillow. Her rules are totally fine by me since I couldn’t care less what colors best accent the darkness of the hardwood or the coolness of the granite. I’m not with Tyson for his house or his money.

  The engine cuts out once we reach the driveway. My car Is parked in its spot and Tyson’s is probably in one of the spots in the three-car garage. Why isn’t my car parked in the garage? Well, it leaks oil and I didn’t want to stain the garage’s slick painted floors. Okay, so Tyson told me he didn’t want me to stain the floors, but I totally understand. I wouldn’t want that either. “Hey, Jenni, maybe we should just call it a night?” I noticed the lights are on in the bottom part of the house, but that doesn’t mean that Tyson’s home, plus it’s late and I really want to get to bed so I can get a jump start on the paper I have to write for Business History.

  “Are you sure?” She asks while to stares up at the house. “It’s no bother.”

  “Yeah, I’m just gonna head in and go to bed. I’m not sure if Tyson’s home. He may be out too. Maybe that’s why he didn’t answer my texts.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you soon.” We lean into each other, wrapping each other in a tight embrace.

  “I’ll call you.” I say into her curly hair. “We’ll do lunch or something.” I feel her nod in agreement.

  I stand on the porch and watch her back down the driveway, pull into the street and drive away. I start to use my key to unlock the door when it’s ripped open. Tyson is standing there, firmly gripping the wood of the door. His nostrils flare as his breathes heavily. His mouth is in a tight line, staring at me without so much as a blink. My heart slams in to my chest and my hands go clammy. I feel my legs grow weak as they begin to shake. I’m freaked by his sudden opening of the door and I feel like I need to run, far away from Tyson. “Where the fuck have you been, Savannah?” He growls.

  “I, um, I’m later than I thought.” I try to swallow. “Didn’t you get my text?” I look into the house that he’s blocking me from entering. My eyes meet his again, and they’ve become manic. The browns of his eyes have turned into molten chocolate. His nostrils still flare as his jaw ticks. I take a step back when his hand shoots out and grabs me by the wrists. He pulls me into his chest then I hear the door slam close right before he slams me into it. His forearm comes up over my throat and he begins to apply pressure.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” I can feel saliva hit my face as he repeats the question.

  “Tyson–” I grab at his arm digging my nails into his flesh hoping he will ease up a bit.

  “Answer me, Goddamn it!” He screams.

  “You know where.” Tears start to well up in my eyes. My heart is pounding in my chest and I feel like I’m going to be sick with nerves.

  He moves his arm and I slouch in relief only to feel his fingers wrap around my throat. He slams my head up against the door, causing me to see stars. “What” slam “the fuck” slam “were you doing,” slam “to make you so late?” slam. The tears roll down my cheeks as my head begins to ache.

  “We just wanted to stay out later.” I say between sobs. “I didn’t think it was a big deal.” I continue to grab at his hands.

  “That’s right, your ass didn’t think. Do you know how many bitches I can get to wet my dick, Savannah? Do you know how much pussy the Redding name can get me? But here I am waiting on your stupid ass. I don’t know why the fuck I bother with you, if you can’t remember to fucking think.” He slams my head against the door one more time and drops me.


  “Holy crap, Savannah.” The bed dips next to me as Jenni sits down. “I had no clue.” She rubs her hand along my back. “I knew that he was controlling, but I had no idea that it was abusive.”

  “Yeah, it was. That was the first night he put his hands on me. I took that shower, and went to bed. He came in later but didn’t say anything. I pretended I was asleep. I didn’t know what had gotten into him. He never mentioned it and it was months before it happened again.”

  We spend the next couple of hours talking and giggling as we did when we were kids. The stress of adulthood has been forgotten for the time being. It’s just the two of us, walking down memory lane and speaking of the hopes for our future. “So you plan on staying for a while?” I ask her.

  “For as long as you’ll have me. Daddy has gotten so much more controlling, it's getting worse as he gets older and I can’t deal. I won’t.”

  “I’m not really sure where Sin and I go from here, or how the club or Cut is going to feel about you being here, but I’ll keep you as long as I can.”

  “Oh, my God!” I jump when I see a large figure standing in the dark of the kitchen. Jenni and I said our good-byes and she went to shower before she headed to bed. I decided I wanted to head back to the clubhouse and hit the sack as well. I knew Sin wouldn’t mind if I stayed at his mom’s house with Jenni but I’m so used to sleeping in his room at night, I'm not sure how well I will sleep without him. I’ve never said anything, but since he brought me into his room, my nightmares haven’t been far and few between. It seems even asleep; I can tell that I’m safe with him.

  “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

  It’s Bubba. He steps out of the shadows, wearing his typical white wife-beater and black leather cut. He stands well over six feet with close cut light brown hair, thick sideburns that hit below his ears and a bushy goatee. His muscles aren’t overwhelming, not like Cut or Lick, but his size alone is intimidating.

  Since I’ve come to Devil’s Fury he hasn’t once looked me in the eye. He barely acknowledges my presence, which is fine by me. However, now under his intense gaze, I feel more vulnerable than I h
ave since the moment I came here. I thought Cut was extreme.

  “I’m here, doing my night watch on Bianca," he explains. I know that Bianca’s not home at the moment. She had plans with some girlfriends. I only know because Hawk mentioned he is on granny duty tonight once they were done with their meeting.

  “Oh, okay.” Not sure what else there is to say to him. “Well, Jenni, my friend, is in the shower. I’ll just go back and let her know that you’re here. I wouldn’t want her to freak out.” He nods as I turn around and head back down the hall.

  “Jenni,” I knock on the door.

  “Yeah?” she yells from the shower.

  “Bubba is in the living room. I wanted to let you know so you wouldn’t be frightened if you heard anything.”

  The shower curtain rings slide along the metal bar as she opens the plastic, then the lock on the bathroom door comes undone and she pokes her head out. “There’s a guy in the living room?” she asks.


  “Is he hot?” I roll my eyes.

  “He’s intense.”

  “But not hot?”

  “Jesus, Jenni, they’re all hot in their own way.”

  “How’s his way?” She smiles.

  “Why do you want to know?”

  “Just curious.”

  “Just finish your shower, you big slut.” I walk away, laughing.

  “Hey,” she whispers loudly, “I’m not a slut, my daddy wouldn’t let me be one, but I plan on rectifying that situation.”

  I walk away from the door shaking my head. I shouldn’t have warned her Bubba was here. It might serve her right catching a beast like him sitting in the dark waiting and watching. When I come back into the living room, the moonlight highlights Bubba’s form on the couch. He's stretches out with his legs piled on the coffee table, hands resting on his stomach, head against the back with his eyes closed.

  I quietly pass him, getting ready to turn into kitchen so I can exit the house through the backyard. The path from Bianca’s to the clubhouse is fully secured when you do it through the back. Going through the front, you’re exposed to the street and whoever is driving down it. Although I’m sure Tyson wouldn’t dare come onto Devil’s territory again, you can never be too sure about the company he seems to be keeping these days.

  “She know?” Bubba asks. His voice is rough making me jump. I stop, deciding if I should answer him when a stack of envelopes catches my eye. The light above the stove is the only thing that’s on, but I can make out the handwriting on the top envelope. His scratch is like no one else’s so I can guarantee it’s from Tyson. “Savannah?” He asks so I turn my head, looking into the darkness of the living room.

  “Yeah, she knows.” I peek back at the envelopes and quickly snatch the one with my name etched in Tyson’s handwriting.

  Once I’m outside, the patio sensor light comes on. My hands begin to tremble as I hold the envelope. I flip it over and sure enough, the Redding seal is imprinted on the flap. I focus on the darkness of the backyard, my eyes dart around looking for signs of life, listening for any noises, any footsteps, any sign of Tyson. The pounding of my heart echoes in my ears. My stomach drops with the realization that Tyson has possibly been in Bianca’s house. Maybe he dropped it in the mailbox and Bianca brought it in without knowing it. Then that just means that Tyson or someone he’s associated with is near Bianca. That fact right there is going to put Cut into a tizzy. The consequence may be for me to leave, and now, that’s something that I can’t do. I can’t leave Sin, not when we’re finally settling things between the two of us. If me leaving is what it’s going to come down to, I know Sin won’t allow it and then that just means a rift between him and the club. Especially between him and Cut.

  I run my finger between the envelope and the flap. I pull out the paper side, glancing at the kitchen window, making sure Bubba isn’t watching me. Once I get the paper open, I see the very familiar handwriting. His writing is angry, the blue ink scribbled across the parchment of paper.


  It seems as though you continue to disappoint me. You were never able to do anything right by my standards and the fact that you’re carrying a girl in your stomach just proves my point even more. You can’t even give me a male heir, someone who can carry on my legacy. Someone I can teach the ways of the world. Now I have to settle with a female, always taking from me and never giving me anything in return. This only means my plan didn’t work the first time, but don’t worry, Savannah, there will be many more chances. It’s my fault I underestimated you. I thought I had finally broken you. Made you the woman I wanted you to be. But I won’t make that mistake twice. You think you’re safe? You think your little biker man and his club can protect you? You know me too well to think I’m just going to walk away and let you be. Not when you’re mine and not when you’re growing my child in your belly. There will never be an ending for us, Savannah, I will not allow that. The sooner you realize it, the better off you’ll be. The longer it takes you, the more it will hurt in the end. I promise you that.


  The coolness of the tiles beneath my hands counters the warmth of the water that beats down my back. I roll my neck, loosening up the muscles. My shoulders relax as the water pounds into them. I grab the soap and run it over my pecks, stomach, down to my cock. The clean scent hits my nostrils and visions of Savannah enter my mind. This is her soap, her smell that I’ve come to know so well.

  I imagine her here with me, water dripping, sliding down her breasts. How her blue eyes smolder with lust. I can see tiny droplets on her eyelashes as the spray sprinkles her face. She peers up at me, blinking with a tiny smile tugging at her lips. She takes the hair of my beard into her hands and she pulls me to her. She captures my lips with hers as I feel the warmth of her tongue against mine. She tastes like candy, sweet caramel and vanilla.

  The vision of her with me turns me on. The painful feeling that I’ve grown accustom to over these past few months is present as my dick hardens. I take my cock in my hand, stroking softly. I imagine her against me, the way her skin feels warm under my touch, how it pebbles as I run my hand down her back, cupping her firm ass. I pick her up, engulfing her lips with mine as she wraps her legs around my waist. The roundness of her belly presses against mine and knowing there is life growing inside her turns me on even more.

  I tighten the grasp on my shaft, quickening the pace as I imagine how it will feel when I slide deep into her pussy. How tight she’ll camp down on me as I push into her. Watching her arch her back, moaning my name with each thrust. The feel of her nipple in my mouth, rolling it between my teeth, biting down so gently. Sucking, tasting her. I want to watch her eyes roll back as she reaches her climax. I need it. I need to get her off, to hear my name on her lips. I need to feel her tremble beneath my touch, and be reassured that she knows I'm the only one who will ever make her feel like this. I need her to feel the desire I have for her.

  I hear it, my name. ‘Matthew’. It sounds like a whisper falling from her lips. My own climax hits as I picture her finding hers. I brace myself, as my orgasm rolls through my body. My cum hits the shower walls as my knees weaken, shattering me completely. I squeeze my eyes until I see stars behind my lids. Fuck, the release feels so good. All the tension of the club, the threats to those who I love, leaves my body and swirls down the drain. If only I could feel this free while I’m buried deep inside of Savannah.

  The slam of the bedroom door has my head snapping up. I turn the water off and listen for any noises coming from my room. I can hear a faint whimper so I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist before heading out. When I open the door, I’m surprised to see Savannah leaning against the wall.

  She has one arm wrapped protectively around her stomach. The other one is shaking as she rubs her forehead. Her entire body is quaking in fear. Her head is tipped back but I can see the tears running down her cheeks. She takes a steadying breath.

  “Savannah?” My voice startles her as she jumps. I approach her,
needing to hold her. “Sugar, what’s wrong?” I wrap my arms around her, she instantly wraps her arms around my waist, matching my embrace.

  “Matty.” Her voice breaks with emotion.

  “Baby, talk to me.” I rub my hand down her hair.

  She pulls backs, her glassy eyes searching my own. Her cheeks are splotchy with emotion. I watch her eyes fall to my lips and she pulls me into a kiss. Her lips are salted by her tears, but I don’t care. The feel of them on mine is the heaven I never thought I would feel. I pull her closer to me and she moans into my mouth. Her tongue swirls with mine. Her nails run up the back of my scalp as she deepens our kiss. Her lips leave mine as she trails small kisses and nips down my neck. Her hand trails down my bare chest and lands on my hardening cock. She grips me in her hand and my head falls back. Fuck, it feels so good.

  “Please.” She whispers between kisses that continue south. I feel her tug my towel away from my body. I look down to see her on her knees as she peers up at me. Her blue eyes are filled with something more than just lust, I see need. I watch her as she continues to stare at me and slowly moves closer to my dick. She licks her lips, making them glisten under the light of the room. She softly runs the length of my shaft with her soft hands. I nod, giving her permission. How can I say no when she looks so perfect on her knees before me?

  The moment I touch the head of his dick with my tongue my eyes roll back and I moan. I can taste the saltiness of his pre-cum as I swirl my tongue about his tip. My mouth waters with so much desire, I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough. Flattening my tongue, I take him deeper. I work my mouth around his cock, sucking, stroking. I need to connect with him. I need him to know that I’m here for him, and I don’t plan on going anywhere else. Even if Cut banishes me, I won’t leave without a fight. I run my tongue along the underneath of his shaft as I suck. The feel of his soft steel between my lips is pure ecstasy. I take him in, down my throat, moaning, hoping he can feel the vibration. I can feel myself getting wet. The yearning to have him take me is strong.


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