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Boss Undercover: Part 3 (Boss Undercover Series)

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by J. S. Badham

  Claire held her breath as she attempted to shift away her threatening tears, knowing it would be selfish to cry when he was there on the other line, trying to so hard to keep a brave face on. After what seemed an eternity, she began, “We’re doing fine. Really. I hate speaking about us when—”

  “Claire, it’s okay. I want to hear. Please,” Darren interjected, no raise in his voice, still that equal dead tone. It was so right, a part of him had died when Jonas had gone.

  Claire sniffled as she found courage to continue, “We’re good. I mean—he’s coming with me to my brother’s wedding.” Her tone piped up a little as she attempted to cut away the dismal atmosphere lingering between them both.

  “That’s great. He’ll meet your family then,” Darren said.

  “Yeah, he…will. Darren, are you sure you don’t need me to come over?”

  “Claire, I’m okay. Just having this phone call is enough for me. I know you have my best interest at heart, babes. But I’m okay.” Just hearing him call her that term of endearment, the one he’d always use day in and day out at work, reminded her just for a second that the old Darren was still there. Not lost. Not lost at sea. Just hidden.


  “Claire, I’m going to go now. I need to continue sorting through…some of his stuff. I’ll call you tomorrow after your meeting. Don’t worry, I’m sure it’s all a misunderstanding,” Darren informed her, then they said their goodbyes before he ended the call. It made her want to cry; the strangle of breath and prickle of hairs across her skin just swarmed wasps of emotion all over her.

  She was thankful when she heard the front door click open and then Zack entering the bedroom. He noticed how uneasy she appeared and immediately embraced her in his arms. “You okay?” he muttered against her hair as he sat down on the side of the bed.


  He smelt of alcohol upon his breath, and it began to entwine with the musky scent of his cologne, indulging all her female hormones into a raging fire. The intense feeling guided her closer towards him, like a silent word of whisper as she hung her arms around his neck. She studied his eyes, holding her breath as she felt his heart hammer against his ribcage. Claire threaded her fingers through his hair as she hungrily kissed his lips. He instantaneously responded with his hands comfortably resting on her hips. He’d only been gone an hour or so, and already her veins were filling with lust once again. Instead, she pulled back, choosing to position herself against his torso as he lay back and willingly accepted that tonight; she just wanted to be held close.

  Chapter Two


  Obviously, Zack felt terribly guilty. To think he had the power to turn things around for Claire but choosing instead to remain hidden by the shadows made him feel like a monster. After watching her pace the apartment floor endlessly upon the early hours of the morning, muttering words of encouragement to herself and trying not to have a mental breakdown, it was a wicked play how he obnoxiously pretended alongside, acting as if it wasn’t, he who could end her misery. But as much as Claire was his priority, it was important that he ratted out the mole who was disrupting his projects for sustainability. So, if per se this meeting was her downfall, it would be something he’d be willing to sacrifice. Even if the woman he had confessed he loved was falsely accused.

  Claire’s hand squeezed Zack’s one last time before her grip loosened and she headed off into the empty lift. He stood there on the outside, his heart hammering anxiously as the doors slid shut and she disappeared from sight. There was no going back.

  Olivia had phoned him earlier to detail the meeting concerning an employee, aka Claire, attending in front of the board over high conspiracy charges against the company. It didn’t take a genius to realise that they were referring to Graves’ tango with the stranger upon his actions of detailing Zack’s plans to Label Works for one, and the many others before that had failed. They just didn’t know it was him. Instead, they were going to make the biggest mistake of their careers sending an innocent employee down for the responsibility of Graves, and that angered Zack. But there was nothing he could do until he sourced out the encrypted soul pulling the strings on Graves and potentially others within the company.

  Zack pressed the button to call for the lift. As the CEO, he’d been invited to attend to the meeting, but under the circumstances, it wasn’t possible, therefore he had asked if his presence could remain but through video call and without the picture. It wasn’t questioned nor was Zack Chase’s presence after Olivia had recorded his attendance to work as late due to a dentist appointment. The convenience of dentist appointments. Graves wouldn’t be sniffling at his back.

  The doors slid open, and he entered, pressing the number to highest floor. A few other souls joined him in the shaft as they took turns to jab in their floor numbers. Soon, I won’t be seen as invisible, Zack thought. His eyes studied each employee discreetly. Each face would soon recognise Zack and reject their recognition of his father once the publicity was out. But then a certain someone will know. And how would that go down? Zack ignored the thought, knowing the answer to that already.

  After, stopping more than several times, Zack finally reached his floor. Olivia was at her desk as he passed, quickly following him like a sheep as she waited accordingly for his instructions. The office looked like it had gained a bit of residence from the specks of dust growing on the surface of the desk, but other than that, it remained the same. He headed for his chair and opened his laptop, dashing the cursor quickly to Skype and ensuring the live video of himself sitting there wouldn’t be projected within the board’s room. It was ten, still another fifteen minutes until it started. He couldn’t help but wonder how Claire must be feeling. Scared? Anxious? Annoyed? Angry? Not that he could blame her. Part of him wondered how Graves had convinced the board under the suspicions of conspiracy.

  Olivia stood by, holding her notepad. “Mr. Benson, we have all the prominent members of the board attending except Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Oswald. They’ve had to answer to attend to another one of our establishments elsewhere. But,” she flicked a page over, “the rest will be making a decision upon Miss Claire Winter, an employee within marketing and sales who has been suspended over conspiracy,” she read aloud. “Sir, I don’t mean to pry,” she added, a hint of curiosity embedded within her tone. “But if we know Mr. Graves is our perpetrator, why are we not…pressing him instead?”

  Zack swallowed, feeling sweat glisten on his forehead. It was a good question. But his intentions were also logical. “I want to black-mail Mr. Graves into revealing his accomplice. But to do that, I must have him think he is in the clear. Then I’ll worm him in. And find out hopefully who he is working for. We have the emails that clearly put him at fault, but I want the other person. The one behind all of this,” he explained honestly, knowing his wicked play was costing a valuable employee but also his girlfriend.

  Olivia nodded. “I see. How do you plan on getting Mr. Graves to reveal his accomplice…when he doesn’t know who this person is himself?”

  Another good question. “I haven’t exactly decided that yet. I’m sort of running on a whim. But somehow, I’m going to have Mr. Graves rat him out for me. But for now, he thinks he’s in the clear,” Zack replied, feeling a little less confident.

  Their attention was alerted to the incoming notification upon his screen. Zack accepted the Skype call, where it immediately transferred him to a live video of the meeting room. There were a few members of the board sitting around the long conference table, conferring in high discussion already. These were the judges of Claire’s fate.

  Someone at the head of the table began to address the group. He was a plump, short man dressed head to toe in a navy blue tailored suit. Each member quietened as they drew their complete attention like magnets towards him.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention, please. Be aware that Mr. Benson will be listening in on this meeting today. But full powers will be granted to the board concerning our
decision,” the man said, the audio sounding like it was being projected from inside a can.

  There was complete silence in the room. The man continued. “It’s the nineteenth of October two thousand and sixteen.” He glanced towards his wristwatch. “The time is ten thirty-three. We call upon Miss Claire Winter.” Then he cleared his throat, walking across to his right and out of sight towards where Zack could only presume was the door.

  The man returned, attending to his own unclaimed seat, whilst Claire slowly walked towards the head of the table and stood behind the empty chair. She resumed standing until some other voice ushered her to politely sit. She complied obediently. Zack felt sick to the core. Her facial features were enough to show him that she was scared like she just seen a ghost. This was completely unfair and cruel. But getting the information on whoever was manipulating Graves was just more important at this time. She would get this all back.

  “Miss Winter, you’ve been called to the board upon inquest concerning evidence revealed two weeks ago relating to your inconspicuous motives towards damaging the company’s investment that have now just been brought into light. Do you accept?” It was the same deep, gruff voice from the short, plump man who addressed Claire. As he had spoken, her face had completely turned pale. She was startled. Zack couldn’t even begin to imagine what she was feeling. What are they talking about? This makes no sense. I haven’t done anything. The countless questions he could only assume were piling up high. At any point, she could be on the brink of tears or filling with anger. He was not to know.

  She seemed to remain steady as she responded. “I deny this accusation. I have no idea what I’m being accused of. My intentions for this company are nowhere near malicious. What evidence has been provided to the board to account me as the perpetrator?”

  Zack leaned in closer. He could almost sense Olivia edging closer as she stood by watching the laptop screen. There was a pause for four seconds or so until the same man who Zack was starting to believe was the main leading force of the board spoke in reply to her statement.

  “Miss Winter, the evidence we’ve collected has numerous exchanges across email between yourself and some other who we believe to be outside contact, conspiring against the company. You’ve revealed and evidently manipulated data from previous projects before that seemed focused on Mr Benson’s plans for sustainable homes. This all comes under your email address. Could you explain?”

  One of the female members passed over a couple sheets of paper stapled together to which Zack could only presume was the fatal evidence that Graves must have issued to account Claire as responsible. Her eyes told it all. She looked gobsmacked, utterly cofounded. This was hard to watch.

  “This—this isn’t me. I-I never sent these emails,” she objected, shaking her head as she flicked through the sheets, desperately trying to make sense of it all.

  “This is so wrong,” he heard Olivia mutter to herself. He couldn’t have agreed with her more. It didn’t even seem right intruding on the discussion.

  “But Miss Winter, it’s your email. These were found in the server associated to your name, so we cannot even begin to suggest that they’ve been manipulated. So, what are you trying to say? Has someone else sent them from yours?” the leading figure suggested. “I mean, please.” He chuckled dryly, causing a few to stir and join in. “The evidence is right there.”

  Claire shook her head. “But this isn’t me. Someone must have. I have no intentions of disrupting the company. I fully supported these projects. I’ve put time and effort! I consistently smash targets. Why would I threaten my career for this?”

  “That’s what we would like to know. After all, you’re right. Your record is good, so please enlighten the board, Miss Winter, why you decided to conspire. Who is this other contact you’re conferring with? Do they work at another company? Why target specific projects?” The man clasped his hands together. His authority oozed within his voice.

  Claire frowned. “It’s not me! Please, I have no idea of this. These aren’t mine. You have to believe me. I wouldn’t do this!” Her plea was useless; even Zack could see how the board ignored it like litter being carelessly discarded on a pavement. They had the evidence, evidence that was just too strong to be argued against. Zack wasn’t surprised. Graves had done his work; his outside help had ensured that an innocent employee was about to be sent down.

  But couldn’t Zack do something? Couldn’t he just speak? Save her? But the cost. The cost was far too great. It was killing him doing nothing, but his intentions had to stand for something.

  “Miss Winter, I think we’ve heard enough. We appreciate your defence, but I think you need to accept your responsibility. Whatever motivated you clearly had gotten the best of you. As the board, we had to decide, a decision we already made even before this meeting. The evidence stands, you’re to blame. So, as it stands, we’re going to have to dismiss you, Miss Winter—”

  “What? No, I-I didn’t do anything,” Claire interjected, fear drowning clearly within her face. Zack sighed as he rubbed his forehead, unable to watch any longer. He closed the laptop lid and sunk back into his chair.

  Olivia was quiet.

  “This is unacceptable, but for now, we must focus on drawing out this outside contact,” he announced, knowing he was trying to justify his lack of support. There was only Olivia within the room. It seemed more appropriate to suggest he was addressing himself.

  “Understood, sir. Is there anything else I can do or can I be excused please?” she said quietly, looking down to her black flats.

  Zack swallowed, nodding as he waved his hand to usher her permission. “Yes, you can. I shall be leaving in a second myself,” he declared. She scuttled quickly out the room, leaving him alone.



  The board dismissed her. She was miserable as she left the room, her posture slouching as she sluggishly made advance to the wall opposite the room and began to rummage for her phone within her bag. This couldn’t be happening. Fired. None of this made sense. They weren’t my emails. I never sent those. But it was there printed black and white, physical evidence of a non-existent conversation she was accused of having with some other contact conspiring against the company.

  Claire wanted to cry. She wanted to tear the place apart. She wanted to yell and scream and shout, but instead she chose to remain calm, watching as members of the board exited the room, chatting and displaying smug expressions, completely ignoring her presence. They were chuffed with themselves, unable to see that their actions were wrong. I hadn’t done anything, she thought.

  What about the bills? Food? How am I going to survive? What am I going to do now? I have no job. I’ve lost a friend; my best friend is practically dead from his loss, and now I have no financial stability. Claire was consumed with dread, utterly broken. All that waiting for two weeks and yet as the board had politely said, They’d already decided my fate. She wasn’t sure what to do. All these emotions of anger, disbelief, and distress were burning through her veins. She didn’t know what to with them.

  Her hands shakily grasped her phone after digging it from beneath her purse. It was hard as she sought for Zack’s number. She needed him more than ever.

  He picked up on the second ring. “Claire? What happened? What did they say?”

  Her voice trembled. “They’ve dismissed me, Zack. They’ve actually dismissed me. I just—just don’t understand. They accused me of conspiring against the company. And they have these emails that have my email address associated to these messages. Like what the hell! God, I have no job!” Tears were threatening to brim within her eyes as she sunk down against the wall. Then she added quietly, “I’m coming down to the department to collect my things. Will you be there for me?”

  “Of course.”

  Claire hung up, trying as best to stand up. She just couldn’t understand any of this.

  It didn’t take long to return to the department. The department she could no longer call home. Each face
engaged in their activity had no idea. Not a single idea. They didn’t know this was her last day. Most of them probably wouldn’t care.

  She pushed the strap of her bag across her shoulder as she slowly trailed to her desk. Jason caught up to her side to ask her how she was. Claire lied to his face, smiled, and went on. It was too real if she told him the truth. She’d rather maintain the façade, pretend that everything was all right, than face reality.

  As she expected, Zack sat at her desk, his hand cupping his chin as he intensely stared off into the distance. He seemed preoccupied but broke from his trance immediately when she dropped her bag onto the floor beside him. She was thankful that her cubicle blocked any prying eyes.

  “Claire,” he spoke softly, standing up as he embraced her within his arms. She wanted to choke tears, but strangely enough she kept strong, reeling her emotions far away as she tightened her grip around his torso. It felt like home. His lips kissed the top of her head.

  “I’m so sorry,” he muttered, rubbing his hand then across her back. “This is wrong.”

  Claire snorted as she pulled back. “Why are you sorry for? Heck, it’s not your fault.” She sighed as she completely detached from him and took her seat. “I just don’t understand. You believe me, don’t you? I couldn’t—”

  “Of course, I do,” he cut in. “I know that wasn’t you. But what we should be thinking, who’s planted this on you? Because someone must have.”

  Claire lifted her brows. “Is it bad I want to blame Monica?” Her short chuckle was dry and humourless as she began to collect her things from her desk. Zack was quiet behind her. She looked behind to see him narrowing his eyes to the left of the aisle at something or someone.


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