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Boss Undercover: Part 3 (Boss Undercover Series)

Page 4

by J. S. Badham

  “Oh, my! Yes! This Zack! Honey.” She frantically clasped both Claire’s hands. “The man you spoke about on the phone. Your roommate? And yes! Oh, Darren. Oh, honey. How is he doing? Oh, dear Claire. I’m so sorry I didn’t come sooner, I—”

  “Mom, Mom, don’t worry,” Claire interrupted, soothing her to calm down as she squeezed both her hands this time. “It’s fine. It’s not like you ignored my calls. So, it’s all good. I’m just so glad you’re here now. I feel like I’m going crazy being cooped up.”

  Claire’s mother gently smiled. “So,” she began, switching the subject. “This Zack—”

  “We’re together,” Claire interjected, a sheepish smile accompanying her absolute truth. There was no point lying about that. She and Zack couldn’t have been more official, so what was there to hide? She could tell even as those words left her lips, her mother was brewing with revelation and complete excitement.

  “What! Oh Claire!” she said, flabbergasted. “You kept that a secret! Oh, honey! That’s great news. Since when have you been dating? And why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “It’s complicated, Mom,” Claire replied truthfully. “I think we’ve also just got closer since…Darren lost…” Her words dissipated, knowing it was a difficult topic to bring up. It hadn’t been a surprise that since that tragic night there was the odd flashes intruding into dreams late at night. It was another reason why she was so grateful for Zack; he was there, holding her in his arms when the nightmare would jump into her slumber. It seemed more frequent during those two weeks worrying over her job.

  “Are you sure you don’t need to see a therapist or something like I said on the phone?” she asked.

  Claire shook her head. “I’ll be fine. It’s impacted Darren more.”

  “Well.” Her mother frowned a little. “Just promise me you will if it doesn’t get better. Witnessing something like that is hard. You have to be lucky not to have it effect you in some way.”

  “I promise, Mom. Don’t worry.”

  Her mother briefly scanned the apartment before suggesting, “Claire, I don’t want you cooped up in here today. I think we should go out. I’m presuming you haven’t gotten a dress for Matt’s wedding, knowing how last minute you are, so I’ll take you out. It will help take your mind off things.”

  “I just—”

  “No isn’t an answer. So, come on. And I want to hear more about this Zack, too.”

  Chapter Four


  What could he possibly do? What was next? His fingers ran across the rough stubble underneath his chin as he blankly stared at the swarm of people trailing in and out of the cafeteria. What was all the point of this? Face it, Graves and whoever had won. He should just give up.

  He had no appetite as he kicked the cube of chicken with his fork.

  “Hang on. You would like to meet?”

  Zack’s head rotated to the right as he heard Graves’ voice swiftly intrude into his space. The man looked like he was on a mission. Maybe this was the opportunity.

  Leaving his untouched chicken salad, Zack hastily sped after Graves, following him through the fire exit out onto the side of the building.

  They weren’t completely alone. There was the odd smoker fulfilling the needs of nicotine leaning against the wall. Graves dashed past them, heading around the corner. Zack wasn’t so far behind, cautiously keeping back in case he needed to flee from the scene.

  “Yes, sorry. I just needed to get outside,” he heard Graves reply. Zack got out his phone, pretending to appear interested in whatever was on the screen. “I—I, yes. I don’t know what to say.” Graves chuckled anxiously. “When?” “Friday? Okay. The—what?” A pause for a second or two. “The Lofts? Yeah, I know where that is. I can be there. Seven? Sure,” Graves added, conveniently summarising the arrangements that were possible to leading him towards the puppeteer behind his own strings. And if not, it was one lousy date to unexpectedly arrive onto.



  Claire’s mother had been cooing at several dresses she had pretty much forced her daughter to try on. The style was disgusting, and she was not going to pretend she was thrilled by her mother’s choices. After searching through rack by rack, the ideal dress was found in the sales rack: a simple baby blue Bardot dress that was far cheaper than the £90 to £160 dresses her mother had chosen. After all, she was not a bridesmaid, she was on the groom’s side, so she was thankful she could at least dictate her choice—although that didn’t stop her mother, who in the end won when selecting the shoes.

  “Mom,” Claire groaned as her mother ushered her to walk down the aisle. “They fit, okay? I beg you to stop making me walk around like an idiot.”

  “Sweetie, let your mother at least feel like she isn’t fifty-seven years old with a grown-up daughter. Besides, I know best, and by the looks of those heels, I’d say I chose the right pair. The ones you chose would have blistered the backs of your heels in the first hour of wearing them.” Her mother plopped a pair of glasses into her brown leather handbag.

  Claire rolled her eyes as she sat down onto the plush footstool and began taking off the heels. “Dear god.”

  “So, you haven’t said a lot about this Zack,” her mother said, hinting that she wanted a full chronological account of their relationship.

  “Well, I haven’t had the chance. I don’t know…we’re together? Is that enough?” Claire replied. Her mother’s face flashed displeasure. “Okay, fine. I needed a roommate. I was falling short on my rent. The landlord had put it up, and he answered my ad. Long story cut short, but it just happened. I don’t know what else you want me to say,” she explained, slipping her feet back into her trainers.

  “And does he treat you good?”


  “Do you love him?”

  “Y-yes…I do,” Claire said almost in a whisper.

  “Aw,” her mother sighed gently. “I’m just happy that you’ve met someone, Claire. I honestly wouldn’t have thought this day could have come,” she teased with a snort.

  “Mom! You make me out to be a nun sometimes,” Claire chuckled.


  Claire got back to her apartment around six. Her mother would have stayed, but she did have some trek to get home. Zack was sitting on the couch lazily flicking through some magazine when she headed in.

  “Hey, how was your day?” he asked, throwing the magazine to the side as he jumped to his feet and headed for her.

  “It was okay. I spent most of it with my mother. I’m glad she came over. It sucks being cooped up here all day now officially being jobless, let alone those two weeks I had to. How was yours?” she responded, accepting Zack’s embrace.

  “Eh, it was okay. Graves was being the usual dick. People just are,” Zack said with a glint of humour.

  “You’re right on that,” she agreed then lightly kissed his lips before pulling back from their embrace. “Ah, fuck,” she sighed. “What am I seriously going to do, babe? I-I just have no idea what I’m supposed to do. Do you really think someone could have set me up? Or was it just an error in the—”

  Zack followed her into the kitchen, where she popped on the kettle. “Honestly, I do. An error wouldn’t have fucked up shit like this.”

  “But why? Why would someone do this?”

  “Save their own back? Jealousy?” Zack suggested.

  Claire shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t even know anymore.”

  “Hey, I’ve booked us a reservation at The Lofts on Friday at seven. Meet me there?” Zack asked.

  “Is this…like a date?” Claire coyly purred.

  Zack grinned playfully. “Maybe…maybe not.”

  Claire tapped the end of his nose. “Well…Mr. Chase. I’d love to.”

  As she went to retract her fingers away, Zack grasped them gently and brought them to the edge of his lips. The admiration written in his eyes forced a bold blush upon her cheeks.

  “Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?”
he softly said before kissing her fingertips.

  Claire melted. “Not enough times,” she teased.

  There was that playful grin bouncing onto the scene. “I mean it. You are so beautiful, Claire. I love your smile,” he replied, now gently massaging his right fingers behind the back of her earlobe.

  “Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Chase?”

  “That’s the plan. Can I get admission to…your bed?” His voice husky and dangerous as the flicker of desire took over his face.

  “I…suppose I could agree to that,” Claire flirted.

  It didn’t take much convincing as their lips met in unison. It was fervent passion that drove Claire to insanely to drive her begging lips against his. His hands slid around her waist as the thirst of their tongues vehemently attacked in a teasing slide over the other. Claire gasped at the growl at the back of his throat.

  Zack led Claire towards the kitchen counter, her back making contact against it as he kissed her neck, teasing behind her ear whilst she tried her hardest to remain still. It felt like ecstasy; she wanted nothing more than to feel him close. Claire began aggressively attacking his collar, undoing the buttons as his lips remained to suck and kiss the side of her neck. Soon enough, he was shirtless, hungry, and tearing away at her t-shirt and jeans combined.

  “Zack.” She gasped, feeling the fervid flicker of his tongue upon her breasts. He hadn’t even unhooked the bra and she was turned on. Her back naturally arched forward as her fingers raked through his hair, watching as he continued to trail a line of kisses down the centre of her torso, stopping just before the edge of her black knickers.

  “I need you now,” she said breathlessly, observing how his lips curled in agreement. In a blink, she had her legs wrapped around his torso as he carried her out of the kitchen towards her bedroom. They shared their episodes of breathless laughs as they headed down the corridor, nearly falling into the wall a couple times from the hunger of their ravaging lips.

  Zack gently dropped her on the bed, climbing on top of her before his lips dived in deep, kissing her.

  Zack unhooked her bra, throwing it on the floor. Claire was half exposed, and she enjoyed feeling his greedy lips nipping and sucking her hardened nipples. Claire wanted this. He wanted this.

  “Look at…you,” Zack muttered in between kissing her breasts. “Goddamn, Claire…you’re just so beautiful.”

  She couldn’t help but blush, even if it only lasted for a second before the overwhelming organic lust filled her system. Her hands helplessly went for his buckle. A dark growl echoed from the back of his throat as he complied, undoing them, and all too soon, he was completely naked.

  Zack smirked, shaking his head down at her before his hands suddenly tore her knickers in half, literally. Claire gasped feeling his member throbbing at the point of entrance.

  And then before Claire anticipated it, she felt him enter her. It was beyond passion stirring between them as Claire clawed her nails into his back, begging in his ear. Their bodies rocked together, their breathless voices drained from the exhilarating feel of their spirts connecting intimately. His hip bones moved gently against her then harder, making her walls inside throb at the build up inside of her.

  “Fuck,” she could hear him grunt, quickening the pace.

  And then it happened. Claire released soon after he did, her body consequently high on cloud nine. She was breathless and so was he. But it didn’t stop Claire nor him from wanting more, so when Claire took a turn to climb on top of him, she was high on the addiction of him.

  Chapter Five


  It was another spontaneous get together at the Bensons’ household…the usual order of his cold, stubborn mule of a father eating in silence whilst suspiciously eyeing those sitting around the table, his mother squabbling on like a turkey and Jared just as fed-up as Zack, wishing they were elsewhere than here.

  At least Zack could look forward to tomorrow. Graves’ dinner date could be the jackpot to finding out who was manipulating him behind the scenes.

  “Not long now, Zack,” his father announced, startling the room. Members of the kitchen staff scuttled quickly out the room, leaving the family alone in private. Whenever Elijah had something to say, it was usually important, and any who did not share the last name of Benson was expected to vanish quicker than lightning.

  “What?” Zack said, jabbing his fork into the piece of salmon.

  “Your revival,” his father snorted, finding amusement as he dabbed the corner of his lips with the white cloth napkin.

  Zack rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Funny.”

  “Zack, less of that attitude. You’re not to disrespect your father like that,” his mother interjected, frown lines creasing across her forehead.

  “It’s okay, love. Our son just needs to learn some manners,” Elijah said contemptuously. There was an uncomfortable pause. Jared shuffled in his chair, looking quickly at his lap as the tension between Zack and their father thickened.

  Zack bit down on his tongue, refusing to let his old man bark him into confrontation.

  “So are you prepared? I shouldn’t expect any funny ideas or anything, should I?” Elijah asked, his left brow propped up in suspicion.

  “No, I’m prepared,” Zack lied, knowing fully aware that he had been working on reviving whatever had been lost because of Graves and whoever had been interfering. Was that a thing he wanted to mention to his father? That someone was working on the inside? Zack had thought over it but refused to allow his father to brag in vain over Zack’s failure to uphold security.

  “Good. It will be nice to finally have you on the same side for once, Zack,” he said, toasting his wine glass into the air.


  Friday had come around the corner. It had been three days since Claire lost her job, two weeks since her whole suspension at work, and more than enough time spent dwelling on the fact that eventually Zack would have to tell the truth once everything came out.

  He was anxious, felt sick to his stomach all day. He had kept a cautious eye on Graves, watching his every move whilst reassuring himself that tonight wouldn’t be a waste. It had to have something to do with Graves’ behind the scenes deal with whoever was pulling his strings. If it happened to be some other arrangement that conveniently seemed suspicious, then Zack knew there would be very little he could do after that.

  Last night’s uncomfortable meal with his father had shaken him to want to succeed. He wanted to smoke out the traitorous pair, Graves and whoever. He wanted to prove to his father that sustainability was profitable, and finally, then be seen and take full control of what was his father’s domain. It seemed do-able. Everything was just relying on tonight.

  By five-thirty, Zack had returned home to the apartment, disheartened to see Claire sighing into her coffee mug, unaware of his presence until he gave a short cough.

  Immediately, she sat up and, from what he could see, sprung into that “I’m seriously okay” mood when Zack knew that wasn’t the entire truth. He could imagine how miserable she felt, lounging around here all day feeling hopeless.

  “Hey,” she greeted, smiling as she got up from her chair and headed over to him. She pecked his cheek and fell into his embrace. “How was your day?”

  “All right. Nothing…interesting,” Zack replied, feeling the usual guilt of bile rise up his throat. “Any…luck?”

  Claire moved back, collecting her mug as she took it over to the sink. “Nope. Even a supermarket won’t take me. They asked for a reference to my last workplace, and of course, it would be printed in red and black, the big warning about this employee.” She jerked her thumb at her chest and rolled her eyes.

  “Ah, I’m sorry—”

  “Let’s just…could we not talk about it? I just want to have a good night tonight. Just me and you. I just want to forget this week,” she interjected, squeezing his bicep gently as she passed him and went to exit the kitchen. “I’m gonna start getting changed,” she added, leaving him alon
e in the room.

  Zack was stuck between helplessly admiring Claire from across the table and keeping an eye out for Graves to lead him hopefully to the traitor. She looked as beautiful as ever. Her brown locks floated across her bare shoulders, the body-hugging black sleek dress accentuated her curves, and that wonderful smile lit up the whole room.

  “Zack, thank you for this,” she said, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear bashfully. “I’m just so glad that…well, that I have you.” Her cheeks reddened.

  “Babe.” Zack slid his hand across the table to grasp hers. “I’m glad that I have you. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without you sometimes.” And he meant that. He had to be thankful for that lousy bet; it gave him something worth more than his money. He could only hope that once the truth came to surface, things between them could remain the same. But deep down, he knew a relationship built on lies and deceit could only crumble.

  Claire snorted. “That’s even cheesy for you.”

  Zack chuckled. “I know. What have you done to me, Claire?”

  It was nearing seven. Zack had remained attentive to his wristwatch, Claire, and the front entrance, wondering when that leech of a man would arrive.

  “So, are you looking forward to attending my brother’s wedding as my date?” Claire asked, placing her flute of champagne down after taking a sip or two of the bubbly alcoholic drink.

  “Date? Hm. I just thought we were friends,” he teased. “Okay…friends who are very intimate then.”

  Claire rolled her eyes playfully. “Yeah, well. I just can’t believe my brother is getting married. I mean…if you ever knew my brother when we were kids, he was always on about how he would never marry and he would live like Tarzan or something, going on mad adventures. And now…” She let out a huge breath of air. “He’s actually settling down.”


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