Never Again (Never Again Series Book 1)

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Never Again (Never Again Series Book 1) Page 7

by Jamie Lynn Boothe

  Gigi called several times to check on her as the weeks progressed and was happy to hear that she was recovering well. Sam talked to her like they were sisters. She told Gigi about the doctor visits and how she was feeling and looking forward to going back to school. All the time away was getting her far behind in her studies and beginning to get cabin fever.

  With everyone there loving all over Sam, Chris was able to return to work after the first week she returned home. He was touched and grateful by the concerns and understanding of his employer. He had been an engineer at a molding company for only a few years, but most people there treated him as if he was part of a family. On his return to work, Chris’s supervisor handed him a card to give to Sam. Inside the card was a check for $1,000 and a gift card for their favorite Japanese restaurant. It was overwhelming for them both.

  With all the events that had taken place and in such a short time, it was relieving for them to have things get back to normal. Sam went weekly to see her doctor and the checkups were all positive. Her heart and lungs were healing as they should and her blood work was building back to normal. Her strength was building as well as her confidence, and she thought she might be able to go back to school soon.

  Surprisingly, the insurance company of the teenage driver was paying the first set of bills from the accident without a hitch. The insurance company through Chris’s job was being cooperative and it felt as if everything was falling into place. What truly shocked them all however was when the teenager’s parents called out of the blue. They told Chris and Sam they were sending a check to reimburse them for the vacation since their son had ruined it. They felt extremely blessed.

  After being back home for four weeks, Sam felt healthier than ever since everything first happened. Chris’s parents drove back home. The phone didn’t ring quite as often from her parents in California, and Chris’s sister had started to pull back a little, too. Sam needed and wanted to leave the apartment for a delicious meal and to spend some time with Chris alone.

  “Chris, can we use that gift card tonight? I need to get out for an evening. Just you and me.”

  He had just finished with a shower and was going to dress in a pair of shorts and tank top and stopped. It sounded like he was going to need different attire for the evening.

  “That sounds great to me. Are you up for the drive to Bristol?”

  “Oh, yes definitely! It’s gorgeous outside and we can roll down the windows and listen to some music and enjoy the air on our way.”

  “Okay, then it’s a date,” he said with a grin and pulled her into his arms. He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers with more passion than he had been recently allowing himself. Feeling her lips against his was heavenly.

  Pressing her hands on his chest she ever so softly pushed back and stared up into his green eyes. Her heart hadn’t bothered her at all in weeks and she wanted to make love to him, but still wasn’t sure if she could. Chris sensed what she was feeling and without words understood. He caressed her cheek with the back of his fingertips and smiled.

  “Go ahead and get ready sweetheart. Let’s have a night out like we both deserve.”

  Softly, she stood on her toes and kissed him again then walked into the bathroom to take her shower. Chris sighed and began changing clothes into something more suitable. An hour later they walked hand in hand to the car, smiles on their faces and more than ready for their date.


  The Fuji Japanese Steakhouse was packed with hungry customers. It looked as if everyone had the same idea they did. There was a line that ran outside, but Sam didn’t want to leave so they remained in line. As they waited between couples and families, they met another nice couple whose names were Jerry and Marlene. They chatted for the half hour they had to wait.

  They ended up sitting with their new friends and their evening was filled with the excitement and laughter of watching the chef do his tricks. Chris ordered the filet mignon and lobster tail combination and Sam asked for the filet mignon and scallops combination. With that they enjoyed rice, soup, and a salad. They limited themselves to one glass of wine each as neither liked the idea of driving home intoxicated. Sam was scared to drink more than that with her condition and loads of medications.

  By the time they finished watching the show and ate the immense amount of food they were served, they felt as if they would burst. Sam said she felt pregnant from all the food; they all laughed and agreed with her.

  On their way home Sam snuggled up close to Chris as he drove. At least as close as the seatbelt would allow. She rested her hand on his right thigh and her head on his shoulder. Neither talked. They listened to the music and enjoyed the moment that fluidly flowed from the speakers and from within themselves.

  After they walked inside Sam surprised Chris by taking his hand and pulling him into their bedroom. He knew she was up to something by the gleam in her eyes and the crooked grin on her beautiful face. He wanted her more than air, but was concerned it was too early.

  “Stand there,” she whispered and proceeded to remove her shoes and dress.

  “Are you…”

  “Shhh,” she placed a finger gently on his lips. “We will go very slow and easy, but I’m ready. More than you know.”

  “But, don’t you think…”

  “Shhh,” came from her pursed lips.

  Time stood still as Chris watched Samantha undress. She didn’t waste any time; it had been long enough since they had the pleasure of intimacy. When she stood before him he could see the scar on her chest, but it only made him want her more, if that was even remotely possible. She wanted him to watch her and he enjoyed every movement and second of how she enticed him. It seemed to him that she had somehow gained more grace over the past weeks. He certainly wasn’t complaining. Even the cast looked sexy on her arm.

  When Sam finished undressing herself, she began to do the same for Chris. He had to help somewhat and wasn’t used to having someone undress him, but he let her do it without rushing, and soon they were both in each others’ arms.

  Chris gently laid her on the bed and she pushed the extra pillows onto the floor. With their long-stemmed passion they barely controlled themselves; they knew they had to be gentle. They had all night and forever together. They wanted and needed more than ever to feel the others excitement that soon would be unleashed.

  They made love that night for the first time since before the accident. Chris was careful and completely selfless during their passionate night. Their cries and tears were made of pure love. It was like their first time together and definitely as beautiful.


  The next morning Sam opened her eyes to the sight of Chris lying next to her. Her heart beat a steady rhythm and there was no pain at all, for which she was grateful. With two fingers she caressed the thick scar that ran down between her breasts. It hadn’t been long enough for it to completely heal. She frowned and wondered if she would ever get used to feeling and seeing it there. She couldn’t help wondering how it affected Chris every time he looked at it. He didn’t seem to let it bother him during the night.

  With that thought she wondered if they took it too fast last night. Making love too soon. She smiled and looked over at him again.

  She sighed for more than one reason. She felt happiness because of the man she loved and was loved by him. She felt content with the improvement in her health. Gratitude bloomed within her because God had blessed them in so many ways, and she felt fortunate that she had another chance at life. Or maybe it was a third or fourth chance. She didn’t know, but what she believed was that everyone faced death more often than they would ever realize or want to realize. She knew she had faced it recently and didn’t want to know if she had ever before or not. She also knew she had taken too much for granted and wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  Turning onto her side she allowed her gaze to fall on his face and watched him sleep. She admired the shape of his jaw and the way strands of his hair had fallen across his forehead. Sh
e smiled when his eyelids fluttered slightly and wondered what he was dreaming about, hoped it was about them, but couldn’t ask for more than what she had.

  As she admired him she thought about God and reflected on everything that had happened. She had always tried to live in ways that she thought was proper and how her parents taught her. Sam had a wonderful childhood full of love and God had always been in their household. Even with those things she suddenly realized she had never completely given herself to Him. She hadn’t been to church in what felt like a long time and couldn’t remember the last time she picked up her Bible.

  Suddenly, feeling guilty because He had chosen to keep her alive, she wondered why it had to take two near death experiences to open her eyes. Tomorrow would be Sunday and she wanted to go to church. She wondered how Chris would feel about that.

  Sam looked at the clock and saw it was barely 7:00 and she was wide awake. Sliding soundlessly from beneath the covers she dressed in a pair of her favorite pajamas. She walked into the small kitchen and started a pot of coffee. As it brewed she wrote a note to herself as a reminder to call Tonya later. She wanted to talk to her about her night and how romantic Chris had been.

  Tonya had been busy with her catering business but still made time to check on her. Lately though they hadn’t talked liked they used to. Their conversations had been mainly about her situation. Sam wanted to talk about something other than her health. She missed being able to do things with her like they did before everything happened. Yes, she would definitely have to call her. Maybe they could go shopping soon. Get out of the apartment for a little girl time.

  The gurgling of the coffee pot broke her thoughts and she poured herself a steaming cup. Since her surgery she had to switch to half caffeine. It had been a slight struggle getting used to it. It had been somewhat of a surprise at how the level of caffeine made it taste differently.

  With her cup she sat on the love seat that faced toward the street. In front of their patio stood a tall birch tree and in it were a couple sparrows chirping for the world to hear. She knew summer was almost over and wished with all her soul she could have enjoyed more of it, but was okay with that. She had been granted more time in God’s great world so she would try to not wish so much, but appreciate each day a little more. Winter would be upon them before they knew it and they had to be ready for the snow Connecticut usually received.

  Thoughts about going back to school and the courses she missed began filling some time. When they had taken their break she knew what was coming up in the next quarter and had been excited about all of it. She would need to remember to call the school on Monday to talk to them about what classes she’d missed and what they would allow her to do. She hoped that she wouldn’t have to start the quarter over but instead try to get caught up. It would depend on how far behind she was. The bottom line would be that she would do whatever it took to get caught up again.

  Becoming a chef had been a dream of hers for years, but before meeting Chris she didn’t take the initiative to chase that dream. He had convinced her to go for it. He had taken it upon himself to help pay for it because he loved her enough and wanted her to be able to live her dream. She wondered if she would ever be able to repay him for that. Not so much as monetarily, but by being the wife he wanted. With her health issues she still worried about that. Maybe she was being too hard on herself, but still couldn’t help wondering.

  Sam was lost in thought and watching the sparrows out of her window when the ringtone from her cell phone broke her train of thought. She reached for it, saw it was Tonya, and smiled and answered.

  “Good morning, girl. You must have been reading my mind earlier. I was going to call you later when I thought you might be up.”

  “I’m still in bed, but I woke up thinking about you and thought I would give you a try. I thought I would have to leave a message.”

  “Nope. I have been up a little while. Chris is still asleep though.”

  “What a dead head.”

  Laughing, Sam said, “Well I guess I can’t blame him. We had a great night last night.”

  “Oh yeah? What happened last night? Do tell.”

  Sam told her friend about the gift card they had gotten from his job and that she and Chris went out to enjoy themselves. She barely hinted about their intimacy when they had gotten home.

  “Oh, you go girl! But do you think you are okay with sex? I mean is it too early?”

  “Don’t worry momma,” she joked with her. “We took it very easy and slow, but yeah it was fantastic. I slept like a baby.”

  “Well, I’m happy for you. At least you are getting some attention.”

  “You will soon, too. You’ll meet that special guy someday.”

  “I hope it’s sooner than later,” she added.

  “I miss you,” Sam told her. “I was thinking about you before you called and about going shopping. I miss and need our girl time. I need to get out of here for a few hours, just you and I.”

  “Sounds good to me. What are you doing tomorrow? I don’t have any plans then. I usually try to leave Sundays open.”

  She hesitated at first, unsure of how Tonya would take it.

  “Actually, I was thinking about going to church tomorrow.”


  Sam heard a tone of surprise in her voice.

  “Yeah, I think I need to. That was something else on my mind before you called. About how I feel God gave me another chance. I haven’t been in a long time and it’s something I want to do.”

  “Well okay. What time do you think you’ll be home? We can go to the mall afterward.”

  Taking a chance Sam asked, “Or maybe you might want to go with me?”

  A few seconds went by without a response and she thought she might have over stepped her boundaries.

  “You know what? This is going to surprise you, but it has been a long time for me too, so why not? It’ll do my spirit some good I think.”

  Her head jerked back in surprise and she was glad Tonya couldn’t see her, but she grinned at her friend’s response.

  “Wonderful! I really am surprised, but I’m glad.”

  “Why don’t I invite myself over to your place for dinner tonight? We can talk more about it then.”

  Laughing Sam replied, “Okay. Come over around seven. I have to warn you, I really need to start eating healthier so I’m not sure what it will be.”

  “I’m not worried about it. See you then. I love you, girl.”

  “Love you, too.”

  That Saturday turned out to be another wonderful day. There wasn’t a fancy dinner in a restaurant or shopping and spending a lot of money, but time with two of her favorite people filling her time and just wanting to be with her. Tonya arrived two hours early and joked with Chris just because she enjoyed giving him a hard time. The two of them had Sam laughing nonstop.

  They decided on renting a movie and instead of ordering out, Chris escaped to the store long enough to get the fixings of a healthy meal. Sam and Tonya took over the kitchen and broiled salmon. They included asparagus and small red skinned potatoes. On the side was a spinach salad and as a treat they each enjoyed a small slice of cheesecake.

  They both told Chris of their plans for Sunday and surprisingly he wanted to go with them. He said he would skip the girls time out with them at the mall and call Junior to see what he would be doing instead.

  The evening couldn’t have been more perfect. Tonya left around 10:00 and Sam and Chris went to bed soon after. They both had smiles not only on their faces, but in their hearts as well.

  Chapter Nine

  Sunday morning arrived full of sunshine that filled not only the outside of their apartment, but their spirits as well. Sam woke more aware and excited than usual, and must have slept wrong because the scar on her chest was tender as if it had been pressed on for too long. When she walked into the bathroom she looked at it in the mirror, afraid that it may be bleeding and it was reddish from top to bottom. Hopefully, it wasn�
�t anything other than that, she thought and sighed and carefully touched it.

  As quietly as possible, Sam walked into the kitchen to make a quick and easy breakfast. It would take some getting used to, but healthy was the way to go for her. She sort of felt bad for Chris though since he would be eating a lot of what she had. Unless she made two separate meals all the time or he cooked for himself. She laughed to herself when she thought about him doing that. Not that he couldn’t.

  Chris got out of bed soon after her. After a quick hug and kiss he sat and tried to enjoy the scrambled egg whites with no cheese. The wheat toast wasn’t too bad, but the no cheese in his eggs wasn’t adding a smile to his sleepy face. Sam tried not to giggle as she watched him, knowing how spoiled she had made him over the past two years.

  When they were finished he told her to shower first and he would clean up the kitchen. While she was getting ready he quickly ate a small bowl of cereal to fill his stomach. He had to admit that he looked forward to going to church as much as Sam did. It had been a long time and he knew it was something he should start doing regularly. The thought of it surprised him a little, but not as much as Sam thought it would.

  When Sam walked into the kitchen Chris couldn’t control his grin as he admired her. She chose to wear a knee length lavender cotton dress. The collar covered most of her chest so nobody could see her scar. Her hair was up in a bun and she wore only a touch of make-up and perfume. From her ears hung sparkling and dangly earrings. Gorgeous as always and enough to take out on a date.

  He quickly shaved and showered and they went on their way to pick up Tonya from her house. Thankfully, it was another beautiful and sunny day to match the way they both felt. They hadn’t been to the church they were planning to go to so they hoped they arrived before everything began.


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