Never Again (Never Again Series Book 1)

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Never Again (Never Again Series Book 1) Page 8

by Jamie Lynn Boothe

  Soon, they all three were looking for a spot in the obviously full parking lot of the church. It was a small white church with a tall steeple and they could hear the piano from outside. It went well with how the morning was. When they walked through the doors they were greeted by two ushers who handed them pamphlets of how the service would commence. Nervous and excited at the same time they chose a pew on the right about halfway down the aisle. People they didn’t know greeted them and made them feel at home.

  The music and songs touched their hearts and even though the three of them weren’t good singers it didn’t matter. They held the hymn book open and joined in. Sam cried while she sang and Tonya had to hand her several tissues so her makeup wouldn’t run. The service was by a visiting preacher and he gave a great sermon. Each word felt as if it was directed to them and they took it in with stride.

  When the service was over they were all glad they had decided to go. They talked about it on the way home and said they might go back the following week. They dropped Tonya off at her apartment because she wanted to change clothes before going shopping.

  “I’ll be over to pick you up in an hour,” she told Sam. “I want to go a little more casual and be comfortable.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you then.”

  Chris and Sam went home and changed clothes and laid on the bed and held each other as she waited for Tonya to pick her up. Gazing into each other’s eyes they found themselves wishing they had more time before she had to go.

  “I’ll miss you while I’m gone,” she whispered.

  “You’ll be having fun with Tonya. I doubt you’ll think of me,” he joked back causing her to slap his arm.

  “Don’t say things like that.”

  “Sorry. I’ll miss you, too.”

  She pressed her lips against his and closed her eyes. They stayed that way for seconds and when she pulled back she gave him a mischievous grin.

  “What?” he asked her.

  “Do you remember when we were at the beach in that restaurant that was decorated like the fifties or sixties?” she asked him. She began twirling her hair between her fingers and looked away from him. Her face remained with the same grin.

  “Yeah, I remember. I remember you saying something about how you would love to have a place like it someday.”

  “Do you remember when I was teasing you about something, but wouldn’t tell you?” she lifted her eyes and giggled at him.

  Laughing nervously, he replied, “Yes, you were leaving me hanging. What are you up too?”

  “Well, I think I should try to do something for you since I couldn’t when we were there. Of course, you’ll have to wait so I can make sure everything will fall into place.”

  “You are doing it again,” he complained with a grin. “I also recall telling you I would torture you. I guess you want that, huh?”

  She laughed and her cell phone started ringing. It was Tonya.

  “Whoops. There’s my ride.”

  “What? Hey, just know we are not finished with this conversation.”

  Unable to hold back her laugh, she kissed him quickly and told him she loved him and would be home in a few hours.

  “I love you, too.”

  He watched her walk out of the bedroom and a few seconds later he heard the door close. With his eyes closed his laid back on the bed grinning, and missing her already.


  At the mall in Waterbury, Samantha and Tonya walked around and in and out of the stores enjoying the time together. It had been a while since they’d had this kind of opportunity. They looked at new purses and shoes and dresses. Neither thought too much about buying anything. They simply wanted to have a girls’ day window shopping. They enjoyed an ice cream cone at Hershey’s Ice Cream store and watched couples and single parents with their children. On their way out they came upon Barnes and Nobles bookstore. Sam wanted to look at some cookbooks out of curiosity to see what their selections were.

  Browsing through the aisles, Tonya looked in fiction while Sam looked through the chefs’ books. She got a little excited when she found a couple that were on sale and picked out two of them, one from Bobby Flay and another by Gordon Ramsey. When she saw the one from Chef Ramsey the idea of going on his show, Hell’s Kitchen, flew into her mind and she laughed to herself.

  “What are you laughing about?” Tonya asked her.

  “Just the crazy notion of trying out for Hell’s Kitchen. I love that show and I just found a book by Chef Ramsey. The silly idea popped into my brain is all.”

  “What’s so crazy about that? I bet you would do great on there. You should look into it.”

  “Nah, the pressure would be intense, plus I would have to be away for probably a couple months if I made it on there at all.”

  “Well, I love the idea and think you should do it once you are healthy enough. You’re almost finished with school anyhow. You know your stuff, girl.”

  Shaking her head at Tonya and changing the subject she asked, “What did you find?”

  “Oh, just a couple romances. Something to get me all torn up inside and wishing I had someone is all.”

  They laughed and paid for their books. Walking out into the sunshine they decided to sit on a bench to savor the breeze and a little more time together before driving home. Tonya wanted to talk to Sam about something and figured it was a good enough time to do it.

  “Hey, I umm, I’ve been needing to talk to you about something.”

  “Okay,” Sam looked at her and could hear some nervousness in her tone. She sensed it would be something she wouldn’t like hearing.

  “I have been dreading this conversation for about a week now, but I am going to be moving in a couple of months. Someplace that will make us not be able to see each other, but maybe once or twice a year.”

  Sam turned toward her with her jaw dropping.

  “What? Where and why?”

  Pursing her lips, Tonya looked at her sadly before speaking.

  “Well, you know I have been trying to find something better than what I have been doing for the past few years, right? And how much I hate the winters up here. Well, I found someone who wants to buy my business and at the same time it’ll be enough money to where I can move to Florida where it’s warmer. I have an uncle who wants me to come down and run his restaurant for him. The pay will be better than what I’ve been able to do here, plus benefits.”

  With her bottom lip starting to stick out Sam tried not to appear heartbroken. She understood what her best friend was telling her and she wanted to be happy for her, but she knew she would miss her terribly. She reached for her hand and took it within hers.

  “I will miss you so much, but I do understand and I’m happy for you.”

  “Really? I mean I know it will be hard being away from you, especially with everything you have been through.”

  “I’ll be okay. Yes, it may be hard, but we can still talk on the phone and there’s always Skype. When you get settled and I finish school I can visit you or you can visit me or both.”

  Simultaneously, warm tears attacked their eyes and they held each other as shoppers walked past them.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  They agreed that was enough talk about something so exciting and sad at the same time and headed back to Torrington. Sam felt tired and wanted to take a nap, and Tonya agreed with the idea.

  Chapter Ten

  Sam’s health greatly improved. Her doctors told her that they were very impressed with her progression and said she could go back to school and lead a more normal life. They also reminded her of the importance of exercise and taking her medicines and eating healthy. She was quick to tell them she had been doing her best, but she left out that she hadn’t been exercising. She would need to start going to a gym.

  Getting caught up in school was a struggle but she managed to do it with the compassion of her instructors and the help of a few fellow students. Everyone there, for the most part, made her f
eel welcome and missed on her first day back. She felt as if she had been away from family. She didn’t have a lot of time left and she would officially be a chef. It was a very exciting time for her and Chris and Tonya and her family constantly told her how proud they were of her.

  She had gotten serious about going to church and loved being a part of the fellowship there. With school, though, it was hard to go every week because of her studies and taking care of herself. Over time she knew she would be more free and could go more often, but until then she did the best that she could.

  Time went by like she had never seen it before. She wondered why when she dreaded something it seemed as if it happened quickly, but if she looked forward to it time dragged. The two months had come and gone and Tonya was moving away from her. Tonya had sold her catering business and the deal was finalized. Her uncle was expecting her within a week, but she wanted to get there to get settled first.

  Her uncle’s restaurant was in Fernandina Beach and she was extremely excited about everything except for one thing. Not being able to see her best friend. They stood in front of each other, near tears after Tonya put the last bag in the trunk of her car. Holding hands with quivering lips and eyes that decided they couldn’t stand to be dry, they said their goodbyes and well wishes.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Tonya cried as she hugged Sam.

  “I know, me either. It’s what’s right for you though. I want you to be happy and I know you will be very successful down there.”

  They held on to each other for a long time before letting go. Chris gave her a hug and said he would miss her, too.

  “That’s a long drive, so you be careful and call if you need anything,” he told her. “How long do you think it will take you?”

  Wiping her eyes with a tissue she said, “Google said almost fifteen hours, but of course I have to count in ignorant drivers and traffic slowing me down, plus stopping to eat and stuff. So, I’m thinking eighteen to twenty hours. I might stop half way and get a room somewhere though since I am getting a late start.”

  “That might be a good idea,” Sam chimed in. “But, please call me if you do and call me when you get where you are going, too.”

  Smiling, they hugged one more time before Tonya got in her car.

  “Of course, I will. I love you, madly.”

  “I love you, more.”

  Sam leaned into Chris as she watched her best friend drive away. Her heart was happy for her and breaking at the same time. She stood and watched until she saw Tonya’s car take a right turn out of her sight, the last time for longer than she cared to think about. It was one of the saddest days she’d had in a long time.

  It seemed that life could have double standards in so many ways and at times it was hard to accept them and understand why. One of many things she had learned in her twenty-five years of life was she had to keep putting one foot in front of the other. She couldn’t be selfish of the people she loved but had to be supportive if it was the best for them and not her.

  She talked to Chris about joining the YMCA to do some regular workouts together and enjoy the pool they had. Thanksgiving and Christmas would be upon them soon and she wanted to get in the habit of taking better care of her body before all the temptations would be sitting in front of her to binge eat. Chris knew that conversation was a farce because she didn’t want to think about Tonya leaving so he went along with her on the decision. He also knew he could use the exercise himself.

  That night they relaxed in front of the television and watched a comedy. The last thing she wanted to do was think, but she couldn’t keep from continuously checking her phone. Finally they went to bed and she was able to fall asleep. When she woke up in the middle of the night she saw that Tonya had texted her that she got a room at the Best Western and was safe. She texted back then fell asleep again feeling more at peace.


  The snow was falling harder than the weatherman said it would, and it looked like there would be at least two feet of the white stuff. Large, soft flakes fell from the cloudy sky. Occasionally the wind would kick up and cause some of the snow to drift into curvy mounds against the cars. Thanksgiving passed without any problems with her heart or breathing, and both Chris and Sam were able to control themselves around food, although it had been a struggle. Neither of their parents were able to make it to Connecticut for the holidays, and with Tonya gone it felt a little lonesome for Sam. Junior made sure he came by quite often and tried to keep them both company.

  It was the weekend after Thanksgiving when Chris and Junior bought a rather large Christmas tree and all the decorations for it. With it standing slightly to the left Sam wondered if it would fall over after they finished setting it up.

  “I think it will be fine honey,” Chris promised her. “It’s barely leaning at all. I think the tree stand will hold it up without a hitch at all.”

  “I hope you’re right,” she looked at him unsure.

  “Well, let’s have some faith why don’t we,” Junior chimed in. “Here’s the first strand of lights. Let’s get this beauty decorated and glowing. Where’s the egg nog?”

  They all laughed and agreed with him. Sam quickly found a radio station that was playing holiday music and got the egg nog from the kitchen. Chris and Junior proceeded to walk in circles adding the lights to the tree. An hour later with the lights and tinsel and red and green ornaments it was time to turn it on.

  “Drum roll please,” Chris said as he held the cord and was getting ready to plug it in.

  “You sound like Clark Griswold from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation,” Junior said.

  All three of them enjoyed the spirit in the room and Junior made a horrible drumroll making them laugh even harder. The tree lit up and all the lights twinkled as they were supposed to. Chris pulled Sam into his arms and the three of them admired their handiwork.

  “The only thing missing is a star or an angel on top,” Sam pointed out.

  “I’ll get one sometime this week. I’m not going anywhere else tonight,” Chris said. “It seems to have gotten worse out.”

  “Now you need to get some presents. You don’t have to wrap mine if you don’t want to. You can save your money on the wrapping paper,” Junior said.

  “Thanks, I’ll remember that when I get your box of coal,” Chris told him with a grin.

  They settled down on the couch and drank their egg nog and listened to the music. Bing Crosby sang about a White Christmas as they chatted about family. When Elvis Presley’s Blue Christmas came on then the Eagles’ I’ll be Home for Christmas, they got quiet. The songs made Sam miss Tonya more and she wished she could see her.

  “I think I’ll give her a call and see what she’s up to,” Sam told them and walked into the bedroom. She didn’t see Chris grinning from ear to ear so she had no idea about her soon to be surprise. She laid back on the bed and dialed the number and listened to it ring on the other end. Unfortunately, it went to voicemail and she had to leave a message. Sam frowned because she wanted to hear Tonya’s voice, but she left one anyhow.

  “Hey, girl. I wanted to talk, but I guess you are busy. Call me when you get this, please. I miss and love you.”

  Walking back into the room she told them she didn’t get her. Before she had the chance to sit down beside Chris again someone was knocking on the door.

  “Who in the world could that be? It’s snowing like crazy outside,” she complained. Again, she didn’t see the grin on Chris’s face or on Junior’s. She opened the door and was shocked to see her best friend standing in front of her with a humongous grin and an armful of gifts.

  “Oh, my goodness! I can’t believe it’s you!” Sam cried and tried to hug her as they both laughed and the guys cheered. “Come in! Come in!”

  “Let me put the presents down.”

  All of them laughed and Chris and Junior watched as the two best friends hugged and cried from the joy of seeing each other. The guys got up and helped by setting the gifts out of
the way before they gave her a hug, too.

  “When did you get here? Oh, my gosh I can’t believe this!” Sam exclaimed loudly as she couldn’t contain herself.

  “Well, I actually got back in town about an hour ago. I was supposed to have landed at the airport hours ago, but there was a layover in Charlotte, North Carolina.”

  “Oh, good you flew back this time. At least you didn’t have to take as long driving in this weather. I bet you are tired. Let’s sit down.”

  They all sat around the kitchen table and Chris made some coffee. As they waited for it Tonya told them how things had been going in Florida.

  “I miss you all very much, but I have to be honest. I love it down there. The weather is beautiful and the people I work with are awesome. I love running the restaurant and it’s exactly what I want to do right now, but I had to come and see you. I have missed you so much.”

  “I really missed you too, but I’m happy for you,” Sam told her. “When did you know you were coming? We talked last week and you didn’t say anything about it then.”

  Sam caught Tonya glance at Chris and the grin she was trying to hide. Sam looked at her husband with a serious expression.

  “Chris, did you know she was coming up?”

  Doing his best to look innocent but failing miserably he answered, “I might have known a little bit about it.”

  She tried to act mad and lightly smacked him on his arm. Everyone laughed and she got up and kissed him.

  “I can’t be mad. This is the best Christmas ever and it’s not even here yet.”

  The four of them enjoyed their reunion and Tonya expressed her love for the tree. Sam insisted that Tonya stay in their spare bedroom while she was up visiting and they set the presents under the tree. The rest of the evening passed with laughter and talk about how everyone was doing. Tonya brought up Hell’s Kitchen again, and everyone but Sam thought she should do it.


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