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Never Again (Never Again Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Jamie Lynn Boothe

  It was after midnight when they realized how late it was. Junior crashed on the couch and Chris went to their bedroom. Sam took Tonya into the spare room and made sure the bed was ready.

  “I still can’t believe you came up to see me. It’s only been a few months and I didn’t think I would see you for a while yet, but I’m thrilled that you are here.”

  “So am I, sweetie.”

  “Are you sure everything is okay?” Sam asked her before leaving her alone in the room.

  Hiding the truth of one big reason for her visit, Tonya nodded and faked a smile for her. “I’m sure.”

  “Okay, you sleep well. I’m going to go give Chris a hard time for not telling me,” she joked.

  “Don’t be too hard on him.”

  They say goodnight and Sam closed the door on her way out. Tonya plopped down on the edge of the bed and allowed her shoulders to finally relax. She dreaded telling anyone why she actually returned home. She hadn’t said a word to anyone. With her hands covering her face and her tears beginning to fall she asked, “How can I tell her, Lord? Please, give me strength.”

  Chapter Eleven

  A couple of days went by and Tonya hadn’t been able to reveal her secret, but knew she would have to soon. She intended to be gone up to a week and it was going by too fast. It was Monday and Chris had to go to work, leaving the two girls alone. Sam decided to take a couple days off from school so she could spend some precious time with her friend.

  “You sure you won’t get far behind in your studies and whatever else you have to do for school?” Tonya asked her.

  “It won’t be a problem. My instructors have finally eased up a lot on all of us. Next week however may be a different story.”

  “Why’s that? What’s happening next week?”

  “Because graduation will be on us before we know it and from what I hear the final leg is going to be pretty intense. I have a feeling it’s going to be pretty rough near the end of school.”

  “Oh yeah. I can see what you mean. I’m sure you’ll pass with flying colors though.”

  “Thanks. I hope so. There’s still a lot to do, but it’ll be over before I know it.”

  The two of them were lying on the bed staring at the ceiling and Tonya asked Sam if she’d been feeling healthy and if there had been any problems at all.

  “Nope. I have been feeling incredible, to be honest, and I’m so grateful. I know it would be a lot different if it wasn’t for God and Chris and of course my bestie that’s for sure.”

  “Good. I’m glad. I’ve been worried about you. Especially with me not being able to see you.”

  Sam could sense a certain undertone to her words. She could tell her friend had something on her mind.

  “Are you okay?” she asked and rolled onto her right side to see her better.

  Tonya didn’t answer right away and it made Sam nervous.

  “I have to talk to you about something important,” she told her and looked at her sideways.

  Sam’s throat tightened from the way Tonya said that and she had a bad feeling about what was coming.

  “What? Are you alright? What’s wrong? You know you can tell me anything. I’m here for you.”

  Tonya rolled over and faced her. She took a deep breath and tried not to break down in the process.

  “A few weeks ago, I found a lump on my right breast. I went to my doctor and had some tests done. The news wasn’t good.”

  Sam wanted to cry out in pain. When those words left Tonya’s lips, Sam’s breath caught and her heart clenched so hard she gasped. Tears immediately filled her eyes and she reached for her best friend.

  “Oh, my God! Oh…” Sam didn’t know what to say at first. Her brain stopped functioning, but she held Tonya and they both cried. After a couple of draining moments Tonya began talking about it again, although it was very difficult.

  “There will be more tests of course, but it’s there. The good thing is it was caught in the early stages so they believe with chemotherapy I can beat this.” She looked into Sam’s eyes. “I wanted to be here when I told you. Not over the phone.”

  Sam’s breathing was ragged. She couldn’t believe her ears, but she did her best to be strong for Tonya. “I’m glad you are. You know I will do everything I can for you.”

  “I know. Thank you.”

  Tonya laid her head back and rested an arm over her eyes. Sam watched as Tonya composed herself. For what seemed to be so long everything had been about her. Tonya had been a huge part of her support and it was now time for her to be the one to be there for her. She had no intentions of letting her down.

  “When do you start the treatments?”

  “Next week. I have an appointment on Monday so I have to fly back this Saturday.”

  “Does your uncle know? Or anyone else down there?” Sam asked her.

  Shaking her head, “No. You are the first one I told. I didn’t tell Chris either. When we talked about me coming up I wasn’t completely honest with him as to why. He has no idea.”

  They held hands and lay there quietly. Sam prayed fervently as time slowly ticked by. God, please give her strength. She needs You more than I do right now. Tears began to flow again, but afterward Sam helped Tonya off the bed.

  “Okay. That’s enough crying for right now,” Sam told Tonya as she stood. “We are going to believe and have faith that this is going to be beaten and today at least we won’t let it get us down. Come on. Let’s get something to eat then go somewhere.”

  Laughing from the emotional shock to her body, Tonya said, “It’s freezing outside!”

  “I know. We’ll wrap up really good. Come on. Up and at ‘em!”

  Giggling and trying not to think about the harsh and painful news, they walked into the kitchen. Sam told Tonya what she needed out of the refrigerator as she got her chopping board and skillet out. With finesse and ease Sam sliced and diced and mixed together cherry tomatoes and green peppers and red onions with left over sandwich ham. She mixed all of that together in a bowl of eggs and sharp cheddar cheese and scrambled it together.

  As that was cooking Tonya toasted some rye bread, buttered the slices, and set them on the table. Within minutes they were filling their faces with a healthy and easy breakfast.

  They swallowed some juice behind it and Tonya reminded Sam to take her medications.

  “Looks like we will both have to help each other with things like that,” Sam said.

  “Most likely yeah. We need each other for a lot of things.”

  They got dressed and headed out the door into the blistering cold. Tonya complained the whole time they ran to the car and waited for it to warm up, but it was what they needed, and they both knew it.


  A mixture of aromas filled the air of the donut shop. With thirty or more flavors of coffee and an assortment of donuts made the senses of every customer who entered intensify. It wasn’t an ordinary donut shop. It also boasted hand sized warm and soft pretzels, over-sized muffins and elephant ears. When you walked through the doors, on the right was a large glass cooler filled with bottled sodas and birch flavored root beers, several flavored bottled waters, and for the kiddies three different flavored bottled milks. On the counter a sign advertised malts and ice cream floats and smoothies would soon be available. A donut shop with festival treats. It had become very popular in Torrington.

  Sam and Tonya watched the snowplows go up and down Main Street and a few people walking on the salted sidewalks. Dark clouds filled the skies. One woman was passing the shop and came close to falling when she slipped on a small patch of ice. They overheard another customer talk about more snow in the forecast.

  “Wonderful. More snow. That’s a huge reason why I wanted to move out of Connecticut and I do not miss it one bit,” Tonya exclaimed with disgust.

  “But it misses you, obviously,” Sam teased.

  “Ha! Funny.”

  Sam giggled and sipped her drink. She looked into Tonya’s eyes and could see her tr
ying to be strong. She held an immense amount of respect for her friend.

  “I think I want to cook a special dinner tonight for you and Chris and me. Junior too, if he wants to drive in this mess and come over.”

  “Yeah? What’s the special occasion?”

  “I just want to is all. I have a lot to be grateful for and feel like it.”

  Pursing her lips and with raised eyebrows Tonya replied, “Well, okay. That sounds like a good enough reason to me. I don’t want you feeling like you have to do anything out of your way for me.”

  Sam’s eyes slanted upward and with a slight grin, she stared at Tonya.

  “First of all, you know how much I love my kitchen, and secondly, I can if I want.”

  “Well, okay then,” Tonya laughed. “What may I ask will be on the menu for the evening?”

  “I’m thinking about making my five-cheese lasagna and spinach salad with fresh garlic bread.”

  “Girl, now you know that’s my favorite dish that you make.”

  Smiling, “Yes, I’m fully aware and Chris happens to feel the same way. You will be going home in a few days so I want to make you some good food while you’re here. Besides, once you start your treatments you may not be able to eat as well. I don’t know, but that’s what I’m thinking.”

  Gazing out the window at the dreary weather Tonya didn’t respond right away. Sam was scared she said too much as she looked at her. They sat there together silent and Tonya looked at her with moist eyes. She smiled the type of smile that said she was having a hard time not breaking down. Taking a deep and ragged breath she kept control of her emotions. She didn’t want to make a scene and have others looking at her.

  “Thank you.”

  “Anything for my best friend.”

  “Do me a favor, please. Don’t say anything to Chris or Junior about this. I’ll tell them tonight when we are finished eating. I would rather it came from me.”

  “Okay, I understand.”

  Their moods had shifted and they both finished their drinks. Walking to the car they had to be aware of where they stepped after seeing the near accident of the woman they watched earlier. They drove to Stop and Shop to get the ingredients Sam didn’t have for dinner and went back to the apartment. Chris would be home soon so she wanted to get started. Tonya asked if it would be okay if she took a nap. She was getting a headache. When she left the room, Sam allowed her shoulders to fall and relax. She had been strong for her friend. She knew she would have to be as best that she could.


  Chris walked through the door and the overwhelming fragrances of spices, sauce, cheeses, and garlic wafted at him and hit him directly in the face. Immediately, he grinned and walked straight into the kitchen.

  “Oh, my goodness! Have I done something good or is this the surprise you keep teasing me about?”

  Sam hugged him and gave him a kiss before answering him. She leaned into him as he held her and looked into his tired eyes.

  “It’s for you too, but I’m making it this time mostly for Tonya.”

  Chris looked around and not seeing her he asked, “Where is she? Is she okay?”

  “She’s laying down. She said she was getting a headache. I should probably get her up. Would you like to call Junior and see if he wants to have dinner with us?”

  Sensing that something was off kilter from her expression he felt he needed to ask.

  “Umm, sure in a minute. What’s going on, honey? I have a feeling you aren’t telling me something.”

  “I asked her not to.”

  Not hearing Tonya walk up behind them they looked at her and saw that she had been crying. Chris was concerned as soon as he saw her and Sam walked over and hugged her. Nobody said anything for a moment and Tonya sat down.

  “Come sit with me, Chris. I need to tell you what’s going on.”

  He looked at Sam and back to Tonya and didn’t say anything, but sat across from her.

  “Okay. I’m all ears.”

  Before going head first into the bad news she sat with her eyes closed and played with a strand of hair. Chris sat patiently and again looked at Sam as she leaned against the counter with a grim face.

  “I wasn’t completely honest with you last week when we planned my surprise visit. One of the reasons I made this trip was to see you both, but also there’s something else.”

  She continued to play with her hair with her eyes closed. It was as if it would be easier to talk about whatever it was without looking at them. She relaxed and took a deep breath and blurted it out without looking up.

  “I’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer.”

  Chris jerked back in his chair shocked by the news. He didn’t know what to say for a moment. He reached across and took her hands in his and felt a lump in his throat. When he tried to speak it came out hoarse.

  “I’m so sorry, Tonya. Is there anything we can do for you?”

  Shaking her head, she barely said loud enough for them to hear, “Not really. At least not right now. I guess with me living so far away now all anyone can do is pray for me. Support from both of you would be very much appreciated.”

  “You will always have that from both of us,” Sam told her.

  “Of course,” Chris added.

  Tonya nodded and dabbed at her eyes again before speaking. “I know. I had to be here when I told you. I couldn’t tell you over the phone.”

  Tonya filled Chris in on everything she had already told Sam and felt better by talking about it. They didn’t dwell on it though. She said she didn’t want to weigh herself down emotionally or spiritually. It would be hard enough when she started the treatments.

  Chris called Junior and asked if he wanted to have dinner. He said that he would love too, but he had a cold and wanted to take a hot shower and get in bed early. He begged Sam to save him a piece of the lasagna and garlic bread which made her smile.

  As dinner finished cooking Tonya helped Sam while Chris took a quick shower. By the time he walked into the kitchen the table was set and the lasagna was cooling enough so it would be easier to cut. They didn’t bring up the topic of cancer again the rest of the evening. There wasn’t any reason to. All of them wanted to relax and enjoy dinner and the company of each other while they could.

  After they finished eating Sam made sure she saved a rather large piece of lasagna for Junior in a Tupperware dish and set it in the freezer for when he came over again. She hoped he felt better soon. It seemed everyone but Chris was going through some type of physical ailments on certain levels. She hoped and prayed he wouldn’t have to.

  Chapter Twelve

  The time for Tonya to fly back home arrived faster than any of them anticipated. None of them knew how long it would be before they would see her again. Chris couldn’t go to the airport with them because he couldn’t miss work, but he made sure he gave Tonya a hug before he walked out the door that morning. A taxi was out of the question, so Sam drove so she could spend every minute with Tonya that she could before she had to board her plane.

  They sat on the hard, uncomfortable chairs as they waited for the time for Tonya to go through the security checkpoint. They tried their best to not be emotional. Neither wanted to say goodbye. This time was harder than the last when Tonya moved. Sam was fighting the fear of never seeing her best friend again, but wouldn’t allow herself to voice it.

  Tonya and Sam watched other passengers get their luggage and valuables from the revolving belt after they arrived. Some looked ragged and some were greeted by loved ones. They saw a tall man in a tuxedo standing nearby looking confused and holding a sign, obviously waiting to give a ride to someone he had never met.

  “I want you to call me the minute you land. You know I’m going to worry about you,” Sam told her.

  Nodding, Tonya’s bottom lip was quivering. She wanted to reply but she couldn’t without bursting into tears. They reached for each other and didn’t say another word. Words weren’t needed all the time and right then they both knew how muc
h they meant to each other. They had a bond that would never be broken. Best friends forever. A sister’s bond. Stronger than blood.

  “If you need me for anything you call me, okay. I’ll do my best to come down and help you. If I can’t for some reason I’ll always be a phone call away or we can Skype,” Sam told her.

  Drying her tears with a tissue Tonya said, “Okay. The same goes for you. You take care of yourself. I need you around for a long time. No more hospitals for you. That’s not a request, either.”

  Sam smiled, weakly and replied, “No worries. I’m not too keen on going back into the hospital, either.”

  “I don’t want to go,” Tonya whimpered softly.

  Sam’s heart yearned to make her best friend feel better. She truly wished that she could, but didn’t know how.

  “Oh, honey. If you really don’t want to go then don’t. You can stay with us for a while if you want.”

  Tonya lowered her eyes and wiped her nose with her already damp tissue.

  “I don’t know. I think I have to go. My uncle will be expecting me back to run the place. Besides, everything I own is down there. I never should have left Connecticut.”

  “Don’t feel that way,” Sam told her and squeezed her hand. “You did exactly what you needed to do for you. There was no way of knowing this was going to happen. Don’t get me wrong. I miss you every day, but you don’t want to regret what you believed was right for you.”

  “I know,” Tonya sniffed. “I miss you so much.”

  “It’s up to you, sweetie. I support you no matter what you decide and I know Chris will too.”

  “Thank you.”

  Ten minutes went by as if they were two, and finally Tonya reluctantly made her decision.

  “I guess I better go back. I don’t want to, but I can’t leave my uncle in a bind this way. I need to get ready for the surgery, too. The doctor said they will try to get as much of the cancer as they can before any treatments.”


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