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Temptation: Sundown Wolves Book 1

Page 4

by Aria Chase

  She never heard him leave, but always seemed to realize it in her sleep, because her dreams would turn to nightmares where she was always alone, seeking Elijah, but unable to find him.

  Try as she did to hide their affair, she couldn’t seem to stop dropping into moments of introspection, regardless of what she was supposed to be doing.

  Mila tried to maintain a front, to act as she always had, but hadn’t done as well as she had hoped, as evidenced by Maeva’s confrontation a week after she had caught her daughter sneaking into her room.

  Luckily, her father had been away on business, giving her a temporary respite from the fury and chaos that would surely come once he sensed she had been mate claimed.

  Mila had just bitten into a piece of toast when Maeva sat at the breakfast table, her expression stern.

  “What is the matter with you, Mila?”

  The toast turned to paste in her suddenly dry mouth, and Mila choked when she tried to clear the bite by gulping down orange juice. Her mother watched impassively as she struggled to get down the mouthful.

  Mila’s voice emerged as a croak when she was able to respond. “What do you mean?”

  “You’re so distant.” Maeva shook her head. “I know you aren’t happy about the union with Jared, but you might muster a little enthusiasm for your wedding plans.”

  Mila bit back a groan. Why would she be excited about planning a wedding that would trap her in a marriage she didn’t want? “I’m content to let you handle it.”

  “That would be fine, but people are beginning to talk. The florist’s assistant has made several pointed remarks about your lack of interest in picking out the flowers. The caterer even mentioned to me that you weren’t very enthusiastic.” Maeva sighed. “Your apathy is garnering attention. None of it positive.”

  With an exasperated sigh, Mila pushed away her breakfast plate. “I told you I didn’t want to marry him. I don’t know how you expect me to jump for joy when I’m being asked to throw my life away.”

  “A hundred girls in this pack would kill for your life, Mila. You could try showing a little gratitude for the comfort a marriage to the Alpha will bring to you. And our family.” Maeva pushed Mila’s plate back toward her.

  “This whole process is just so antiquated and unfair, Mother.”

  “This whole process just one of the many pack traditions you have to accept and enforce as Lupina. Starting today, you’re going to take a more active role in the wedding planning. We’re meeting Jared ’s mother at their estate this afternoon to decide where to hold the ceremony. Do you suppose you can feign some interest?”

  Mila picked at the food on her plate and gave a slow nod. “Sure.”

  All she had to do was pretend she was with Elijah, and she could muster more enthusiasm than her mother could imagine.

  Her lips twitched at the thought, somewhat buoying her from the gloomy mood threatening to possess her when reminded of the reality of the approaching wedding, now less than two weeks away.

  As she and Maeva walked the Sundown Estate with Jared’s mother, Charlotte, Mila found her thoughts turning to Elijah.

  She trailed behind the elder women as they strolled, their animated chatting punctuated by excited gesticulations. Mila pouted silently, careful to plaster a half-hearted, yet amiable smile on her face any time the women turned back to ask her opinion.

  At least someone here is excited about this wedding.

  In the distance, Jared was paced the length of an expansive deck overlooking the property as he argued with his father, probably over some inane pack problem Mila couldn’t care less about.

  Mila was grateful for that small miracle, that he was so preoccupied with pack business that he couldn’t attend this ridiculous meeting. One whiff of Mila, and he would know the truth.

  Jared’s absence this afternoon didn’t solve her greater problem. She had less than two weeks to confess her betrayal to the Sundown Pack, risking punishment by Jared’s hands.

  Or, to run away with Elijah forever. Which meant leaving her family, her friends, and the only home she had ever known.

  She swallowed hard as she thought about the alternative. Would Elijah even survive Jared’s wrath?

  She looked back to the expansive manor, peering at her betrothed as he threw up his hands in frustration. If she looked closely enough, Mila could almost make out his facial expressions. Almost, but not quite.

  Still, his body language was obvious enough as he stalked back and forth. Tense, rigid, without so much as a hint of compassion or compromise.

  His demeanor strengthened Mila’s resolve. She would not — could not — subject her mate to Jared’s fury. They had to leave the island. Tonight.

  She pressed her lips together, biting back the words she wanted so badly to say to the oblivious women making grand ceremony plans just steps away.

  I. Will. Not. Marry. Jared.

  There was no point in saying the words out loud. They would know soon enough. And by the time they realized she was gone, she and and Elijah would be far out of harm’s way.

  The brisk spring air shifted, sending a blustery wind across the sprawling lawns, one that ripped delicate blossoms from the barely-blooming trees and whipped Mila’s untamed hair across her face in stinging lashes.

  As she pushed her tangled locks away from her eyes, she caught another glimpse of Jared where he stood, motionless, at the edge of the balcony. His massive hands gripped the balcony railing, his strong arms locked straight, his head leaned forward and slightly upward.

  She recognized the posture well. His was the look of a wolf who had caught a scent, and was tracking its source.

  He lowered his eyes, and she held her breath as he scanned the estate, his dark stare panning across the lawn in torturously slow motion. His gaze fell on Mila, and he stopped, squaring his shoulders as he lowered his chin to watch her, in the same way a deadly predator watches his helpless prey. Patiently, cruelly, and with complete confidence in his eventual victory.

  Mila froze.

  Her heartbeat quickened. She glanced to Maeva and Charlotte, who were busily recounting the options for placement of the reception tent. She blinked, then looked back at Jared.

  She had no way of knowing how long they stood there, staring at one another across that great expanse of verdant grass. No way of knowing how many minutes she managed to stand still, breath caught in her belly by the uncertainty, the panic, of not knowing what Jared knew.

  Whether it was one minute or ten, she had no idea. But finally, Jared straightened, standing to his full height. He gave a slow shake of his head and raked a hand through his wavy black hair before turning on his heel to go back into the manor.

  She swallowed hard and let out a ragged breath. If Jared had sensed Elijah’s mark on her, time was running out.

  Mila’s body language and air of distraction made it clear she had no opinion on where the reception tent should be placed. The ample expanse of greenery, framed by old-growth hills, offered an abundance of choices.

  But for her part, they could stake it anywhere on the grounds. To her, each suggestion only served as a reminder that she would soon be forced to choose between her love for Elijah and her love for her own family.

  How could she possibly feign any amount of interest in ruining her own life?

  As they topped a hill about a quarter mile from the sprawling manor where the Alpha family resided, Maeva elbowed her.

  “Darling, please select a location. We’ve taken up enough of Charlotte’s time, and I’m sure she has other matters to attend to today.”

  Charlotte turned to them with a soft shake of her head and took Mila’s hand into hers. “Nothing as important as becoming better acquainted with my future daughter in law.”

  Mila swallowed hard. Thoughts of Jared’s suspicion rang in her mind as she gave a small smile and nodded. No doubt Charlotte would be reporting the details of today’s meeting back to her son. She needed to find the fortitude to play doe-eyed bride, e
ven in the face of her objections to the marriage itself. Her safety — and more importantly, Elijah’s safety — depended on it.

  “Besides,” Charlotte offered, patting Mila’s hand before releasing it and turning back to face the sprawling estate, “There’s nothing like a grand wedding to bring the pack together. I want this to be perfect. If the girl needs more time, I can be patient.”

  The neigh of a horse distracted Mila from the direction where Charlotte was facing, and she turned to see a young woman riding toward them on a midnight-black horse with an impressive build. She seemed in complete control of the animal and reined him in just inches from them before sliding to the ground.

  The young woman towered over Mila, clad in a black jacket and jodhpurs with highly polished black boots coming to her knees, she was an impressive figure herself. She looked familiar, especially when she removed the riding helmet to release a fall of golden-brown hair.

  Charlotte gave the woman a distracted nod, but her eyes remained focused on the horse. “Is this the new stallion?”

  “Yes, ma’am. He came in this morning. His handler said he handled the ferry ride extremely well.” As she spoke, the woman patted the neck of the anxiously prancing animal. “Settle, Achilles.” At her firm tone, he immediately quieted.

  The Marceau women stood a few feet away while Charlotte examined the stallion. As she ran her hands down the horse’s neck and side, the handler took a couple of steps backward until she was standing beside Mila. With a stretch, she leaned toward Mila and whispered, “Elijah’s waiting in the stables.”

  Before Mila could completely process the information, Charlotte spoke. “Alyra, please return the animal to the stables. We have some business to wrap up here.”

  Alyra inclined her head. “Of course, ma’am.” With a graceful movement she slipped into the saddle and turned Achilles back in the direction from which she had come. Mila watched them ride away for a second before turning her attention to the mothers.

  “Charlotte, I simply can’t decide between the lakeside lawn and the gardens. You have such an eye for these things. Would you mind taking my mother back to the gardens to see what she thinks?” Mila flashed a smile at the women, her mind searching for a way to meet Elijah without arousing suspicion. “I really need to excuse myself to freshen up. I’ll be back shortly, and we can make a final decision.”

  To her relief, no one proffered an objection. They continued discussing the merits of both locations as she turned and hurried back in the direction of the house.

  Once out of their sight, she veered away from the towering mansion to make her way across the clearing to the stables where her lover waited.


  The stables smelled of hay and horseflesh when she stepped inside. The faint, but pungent, aroma of manure clung to the air and several horses nickered a greeting to her as she passed their stalls.

  Elijah stepped out from one at the end of the aisle, and she broke into a jog, eager to join him. They didn’t bother with exchanging greetings, other than the joining of their lips in a hungry kiss, as he pulled her into the semi-privacy of the horse stall.

  Heat pooled in Mila’s stomach and trickled lower as he cupped her ass, pulling her close. His eager cock pressed into her stomach, and her hand moved between their bodies to stroke it over the worn denim of his jeans.

  When he lifted his head, gasping for air, his cheeks were red with passion. “I didn’t know if you would meet me. I know it’s risky, but I had to see you.”

  She nodded. “I don’t have much time.” Mila tilted her head. “How did you know I would be here?”

  “I didn’t.” He kissed her neck, and she melted against him as he spoke. “I came to talk with my sister. When I saw you strolling across the grounds, as perfect as a picture in that spring dress and white sweater you’re wearing, I asked her to deliver a message for me.”

  That’s why the woman had looked so familiar. Now that Mila knew they were related, the family resemblance was unmistakable. They had virtually the same shade of hair, the same color eyes and similar bone structure, though his sister’s was more delicate.

  Mila frowned. “I didn’t even know you had a sister.” She glanced up at him, panic sparking in her eyes. “Oh my god, Elijah. We barely know each other at all. How can we —”

  “Shhh,” he interrupted, trailing his fingertips across her collarbone to dip down to her breast. “I know I want you.” He snaked an arm around her waist, drawing her flush against him, and gazed into her eyes as he cupped her ass in both hands and nestled her over his bulging cock. “I know I need you.”

  She gasped, relishing the sensation as she moved her mouth over his and dipped her hands between them, hovering her fingers on the fly of his jeans.

  “She said you were waiting for me,” she murmured between kisses. “I had to come.” With quick, coordinated movements, she tugged his fly open and yanked his zipper down, exposing him to her. Her mouth watered when his cock sprang free, colored with arousal.

  He groaned as her fingers flitted over the head of his erection, and again when she pressed her warm palm against his shaft and teased his balls with her fingertips.

  “Mila, what are you doing to me?” His voice was rough, his breath ragged as he caught her wrists in his hands.

  “I want to take you,” she answered in a breathy whisper. “I want to consume you the way you consume me. Every minute of every day.”

  She used his hold to steady herself as she knelt on the hay lining the stall floor, brushing off a wince as the sharp stalks poked through the gauzy dress covering her legs.

  This is no time to be delicate.

  She focused her attention on her mate’s erect cock, stacking her hands over the length of his shaft so she could feel his pulse throbbing beneath her fingers. She glanced up, absorbing the way his dark, hungry gaze smoldered down at her as she moistened her lips with her tongue and moved them over his cock.

  She pressed a kiss to the tip, sliding her lips across the broad head as she opened her mouth to take him in. She felt him shudder as her tongue circled the ridge and moved downward, pressing against the underside of his cock as her mouth made a slow, sure descent all the way to the base of his cock.

  He twisted a hand in her hair and cupped the back of her head, bracing himself on her shoulder with the other hand. He let out a quiet moan as her lips made a slow journey up to the tip of his cock and back down again.

  Up and down, up and down. As she responded to his reactions, Mila’s movements grew more confident, her rhythm stronger, her pace more urgent.

  Elijah’s groan of pleasure echoed through the stall before cutting off abruptly, as if he was reining in his response. His hips bucked when she tongued the bundle of nerves centered in the V where his head met his shaft, and fluid trickled from the tip.

  As he arched against her face, his hand buried in her hair, Elijah said her name in a tender whisper several times. His tone of gratitude brought tears to her eyes, and she looked up at him as his face contorted with pleasure. His cock spasmed in her mouth, bringing a rush of release. He had thrown back his head and a nearly silent howl escaped him, raising the hairs on the back of her neck.

  Her body throbbed with need for him as he came. He sagged forward as his pleasure passed, and Mila removed her mouth from his cock. Elijah’s eyes were tender when he gazed down at her. He didn’t need to say anything to express what he was feeling. She already knew, because she was feeling it too.

  Her heart ached. Oh, how she loved him. It seemed crazy to feel something so strongly after such a short time. And yet she knew it was true, with every fiber of her being.

  She had fallen for him in a single night, drawn by his scent and dominating presence, fueled by the freedom of the full moon. She had surrendered her heart and body to him right then.

  She and Elijah were forever bonded. Elijah was her mate.

  After fastening his jeans, Elijah helped her to her feet. As she stood, all trepidation about b
etraying her duty to the pack vanished in a rush of clarity. She couldn’t possibly marry another man, regardless of her duty to the pack. Her duty to her own heart, to Elijah was all that mattered.

  They had to run away. Tonight.

  They had professed their love over and over since meeting that first night. But when reality hit, would Elijah really betray his pack? Would he really risk his own life to be with her?

  His arms enveloped her, and his breath was a warm whisper against her cheek. “You’re so quiet.”

  She notched up her chin to meet his eyes. “I’m just thinking about things.”

  “What things?”

  Shyness assailed her then, and she dropped her gaze to his T-shirt, fingering the hem as she found the courage to continue. “Jared.”

  He stiffened, and his arms felt less warm and welcoming. His voice took on an icy edge. “I see. Eager for the wedding?”

  She opened her mouth to reply, but he continued before she could speak.

  He stepped away from her, crossing his arms over his chest. “I haven’t been anything, but a last fling for you, have I?” Elijah’s lips curled into a sneer. “One tumble with an Omega who wouldn’t dare tell anyone before going to your life as queen of the manor.”

  Mila reared back as if he had slapped her. Tears welled in her eyes as she reached for his hand.

  “Elijah, please. I—”

  “Don’t.” He cut her off, jerking his hand away as he yanked his jeans up and fastened his fly. He stalked past her, pausing to look over his shoulder as he crossed the threshold. Their gazes locked, and she feared she was on the verge of drowning in their deep brown depths, of throwing all caution to the wind and marching out with him, hand in hand.

  But she couldn’t. Not yet.

  She couldn’t dare challenge Jared so boldly. Such an open display of defiance would mean certain death for Elijah. She would quite literally be throwing Elijah to the wolves.


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