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Follow Me Down

Page 11

by Melissa Toppen

  The way we met was unconventional. Hell, this whole situation is unconventional. But it doesn’t change the way he makes me feel. The things I want when I’m with him. The life I imagine we could have together.

  I want it. All of it and so much more.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “I’m going to go take a shower,” I tell Titus as we head inside the cabin. It’s late, though I’m not really sure how late.

  We stayed at the beach until the sun had fully set, then we stopped at a mom and pop restaurant on the way home for dinner.

  The ride home was even more enjoyable than the ride there. There’s something so exhilarating about speeding down the road, the darkness encased around you as the cool night breeze seeps into your skin.

  It was the perfect end to the perfect day, though by Titus’ next words, I’m guessing it’s not over yet.

  “Think I’ll join you.” He steps up behind me, wrapping his arms around my middle.

  “You aren’t sick of me yet?” I rest my hands on his forearms and cuddle into him.

  “Not even a little. Why? Are you getting sick of me?” He pulls back, spinning me in his arms.

  “Maybe a little,” I tease, giggling when he narrows his gaze at me.

  “So you don’t want me to join you in the shower?” He gives me a knowing grin.

  “Now I didn’t say that.” I wiggle out of his grasp and take off toward the bedroom, Titus fast on my heels.

  I’ve just made it into the room when my feet leave the ground. Seconds later, I’m straddling Titus’ lap on the edge of the mattress.

  He leans forward, kissing the middle of my chest where my shirt dips. At the same time, his hand slides up my back, his fingers dancing against my spine.

  “Mmm.” I drop my head back when his lips move upward, his tongue darting out to slide across my exposed collar bone.

  “Tell me what you want, Fallon.” His free hand pulls the front of my shirt lower so his lips have access to the swell of my breasts.

  “You.” I arch my back when he pulls the material further, sucking my nipple into his mouth through the fabric of my bikini top.

  “Me?” He moves to the other side, repeating the process.

  “You,” I moan when he presses upward, grinding his thick erection between my legs.

  “I think that can be arranged,” he mutters against my chest before both of his hands disappear from my body. My shirt begins to lift, the thin material discarded somewhere behind us before he works the straps of my bikini loose.

  “Titus,” I cry out when he sucks my nipple into his mouth on a deep pull the instant my bathing suit top is gone. He moves to the other, pulling it in just as hard, causing me to wither above him.

  Before I’ve even registered his movements, he shifts, taking me with him. My back connects with the mattress seconds later. With Titus hovering over me, I can see the lust in his eyes, the desperation I know we both feel.

  Like a light switch being flipped, chaos ensues.

  The remainder of our clothes are torn away in reckless abandon, tossed across the room without a care for where they end up. It’s less than a minute from the time my back hit the bed to when Titus is sliding inside of me.

  Like being brought to life, every inch of my body sings as he begins to move inside me. I wrap my legs around his back to give myself more leverage, lifting up to meet each thrust. He hits me so deep I feel him everywhere.

  Only the closer I get physically, the deeper he seems to weave himself into me emotionally. It’s like a nagging, overwhelming feeling that starts in the pit of my stomach and works its way into my chest. Fear and uncertainty blends with something that feels an awful lot like love. Coupled with the pleasure coursing through every inch of my body, it’s almost too much to take. And yet it isn’t nearly enough at the same time.

  When Titus falls apart above me, my name a whispered word on his lips, I already know it’s too late. There’s no fighting it. I can’t deny it anymore. I’m in love and there’s not one damn thing I can do to stop it.

  The thought is quickly drowned out by the orgasm that rips through me, pulling a carnal cry from the back of my throat. My vision blurs and my entire body trembles. The pleasure is so intense I hold my breath for fear of saying something I won’t be able to take back.


  “Good morning,” Titus murmurs against my shoulder seconds before his lips press against my bare skin.

  “Morning.” I smile, snuggling deeper into his embrace.

  Man, and what a morning it is. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to waking up like this. Titus pressed against me; our limbs tangled together. I honestly can’t imagine a better way to start the day.

  I stretch, glancing to the bedside table to see what time it is when something catches my eye. I prop up on my elbow, realizing it’s my cell phone. It takes me a few more seconds to see the white cord extending from the charging port into the outlet next to the nightstand.

  My entire body goes rigid.

  “What the...” I sit straight up in bed before reaching for my phone. “Did you plug my phone in?” I ask, snagging it off the nightstand before tugging the cord out of the bottom and letting it fall to the floor.

  “Yeah. I found it on the floor last night after you had fallen asleep and noticed it was dead. I figured you probably didn’t have a charger with you so I plugged it into mine.”

  “Shit. Shit. Shit.” I throw my legs over the side of the bed as I slide my finger across the screen to unlock it, not surprised when I see the message box lit up with the tiny number thirty-six displayed next to the box.

  With shaky hands I click on the icon, my stomach bottoming out when I see a couple of messages from Christy and several others from my father.

  “Is everything okay?” Titus must pick up on the tension radiating off of me. He sits up and leans in, looking over my shoulder.

  “I just... I need a minute.” I quickly push to my feet and head into the bathroom, locking the door behind me before clicking on the first message thread.

  Christy: Your dad is trying to reach you.

  Christy: I covered for you as long as I could.

  I exit out of the text conversation, and after sucking in a shaky breath, open the thread from my father.

  Dad: Where are you?

  Dad: Call me immediately.

  Dad: I don’t know what point you’re trying to make, but this isn’t funny. Call me now.

  I don’t read through the rest. I don’t have to. They are sure to be much like the first few.

  “Fallon?” I hear the hesitation in Titus’ voice as he lightly raps against the bathroom door.

  I immediately power off my phone, praying to god that my father didn’t think to trace it in the time that it was on, but I already know he probably did. I know him.

  Even still, I try to convince myself that I’m jumping to the worst-case scenario.

  It’s only been ten days. Three days since he expected me home. Certainly he wouldn’t think to trace my phone. At least not yet.

  “I’ll be out in a second,” I call back, doing my best to keep myself from panicking.

  I spend the next couple of minutes washing my face and brushing my teeth before exiting the bathroom to find Titus sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “Hey.” I walk to the other side of the mattress and kneel down, opening my suitcase.

  “Everything okay?” His eyes follow me but he doesn’t get up.

  “Yeah. Fine.” I drop my phone in the bottom of the suitcase and pull out my last clean outfit, a blue tank and jean shorts. “Do you think I could do a load of laundry later? I’m running out of clean things to wear.”

  “Of course.” He pushes to a stand, crossing around the bed. “You sure you’re okay? You seem a little... off.”

  “Yeah, no, I’m fine.”

  He gives me a look that says he’s not so sure he believes me, but thankfully he doesn’t press the issue.
br />   “Okay.” He nods, his eyes following my every move as I quickly dress.

  “I’m gonna go see what there is for breakfast. I’m starving.” I stop next to him, pressing up on my tip toes to lay a kiss to his jaw.

  “Okay. I’ll be out in a few.”

  “K.” I force a smile before quickly exiting the room.


  I’m on edge for most of the morning and afternoon. I keep waiting... Waiting for the other shoe to drop. I know it’s coming. I know he’s coming. I can feel it.

  I’ve tried to keep myself occupied. I did some laundry, stopped in the shop to see the guys for a while, and even spent the better part of two hours scrubbing the cabin.

  What can I say? I clean when I’m anxious.

  I jump when the front door swings open and Titus appears in the doorway.

  “Hey.” He gives me a hesitant look, clearly seeing the strain on my face. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, why?” I answer all too quickly, propping the broom against the wall next to the refrigerator.

  “Well, you’ve been in here cleaning all day.”

  “And?” I shrug. “You’re letting me stay here. The least I can do is help out around the house.”

  Titus shuts the door and kicks off his shoes before turning back to me.

  “You’re pulling your weight in other ways.” He wiggles his eyebrows seductively.

  “Don’t say that.” I crinkle my nose. “Makes it sound like I’m some sort of prostitute.”

  “How so?” He chuckles, joining me in the kitchen.

  “Because instead of paying me for sex, you’re giving me a place to live for sex.”

  He shakes his head, his hands sliding up to my cheeks as he stops in front of me.

  “You could stay here and give me nothing.” He grins. “The sex is an added bonus.” He leans in, laying a light kiss to my mouth.

  My shoulders go tense when I hear a car pull into the driveway and I quickly step away from Titus in hopes of hiding my reaction. I turn and glance out of the kitchen window, but because of how long the driveway is, I can’t see the vehicle yet.

  “Who’s that?” I ask, turning back to Titus.

  “Probably Link.” He shrugs, tugging open the fridge before retrieving a water from inside.

  “I didn’t realize he had left.”

  “A couple of hours ago actually.”

  “You should have told me. I would have come out and kept you company.”

  “I didn’t want to bother you. You looked like you were on a mission.” He smiles, leaning his back against the counter as he twists off the bottle cap and takes a long pull of water. “What the fuck took you so long?” He turns toward Link the instant he walks through the front door. “I thought you were just running into town to pick up a few things.”

  “I did.” He holds up the grocery bags in his hands.

  “Doesn’t take you two hours to pick up two bags worth of groceries,” Titus calls him out, a smirk pulling up his handsome face.

  “Well, I ran into an old friend while I was there and decided to catch up.”

  “An old friend? What old friend?”

  “An old friend.” Link smiles at Titus, the two of them exchanging a look that tells me Titus knows exactly who Link is talking about.

  “Please tell me you’re not back on that boat again,” Titus groans.

  “Forgive me, but not all of us can be lucky enough to have a pretty little thing like Fallon fall into our laps. Besides, after listening to you two go at it like rabbits this past week, what do you expect? There’s only so much my hand can do.” He laughs when he catches the expression on my face.

  “Um, on that note, I’m going to go fold my laundry.” As I excuse myself from the room, the two friends continue to take jabs at each other after I’ve walked away.

  I stop in the hallway and slide open the door that blocks off the washer and dryer. Grabbing my things from the dryer, I drop them into a laundry basket I borrowed from Titus’ room before heading into the bedroom.

  I’ve just set the basket next to the bed when a knock at the front door halts me in my tracks. My heart thumps rapidly against my ribs, drowning out the sounds of my short, shallow breaths.

  “You expecting someone?” Link asks Titus moments before I hear the tale tell sign of the front door opening. The familiar squeal filtering into the cabin. “Uh, can I help you?” He sounds confused, unsure, which tells me my worst fear has become my reality. Not that I should be surprised. I spent the whole day knowing this moment was coming.

  “I’m looking for Fallon.” I swear my legs nearly give out from underneath me at the sound of my father’s voice.

  “Hey, aren’t you...” I hear Link start to say before he’s curtly interrupted.

  “Her father.”

  I can’t see what’s going on, but I can envision the looks of confusion between the men in the other room. I haven’t talked about my father to either Link or Titus. Let alone told them that he’s the well-known and very well-respected governor of North Carolina. Not that they would know that by looking at him, unless they follow politics...which I doubt.

  “Uh, Fallon,” Link calls out seconds before Titus appears in the bedroom doorway, a look I can’t even begin to describe on his face. Maybe a mixture between confusion and concern.

  I can only imagine how I look to him. Probably how I feel. Like I’ve seen a ghost.

  I’m frozen, torn with indecision.

  He knows I’m here.

  I have to face him.

  And yet I can’t seem to make a single muscle in my body move.

  “Hey.” Titus’ soft voice pulls my gaze to him. “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t know.” My voice trembles.

  “Why is your dad here?”

  “I don’t know,” I repeat, though that’s not entirely true. He’s here for me.

  “Fallon, what the hell is going on?” Titus’ brows knit together. “You’ve been acting off all day and then your father shows up? Is there something you’re not telling me?”

  I pull in a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “I’ll explain everything later,” I tell him, stepping past him in the doorway.

  Through the screen door, I catch sight of my father on the front porch and my stomach lurches. I swear I don’t think my heart has ever beaten so fast in its entire life and that’s saying something.

  I avoid Link’s gaze as I push my way outside, forcing my father to take a full step back to allow me room to join him on the porch.

  He’s dressed in his typical suit, the tie loosened around his neck, and his jacket missing, likely tossed over the passenger seat like he normally does after he leaves the office. His hair is neatly combed to the side and he’s freshly shaved, like always. Constantly the picture of perfection, at least on the outside.

  We look nothing alike, my father and me. I’m short and petite. He’s tall and stocky. I have blonde hair and light eyes. He has dark hair and dark eyes. But that’s not where the differences end. If I didn’t know any better, I’d wonder if he was my father at all.

  “Dad.” I swallow past the knot in my throat. “What are you doing here?”

  “What am I doing here?” His nostrils flare as he squares his shoulders in the typical Buckley way. I’ve always been able to tell when I’m in trouble based on my father’s stance. “The real question, young lady, is what are you doing here? You were supposed to be home three days ago.”

  “I can explain,” I start, not really sure what kind of explanation I could possibly give him that he would find acceptable.

  “Explain? Explain how I had to call Senator Riley to find out where my daughter was only to learn that you didn’t return home with Christy. Explain that you didn’t feel it was necessary to call your own father and let him know that you’re okay? Do you know how worried I’ve been? How many people I’ve had looking for you? How many times I’ve tried to call you?”

  “My phone w
as dead.”

  “Your phone was dead.” He crosses his arms in front of his chest. “That’s your excuse. Your phone was dead.”

  “Dad... I...”

  He cuts me off. “Get your things. You’re coming home with me right now.”

  “No.” My response startles us both. I can say I’m going to be my own person until I’m blue in the face, but I’ve never had the courage to defy my father... At least not until today.

  “No?” He rears back like I’ve slapped him across the face.

  “No,” I repeat, my voice stronger, more confident. “I’m not going home with you. I’m staying here.”

  “You are most certainly not.”

  “Actually, I am. And you can’t stop me.”

  “Like hell I can’t.”

  “I’m eighteen. I’m out of high school. I can do whatever I want and there isn’t a single thing you can do about it.”

  “What has gotten into you? What about your friends? Your life?”

  “My friends? My life? What friends? What life? The only life I have is the one you’ve forced me to live.”

  “You mean the life I’ve provided for you? The life I’ve worked extremely hard to give you?”

  “Don’t for one second pretend that anything you have done is for me. It’s for you. It’s always been for you. You have dictated every single second of my life down to the shoes I wear on my feet. Well, not anymore. I’m an adult now and I can make my own choices and I choose to stay here.”

  “That’s enough, Fallon. You are coming home.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  “So then what? What’s your plan? You’re going to stay here in this shack with those two junkies.” He gestures through the front door.

  “They aren’t junkies!” I explode, my temper flaring. “Those two in there have been more of a family to me this last week than you have in my entire life.”

  “You can’t be serious.” He balks at me. “Are you forgetting everything I’ve done for you? What about the plans I helped secure for your future? What about Harvard?”

  “I don’t want to go to Harvard. I’ve never wanted to go to Harvard.”


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