Follow Me Down
Page 13
“I do mean it.” I take her face in my hands. “You belong here... With me. You know it and I know it.”
“I don’t think you’ve fully thought this through.” She seems hesitant, unsure, and I guess I can’t blame her. It’s sudden and unexpected for the both of us.
“I’m not saying this will last forever. I’m not promising you some happily ever after. I’m just asking that you give this a chance. Whatever it is.”
She kneads her bottom lip between her teeth the way I’ve learned she always does when she’s trying to fight a smile.
“You’re sure about this?”
“I am.”
“Okay,” she finally agrees. “I’ll stay.”
“Fucking finally,” I mutter seconds before my lips close down over hers.
Chapter Fifteen
My eyes dart open and I quickly sit up, the remnants of yesterday hitting me like a bolt of lightning. My father showing up here. Titus asking me to stay. It’s like some sort of crazy dream. I blink around the near dark room before my eyes land on Titus laying on his back, arm tucked behind his head, sleeping soundly.
He’s so beautiful it almost hurts to look at him. And while beautiful isn’t a word I would normally use to describe Titus; gorgeous, commanding, sexy as sin, being the first things that come to mine. Right now, beautiful is exactly how he looks.
Glancing at the clock on the bedside table I see that it’s right after six in the morning. Not sure when I fell asleep, or how on earth I feel so wide awake this early, I slip out from under the covers and carefully climb from the bed.
Deciding I’m in need of a toothbrush and a shower, I step into the bathroom and quietly close the door behind me.
Catching sight of myself in the mirror, I have to do a double take. My hair is knotted, and what little mascara I applied yesterday seems to have accumulated under my puffy eyes. I look awful.
I brush my teeth for longer than necessary, my mind still swirling around everything that happened yesterday. Pulling back the shower curtain, I turn the water on as hot as it will go and let it heat up before stripping out of my clothes and stepping inside.
I wet my hair and lather in some shampoo, not realizing I’m no longer alone in the bathroom until the shower curtain moves along the pole.
Peeking one eye open, I catch sight of Titus’ ink splattered chest right before he slides into the shower with me.
“Hey,” he grumbles, his hands going into my hair as he helps me rinse. “You’re up early. You feeling okay?”
I wipe my face with my hands and open my eyes.
“Yeah. Sorry if I woke you.”
“You didn’t. The bed just felt empty without you.” He shrugs, grabbing the conditioner from me before squirting a large dollop into his palm. “Turn around.” His hands go into my hair as soon as I do, working the conditioner from root to tip.
“Mmm.” I tilt my head back further, loving the feeling of his fingers against my scalp. He massages for a few minutes before having me turn back around to rinse.
Laying a light kiss to my bottom lip as soon as the conditioner is rinsed, Titus moves on to the body wash. Squeezing some onto a washcloth, he works it into a lather before pressing it to my shoulder.
He watches me intently as he slides the rag across my collar bone and down the side of my breast. My teeth sink into my bottom lip.
One small touch and I’m already craving the feeling of him inside of me so badly I’m desperate. When he nudges my legs open with his knee and slides the washcloth across the too sensitive area between my thighs, my need for him increases tenfold.
Titus is laser focused, putting all his concentration into washing me.
I, on the other hand, don’t have his type of self-control. Which is why when he moves to pull the washcloth away, I grab his forearm, keeping it in place.
Reaching between us, I peel the soapy rag from his hand so that he’s touching me skin to skin. He lets out a shaky breath and meets my gaze.
Seconds later, our lips crash together.
I moan when his mouth opens and his tongue slides against mine. Two fingers dip inside of me at the same time.
“I want you, Titus,” I pant against his lips. “Right now.” I press down on his hand, needing to feel his fingers deeper.
“I’m all yours.” He smiles as he withdraws his hand and spins me around so that my back is pressed to his front. Titus slides the shower curtain open and retrieves a condom from the top drawer of the vanity. I’m learning this man keeps condoms everywhere. I’m still not sure how I feel about that. I try not to think about all the women who have likely come before me and instead focus on this moment. On him. On me. On how he makes me feel.
Closing the curtain, I hear the rip of the condom wrapper and my body sings in anticipation. “But I’m going to warn you, I’m not going to be gentle.” He presses his hand against the middle of my back and guides me forward so that I’m slightly bent, my backside sticking out.
“I don’t want you to be.” I bite my lip and suck in a deep breath when he lines himself at my entrance. I cry out as he pushes inside, going as deep as he can, planting himself there for a long moment. “Titus.” I push back, urging him to move.
“I just want to feel you for a minute. Fuck, Fallon, you feel so damn good.” The gravelly way he says it nearly brings me to my knees.
As desperate as I am, I let him have his moment, not able to deny how incredible it feels to have him resting heavily inside of me.
Titus leans forward slightly, placing both of my hands on the shower wall in front of me. “Brace yourself.” He kisses my shoulder and straightens behind me, his hands going to my hips.
Sliding out of me slowly, he hisses when he stops with just the tip inside.
“Fuck, Fallon. The things you do to me.” He plunges into me so forcefully I nearly lose my balance. “This is gonna be quick. You feel too fucking good,” he growls, establishing a fast and steady pace. His fingers bite into my hips. Wet skin slapping wet skin.
My hands press harder against the wall as I push back, meeting Titus thrust for thrust. I’m crazy for him, drunk on the feel of him inside of me. Consumed by the incredible ache building in my lower belly.
This is what I need – to forget about everything but this. The feel of him. The sound of my name on his lips. The way he pumps faster the closer he gets.
And just like that, I come undone. Crying out so loud my voice echoes off the bathroom walls around us. The waves of pleasure overcome me, one after another in an endless cycle of pleasure until Titus succumbs behind me.
He growls, his face pressing against the middle of my back as the heat of his release pours into the condom.
“Now that is the way to start the fucking day.” He pulls me upright and drops his face into the crook of my neck, pellets of water peppering his face as he does.
I protest when he slides out of me and turns me in his arms. Pushing wet hair away from my face, he gently cups my cheeks.
“I’m never going to get enough of this. Of you.”
“Good.” I smile, pressing up to kiss his mouth.
Because lord knows I’m never going to get enough of him.
“There she is.” Link looks up at me from the couch, a beer dangling from one hand, a cigarette in the other.
“Here I am.” I smile, managing to get inside without losing the bags in my hands.
“Shit.” He clamors to his feet, snubbing out his cigarette in the ashtray. “Let me help you with those.”
“Thank you.” I happily let him take the bags from me.
“I was wondering where you went off to.”
“I needed to get out for a little while. You know, clear my head.” I follow Link into the kitchen. “Titus let me take the truck.”
“Did you have any trouble finding town? I can’t tell you how many times I got lost when we first moved here. Every freaking road looks the same when you’re surround
ed by woods.”
“I got a little turned around on my way back, but I managed to figure it out.”
“Well then you most certainly are not as directionally challenged as I am.” He drops the bags onto the counter. “What did you get?”
“Nothing really. A couple toiletries. Some juice. A few snacks. I didn’t really need anything. Just felt the need for a little retail therapy. Of course, when you don’t have a job you can’t really afford to buy anything of substance.”
“You should make Titus hook you up with some work. There are plenty of things we could use help with around the garage.”
“Not likely. I’m probably the least helpful person you could have around. I don’t know the first thing about motorcycles. Besides, if I’m going to be staying here, I think I need to find something for myself.”
“Staying here?” He quirks a brow. “As in permanently.” He seems excited by the idea.
“As in, for now.” I smile, turning to empty my bags onto the counter. “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves. I’m still waiting on one or both of you to get sick of having me here.”
“Well I hate to tell you, puppet, but that’s not going to happen. I quite like having you around, and Titus? Well I think it’s safe to say you’ve got my best friend pussy whipped as fuck.”
“What?” I laugh, widening my eyes at him.
“What?” He grunts, laughter rumbling through his voice. “It’s not like it isn’t true.” He slides his tongue over the small ring looped over his lip.
“I’m not even going to comment.” I shake my head, trying to keep my smile at bay.
“Yeah, cause you know it too.”
He lets out a puff of air when I playfully elbow him in the stomach. He inches in closer, reaching for the Carrot Cake Oreos I couldn’t help but buy. They are hands down my favorite.
“Hands off.” I smack at his hand.
“And here I thought we were tight.” He pouts out his bottom lip and gives me the most pathetic look I’ve ever seen. For a hairy, tattooed man, who smokes, drinks, and curses like it’s his job, Link really is a teddy bear.
“We are. Until you made a play for my Oreos.” I wave my finger at him.
“Don’t touch the woman’s Oreos. Got it.” He nods. “Must be that time of the month.”
“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that is quite possibly one of the worst things you can say to a woman?”
“Bet it’s true though,” he says on a smirk.
He’s not wrong, but still.
“Men,” I grumble, peeling open my Oreo pack before taking one out. I make a show of eating it right in front of Link, moaning around the carrot cakey goodness.
“Now that’s just wrong.” Link steps around me and manages to nab a cookie on his way out of the kitchen.
“Hey,” I holler after him, ready to jump on his back and tackle him when Titus comes strolling into the cabin.
He stops in the doorway, his gaze going to where Link is darting to the far end of the living room, to me, preparing to jump over the couch in order to catch him.
“Um...” He scratches his stubbly jaw. “Do I even want to know what’s going on in here?” he asks, humor in his voice.
“Your best friend is about to lose a testicle for stealing one of my cookies,” I tell him, moving one way when Link tries to go that way, only to move the other way when he switches directions.
“Link, she seems pretty serious, man. You may want to give her that cookie back.”
“Oh, I’ll give it back alright.” He holds it up, taunting me with it. “Like tomorrow morning when I shit it out.” With that, he stuffs it into his mouth.
I instantly double over in laughter, Link following suit. When I finally regain my composure, I look over to see Titus standing in the kitchen chewing, a half-eaten cookie in his hand.
“Not you too!” I exclaim.
“Babe, what do you expect? You bring fucking Oreos into a house with two guys, they’re going to get eaten.” I try not to let myself get too distracted with the fact that he called me babe, though I can’t deny the whoosh of excitement that runs through my chest.
“That’s it. I’m moving out.” I laugh, throwing my arms up as I head toward the hallway.
“Oh no you don’t.” Titus chases after me, catching me with ease.
“Titus!” I squeal when he spins me around and tosses me over his shoulder, smacking my backside.
I’m laughing so hard that I barely catch the sound of a female voice seconds before the screen door snaps closed. “Should I maybe come back later?”
Titus swivels toward the door, allowing me to catch sight of the beautiful brunette standing right inside the cabin door. My heart instantly sinks. That is, until he says her name.
“Ellen.” The smile in Titus’ voice is unmistakable. “What are you doing here?”
“I missed my big brother.” Her gaze goes to my face, which I’m sure is red from the blood rushing to my head as I hang upside down. First my father and now his sister. Damn, we really are two for two. Difference is, he seems happy to see her. “Now why don’t you put that poor girl down and come give me a hug.”
With that, Titus lowers me to my feet, his arms going around his sister moments later.
Chapter Sixteen
“You sure you’re okay crashing on the couch?” Titus lays a sheet across the worn fabric, his gaze going to his sister who’s standing in the kitchen eating apple slices.
“Wouldn’t be the first time I slept on that old lumpy thing,” she retorts, shoving a bite into her mouth.
“Given that you showed up here with no warning, I think you should be thankful for our lumpy couch,” Link chimes in, giving Ellen a playful smile.
She throws him a middle finger and snaps off another bite of apple.
Ellen Driscoll is exactly as I pictured her, and yet oddly nothing like I pictured her at the same time. She’s beautiful. There’s no disputing that. Tall, lean, polished. Her long, thick, dark hair is perfect, clearly upkept by regular salon visits. She’s dressed in designer jeans and a blue blouse that make her look both casual and professional at the same time.
I expected all this. What I didn’t expect was how down to earth she is. I don’t know why it surprises me. Her and Titus did grow up in the same household, but I don’t know. I guess I expected her to be like so many of the other snooty, rich girls I’ve met over the years.
“You wound me, Ellen.” Link clenches his chest dramatically.
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head.
“So Fallon, how long have you and Titus been a thing?” She turns her bright green eyes on me.
“Oh, uh, well...”
“It’s fairly new,” Link answers for me. “Though by the way they act you’d think they’d been dating for months.”
“You’re just jealous that she chose me and not your hairy ass.” Titus steps up next to me, dropping an arm over my shoulders.
“So you’re living here?” Ellen continues like neither of them spoke at all.
“I mean, well, it’s complicated,” I stutter, not really sure how to answer or what Titus feels comfortable with her knowing.
“Yes.” Titus’ arm around me tightens. “She lives here now.”
“Well, clearly not very long given the look of this place.” Ellen picks up an apple slice off her plate and points it at her brother. “It’s seriously lacking a woman’s touch.” Her gaze swings back to me. “Perhaps you should do something about that. Though I will say, it does seem cleaner than the last time I was here.”
“What are you trying to say?” Link crosses his arms in front of himself.
“That you two are slobs.” She snorts, popping a bite into her mouth.
“Hmph.” Link makes a sound from deep in his throat. “I’m unsure if I should be offended by that.”
“I don’t care if you are,” she fires back.
The resemblance between her and Titus is obvious, but when s
he smiles it’s uncanny just how much they look alike.
“Alright, you two. If you’re just about finished.” Titus’ arm falls from my shoulders as he heads into the kitchen. “It’s been a long day and I’m ready to call it a night. We’ll catch up in the morning, yeah?” He stops in front of his sister.
“Sounds good.” She presses up and lays a swift kiss to his cheek before turning to dispose of her paper plate. “I’m exhausted, anyway.” She rounds the counter into the living room, snagging her suitcase from where she left it next to the front door. “Think I’m going to take a quick shower first if that’s okay.” Her gaze swings to Link. “That is, if you don’t mind letting me use your bathroom.”
“Gee, I don’t know. Do you think it’s clean enough for you?”
“I’m hoping maybe Fallon got a hold of that pig sty.” She throws me a wink, to which I respond with a nod.
I haven’t had much to do around here, and since I don’t have any other way to pull my weight, I’ve been cleaning like a mad woman.
“A pleasure as always, Ellen.” Link chuckles, clasping Titus on the shoulder as he passes him. “I’m off to bed, kiddies,” he calls, throwing up a wave as he disappears down the hallway.
“If you need anything, you know where to find me,” Titus tells Ellen as he heads back toward me.
“I’ll be fine. Just do me a favor and keep the noise to a minimum. You know what a light sleeper I am.” Her tone is teasing, but my cheeks instantly pinken.
“Ignore her,” Titus mouths, entangling his fingers with mine before pulling me back toward the bedroom.
I wait until we’re inside with the door shut before speaking.
“So your sister, she seems nice,” I observe, stripping out of my jean shorts before replacing them with a pair of comfy plaid ones.
“She’s a pain in the ass.” He laughs. “But yeah, she’s good people. A hell of a lot better than anyone else in my family, that’s for sure.”
“I’m sure she was shocked to show up here and find out that you have someone living with you.” With my back to Titus, I toss my shirt over my head and unclasp my bra, slipping into an old tee.