Easton: Forbidden: Paranormal Romance
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They talked about all kinds of things during lunch. Easton was smart, and told Wayne again that he had a good job that he could do anywhere. Wayne wanted to invite him to stay with him, but was taking it slowly. Not that he didn’t think they were mates, but they both had had some tragedy in their lives and needed to talk about that more than just in passing.
“I don’t really know the people that I’m staying with. The doctor that delivered Alex invited me to stay at his home with him and his mate. Everyone has been so nice to me since I arrived.”
Wayne could understand that. Easton was a nice person. It was then that he asked him if he wanted to stay with him. So much for taking things slowly, Wayne thought.
“I have a great house. It’s huge—too big for just Cara and I…and now the baby. But there is plenty of room for you to stay in one part of it, and wait until we know each other better.” Easton didn’t say anything, and Wayne felt his heart crush. “I’ve been trying to tell myself to slow down, but I’m just so happy.”
“No, it’s great. I was just thinking about how very little I have that needs me to take care of it back west. I have an apartment that still has boxes in it from when I moved in about six months ago. It’s not really big enough for a baby, and all that I think goes into having one around.” Wayne said he could understand that. “I bet you’re all prepared to take your daughter home, aren’t you? What are you calling her, by the way?”
“Abby Jane Carey.” Easton told him what Alex’s full name was. “I love that. Patch is a wonderful name. Do you know where it came from?”
“I don’t, actually. I’ll have to ask around. Maybe someone will know.” The checks were brought, and Wayne realized how late it was getting. “I’ll pay for lunch since you were wonderful in allowing me to be a part of Abby’s birth.”
“Thank you. I need to get some things for Cara. I wanted to get her some roses, but I don’t think she’s big on cut things. And it’s the wrong time of year for planters and such.” Easton suggested succulents. “She loves those. You’re not leaving me, are you?”
“No. I mean, I don’t know where we’re to go from here, but no, I don’t want to leave you. I do have to go by the house where I’m staying and let them know what is going on.” Wayne nodded. “I’ll go with you to see Cara, if you don’t mind, then you can go with me to meet the rest of them. They’ll make you feel like you’ve been a part of their family as much as you and Cara have me.”
They both went overboard when it came to gifts for Cara and the two babies. Wayne could tell that Easton had never been shopping for a baby before. He wanted it all and then some. Wayne did as well, but he was more tempered with his wants to buy. Also, he knew that Cara would brain him if he brought home too many things that Abby wouldn’t be able to wear too much.
Wayne did find some things for Alex. He was enjoying imagining the two children growing up together and being friends. He wanted that for his child, and having a mate here to help him with making his dreams come true was something that he’d never thought would happen.
Cara was happy to see them both. The chocolate was a huge hit, and she fell in love with the robe and slippers set that Easton had gotten her. After she gushed at them for several minutes, Cara said that she wanted to see Alex, so he was brought to the room with Abby.
The two of them were about the same size, he realized. Even though Easton had told him that Alex was slightly small for a newborn, he did outweigh Abby by one pound. Lying in the bed side by side, they looked to him as if they could have been twins.
“Don’t they look like they could be related?” Wayne told Easton that he was just thinking the same thing. “I have no idea where we go from here, Wayne, but I’m willing to move in with you. If you haven’t changed your mind.”
“I haven’t.” Wayne turned then and looked at Easton. “I’m not going to ask you if you’re sure about this, because I’m afraid that you’ll change your mind. What I will ask you, however, is if you’d like to move in as my lover and mate, or someone that is hanging out with us until we get things situated?”
“Honestly, I don’t know right now.” Wayne said that he could understand that. “We’re taking on a lot of things. New babies for us both. A house for me. I have my family that I have to take care of, as well as move my office, which is a huge undertaking, to here. I’m not sure about a great many things. Except for this. This feels like it’s right. Not only that, but it feels like something I need.”
“All right. We’ll take this one step at a time and work from there. Not rushing either of us.” Cara asked if they were all right. “Yes, I think we will be. Just a lot of things to finish up before we can be a family.”
“Easton, do you have a problem with me living with the two of you?” Wayne wouldn’t have thought to ask him that. Looking at Easton when she asked him, Wayne could see the shock on his face too. “I have been friends with and have lived with Wayne since we were children. It might be time for me to move on anyway. Really, it’s all right. I can find myself a new place, no problem.”
“No, that would be terrible for all of us. I’d very much like for you to stay with us. I’d never want you to feel like you need to leave, either. So if I’ve given you that impression, I’m truly sorry.” Cara assured him that he’d not, but didn’t want to intrude. “You won’t. I doubt very much if you ever would either. Besides, you brought the two of us together. It only seems right that you stick with us until we’re both pushing up daisies, don’t you think?”
Ordering dinner for the three of them, Easton went to pick it up. Before he left, he kissed Wayne on the mouth then walked out the door. Wayne turned and looked at Cara, sure that she’d said his name several times before he’d heard her.
“Well?” He asked her what she meant. “You’re happy, aren’t you? I hope so. I don’t think he’s going to be a pushover, nor will he ever try to hurt you. Not like Thomas wanted to do. Easton seems like a genuine person and a kind man. I think you two are perfect together. Especially with the babies and all taking it slowly is good. But Thomas isn’t happy with you, and you need to make Easton aware of him before he comes calling again.”
“You’re right. I just didn’t want him to run off before we even had a change to get to know each other better.” Cara said she doubted that Easton would leave even if he was asked to do so. “No, I think you have that right. Thomas may not ever come back, but he might, so I think you’re right on that. Did you ask for the DNA test when she was born? I completely forgot. That way no one will object to me raising her if you find your mate later.”
“I did you one better. I called a friend of mine to come in and do it for us. He’s coming in tomorrow. I also should warn you that I think Easton is living with the attorney that I called. Jake Winslow is mated to Forrest Stout.” Wayne asked if she was serious. “Yes. When I called to talk to him, he was telling me about his own daughter Jenna. Named after his grandma. Remember her?”
“There is no forgetting anyone like Jenna Winslow. Christ, her son? He’s the one that was recently sent to prison for killing Mrs. Winslow.” Cara nodded. “Well, if this isn’t a small world I don’t know what. Yes, I’ll talk to him tomorrow. Just at lunch, he told me that he’d done the same thing with Alex, had a blood test done.”
“Good. I also think that him living in your house will be much better than him being with someone that he barely knows. I don’t know why I feel this way, but I think Easton has been having a rough life. Not even counting the death of his sister and her daughter.” He asked her what she meant. “I don’t know, Wayne. But he just looks so sad when he thinks that no one is looking. Like he’s about fed up with life, and just doesn’t know if he can take on too much more. You have to make him happy. Not just for you, but for him too. I don’t really think he’s had a lot of happiness in his life.”
When Easton returned, they sat around the little table eating Chinese food. Wa
yne could see it now, the underlying sadness that seemed to be surrounding Easton. He wasn’t sure what it was about, but like Cara, he had a feeling that it wasn’t just his sister’s death. It was a lot more than that.
Chapter 3
Wendell stood before the judge until he was told to sit. He knew that there were rules here too, and he wasn’t going to fuck this up for himself. He’d been told by his court appointed dumbass that he needed to behave, or he’d never see the light of day again. Asking him why he thought that was a real eye opener for Wendell. He remembered the first time they met, and all that he’d been told yesterday.
“They have enough evidence now to convict you without bringing in the first witness. You behave yourself, and I’ll get you the best deal that I can.” Wendell asked him what sort of deal he’d be getting, because he wanted to be home. “I’m hoping that you get life in prison, Mr. Bennett, but I’m not supposed to say that in the courtroom. However, I will give you the best defense that I can. With that, I need for you to be cooperative, polite, as well as cleaned up. Do you own a suit?”
“No. I mean, not one that fits anymore. But I’ve been losing some weight since I’ve been unjustly accused and brought here. I’d surely like to know what happens with my kid, too. Did you hear anything about how he’s doing?”
Dave Shum said that he’d look into that. Wendel knew that he would, because he’d written it down just before he’d been taken away to get a shower.
Not only did he tell him that his son was doing all right, but that he was putting on weight while he was in the hospital. Wendell should have asked him to see when he could take him home, but he could wait. There was gonna be a lot of changes made to his life now that he had himself a little boy to teach. Dave even managed to get him a secondhand suit that didn’t look too bad on him.
Wendell thought that it made him look respectable, something that he’d never looked or been before. Since he’d been a small tyke, he’d been in trouble for one thing or another. Mostly it had been stealing, but as he got older his old habits only got him into more trouble, and then to jail for a year.
Sitting there while he was waiting on his turn to have his say, he thought about Mary. One of the cops had told him that her funeral was going to be held on Tuesday. He wasn’t allowed to go to it, he’d also been told. Why, the man didn’t say, but he did tell him that little Margaret would be buried next to her momma.
Mary had been a timid little thing when he’d set eyes on her. She was sure pretty in that blue cornflower dress that she had on. When he’d had a buddy of his introduce the two of them, Wendell had gotten highly pissed at her when she’d told him that she wasn’t interested. He’d only said hello to her, and she wasn’t interested? Well, she surely got that way after a while.
Smiling to himself, he thought of how he’d gotten to tracking her every move. Once he’d caught up with her on a date with some other dude, and he’d watched them in the movie theater. As soon as they’d left the building, he found out where the guy lived and beat the ever loving shit out of him for taking his girl. Well, he’d actually killed him, but nobody knew that but him and the good Lord.
After that he’d stalked her everywhere. When she went to the store, he was right there with her. Even when she’d go to the bathroom at a football game, he’d be standing there waiting on her when she came out. Twice he’d been arrested, but that didn’t stop him none. It took him taking her to his room a few times before he got her to tell him that she’d be his wife.
Wendell didn’t count that as raping her. No, he was gonna marry her, so that didn’t count at all. He’d also had to beat her around a little. His little Mary was a hell cat. So when she found herself knocked up, she’d had no choice but to marry him. Her daddy had insisted on it too.
The baby didn’t make it, he only just remembered. Of course, she’d blamed that on him. That was when he realized that he might have made himself a mistake by marrying her. She was a shrew, and she took exception to having to be taught a lesson or two. Knocking a woman around was a man’s right, his daddy used to tell him. He had to make her realize that not only was he in charge, but he paid the bills too.
Not that Wendell paid much of anything. He smiled again, thinking of all the times he’d had to go out and steal some money so that he could have himself a nice steak dinner. Mary should have been proud to cook for just him. He was the man of the house, damn it.
When Wendell felt a nudge at his arm, he looked up at his attorney. Dave was telling him to stand up, and it took Wendell a second or two to pull himself from his thoughts. The judge, Judge Winslow, was asking him if he had anything to say for himself.
“I’m not sure what you mean. I mean, I surely have plenty to say, but Dave here, he told me to keep my mouth shut until asked something, and to think on my answer before saying anything.” Judge Winslow said that was good advice, and then asked him the question again. “About my wife getting herself killed? Well, sir, I’m not sure what I have to say about that. But I have to say, it was right nice of her to leave me a son behind. I can’t wait to get him home and teach him how to be a man.”
“What makes you think that you’re going to get your son, Mr. Bennett?” It was his turn to ask him what he meant. “You’re on trial for murdering your wife and daughter. You’re aware of that, aren’t you? I don’t know how you can even think, with these charges against you, that you’ll be getting Alex.”
“Who’s Alex?” Judge Winslow looked on his desk thing, and then found a paper that he’d been looking for. He told him who Alex was. “Nah, that can’t be right. I want him named after me. He’s going to be Junior. Who took it on themselves to name my son that name?”
“It’s my understanding that your wife had a will that was found when the police were there to pick you up.” Wendell told hm that couldn’t be right. Mary was stupid. “Be that as it may, she had it notarized as well as filed. I take it you didn’t know anything about it.”
“No. And since I didn’t, then it can’t be true. Mary was touched in the head, sir. Who would she leave all her worldly goods to, the stuff that I provided for her, except me? No, sir, you must have that wrong. Mary didn’t have nothing unless I said she could have it. So that boy, he’s going to be Wendell Junior, and he’s coming home with me.” Judge Winslow asked for his bailiff to come to him. The will, or whatever it was, was taken to Dave, then given to him. “This don’t mean nothing to me. It’s just words on a paper that don’t mean squat. I want my boy to come home with me.”
“I’m afraid that the paperwork for him to be adopted has already been filed. Not only have they been filed by an attorney, they’ve been witnessed, as well as copies sent to this courthouse.” Wendell wasn’t sure why, but he thought that the judge was having a little fun with him. Like he was happy that Wendell Junior wasn’t going to be coming home with him. “Here is a copy of the adoption paperwork. Easton Hunter, the deceased wife’s brother, was named to take care of any child or children born of Mary Bennett in the event that she was to die of unnatural causes. I think that having her throat slit would count as unnatural, wouldn’t you think, Mr. Bennett?”
“She can’t be leaving my son to no fag. Christ almighty. Even you can see the wrongness in that. I mean, there ain’t no telling what sort of shit this faggot will be teaching him. No, that ain’t going to work for me. You just tear that up, and I’ll take him home with me when this is over.” Judge Winslow just shook his head. “You are going to let me take him home, ain’t you, Judge? That’s my kin, and I want him to go home with me today.”
“Mr. Bennett, I haven’t any idea where you’ve gotten the idea that you’re going home. You may well not ever be home again from the evidence before me.” Wendell looked at his attorney, then back at the judge. “Did your attorney tell you that?”
Before he could answer, even if he had one, Dave spoke up. The little shit was sending him down the creek withou
t nary a paddle. Shaking his head, he listened as Dave told the judge what he’d said.
“I only told him that I’d be trying to get him the best deal I could. Never once did I mention that he’d be going home, Your Honor.”
The judge asked Wendell again how he’d gotten that he was going home from what he’d been told.
“Well, I need to get home. I have things to clean up there.” Someone behind him asked if it was his wife’s blood. Turning, Wendell didn’t know who had said it, but they were all laughing. “Your Honor, this ain’t even right. I have no reason to be in here. I done already told them that I didn’t know who killed Mary. Why, she was a wonderful woman. Stupid for sure, and not worth all that much, but she was my wife. I had to watch out for her all the time so she’d not be hurting herself.”
The pad of paper in front of him blew off the table. Wendell looked around, wondering where the breeze had come from when he noticed that there wasn’t even a fan blowing his way. The curl of something cold touched the back of his neck, and he screamed bloody murder.
“There’s something going on here.” Judge Winslow asked him what he thought that might be. “I don’t know, but if I was a believing man, which I am not, I’d say this place is haunted. What kinda shit you got going on around here that ghosties can come and go as they please?”
“Perhaps someone wasn’t happy with what you were saying about your wife.” Winslow asked him how he wanted to plead.
Looking at his attorney, he could see that he might have messed up something. Dave didn’t look none too happy right now. He then told him to tell the judge if he was guilty or not.
“If you mean did I kill off my wife, then no sir, I’d never do nothing like that.” Winslow asked about Margaret. Wendell had to remind himself who that was. “She didn’t die by my hand either. I heard that she’d starved herself to death.”