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Light (Beautiful Ashes Series, Book 3)

Page 15

by Lora Ann

  “You have two,” Christy warned.

  Keeley hopped off, and Tar moaned at the loss of her pussy wrapped around his cock. “I know, baby. I’ll make it up to you.” She was tugging on clothes quickly.


  She sealed her, “yes,” with a kiss as the key turned in the lock.

  Christy eyed them and then gave Keeley a sly grin. “Your shirt is inside out.”


  Tar reached for her hand. “No need to apologize, Beautiful. I do feel better.” He winked.

  “You have about five minutes before he’s out for the night,” Christy said and stopped at the door. “No more locking it. An officer will be here shortly.”

  Keeley met Tar’s gaze with a frown. “I hate that you’re in here and need protection,” she confessed.

  “Me too, Tigress.” His finger smoothed along the creases in her forehead.

  “What happened to Beautiful?”

  “Oh, you are, but I’m not a stupid man. I’m fully aware you’re working with the team undercover.” His turn to frown.

  She kissed his brow. “Not like that. Never will I let another man touch me the way only you are permitted to.”

  “God, I love you.” He yawned wide enough she heard his jaw crack.

  “I love you more. Now sleep.” She sealed it with a kiss.

  A team member walked with her down the hallway. Her mind, her heart, still back in that room with Tar. The soreness between her legs reminding her of the precious quickie they just shared. She wanted to run back to his arms, but acknowledged, she had to follow through with this mission. His life very well might depend on it.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Her moaning indicated she was still in great pain. He was at a loss on how to help. His fingers raced over the keyboard searching for answers. She was running a decent fever, which, from what he was discovering on his research, meant infection. Surprise was not what Chase felt. It was obvious by the damage done to her female parts that the monster was hell-bent on her destruction. What he didn’t know was if the man responsible intended to kill her slowly, because every piece he read pointed to exactly that.

  Frustrated and full of regret that he didn’t hear her screams and help her, he paced the room. The need to retaliate was building, a cancer spreading through him. He stopped and stared at the open door as realization hit: No one had come in to check on her. Chase reassured, “I’ll be back in a few minutes, Carla.” His hand on her brow telling him her temperature was still high.

  A thorough search proved what he suspected. They were completely alone. A quick test of the door told him he could walk out a free man. “She’s one of them,” came the whisper of his demon. “She chose this life. Let her rot.”

  “So you can have her,” Chase growled back. “She’s not all bad.”

  “Really? Do you sincerely believe she wants that disfigured pecker of yours? No woman wants a man with a misshapen dick.”

  Chase inhaled sharply, knowing how ironic it was to have a snake telling him the truth. “It would be wrong to leave her. She needs help.”

  “If you’re so determined to help her,” he sighed out of boredom, “then go find it for her.”

  Chase stood taller, paying attention.

  The demon saw his window of opportunity. “You’re not just half a man now, you’re also incompetent. Find a real man for the job. That’s the right thing to do and you know it.”

  The seed of self-loathing was planted. The demon let it take root and watched as another human traded lies for truth.

  Her groans could be heard from the back room. A soft voice in his mind reminded him, “She can’t be left alone, Chase. You must do the right thing.”

  He walked through the open doorway and spat out. “I am.”

  The compound didn’t have any guards, he discovered, but he still stealthily stayed to the shadows for cover in case he was wrong. A winding path led him into the thick forest. He wandered for hours with no food or water. Exhaustion pulled him to the base of a giant pine tree. He looked up through the needles, realizing the sun was setting. Panic filled him. He did not know how to get back. Guilt joined the party. And now, Carla had no one to help her. His head hung low. What had he done? His mind began to play tricks on him, but his survival instincts kicked in. The tree became his aid as he used it to help him stand. Shelter was needed for the night.


  Carla called out, “Chase!” but he didn’t answer.

  Instead, a vile, less than human responded, “He’s not here.”

  She shot up and tried to cover herself as best as possible. “Why,” her voice shook, “are you here, Clark?”

  He sensed her fear, and it was warranted, but he needed her help. “Carla, you should be afraid of me.”

  She shrunk back against the bed waiting for the blow that would end her life. “Just do it.” Her bold reply belied her inner dialogue: No, I don’t want to die!

  “I don’t want,” he sighed, “to take your life. I only wanted to warn you.”

  “Ha!” she scoffed, “You have a sick way of delivering a warning.”

  “I don’t disagree with you. I’m sorry really isn’t going to fix what I did,” he confessed. “But if I wanted you dead, you already would be.”

  “That’s true,” she admitted, knowing the man was capable of murder at any moment. “Why are you back so soon?”

  “I need your expertise.” His hand ran through his hair, and she noticed how worn he looked.

  “You want my help?” she inquired, dumbfounded.

  “You’re her only chance.”

  Anger set in. “Why would I help you?”

  He got right in her face and pulled her fevered forehead to his. “Because I still am considering if you will live through this night, save her, and I will make sure the best plastic surgeon in L.A. puts you back together. But…if she dies, your torture has only just begun.” His tone menacing, his breath hot as he licked along her cheek.

  All madmen must follow a handbook. They said the same things, basically. Tortured, maimed, raped, killed, didn’t matter to them as long as they got exactly what they wanted. Goddamn fucking megalomaniacs! “I suppose this is where you expect me to beg and promise to save whoever this ‘her’ is?”

  His bite was hard, drawing blood from her cheek. “Next time I’ll tear it open.”

  She held eye contact with the sick motherfucker, inwardly thinking, You’re nothing compared to who I once worked for. And he’s six feet under, thanks to me. “Yes, Sir,” she forced out, attempting to move away from him and stand.

  His hand shot out to assist her. She was freestanding when he announced, “You be extra kind to her.”

  Her look said it all.

  He replied, “Because she’s my wife.”

  Carla fought the gasp until he left the room. Jesus, his wife?! Did she know what he was capable of? Aware of his dirty dealings? And now she understood his desperation. Surely he comprehended she wasn’t a god who could just heal at will. Yet here her life lay on the line with his wife’s. Fan-fucking-tastic!


  He crept along the halls careful to hide from the grownups. Cole learned that hospitals were easy to get around during the night. Less people and busy staff meant empty places with little light. His uncle lay still with more bags feeding into his arm. He snuck toward him and gasped when emerald green eyes locked on his pale jade ones. “Uncle Tar,” he swallowed.

  “Hey there, Buddy.”

  “Y-y-you know me?”

  “Of course…Ohhhh, I take it this,” his finger tapping his temple, “wasn’t cooperating before.”

  “You didn’t know my name.” His face fell and tears were visible.

  “Come here, Cole.” Tar sat up arms opened wide.

  Cole dashed across the space and leaped into those big strong muscles. “You remember!” he sang out.

  His voice caught on the emotion, taking a minute to hug the nephew who’d s
tolen his heart. “Everything,” he assured.

  “You going to help my daddy?”

  “As soon as they release me,” Tar affirmed.

  “I think that’s where auntie is,” he announced proudly.

  Tar couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face at his nephew referring to his fiancée as ‘auntie’. “I think,” his finger resting along the child’s forehead, “you are a very smart boy.”

  The gleam in Cole’s eyes matched the beaming smile on his face. “You’re all better, right?”

  “Sort of, Partner. I have an infection and the stitches are still in my head.”

  “Can I see?” The awe not lost on Tar.

  “Yeah, here. Climb behind me.” He held his nephew’s arm so he wouldn’t fall off the bed. Cole was resting at his back as he pulled the gauze free. “Do you see it?”

  “Ewww, it’s all puffy and slimy.” Repulsion in his voice.

  Tar chuckled. “I told you it was infected.”

  “That means sick?”

  “It does.”

  “Ahhhh, but those make it better?” He pointed to the bags hanging on the IV pole. Forgetting his uncle didn’t have eyes in the back of his head, he reached for them and lost his balance.

  Tar’s reflexes were swift and he caught the boy before he fell headfirst. “Whoa there, Partner, we don’t need another boo-boo in this family.”

  Cole gulped, “No,” and shook his head emphatically.

  He pulled his nephew around to his front. Cole snuggled up against the warm hard body of his uncle, feeling safe there, protected. “Why are you here, Buddy?”


  “She’s in the waiting room?”

  “No. She made them take me.”

  “What?” He pulled Cole up to look in his eyes. “Who took you?”

  “A doctor lady and a man nurse. But my angel kept me safe. Well, except for the fuzzy shot. I didn’t like that,” he yawned.

  “Your mom knows about your angel?” Tar was slowly connecting the dots, the picture made him sick.

  “Uh-huh, but then mommy’s doctor friend helped me.”

  “Does your mom know that?”

  “Nooooooo. My angel protected me.”

  “Cole,” clasping tiny shoulders while holding his gaze, “where is your mom?”

  “I dunno. She did bad, Uncle Tar.” His voice quivered and he looked away.

  He slid a finger under his nephew’s little chin and drew those tear-filled eyes to his. “I’m not mad at you, Buddy. I need to know what your mom did, so I can help her do the right thing.”

  Cole shook his head slowly. “You’ll be mad at Mommy.”

  He wasn’t going to lie. “Maybe, but sometimes being mad can be helpful.”

  Cole thought about that for a moment then spilled, “The infession on your head.”

  “Yeah,” Tar encouraged, thinking how adorable it was that Cole still mispronounced words, and how much he’d missed him.

  “Mommy put the shiny thing in it.”

  Tar sat there speechless. A million thoughts ran rampant through his mind, a hornets’ nest of nothing but buzzing, mean, nastiness. With a deep cleansing breath, he told Cole, “Thank you for telling me the truth.” He wrapped the boy tight in his arms. “You are very brave. I’m so proud of you, Buddy.”

  “Mommy’s in big trouble.” His little arms squeezing his uncle’s thick neck.

  “I won’t lie to you, Cole. Yes, she is.”

  “Do grownups go to the naughty spot when they do something bad?”

  “In a way. It’s called jail.”

  Cole sucked in a breath. “Where will I go?”

  “With me, Buddy. Auntie and I will take good care of you. But I’m hoping,” he held the child’s face in his big hands, “your daddy will be home to take care of you.”

  “Promise, Uncle Tar?”

  “How about I promise to do my best and we pray together,” he assured.

  “I like that, a lot.”

  A bit later Christy came in to check on Tar before her shift ended. She gasped, “Oh, you have a bed partner.”

  Tar gave her a sleepy grin. “My nephew. I’m sure someone is probably looking for him.”

  “I’ll handle it.” She studied him for a moment noticing the deep worry lines etched around his brow. “You okay?”

  “Not so much.”

  “Anything I can do to help?”

  “I wish you could,” he sighed. “This sweet little guy sure doesn’t deserve to be without his parents.”

  “Well, I think he’s pretty lucky to have an uncle who loves him so much.”

  He smiled. “Thank you for that. Let’s hope his soon to be auntie is ready for such a huge responsibility.”

  “Keeley, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” His whole face lit up.

  “She loves you very much. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

  “From your lips to God’s ears.”

  “You doubt her love for you?”

  “Not at all. I’m concerned about him.” He wrapped a protective arm around Cole.

  “Don’t underestimate a woman’s heart, Mr. McNeil. We’re known for loving many at once. Far more than you realize.”

  He pondered that for a moment then nodded. “You’re right.”

  “Of course I am. Hello, I’m a woman,” she giggled on her way out.

  But his good mood slowly faded as he lay there holding his nephew. Lisa had gone too far. Justice must prevail. The dilemma was how to get her confession so her son was not forced to take the stand. Only one thought came to him, he’d have to resort to a kind of seduction. He knew his boundaries, how far he could go. Question was, would Keeley understand the why behind it all? He needed to talk to her about it. If she wasn’t onboard, they’d come up with a better plan—together.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Un-fucking-believable! She actually managed to make sense when all of his training told him how wrong she was. Mitch wore a hole in the carpet, his steps agitated and his mood dangerously close to rage. He spun on her, “Keeley, for fuck’s sake, I hear your logic, but you have no experience to back it up with.”

  She met him toe to toe. “I know how these clubs work. And I know how recovery works. Don’t you tell me that just because I’m not a soldier I have no clue what I’m doing.”

  His exasperation coming through on a growl. “Do not act as if I don’t understand the healing process. He’s my fucking best friend. You think I want him alone in a hospital with a murderer after HIM!”

  The roar was deafening but she refused to step back or back down. “Playing the man card. Really? Don’t stand there flexing your fists and puffing out your chest unless you plan on handling this like a man.”

  His smirk was cocky as hell. “You wanna have a go? By all means, Princess, let’s do it.”

  They marched into the gym where the mats were, both throwing off their shirts. Mitch stood there with finely honed muscles, a man who trained daily and was no stranger to a good fight. Yet Keeley was no wimp. Far from it. Her sports bra didn’t begin to cover the taut muscles of a woman who knew her way around a gym and could also fight, he’d seen her in action. Shelby limped in. “Mary mother of Jesus, you two play nice,” she ordered.

  Keeley glanced over, “Lay the ground rules,” she grit out.

  “Alright, I want a fair fight. You have eight rounds of full contact. Winner gets to call how we proceed with this mission.”

  E walked in and made his way between Mitch and Keeley. “What the fuck are you thinking?” His gaze darting from one to the other.

  Keeley spoke up, “He needs to see that my balls are every bit as big as his.”

  E’s eyes widened at that. “Damn, girl, you really are a tigress.”

  She responded with a tight nod of her head.

  His leveled gaze now on Mitch’s. “She right?”

  He scoffed, “She seems to think because I don’t want her at that hospital means I don’t give a shi
t about Tar. About time this little girl learned chain of command.”

  Keeley taunted, “Bring it, big man,” as she circled him.

  Shelby put a hand on E and pulled. “You better move.”

  “They’re serious,” he said in utter disbelief.

  “And stupid, but that’s beside the point,” she grumbled.

  E smiled at her. “Saucy woman.”

  “So you all keep saying,” she huffed.

  Mitch got in the first strike, throwing Keeley back, but she didn’t stay there. Her instincts coming in to play as she used the training he, Leith, and Tar had given her. The kick was high for someone so tiny, and he saw why as her foot made contact with the side of his jaw. “Nice jump kick,” he praised, wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth.

  The fight remained fair—and beside his better judgement, Mitch was trying to go easy on her—until things really got rowdy.

  “Round six,” Shelby called out.

  Mitch finally got her to the ground when E stepped in. “No. That’s enough of this bullshit.” But E didn’t see Keeley’s move to get on her feet. She went for a round house kick with E in the line of fire. He laughed as she knocked him to his ass. “Very nice. Teach me not to watch my backside.”

  “I’m sorry,” she muttered.

  “Don’t be,” E assured.

  Mitch used the distraction and took her down where they began to grapple. He had her in a hold where most grown men would’ve tapped out. Keeley was neither a man nor would she accept defeat. Her tiny frame gave her some serious advantages, along with a limberness he was unaccustomed to. She flipped him and got the upper hand. He was howling in pain as she pulled back hard enough one could hear his body protesting. She whispered, “Tap. The fuck. Out.”

  He hated it, but she’d won fair and square, as he tapped out. She climbed off and helped him to his feet. “You okay?” Her voice laced with concern.


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