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You Will Be Alright

Page 15

by E. L. Todd

  “What are you thinking about?” she asked.

  I decided to go with the truth. “Making love to you.”

  She didn’t react in any noticeable way. She didn’t seem offended or tempted. “Where?”

  “Where what?” I asked quietly.

  “Where are you thinking about us making love? On this table?”

  “No. In my bed.”

  She held my gaze with confidence. She was already more like she once was. Her calmness had returned. She wasn’t nervous around me anymore, afraid I might kiss her or hurt her. She was the brave woman she once was. And I liked to see that. It’s like we were back in time, except I was the man I should have been then. “Is that what you want?”

  Was this a trick question? “Silke, I’ve wanted to make love to you since the moment we parted.”

  “But is that what you want tonight?”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I want anything you’re willing to give me. But I don’t expect anything nor would I be disappointed if nothing happened.”

  “I have a hard time believing you,” she said with a playful smile.

  “Well, there is one thing I’d really like to do…if anything.”


  “Sleep with you,” I said immediately. “You know, in my arms until morning.”

  “Last time I slept with you it was comfortable.”

  “Well, I’m a beast,” I said. “I keep you warm and protect you.”

  Emotion burst in her eyes at the nickname but she didn’t comment.

  Silence stretched between us for a long time. I wasn’t sure what to do or say. In a way, I liked it. So, I let it linger.

  The pizza arrived and gave us something to do. She nibbled on her food quietly, and I watched her eat, trying to be discreet about it.

  “How’s Abby?”

  “Good,” I said. “She’s been struggling in math so I’ve been helping her.”

  She nodded. “Good thing she has such an intelligent father.”

  I shrugged in response.

  “Everything is good between you and Lydia?”

  “She and I get along well,” I answered. “I’m thankful for that so Abby isn’t uncomfortable. She can see that we still like each other even if we don’t love each other. And she doesn’t hope that we’ll get back together someday. Even though she’s young, she understands I love you.”

  “She’s very observant.”

  “And talkative,” I said. “She didn’t have a problem telling you how I felt a few months ago at the museum.”

  She chuckled. “That was cute.”

  “God, I was mortified.” I sighed at the memory.

  “Kids are honest,” she said. “It’s nice but also irritating.”

  “Yeah…” Whenever I wasn’t around Abby, I missed her. But when I was with Silke, she was the only thing I was thinking about. Time seemed to stop when we were together.

  “I’m guessing you told my parents about us?” she asked casually.

  “No. I figured we’d tell them together—when you’re ready.”

  “Well, that’s a nice change,” she said sarcastically.

  I smirked. “I suppose.”

  “I guess you’re my adoptive brother—in a way.”

  “That’s pretty hot.” I winked at her.

  “Ooh…brother and sister getting it on,” she said with a laugh.

  “Good thing we look nothing alike.”


  When we finished dinner, I paid the tab. I was glad Silke didn’t bother trying to pay. I wanted her to know I’d be paying for everything from now on—until the day I died. Now she was mine and she’d never have to worry about anything ever again.

  Hand in hand, we walked down the street.

  “You want to go to your place?” she asked.

  What was she implying? “It’s up to you.”

  “Well, your place is nicer than mine and your bed is super comfy.”

  What was she implying? I shouldn’t get excited over anything. But at least it seemed like she would be sleeping over. I’d take that any day. “Wherever you feel more comfortable.”

  We reached my apartment then walked inside. The weight of my desire hung on me but I tried to fight it. I couldn’t help wanting her. It wasn’t a physical or lustful desire. It was just need—inexplicable need. “Want to watch TV?”

  “Not really.”

  My skin prickled. “What would you like to do?”

  She walked down the hallway to my bedroom without saying a word.

  I tried to remain calm. My cock was betraying me and it was harder than a rock. I kept my cool and tried not to get overexcited. It was our first date, so we shouldn’t rush into anything. There was plenty of time for lovemaking later. But if she was offering…I’d have a hard time being a gentleman. A really hard time.

  I followed her a moment later then entered the room.

  She stood at my drawer as she went through it.

  “Looking for a t-shirt?” I asked quietly.


  I opened the drawer beside her. “Here you go.”

  She grabbed a black one sitting on top. “I think I’ll wear this one.” Her hand moved to my chest. “But I’d prefer the one you’re wearing. It smells like you.”

  Without thinking, I pulled it off and handed it to her.

  She stared at my body without shame, the desire inside her eyes.

  I was grateful I stayed busy in prison. It was paying off now. She always looked at me like that, but that want was heightened. It made me feel worthy and wanted, and not just because I was good-looking. I knew her desire transcended several layers.

  Silke came closer then pressed her lips against the skin covering my heart. She kissed the area gently, letting her touch linger. Then she looked up at me, her face unreadable.

  I stared at her, stunned that something so beautiful could love me.

  She held the shirt in her hands then brought it to her nose to smell it. “It smells like you.”

  I lost my voice for a moment. “I hope it smells good.”

  “You always smell good.”

  I stood there awkwardly, wanting to lift up her shirt and pressed a kiss in the same place. But I held back. “I’ll let you change.” I stepped around her and headed to the door.

  “It’s okay,” she said quietly.

  I stopped in my tracks and turned around, hoping that was what she would say.

  She peeled her dress of then let it fall to the floor. She wore a black bra and matching thong. Her long legs were toned like they once were, and they were flawless. Her stomach was tight and flat and I remembered the way I used to kiss the area. Her breasts were perky and round. I missed kissing them.

  My throat went dry.

  Then she pulled the shirt over her head and it reached past her thighs. She dug her fingers into her hair and played with it slightly. Her long locks trailed past her shoulders and framed her face.

  I couldn’t stop staring.

  Fuck, she was beautiful. She was a fantasy. She looked exactly as she did when I closed my eyes and wrapped my hand around my shaft. Every inch of her was exquisite. Actually, divine.

  She moved to the bed then got under the covers.

  I stood there, immobile.

  “Come on,” she whispered.

  I snapped out of my trance then pulled my jeans off. My cock was outlined in my boxers, but I couldn’t hide my arousal around her. I didn’t see the point in trying to hide it. It was impossible.

  I got into bed beside her then turned on my side. The lights were off but I could see her face. She stared back at me, the glint from the skyline reflecting in her eyes. My hand moved to her leg then up her shirt. When I reached her hip, I rested my hand there. I wanted more but I didn’t want her to think I was asking for more.

  She wrapped one arm around my neck and rested her hand in my hair. She dug into the thick strands and felt them in her fingers. She looked into my eyes, se
arching for something I couldn’t figure out.

  There were a million things I wanted to say to her, but there was also nothing I wanted to say. I couldn’t believe this moment was real. I couldn’t believe she was in my bed wearing my t-shirt. I couldn’t believe she was giving me another chance. The life I always wanted was in reach. If I hadn’t gained Silke’s love, I wasn’t sure how my life would have turned out. I felt like the luckiest man alive. Like an angel, she came into my life and blessed me. She outlined the path and led me to where I belonged. And despite the horrible pain I caused her, she forgave me.

  “I won’t let you down,” I whispered.

  Her fingers continued to stroke my hair. “I know.”

  “I promise.”

  She nodded slightly.

  I continued to stare at her, wondering if this was a dream. How often did people get to spend their lives with the one person they truly loved? How did I get lucky enough to be with the woman of my dreams? She wasn’t only beautiful, but she had a soul that was coupled with mine. Our love transcended time in space. It made up everything.

  Her skin felt warm under my hand, and I felt the curves of her hip and stomach. Every inch of her was perfect, like the creator had chiseled her into the exact perfect creature that she was.

  It was only eight o’ clock so it was too early for bed, but I didn’t mind lying there staring into her face. She stared back, and that made me feel alive.

  Silke scooted closer to me then wrapped her long leg around my waist. Her chest was pressed to mine and we were extremely close together. Naturally, my hand moved to her bare thigh. “Do you want to have more children?” she whispered.


  “Abby isn’t too much of a handful?”

  “No.” My hand massaged her thigh. “I definitely want more—with you.”

  “I want to have children too.”

  “We can make them—right now.” I gave her a playful look.

  “I wouldn’t object.”

  My spine shivered but I didn’t make a move.

  Her hand moved to my chest and stopped at the area over my heart. She felt it beat. “Your heart is beating so fast.”

  “Because I’m with you.”

  “I make you nervous?”

  “You make me soar.”

  Her hand moved back into my hair then she moved close to me, her lips an inch from mine. “Why aren’t you kissing me?”

  I stared at her and swallowed the lump in my throat. “I guess I fear it will lead to other things…”


  “Stuff you aren’t ready for.”

  “And what makes you think I’m not ready for it?” she asked quietly.

  “We just got back together. I’d kill myself if I screwed this up again.”

  “You can relax, Arsen,” she said. “Just be yourself.”

  “I am,” I said. “I just don’t want to get carried away. We don’t need to rush anything. I don’t want you to think I’m pressuring you or expect anything.”

  “I know.”

  “We can wait until marriage if that’s what you prefer.”

  Silke released a quiet laugh. “Do you not know me at all, Arsen?”

  “I’m just saying…”

  “Well, I don’t want to wait until marriage. Neither do you.”

  “But we don’t have to do it now.”

  “There are other things,” she said.

  I wanted anything she was willing to give me. I wanted to kiss her body and taste her skin. There were a million things I wanted to do.

  She stared at me, silently begging me to make a move.

  Unable to hold back anymore, I did. I moved her to her back then crawled on top of her. One hand dug into her hair, and my mouth found hers. Our lips touched and my entire body tensed before it relaxed again. I took a deep breath, feeling the sting of our embrace.

  Silke wrapped her legs around my waist and gripped my shoulders, anchoring me to her. Feeling her small body beneath me and seeing the enthusiasm she was showing me was making me shake.

  I kissed her hard on the mouth then parted her lips with my tongue. She released a quiet moan and dug her nails into my skin. She reciprocated with greater passion, wanting me as much as I wanted her. She tightened her legs and squeezed my waist.

  Moments like this made me forget the world outside my window. All I knew was Silke. She was mine, and I didn’t have to take her. She gave herself to me freely. Every kiss and touched belied her love for me. I hadn’t touched or had another woman besides Silke, but somehow our rendezvous was better than it used to be. It was like the first time again.

  When her hands moved to the brim of my boxers and started to pull them down, my lips became immobile. Excitement coursed through me because I wanted to be inside her so much. But I wanted it only if she was ready. We had the rest of our lives to make love. The first time needed to be nothing but perfect.

  She pulled them down to my knees and I kicked them off the rest of the way. Silke looked down and stared at my size. “You do have a big dick.” Then she looked up at me, a playful expression on her lips.

  My eyes burned in adoration. “He’s the same size as before.”

  “Seems bigger.”

  My hand moved to her thong and I slowly pulled it down.

  She lifted her hips and allowed me to remove them completely.

  Then I stared at the area between her legs, feeling the longing drive me forward.

  “Do I have a big vagina?” she asked.

  I tried not to laugh. “No. Same size as before.” I grabbed her shirt and pulled it off. When I saw her naked chest, I froze. Her tits were perky and round, and I wanted to take them into my mouth and suck each one.

  Silke wrapped her legs around my waist again then pulled me to her.

  I moved over her then took one nipple into my mouth. I kissed and sucked, feeling my body burn in desire as I felt her. She tasted as good as I remembered. I kissed the other while she arched her back, giving me more of her. While I kissed her, my fingers moved to the area between her legs and I rubbed her clitoris in a circular motion.

  Silke moaned harder for me and dug her fingers into my hair. “Arsen…”

  I paused, feeling my spine shiver. I loved hearing her say my name. I’d wanted to hear it for so long. Then I continued to kiss her while I rubbed the area between her legs. She became wet, soaked. I could feel it on my fingertips.

  When Silke latched onto me and dug her nails into my skin, I knew she reached her climax. She breathed hard like she’d just run a marathon, and a moan escaped her lips. Then again and again. “Oh god…”

  I pressed my forehead to hers and she fell over the edge. I watched her face flush in heat and her lips form a perfect O. I loved pleasing her, giving her the satisfaction she deserved.

  When she finished, her nails stopped digging into me, and her breathing returned to normal. Her hands moved into my hair and she kissed me passionately, being more aggressive than she was before. Then she abruptly broke our kiss then licked her palm.

  As soon as she did that, I knew what was coming.

  Her hand wrapped around my shaft and she gave me a gentle squeeze.

  I released a heavy breath, loving how good it felt. Then I kissed her again, wanting our mouths to meld together.

  Silke gave me long and even strokes, the way I preferred. She didn’t touch my head because she knew I preferred touching my shaft. She remembered everything I liked. She kissed me at the same time, giving me the best pleasure I’ve felt in a long time. The deep burn in my gut arose and my entire body was on fire. My chest heaved with the sensation she was giving me. I tried to keep kissing her but it was becoming impossible to do. My entire body was shutting down from the explosion about to happen between my legs.

  Silke moved her kiss to my neck, kissing and sucking. Her tongue moved to my ear and she whispered sweet nothings to me.

  “I’m about to come,” I said with a shaky breath.

cupped my tip while she continued to rub my shaft with her hand. She kissed me at the same time, bring multitasking to a new level.

  My body tensed in preparation for the explosion. My breathing grew labored and raspy. I hadn’t even reached my climax and it already felt so good. I held onto Silke as my body gave way to what she was doing to me. “Fuck.” I released into her hand and felt the unbelievable goodness spread through my body. I squeezed Silke tightly so I had something to hang on to. When I finished, I felt tender. Slowly, the mask of pleasure faded away. My breathing slowed and logic returned. The orgasm I had with her was a million times better than the ones I had on my own. Even though I thought about her while they happened, they still weren’t comparable.

  She looked into her hand. “Impressive.”

  I chuckled lightly while I looked at her. “You give great hand jobs.”

  She smirked. “That was my original major in college, but I made the stupid mistake of changing it.”

  “You would have been at the top of your class if you stayed.”

  “Darn.” She went into the bathroom then washed off before she returned.

  Once she was in the bed, I snatched her and pulled her to my chest. Now that my sexual desire had been satisfied, for the time being, I could hold her and cherish her without a constant boner pressed into her thigh. I wrapped her leg around my waist and held her tightly. “Sleep with me tonight.”


  “Sleep with me every night,” I said.


  “Sleep with me forever.”

  Her eyes softened. “Okay.”


  Silke and I walked into the tattoo parlor holding hands. Customers sat in the lobby, and the distant sound of machines echoed in the background. Ryan and Slade were at the counter, reading a clipboard.

  We walked up to the desk and patiently waited to be acknowledged. I turned to Silke and smiled.


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