Ride Like You've Never Fallen (Summer Lake Book 11)

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Ride Like You've Never Fallen (Summer Lake Book 11) Page 12

by SJ McCoy

  She looked up into his eyes. “Don’t let me fall.”

  “I promise.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Lily was dreading the engagement party this afternoon. She and Nate had decided that they were going to leave as soon they could. She didn’t want to spend another night under her parents’ roof. Not that they’d been anywhere near as bad as she’d expected. They’d taken a liking to Nate, and that seemed to soften their attitude toward her. She mustn’t be so bad if she could manage to snag a good-looking, successful guy, huh?

  Breakfast had even been pleasant. Rose and Andrew hadn’t surfaced. Apparently, they’d come in very late last night. Lily and Nate had sneaked in late themselves in damp sandy clothes from their play on the beach. There’d been an awkward moment when her dad had seen them both going into Lily’s room. Apparently, Nate had misunderstood and thought they were sharing a room—her parents would never allow that! She’d made a big deal of coming out again and showing Nate to his own room and had come out of there to her dad’s knowing smile as he stood on the landing, waiting and watching. Other than that, Nate seemed to have completely won them over.

  This afternoon would be a bore at best and more likely an ordeal. But they’d get through it. Then Nate was going to get a call from work that would take him back to the lake. And since the party would be done with, Lily would be free to go with him. She could spend tonight back in her own bed, or Nate’s. She didn’t care which, as long as she was with him, and they were gone from here.

  She was sitting out by the pool watching the ocean. She did love to do that; she missed the beach, but it was a small price to pay to be able to live her own life. The lake was beautiful, too. It just wasn’t the ocean. Her mom came out to join her and sat down on the lounger next to her.

  “Nate’s delightful, Lily. I’m so proud of you.”

  Lily bit her tongue. Maybe she was just too sensitive when it came to her parents. Did it really matter that she wanted her mom to be happy for her? She should be glad that she was proud of her. That was a great achievement in itself. “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Do you think he’s the one?”

  That was the last question she would have expected. She’d have thought her mom would want to know if she thought he was successful enough, or when he planned to leave Summer Lake for somewhere better and if she thought he’d take her with him. She looked into her mom’s eyes, not sure how to answer, not only because the question took her by surprise, but also because she didn’t want to admit the answer—especially to herself.

  What she saw in her mom’s eyes surprised her even more. She saw love and concern and hope.

  “You really care, don’t you, Mom?”

  She nodded slowly. “I care more than you know. Sometimes I think you see me as this ogre. I’m really not. I want so badly for you to be happy. I want you to find someone who will keep you safe, someone who can provide well for you.”

  Lily felt her eyes fill with tears. She felt so bad. She had always assumed that what her mom wanted was for her to marry well, so that would reflect well on the family. She swallowed.

  “What is it?”

  She shook her head. “I love you, Mom.”

  She wrapped her in a hug. “And I love you. I know we don’t always see eye to eye.” She leaned back and gave Lily a rueful smile. “Sometimes I wonder if we’re from the same planet.”

  Lily had to laugh; she knew the feeling.

  “But all I want is for you to be happy. I think I got off track somewhere and tried to impose what I thought should make you happy. I was wrong, and I’m sorry for that. I can see now that being back at the lake suits you. Even if it wouldn’t suit me. And I can see that Nate is good for you—and he’s good to you. I hope it works out for you. I really do.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He went upstairs to catch up on some work on his laptop. Things are kind of crazy at Four Mile Creek right now. They’re opening the shopping plaza next weekend, and he’s making sure everything’s ready.”

  Her mom nodded approvingly. “It was good of him to take the time to come with you.”

  Lily smiled, realizing that her mom was right. He probably would have worked this whole weekend if she hadn’t asked him to come here. “He’s a good man.”

  “I can see that. Well, I mustn’t sit around here for too long. I need to organize the caterers. The guests will be arriving soon. Are you going to go and get ready? I hope you brought something nice to wear? It can’t be easy to find anything decent to wear up there at the lake.”

  Lily smiled. Her mom was back to her usual self. The moment was over, but Lily knew that she would treasure it forever. “You’d be surprised how things are changing up there, Mom. One of my friends owns a fashion boutique, and she’s opening a store in the plaza.”

  “That’s nice, dear.”

  “It is. It’s Holly Hayes’ store, Hayes. In fact, she’s Holly Hemming now, she and Pete got married a few months ago.

  “Oh!” Her mom looked suitably impressed.

  Lily pushed on while she was on a roll. “And another of my friends is a jewelry designer, Laura Benson. She’s opening a store in the plaza too.”

  Her mom’s eyes widened. “The Laura Benson, as in the Laura Benson line from Levy Jewelers?”

  Lily grinned. “The very same.”

  “My goodness. Things really are changing up there, aren’t they? Perhaps we should come up and visit.”

  “Perhaps you should. Maybe you could even deign to visit a lowly smelly stable while you’re there.” Lily was afraid she’d gone too far with that, but her mom laughed.

  “Silly-Lily. I’m very proud of your business and your smelly horses. I just feel so out of place there. You’re so capable and down to earth when you’re at your stables. I feel like a silly, pathetic city girl. That’s the only reason I don’t like to come around there.”

  Wow. “I had no idea, Mom.”

  “I know. You were so clever about seeing people’s hang-ups and helping them through it when you were a therapist, but you never could understand your father and me. We’re flawed, darling, but we do the best we can. I wish you’d try to understand that.”

  Lily’s eyes filled up again. “I had no idea …”

  “I know.” Her mom patted her arm. “But perhaps now I’ve given you some food for thought, you can be a bit gentler with us? Oh, look. Here’s Nate. I have to say, Lily, you found yourself a hottie, I’m impressed. I’ll leave the two of you to it. I really must see what the caterers are up to.”

  She got up and pecked Nate’s cheek before disappearing back into the house.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Nate sat down on the lounger beside Lily. “Did she make you cry?”

  Lily nodded and swallowed. This conversation had been quite a revelation—about her mom, and herself. “She did, but in a good way.”

  “Want to tell me about it?”

  “I do, but for now we’d better go up and get changed. I don’t think we’ll need to stay for long. We’ll be able to make our excuses with their blessing, and I’ll tell you about it on the way home.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Chapter Twelve

  It was almost midnight by the time they arrived back at Summer Lake. Nate looked at Lily; she’d been dozing on and off for the last hour. Her eyes were closed, and he didn’t want to wake her, so he made an executive decision that she was staying at his place tonight. He took the shortcut through the resort and smiled when he saw people milling around in the square. It looked like the gang had been there for a night out and were now heading home. He smiled to himself as he watched Jack walk a very pregnant Emma back to his truck and help her inside. It was hard to believe that Jack’s life had changed so much in the last few years—he’d been quite the ladies’ man himself before he met Emma.

  He drove on and turned into his driveway a few minutes later. Lily was still fast asleep when he cut the engine. He left her there whi
le he went and unlocked the front door and then ran upstairs to turn down the bed. Once he had everything ready, he went back to the truck and scooped her up in his arms.

  She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “What are you doing?”

  He winked at her. “Taking you to bed.”

  “Ooh. I like the sound of that.”

  Nate did, too. He’d been planning to put her to bed and let her sleep, but she turned toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her breasts against his chest. That sealed her fate. He’d been a good boy for a long time. Way too long. He’d deliberately not pushed for sex since they’d become a couple. He’d had to restrain himself before they left for her parents’ place. He’d lain awake the night that they’d spent there, aching for her and debating whether he could sneak into her room. Now he couldn’t wait any longer. He carried her inside the house and pushed the front door closed behind them with his heel. He was glad she was such a little thing as he carried her up the stairs and placed her on the bed. That would have been tough to pull off with any other woman. He smiled, realizing that he wouldn’t want to do that—had never wanted to do that—with any other woman. He didn’t bring women to his house, and he’d certainly never carried one upstairs before now. Something about Lily brought out his caveman instincts. She was his. He wanted to protect her and keep her safe. She wasn’t just a fellow athlete in some sex game.

  She smiled and held her arms out to him, and he lowered himself beside her on the bed. “Thanks, Nate.”

  He swaggered his shoulders with a grin. “No problem, little lady.”

  She laughed. “I don’t just mean for carrying me up here. I mean for everything. For this weekend. For just being you.”

  His heart swelled at her words. No one had ever thanked him just for being him before. He wrapped her up in his arms and placed a kiss on top of her head. “You’re most welcome. Not that I can take any credit for it, though. I can’t help being me.”

  She snuggled into him, pressing her ass against him, making him hard for her. “I hope not.”

  He smiled. So, she was hoping that he was going to be true to his nature and have sex with her? He could hardly disappoint her now, could he?

  He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her back against him, then started to nibble her neck. She squirmed in his arms and made a soft little moaning sound that turned him on even more. He needed to take her. He couldn’t wait any longer. He reached down, glad that she was wearing another dress. She looked so hot in it, but even better, it gave him easy access. He pulled it up around her waist and slid his hand inside her panties. Damn, she was already wet for him. He nibbled harder on her neck, and she rubbed herself against his fingers.

  Nate had to reluctantly let go of her so he could unfasten his jeans. The sight of Lily getting on all fours and taking hold of the headboard made him forget about getting out of his jeans. He simply pushed them down as he crawled after her. Her gorgeous round ass beckoned him to her. He pushed her skirt up around her waist again and hooked a finger inside her panties, pulling them to the side. They both moaned as he knelt behind her and stroked her.

  Lily pushed her hips back against him. “Please, Nate.”

  He took hold of her hips and guided himself toward her opening, then thrust deep and hard, making her scream. He wanted to scream himself. She felt so damned good as he buried himself inside her. He couldn’t hold back; he tightened one arm around her waist, pulling her back against him to receive his thrusts. His other hand sought her full heavy breast, his fingertips teasing then squeezing her nipple. “Oh, God, Nate!”

  He couldn’t focus on making words come out. He was lost in the feel of the her. Her small body under him, her inner muscles closing around him each time he thrust, her breast in his hand and her tight hard nipple reacting to his touch. She was everything; he was lost in her and didn’t ever want to find his way back.

  She started to moan, low and deep. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!!!”

  She took him with her as she began to shudder and close around him. He tensed and then all the tension in his body found its release deep inside her. He was filling her, and she was clinging to him—over and over again as wave after wave of pleasure swept through him and pulsed into her. When they finally stilled, he filled both his hands with her breasts and nibbled on her neck. He felt her tighten around him again. He was still hard, but he had nothing left to give for now. He knew he could make her come again, though.

  “Oh, God, Nate! I can’t.”

  He licked her ear and felt the shiver ripple through her. “Yes, you can, babe. Give me more.”

  She thrust her hips back against him. “I can’t. Please. I … Oh! God! Yes!”

  He was working her breasts, and she was starting to rock her hips back against him. He dropped one hand and stroked her in the place where they joined.

  “Nate!” she gasped.

  “Give it to me, Lily.”

  “I … I …” She was breathing hard, pressing herself against his fingers as he circled her clit.

  He increased the pressure and bit gently on her neck at the same time.

  “Nate!” she screamed as she tightened around him again. He thrust deep and hard into her velvety wetness as she pulsated around him. She was giving him everything she had, and he intended to take it all. He pounded into her as she gasped and moaned her way through her orgasm until she finally collapsed underneath him. He rolled to the side and pulled her into his arms. She was amazing.

  She snuggled into him, still breathing hard, but didn’t speak for a long time.

  When she finally looked up into his eyes, she smiled, and he knew. He knew what she was thinking, and it was the same thing he was. He had to say it.

  “I don’t care if it’s too soon, Lily. I love you.”

  She smiled. “I love you, too, Nate.”

  They lay staring into each other’s eyes for a long time. There was so much to say, and yet words would only get in the way of what they were sharing right now. There’d be plenty of time for words in the morning. Nate had to smile at that thought. He wanted to be there with her in the morning and the next morning and every morning after that.

  He watched her eyes drift closed and planted a soft kiss on her lips. “Goodnight, Lil.”

  She smiled and kissed him back. “Goodnight. See you in the morning.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Lily opened her eyes and smiled as she realized where she was. Nate’s arm lay across her middle, his head on her shoulder. She nestled against him and closed her eyes again. She didn’t want to get up; she didn’t even want to wake up. She just wanted to lie here and savor this moment. Nate was amazing. He was amazing in bed, but more than that, he was just a wonderful person. Physically he knew what to do to give her pleasure, but the fact that he wanted to take care of her like that was just amazing!

  She and Martin hadn’t had a bad sex life—or so she’d thought. It was nothing earth-shattering, but it was enjoyable. He hadn’t ever gone out of his way to make sure she got there, but she’d managed to most of the time. She knew what moves he made for his pleasure and she’d learned to work with them for her enjoyment.

  Nate was completely different. She had no clue what he was going to do, but she didn’t need to. He was all about making sure she enjoyed it. She sucked in a deep breath at the memory of last night. She’d thought she was spent—she’d known he was. But he’d still managed to take her there again. Heat rushed through her, in a faint echo of the way he’d made her feel. That was the best orgasm of her life. No question.

  He nuzzled his face into her neck and kissed her. “G’morning, my love.”

  She opened her eyes. That sounded so strange coming from him. He sure as hell knew how to make love, but did he know how to be in love? “Good morning, gorgeous. Did you sleep well?”

  He propped himself up on his elbow and smiled down at her. “Like a log. You wore me out.”

  She laughed. “That was all down to you. I was just the
lucky beneficiary of your generosity and expertise.”

  He smiled. “No, you were on the receiving end of all my love. That’s different.”

  She nodded; it was. She wondered how long it’d take her to get past the feeling that he was giving her what he’d already given so many women before her? She wanted to feel like she was special to him, but she was too much of a realist to truly believe that.

  His smile faded. “It is different, Lil. You’re different. I’m different when it comes to you.”

  She nodded again but felt sad that she’d spoiled things. “I hope so.”

  He gave her a long hard stare. “You won’t have to hope so. I’m just going to prove it to you and keep proving it to you.” He stroked his hand over her shoulder, and her body awoke. She hoped that he meant he was going to prove it to her again right now.

  He gave her a knowing smile. “Right now, I’m going to prove to you that you’re different by taking you out to breakfast with all our friends. And I’m going to hold your hand, and you’re going to like it. And I hope this time you’re not going to disown me when they ask.”

  She had to laugh at that. “I won’t. But, you know, if we show up like that they’re all going to know that you screwed my brains out last night.”

  He grinned. “Yeah. They’re going to know that I finally won you over and that we’re headed somewhere.”

  “Yeah.” Lily hoped that was what their friends would think. However, she worried they would think that she’d simply succumbed to Nate’s charms, and that she was riding for a fall.

  “Come on.” He got up, and she had to admire his naked body. He was gorgeous! “Let’s take a quick shower and go down to the Boathouse. I want to show you off.”


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