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Zodiac Academy 5: Cursed Fates: An Academy Bully Romance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts)

Page 5

by Caroline Peckham

  His mouth twitched, but I could see my words gave him no hope at all. So I drew him back into my arms and held him until the birds sang the dawn in and the sun dragged its way into the sky like it weighed a thousand tons.

  I was flying free over the clouds, soaring, twisting, racing under the shining sun. Then something dark clawed its way across my vision and the clouds were consumed by a heavy shadow.

  A whinny escaped me and I winced as the shadows drew near, coiling around me until I couldn’t see.

  I jolted awake and shivered as the cold air in my room enveloped me. I tugged my covers higher under my chin with a sigh. My parents’ blood ran hot with their Order forms and Father refused to give me the courtesy of heating. When he was away on business trips, I could make sure the house was warmer, but unfortunately he was home.

  New Year’s Eve had been about as fun as watching a Pitball game without the balls. My parents had attended a gala in Tucana while I was left here to quietly watch the seconds tick down to another year in hell. The only good thing had come in the form of a text from Sofia. I took my phone from under my pillow to read it again, a smile tugging up one corner of my mouth.


  Happy New Year, Phillip! I hope all of your dreams come true x

  I hope they do too. Because one of them is meeting you.

  It was light beyond my window and the clock on my nightstand said it was early morning. I didn’t bother to set an alarm most days, what was there to get up for?

  Mother had gotten me a new Xbox for Christmas, so at least I could escape from this room in one way. But I was so done with playing games. Since I’d shifted into my Order form at the Vega palace and played with everyone in the snow, I longed to go beyond the manor grounds. I wanted to run and fly and soar through the clouds. It wasn’t fair.

  I slid out of bed, moving to the window and drawing the curtains back. Snow blanketed the world, the grey sky still releasing puffy white flakes which swirled lazily towards the ground.

  A dark figure caught my eye far across the snow covered lawn and I stilled. I squinted to try and see better, but they were cloaked, standing on the edge of the frozen lake in the distance.

  I glanced over my shoulder, figuring I should alert Father, but when I looked back, they were gone. My heart lurched in my chest as I hunted for them. A path had been carved into the snow all the way up to the house, several floors below me.

  A shudder gripped my spine.

  Something wasn’t right.

  “Father!” I called.

  A bloody hand slammed against the window and I gasped in alarm, jumping backwards as my heart pounded unevenly. A girl clawed her way up onto my window ledge, her body wrapped in a living shadow which swirled around her like a cloak. Her hood floated back to unveil her face and I met eyes of purest darkness. Her mouth and jaw were smeared with blood and a cruel smile rested on her lips. Vampire.

  “Father!” I ran for the door and the sound of the window opening reached me.

  A blur of darkness rushed past me and the girl caught my arm, twisting me around and throwing me against the door with incredible strength. Her eyes lit with a manic gleam as she pressed herself against me. She was shorter than me, but that didn’t mean much in Solaria when I hadn’t even been Awakened.

  “Xavier!” Her cheeks split into a grin and she threw her arms around my neck, hugging me tight. “You’ve grown so tall, I thought you were your brother.”

  “Who are you?” I demanded, reaching for the door handle behind me with shaking fingers. I didn’t want to be scared, but holy shit this woman looked like a monster fresh out of Resident Evil.

  “I’m the princess,” she announced, lowering her head to press her ear to my chest. “And you’re the king’s son,” she breathed. “There’s so much power in you, can you feel them?”

  “Feel what?” I asked nervously. I had my hand wrapped around the door handle, but it opened inwards dammit.

  “The shadows,” she purred and the cloak around her moved in response, shifting in an invisible breeze. She walked two fingers up my chest and darkness swirled around the tips, pulling on something deep inside me. As she walked them up to my neck, the shadows within me followed like a magnet, drawing me into their sweet embrace.

  I forgot my panic as the darkness purred inside me, following the girl’s fingers all the way up to where she stopped at my temple. They curled around my vision and power thrummed through me with every pulse of my heart.

  “There,” she breathed. “You don’t have to hide them. They want to be let out.”

  “Who are you?” I asked again. “What’s your name?”

  “Don’t you remember me, silly?” She stepped back, cocking her head to one side. She wiped at the blood around her mouth and my gaze scraped over her features. My lips parted as I suddenly recognised her pixie nose and the freckles smattering her cheeks. But it was impossible. Darius had told me what had happened to Lance’s sister. How could she be here now?

  “Clara?” I gasped and she nodded keenly, looking on the verge of tears.

  “You remember me!” She rushed back into my arms and I realised I should have taken the opportunity to run, but the shadows were keeping me calm.

  She clung to me with the force of her Order form and I choked out a breath as she started sobbing. “Oh Xavier, he’s gone. Gone, gone, gone.”

  “Who’s gone?” I croaked.

  “My baby brother,” she sniffed, pulling herself together again in an instant. She stood back to wipe her tears then sighed. “He had to die, he’s not been a good brother at all.”

  “Wait, you mean Lance?” I demanded, my panic resurfacing, clawing its way out of the shadows which were slithering around my heart.

  She nodded with a pout, then reached past me to the door handle. “Blood for blood for blood.” She shrugged, pushing me aside so hard I nearly fell over as she wrenched the door open. “Take me to him. Where is my king?”

  I felt her tugging on the shadows in me and I moved into the corridor to follow her, taking in a slow breath. The shadows were feeding on my grief, and it seemed as if I was standing on the edge of an abyss waiting to fall.

  Lance is gone. She killed him.

  “Xavier!” Clara said firmly. “Take me to your father.” A tendril of shadow coiled out from her, wrapping around my waist and drawing me to her side.

  “What happened to you?” I asked, my voice too strained.

  The shadows were promising me relief from this pain, but I resisted them as hard as I could, not wanting to lose myself to them too deeply. I focused on Darius, letting my love for him anchor me to who I was. My heart tugged at the thought of my brother losing his best friend and the grief cut me a little sharper.

  “I was lost in the darkness.” Clara turned to me as we walked down the corridor in the direction of my father’s office.

  Tears swum in her eyes and for a moment she resembled the girl I’d known growing up. I’d played with her in the gardens with Lance and Darius, we’d made camps in the woods and swum together in the lake. She was so familiar and yet there was something so unfamiliar about her too. Like the shadows had claimed a piece of her for themselves, and that part of her was a violent stranger.

  If she’d really hurt her brother…killed him…then this wasn’t the girl I knew and loved.

  We made it to my father’s office and fear twisted inside me at the thought of disturbing him here. Even for something as world-altering as this. It was an instinctual reaction. Because disturbing him at work meant meeting the fury of his fists. Period. But I didn’t think it would this time.

  I knocked on the door and Clara grabbed the handle.

  “Wait-” I gasped a second before she threw it open.

  My father looked up from his desk with a sneer, but it dropped away the second he saw Clara, his expression shifting into alarm.

  “My king!” She rushed forward, leaping over his desk and landing in his lap.

  My mouth fell open as F
ather reared up, slamming her down onto his desk by the throat with a roar. His other hand was raised, full of flames and his eyes glinted green with his Order form. “Who the fuck do you think you are?!”

  Clara was smiling like he wasn’t hurting her, clinging to his arm as if they were sharing a loving embrace. “It’s me,” she rasped. “Clara. Your Guardian.”

  Shadows twisted around his arm, forcing him to release her and his face shifted into recognition. He jerked his arm away like she’d burned him then rolled up his right sleeve so hard he ripped it. I spotted a brand there of the Cancer star sign and Clara lifted her own arm, showing a matching one with my Father’s star sign, Aries.

  I backed up into the door with a frown pulling at my brow. Clara had been Guardian bonded to my father? Since when?

  “By the stars,” Father breathed, taking in the shadows surrounding the girl laying on his desk.

  She reached for him with her bloody hands and he tugged her to her feet, seeming to have forgotten I was here. He reached out to brush a lock of hair from her face then pinched her chin hard to study her features. “You’ve been in the shadows all this time?”

  She nodded, looking up at him beneath her lashes. “I felt you always, suffering because I couldn’t reach you. Didn’t you feel me too?”

  Father pressed a finger to the mark on his arm. “No. But I feel you now.”

  He looked at her almost tenderly and I clenched my jaw, unsure what I was witnessing here. I knew Darius and Lance had felt a strange connection between one another because of the bond, but I didn’t know exactly what that was like. At the thought of Lance, the shadows rose again, filling my chest and drinking away my pain.

  “She killed Lance,” I forced the words out and my father stiffened, his eyes snapping to me.

  “What?” he snarled ferociously and Clara backed up.

  “My brother didn’t come and save me,” Clara said defensively. “He abandoned me.”

  Lionel snatched her wrist in his grip, baring his teeth. “Tell me this isn’t true!”

  She winced from his firm hold and the shadows wrapped around his arm, forcing him off of her. My father swallowed hard, his eyes flickering with concern as he eyed her. She was insanely powerful. A threat. And I could see his mind working out what to do about that.

  “I needed blood,” Clara hissed, pure darkness pouring from her. She jabbed a finger to Father’s chest and a snarl rumbled through his throat. “Don’t you dare reprimand me. You may be my king, but I’m the Shadow Princess!”

  Holy shit.

  My father schooled his expression, reaching out to take her hand. “Forgive me, Princess,” he said in a soft purr and my jaw almost hit the floor. I’d never heard him speak nicely to anyone. Politely maybe, but nicely? No freaking chance.

  “You must want to bathe?” he suggested. “I can have some new clothes brought to you, would you like that?”

  “Yes,” Clara said keenly. “That’s just what I need after the day I’ve had.”

  Lionel steered her toward the door, his gaze falling on me again as he approached. “Call your brother,” he muttered. “Find out everything he knows about this.”

  I nodded, trying to calm my racing heart as he guided her down the hall and she started humming to herself, caressing his arm as they walked.

  “I will always protect you,” she sang to him.

  The further she moved from me, the more I got the shadows under my control. I willed them away and the moment they sank deeper into the recesses of my body, the grief tumbled down on me. I leaned against the doorway to steady myself, my chest crushing at the thought of Lance’s death. He had been more than a good friend to me and my brother, he was family.

  I forced myself to move, heading back to my room and shutting the door. I took a shaky breath and walked to my bed, grabbing my phone and calling Darius. I had to call him three times before he answered and when he did, it was with a grunt.

  “Darius?” I gasped. “What’s happened? Is Lance really dead?”

  “What?” Darius growled. “Who told you that?”

  My mouth opened and closed for a second because I knew this was going to sound insane. “Clara Orion is here,” I whispered like the walls were leaning in to listen.

  “Fuck, I feared she’d go to Father,” he hissed.

  “What the hell is going on?” I begged.

  “She almost killed Lance when he brought her back from the Shadow Realm,” Darius explained.

  “Almost?” I clung to that ray of hope with all my heart.

  “He’s okay,” Darius said, a heaviness to his tone. “But it was a close call.”

  “By the stars, Darius, what the hell is happening?”

  He started explaining about how they’d planned to bring her back, how Clara had formed some connection with the Vega twins when Father had sent them into the shadows. My mind whirled as I tried to process this insanity.

  “Xavier…that’s not all that happened last night,” Darius said thickly and something about his tone made my blood chill.

  “There’s more?” I asked, dreading what he was going to say.

  He sighed heavily. “Roxy Vega and I had our Divine Moment.”

  I froze, clutching the phone tight to my ear as hope blossomed inside me. This was a ray of sunshine in miles and miles of darkness. It was a sliver of happiness my brother could claim for his own. No one could refute it, not even Father.

  “She refused to be my mate,” Darius forced out and my heart shattered into a thousand jagged shards. “We’re Star Crossed.”

  “No,” I demanded, damn right refused it. This wasn’t right.

  “Yes,” Darius said quietly and I could practically hear his heart breaking.

  “There’s got to be some way-”

  “There’s no way,” he said bluntly.


  “Xavier…I’m going to come home soon. We can talk then.”

  “Of course,” I choked out. “I’m so sorry Darius.”

  The line went dead and I dropped down to the floor, hugging my knees to my chest. The shadows were close, gnawing at the edges of my emotions, begging I let them take away the hurt. But I’d lived my entire life under a roof where who I was had been rejected and beaten down. I knew how to protect the real me from my father. And if I could keep it from him, keeping it from the shadows was easy. It was just a shame being me right now hurt like hell.

  I lowered my Atlas into my lap as I perched on the edge of Lance’s bed, my brother’s heartache ringing in my ears. And that wasn’t even the end of it. I’d face the same questions, the same despair, the same pity from each and every person I encountered from now until they all knew. At that point I guessed the pity would just fade, but it would never truly leave. Poor Darius Acrux, he hungered for power so much that it destroyed the only good thing he was ever offered.

  I blew out a deep breath and turned to look at Lance. His brow was creased in pain as he slept and I could only imagine he was reliving the horrors of last night. Of him finally getting his sister back from the shadows only to have her turn on him, try to kill him…

  Anger burned through me at the thought of that. I might not have had a lot left for myself in this miserable world, but I had him. And I refused to let this stand. Even if fixing it cost me him too.

  I got to my feet, dropped my sweatpants and folded them around my Atlas as I stepped across the room and slipped out of the window.

  I circled his house and headed to his back yard where I’d have room to shift.

  “Well, hello big boy!” Washer cooed and I looked around to find him peering out of his window in the bungalow next to Orion’s with his eyebrows waggling. He was butt fucking naked with his dick pressed to the glass, but as I currently had my own junk on show I was guessing I couldn’t say shit about that.

  “I needed to see my Guardian,” I growled at him, looking back over my shoulder as I glared at him, refusing to turn and give him a full show.

Naughty, naughty,” he chided, waggling a finger at me as he shook his hips and the glass squeaked as his dick rubbed across it. “Good thing I can’t taste any lust on you or I’d have to tell tales.”

  I grunted and looked away from him as I dropped my sweatpants and Atlas to the ground. Fucking pervert.

  “In fact…all I’m getting from you is the strongest sense of…despair…”

  I ground my teeth and slammed my mental shields down tight.

  “I suggest you keep out of my fucking head if you want to keep your job, you sun baked, pruny ball bag,” I snarled as I looked around to glare at him again.

  “My boy!” Washer gasped, his focus fixing on my eyes and horror filling his gaze. My heart leapt and sank and crumbled into something far less substantial than dust. “Your eyes! You-”

  I shifted fast, fire tearing through my limbs as my bones expanded and my skin stretched to accommodate my Dragon form. Four clawed feet slammed into the ground and the growl that erupted from me was enough to shut him the fuck up.

  I snatched my sweatpants and Atlas between my teeth and took off flying as fast as I could.

  Running away from my problems had never helped me much before, but I didn’t need to deal with that bullshit. What had happened between me and Roxy, that was…ours. It didn’t matter that it was fucked up and raw and bleeding, it was still ours. We’d been marked by it inside and out and no matter how much I might have wished it had gone differently, that didn’t change it.

  I raced through the sky, fire erupting from my jaws as I tried to burn out some of the agony in me but it only flared more fiercely.

  I soared to Ignis House, shifting at the last second as I shot towards my open window and ran several steps forward in my Fae form before coming to a halt in the centre of my room. My sweatpants and Atlas tumbled across the carpet at my feet and I dragged in a breath as I tried to calm the rage in me. The hurt.

  My gaze caught on my bed and I couldn’t help but remember what it had felt like to hold Roxy in my arms all night. How had I been so blind? I’d felt it. I’d felt that pull towards her from the moment I first set my eyes on her when she’d walked into The Orb after her Awakening. It should have clicked together for me right then. She’d been standing beside her twin sister, the two of them like mirror images and yet my entire focus had been on her. I’d hungered for her from that first second, I’d studied her in every quiet moment since. She probably had no idea how many times I’d sat watching her across The Orb or in our Elemental lessons. How every time she walked into a room my skin had prickled and burned with this need to go to her. And like a fucking idiot I’d channelled all of those cravings and desires into exactly what my father had wanted me to do. Hurting her, attacking her, trying to destroy her. Everything in me had driven me at her for love, but I’d let his poison twist it into hate. For what?


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