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Zodiac Academy 5: Cursed Fates: An Academy Bully Romance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts)

Page 42

by Caroline Peckham

  Caleb stopped teasing my breast, shifting his hand down my side and sliding it beneath my raised thigh.

  My heart started racing in anticipation of what he was about to do but I could only lean against him, my fingers still rubbing along the length of his dick where they were bound behind me.

  Darius ran his tongue up the centre of me again just as Caleb pushed two fingers inside me and my back arched as I was overwhelmed by the two of them working together to destroy me.

  I swore again as Caleb moved his fingers in and out and Darius kept up his sweet torment with his mouth. It was too much, my heart was pounding too hard, my whole existence narrowing down to what they were doing to me and nothing else.

  I wanted to drag my fingers through Darius’s hair or fist my hands in Caleb’s shirt, but the vines on my wrists were keeping me still and I couldn’t concentrate enough to free myself. I’d given myself up to the mercy of monsters and there was no turning back for me now. I could only arch my back as my body pulsed with need and they worked together to ruin me.

  I cried out, my voice echoing off the glass roof as the combination of the two of them drove me to a climax so hard and fast that I could barely keep myself upright as it tore through my body.

  Caleb withdrew his fingers, snaking an arm around my waist to hold me up as Darius drew his tongue across me in languid circles, drawing every inch of pleasure from my flesh before he leaned back.

  He slid my leg from his shoulder and I managed to take my weight again as he pushed himself to his feet, moving his mouth up my body until he claimed my lips once more.

  He kissed me roughly, possessively, demanding that I give myself to him and making me want to do just that despite all the reasons I still had to deny him. His hands wound around my waist as he dragged me flush with his powerful body, pulling me away from Caleb like he wanted to steal me away entirely. And the deep growl that rumbled through his chest sounded a hell of a lot like a warning too.

  I yanked against my restraints again, needing to touch him as well, my jaw tightening with frustration at them until I managed to break one hand free.

  I rotated my shoulders as I freed myself, letting my open shirt slide off of me as Caleb chuckled again, his hands sliding across my stomach, painting heated circles on my flesh.

  I leaned into Darius’s kiss, reaching up to skim my hands down his neck before making quick work of undoing his buttons so that I could explore his chest with trembling fingertips. I tried to paint the lines of his tattoos from memory, my eyes straining against the darkness of the blindfold.

  Each touch took me by surprise as the two of them moved their hands over my body and my uneven breathing was met with theirs as I shoved Darius’s shirt from his shoulders.

  The longer I kissed him, the more my heart ached for him, making it harder for me to deny what the stars had wanted for us. This heat that burned between us, the twisting of my soul when I was close to him like this made it so clear. And in that moment all I wanted was to let myself be his. Even if I knew it couldn’t last.

  Caleb skimmed his hands down my spine and the fabric of his shirt whispered against my skin.

  I broke my kiss with Darius, turning half way towards Caleb so that I could remove his shirt too. Caleb kissed me as I worked and Darius growled deep in the back of his throat, making goosebumps rise along my skin. This thing that was happening between us obviously wasn’t easy for him; Dragons didn’t share what they wanted. And he’d made it clear that he wanted me for himself. Seeing me in Caleb’s arms was clearly driving him wild with a mixture of lust, jealousy and rage and a twisted little part of me enjoyed being the object of his desire and torment like this.

  The heat of their bare chests pressing against my skin from both sides was consuming me, setting a fire burning in me which they were stoking out of control.

  Darius ground against my side, pressing his lips to my neck as I continued to kiss his friend, his dick so hard that it dug into my hip, demanding my attention.

  A spike of adrenaline ran through me at the knowledge of how turned on this was making him. He might not like watching me with Caleb, but it was driving him to compete for my attention and the thought of it set my blood pumping with anticipation of what he might do next.

  I continued to kiss Caleb, my tongue dancing across his as I reached out to loosen Darius’s belt. I unhooked his fly and pushed my hand beneath his underwear, taking the long, hard length of him into my hand with a moan of longing. I began stroking and teasing him, my hand moving up and down as he groaned hungrily against my neck.

  I shifted my other hand down to Caleb’s waistband, slowly unhooking his fly too as I pushed my fingers into his jeans.

  Darius growled possessively again and the sound of it turned me on so much that heat flooded through my whole body. His fingers were digging into my flesh as he drew me closer to him, demanding more of me, all of me. And I needed more of this. More of him.

  I broke my kiss with Caleb and turned to meet Darius’s lips, his mouth coming down on mine hard and fast, need pouring through that connection as he tried to devour everything I had to give. Stamping his mouth to mine in a way that tried to claim me soul deep.

  He kissed me with enough passion to light a forest fire, my broken heart swelling and pounding for him as every touch he gifted me burned me up until I was afraid I’d be consumed by the flames.

  Darius dropped his pants, the soft thump of them hitting the stone floor sounding ten times louder to my heightened senses.

  He dragged me around to face him fully, yanking me away from Caleb for a moment and I let him, wrapping my arms around his neck as Caleb shifted behind me. Darius grabbed the backs of my thighs and hoisted me into his arms as the sound of Caleb’s jeans hitting the floor followed too.

  My arms wound around Darius’s neck as I kissed him, drowning in the feeling of this moment, my heart fracturing with the knowledge that it couldn’t last.

  Caleb’s fingers danced across my back as he unhooked my bra and I let him slip it from my arms as I leaned back against him. He shifted to grip my ass, holding my weight as Darius positioned himself between my thighs. I moaned in anticipation, needing to feel the fullness of him inside me like I was drowning and he was air.

  Caleb ran his tongue down the length of my neck as the two of them held me in suspense and I arched my back, demanding more.

  Darius pushed inside me with a possessive growl and a powerful thrust that stole my breath.

  I cried out as I was overwhelmed by the feeling of him claiming my body and Caleb’s grip on my ass tightened, pushing me down onto Darius even harder.

  My ankles locked behind his back and he thrust into me again, compelling another moan from my lips as I fisted my hands in his hair.

  Caleb’s chest was pressed against my back, his breaths coming quickly as he got off on watching us fucking right in front of him. But it wasn’t enough, I reached behind me, gripping the hard length of his dick in my hand and matching Darius’s thrusts with my movements along the length of his shaft.

  Caleb groaned in my ear, kissing my neck as he slid his hands around the front of me, one teasing my breast while the other circled that perfect spot at the apex of my thighs as Darius started to move faster.

  “Holy shit,” I cursed as the two of them started to build a flood of energy in my body which was so intense it had my head spinning.

  Darius kept pounding into me, his mouth finding mine and silencing my cursing as I fell into the fire of his kiss.

  My body was tightening around him, my cries of pleasure bleeding out between our joined lips. Caleb was breathing more heavily against my neck and I could feel his body tensing as I continued to work my hand up and down around his dick.

  Darius’s grip on my hips was so tight that it was bruising and I relished the pain, wanting him to mark my body in every way imaginable.

  We were all building together and my head spun as I lost myself in the feeling of their bodies against mine. I could
n’t see anything but the faint orange glow beyond my blindfold. Every inch of my skin was alight with pleasure, every place they touched burning and tingling with need.

  I gripped Darius’s hair and kissed him like I’d die if I didn’t. Because that’s what it had felt like these last few months, like I was slowly wasting away without him, drowning, suffocating, dying. My lips were bruising, my flesh trembling and my muscles tightening around him as the two of them drove me to climax again.

  A tidal wave of pleasure crashed through my body and I cried out, breaking my kiss with Darius as I felt him swell inside me as he followed me into oblivion, his grip on me tightening as my name spilled from his lips. My moans of pleasure were enough to finish Caleb too and his head fell against my shoulder as I stroked him through the final throes of it.

  The three of us stayed locked together for several long seconds, none of us quite ready to relinquish the moment.

  I reached up slowly, tugging the blindfold from my eyes and blinking in the dim light as I found Darius staring at me like he’d never seen me before and he never wanted to look away again.

  He lowered me to the ground and we untangled ourselves from each other.

  I bit my lip, heat colouring my cheeks at what we’d all just done as I quickly recovered my clothes from the floor. I pulled my skirt into place and started buttoning my shirt before I looked back up at them.

  Caleb was smirking to himself as he straightened his fly and stepped back a bit.

  Darius was staring at me, his pants on but his shirt still off. He stalked closer and I stilled, my heart leaping at the intensity in his gaze.

  “You can’t tell me you don’t feel that when we’re together. The way my heart pounds, my soul burns, my whole body aches…I know you feel it too,” he breathed, catching my cheek in his rough palm and forcing my eyes up to meet his, the black rings in them taunting me with the choice I’d made. “Why did you fight it before?”

  I looked into his eyes for a long moment, pain scorching through my chest. “Because I’m almost as afraid of this feeling as I am of you,” I replied, offering him the truth for once.

  My gaze slipped over his shoulder to Caleb as he shrugged his shirt back on. “You two are fated to be together,” he said, not seeming the least bit uncomfortable with the situation. “If the stars don’t realise what we did and you want to do this again then I’m more than up for that – because that was fucking unbelievable,” he said with a grin. “And I feel like I owe you guys for all the times I got in the way of you. But I’m not going to try and stand in the way of destiny.”

  “We were made for each other, Roxy,” Darius growled, tipping my chin to bring my gaze back up to his.

  He leaned forward to kiss me and after what we’d just done I didn’t see the point in stopping him. My heart lurched and I melted against him, letting him draw me close and dropping the walls around my heart for one fleeting moment.

  It was an agony of the sweetest kind. My heart thumped endlessly against my ribs, my skin came alive with want and need and I curled my fingers into his hair, drawing him closer, never wanting to let him go.

  He kissed me desperately, sweetly, painfully, all the need and longing he felt for me clear in the depth of that kiss as his tongue moved with mine and his lips tried their best to claim me.

  “I know I don’t deserve you, Roxy. But I don’t think I can give you up even though I know that’s true,” Darius breathed against my lips and a tear slid down my cheek.

  “It’s too late for that,” I murmured, the painful truth of that consuming me for a moment.

  The ground began to tremble beneath our feet and I glanced away to find that Caleb had left us to it. The stars must have figured out where we were, their curse coming back full force after we’d managed to steal a moment from them.

  “The stars might have decided that you can never be mine,” Darius said roughly, refusing to move away from me. “But I am yours. No matter what. I don’t care where we end up or who we’re with, I’ll always be yours. And I’m going to fix the damage I did to us even if the stars don’t care. I’m going to prove to you that I could have been worthy of you if I’d just listened to my heart sooner.”

  “It won’t change anything,” I said, my voice cracking as I bit down on my bottom lip and tried to force the tears to stop.

  “If it changes the way you look at me then that’s enough,” he replied, his eyes full of pain as I took a step back.

  I wanted to stay, to talk to him, to tell him…I didn’t even know what, but the chamber rumbled ominously and I glanced up at the glass dome which held back the weight of the lake fearfully and backed away again.

  I broke away from him and turned my back as I hurried out of the tunnel and started running up the stairs. Caleb was nowhere to be seen and I guessed he’d really decided to leave us to it. I was just glad he wasn’t there to see me cry.

  Tears streamed down my cheeks and pain blossomed like a fresh wound in my heart as I ran.

  I could feel Darius’s gaze on me as I left him behind, but I didn’t turn back. I knew if I did my resolve would shatter like the fragile thing it was.

  I couldn’t let Darius Acrux have my heart. No matter how much I ached for him. We were doomed anyway. Star Crossed. And even if we weren’t, I just couldn’t trust him with it.

  I dressed for the Aurora game in my navy and silver Pitball uniform with nerves making my belly flutter. It was like a bunch of nauseous butterflies had taken up residence right in the pit of my gut. Tory was on one side of me pulling on her cheerleading uniform and Geraldine was on the other doing lunges in her bra and panties to ‘limber up’ – or so she’d put it.

  The sound of the crowd carried from the stadium above us and my heart juddered every time a horn went off or a wave of excited cheers rang out.

  Oh my god, so many people are here to watch.

  I’d been working my ass off in Pitball training, but nothing could have prepared me for the pressure of a game that actually mattered.

  The press were here. It was my first match of the season. I was going to be watched like a hawk. Ridiculed if I fell on my ass. Oh hell, I’m so gonna fall on my ass.

  The door opened behind us and several of the cheerleaders shrieked as Darius strode in wearing his Pitball uniform, making a beeline for Tory.

  She was only in her skirt and sports bra, looking to him with her brows arching.

  “Flans on a Friday!” Geraldine exclaimed mid-lunge. “This is the ladies room and Jacinta has her Petunia out!” She pointed at Jacinta who was struggling to get her panties up her legs, getting entangled as she stared at Darius’s back in alarm.

  Darius rolled his eyes, ignoring the chaos around him as he fixed Tory in his sights while I fought a grin at the two of them. I couldn’t believe what Caleb had done for them and I was so happy that there was a way they could be together sometimes. Even if that did involve a threesome with two Heirs, at least she was enjoying herself. Get it, Tor.

  “Cheerleaders sometimes support a certain player on the field,” Darius said as he pushed his hand into his pocket and took out a navy ribbon with the word Fireshield on it. “Will you cheer for me today, Roxy?”

  He held it out for her and I swear she actually blushed. “I’m cheering for Darcy and Geraldine too.”

  “We don’t mind,” I said immediately. “Do we Geraldine?”

  “By all the rocks in Saturn’s rings, of course we don’t!”

  Tory shrugged in answer, a smile playing around her mouth and he leaned forward and wrapped the ribbon around her throat and tied it in place.

  “They’re normally worn on the wrist,” Geraldine whispered to me overly loudly. “This is most romantic.”

  “Good luck,” Tory said and he nodded before heading out of the room.

  I bit my lip, looking to her for a comment while Geraldine rested a foot up on the bench, pressing her elbow to her knee and perching her chin on her knuckles as she gazed wistfully at my sister. />
  “What?” Tory asked innocently.

  “You know what,” I teased and she fought a grin, glancing over her shoulder as if checking to make sure he was really gone. Then she cast a silencing bubble around the three of us and her expression became anxious.

  “It’s not that I don’t like the sweet side of Darius, but…” she started.

  “But what?” Geraldine gasped.

  “What is it?” I pressed gently when she didn’t elaborate.

  She sighed, looking a bit guilty. “I just miss our back and forth. This isn’t him. It’s just a nice version of him. I want the real Darius, not some watered down version. And I need to be sure the real Darius isn’t going to hurt me again. Like what happens when one day I piss him off and make him lose his temper again?”

  Geraldine’s jaw almost hit the floor, but before she could try and convince Tory otherwise, I spoke. Because I knew my sister, and I was starting to get a fairly good read on Darius too. And she had a point. He was on his best behaviour right now, but that couldn’t go on forever. If they were going to find some way to make this work, she needed to know what long-term Darius looked like. And besides that, she lived for being kept on her toes.

  “So piss him off and see how he reacts,” I said.

  “I’ve tried,” she sighed. “He doesn’t rise to me anymore. It’s infuriating.”

  I nodded, thinking on it for a moment. Then an idea struck me that was completely insane but would definitely get a rise out of the Dragon.

  “What about the gold we buried?” I suggested with a mischievous smile. “You could remind him you’ve still got it.”

  “My ladies, I must remind you both that riling a Dragon is not a safe expedition. I once sat on Angelica’s favourite scrying bowl and she broke fourteen windows across campus with her roar.”


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