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THE BLACK DRAGON: Werewolves of Montana Mating Mini #7

Page 8

by Bonnie Vanak

  “What is it?” she whispered.

  “The Drogmire.” Justin splayed out his arms, preventing the creature from seeing her. His protective gesture touched her, even as primal fear rose.

  An iguana scrambled across the rock toward the hidden door. It was black, and crawled on four legs.

  The beast turned, shot a strand of sticky silk out of two of its eight hairy legs, trapping the lizard. Then the Drogmire stabbed it with a pointed leg, brought it to its mouth.

  Wet, crunching sounds followed. Her stomach turned. Mouth dry with panic, she turned and hugged the cliff wall, scraping her bare calf on a jutting rock. Blood flowed and the creature looked up.

  Oh dear goddess, it saw them.

  Justin blew out a breath and mist poured forth, shrouding the creature. Ariel followed Justin back on the trail to where they had landed.

  When they were safely around the corner, she collapsed on the ground, rocking back and forth. “I guess cave visits are out today.” She laughed, the sound hollow to her own ears. “Unless you want to end up as dessert.”

  “No. I’ll come back after noon, when it’s sleeping.” He gave her a pointed look. “Much later. Alone.”

  He unzipped her pack and took out a bandana she’d tucked inside, wrapping it around her bleeding calf.

  “What is that thing?” Ariel peered at the rock, hoping it didn’t decide to chance coming around the narrow ledge and attack. “It looked manifested from my worst nightmares.”

  “I doubt it sprang from your imagination. Mine, maybe. I’ve never seen anything like it in all my travels.”

  “How did you find out about it?” Perhaps if she coaxed some information from him, when he left her, the Mage community would let her stay. Up until now, they shunned her. Ariel suspected it was because of her father’s unorthodox practices and experiments with dragon magick.

  “Drust. The Coldfire Wizard told me.”

  “Who’s he?” Interesting. She’d never heard of such a wizard. But he said nothing more on the subject, only shifted into a dragon again.

  This time, he flew them straight home. Wind rushing through her hair, she didn’t feel the exhilaration of flying with him the first time.

  When they returned to the house, Justin shifted back and wasted no time in ushering her into the master bathroom. He pawed through the medicine cabinet, finding peroxide, a First Aid kit and wiped her wounded calf.

  The evident concern on his face and the gentle way he treated her wound gave her pause.

  “Why are you being so nice to me?” she asked softly.

  A shrug of those big shoulders. “You agreed to three nights in bed with me. I don’t want to lose on my investment.”

  The curt words hurt. She thought he’d softened. Wrong.

  “You’re a curmudgeon.” Ariel flinched as he swabbed her leg.

  Interest flared in his gaze as he glanced up. “What’s that?”

  “It’s a nice word for a bad-tempered asshole.”

  He said nothing, but his strokes on her leg became less certain. Ariel grabbed the bottle and cotton from him and began treating herself.

  Justin sat back on his haunches.

  “I am an asshole.” He stared at the ground. “Thought you knew that by now.”

  “I did. You only confirmed it.”

  When she finished, he took the bandage. First he pressed a very soft and gentle kiss on her cut.

  “Is that better?” he asked in a husky voice.

  Throat dry, she nodded.

  After he put away the supplies, he refused to look at her. “I’m headed out for a while. Get groceries, maybe order dinner. You need anything?”

  Ariel shook her head. Only to be alone.

  Again, his expression dropped. “Ok, I’ll be back in a few hours.”

  She spent the rest of the afternoon reading the ancient Mage book, searching for answers on why baby dragons lived in the Bell Rock vortex. But she found nothing.

  When he returned, it was late afternoon. Justin walked into the house with a bag of groceries and a bouquet. She blinked as he set down the groceries.

  Justin cleared his throat and his face reddened. “You mentioned last year you like roses. Um, I thought you’d like these.”

  Taking the bouquet, she inhaled the delicate fragrance. Again, her heart gave a leap. Damn if this dragon didn’t go from being cruel to kind in a split second. Ariel didn’t know what to expect.

  Or what tonight would bring.

  She shivered.


  After a delicious dinner of takeout Thai food, they sat on the red bricked patio with its splendid view of the red-rimmed cliff walls. Pine trees framed the view like a picture frame.

  He watched as Ariel set the iced tea pitcher and two glasses on the wrought iron table. She shivered. “Maybe I should make coffee. It’s a little chilly out tonight.”

  Justin went to the fire pit, and released a stream of flames from his finger. The hickory wood caught fire.

  Ariel gulped. “Thanks. I think.”

  He paced, pausing to stare at the distant red sandstone cliffs. “Tomorrow while the Drogmire is sleeping after noon, I need to get inside that cave and check out the baby dragons.”

  “Let me go with you. I can help.”


  “Why not?” she challenged. “What do you have to fear?”

  Justin gritted his teeth. Refused to answer. She persisted.


  “Because I won’t risk losing you!”

  His tone rose to a shout. Justin fisted his hands, turned from her.

  Ariel’s heart skipped a beat. “Afraid you’ll lose out on your investment?”

  She crossed in front of him. When he lifted his head, the misery on his face stunned her.

  “No,” he said quietly. “Because I don’t want you to get hurt. It would… kill me.”

  Ariel could not speak. Think. She reacted on pure instinct and went to him, sliding her arms around his neck, kissing him deeply.

  She knew what would happen. Though she was a little afraid, her instincts urged her forward.

  “Are you ready for me?” she whispered.

  The dark hunger on his face assured her he was. She’d known this from the moment she’d boldly faced him the cage in his dragon form. Pregnancy wasn’t an issue, as she’d started on birth control last month.

  Maybe she was tied to him through the arrangement they’d made. But what coursed through her now had nothing to do with practicality and finances. It was sheer need. Ariel felt as if she tumbled through the sky without a parachute. She wasn’t certain she could have sex with him and keep her emotional distance. All her feminine instincts urged her onward, chanting for her to forget sense, forget everything except the raw arousal gripping her.

  He stood there, motionless, watching her. Fine. First move was up to her. Ariel tugged at his belt buckle.

  Nothing could prepare her for how swiftly he acted next. Shirt came off with an impatient tug. Boots and socks next. Jeans fell to the deck with a thud of a belt buckle. The black dragon stood nude before her, his shaft semi-erect. It was long and thick and the space between her legs clenched with hot longing as she thought of what would transpire.

  Justin held out a hand. “Come with me, Ariel,” he softly ordered. “It’s time.”

  He waited, his palm outstretched, his manner that of a determined man. Ariel took his hand as he led her inside. Justin closed the door behind her and turned around, an intent expression marking his face. His body taut, coiled energy ready to spring.

  A little shiver went through her. He meant to take her. Tonight. Here. Now.

  He would not be denied her any longer. And she had agreed to this bargain, to save her father. She wanted him equally, and the hell with the consequences.

  He led her upstairs to her bedroom. Slowly Ariel removed her clothing, watching him. His eyes widened as she stood naked before him. Approval twined with arousal on his face. His neck chorded as
his entire body seemed to thrum with tension. Ariel’s gaze dropped to his fingers flexing and bending, and the taut control he exercised.

  Justin remained silent, his gaze hot and intent. But he remained motionless, his naked body like chiseled marble in the lamp’s pale yellow glow.

  As much as this dragon wanted her, he was waiting for her to make the first move again. Releasing the breath she’d held, she knew in her heart she could trust him. Justin’s muscles quivered like a racehorse eager for the gate to spring open. The control he exhibited reassured her that the reins were in her hand.

  No matter what the consequences, she had to join with him and end this ceaseless yearning that started when they first met.

  Ariel pressed her mouth against his. His lips were firm and warm and he made a startled sound, then gathered her against him. Justin herded her backward toward the bed. They tumbled onto it, still kissing. Stubble abraded her soft skin as he drank in her mouth.

  His mouth slid over her skin, trailing fire. Lips kissed the curve of one breast, then settled on her hardened nipple. Justin suckled her gently, flicking his tongue over the crested peak. Ariel arched, holding his head to her as he teased her with his tongue.

  He released her nipple with a slow popping sound. Justin raised his head and smiled.

  Then he began kissing her again. Ariel made a protesting sound. “I need to touch you,” she said, grasping his shoulders.

  “Later,” he murmured. “I need to taste you.”

  Kiss after kiss he placed over her skin, licking her belly button, working his way downward. He was marking her body with his mouth. Placing his scent all over her, so every male, dragon or not, would know she was his. This wasn’t simply sex, but a claiming.

  Ariel smiled. When she had a chance, she would mark him as well, letting every female know he was hers.

  He kissed her slowly, thoroughly. She made little moaning sounds as she twisted and writhed beneath him. Her arms snaked up, slid about his neck, pulling him closer.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long, sweetheart. How could you think no male would ever want you? You’re so fucking beautiful.”

  Rough words, delivered in a low, sexy voice filled with sheer tenderness. She could listen all night to his deep voice telling her how much she turned him on, how beautiful she was.

  Self-conscious suddenly, she flexed her prosthesis. “I’m not a complete woman. I’m crippled.”

  Fierce light glinted in his eyes. Justin levered himself off her, and balancing his weight on his elbows, framed her face with his hands. “You are all woman, Ariel. Do you think I came back here simply because of what your father did to me? I came back here because of you. Every part of you is beautiful to me.”

  Wonder coursed through her. She stared into his solemn gaze as he added, “If it makes you feel more comfortable with that prosthesis off, take it off.”

  Ariel considered. She sat up and removed the prosthesis with his help, and then settled back onto the mattress again, holding out her arms to Justin.

  This was more than mere sexual attraction, but a bonding of two spirits. The part of her that longed to finally give in, give them both what they craved, gave a tiny sigh. And surrendered.

  His mouth feathered over her skin inch by slow inch. His firm, warm lips showered hot pleasure as he wrapped his arms about her and kissed his way down her body.

  Justin ran a hand along the curve of her hip, skimmed across the flat of her belly and delved between her thighs. With consummate skill, he stroked her cleft. Ariel undulated her hips in silent need as he thrust a finger inside her. Her flesh clenched around him as he gently stroked, culling the moisture needed to make her ready for his entry.

  “Ah, you’re so damn tight,” he muttered.

  He withdrew his finger, kissed her belly button. Licked his way down toward the juncture of her legs. Moisture pooled there. Gasping, Ariel raised her head as he parted her thighs and settled there.

  Then he bent his head, and licked her. Moaning, she stiffened as his hands settled on her legs and kept them spread wide.

  His mouth settled on her moist center. Sharp, delicious heat curled through her as he slid his tongue over her cleft. Ariel whimpered as he kissed and tasted her. Need arrowed through her. Need of him, inside her, his thick cock sliding into her at last. Need to couple with him and join together at last, like two missing pieces finally made whole.

  The heat built and her body tensed until she shattered, orgasm spilling through her in an explosive cry.

  “Justin,” she screamed, and then laughed with the sheer pleasure of the moment.

  He slowed and kissed her, staying with her then raised his head. Justin wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  “You’re ready now.”

  “No, I’m not. My turn.”

  She sat up, and with a strength that surprised her, pushed him backward. Amusement flared on his face as Ariel began exploring his body with heated arousal. She kissed a lean hip, ran a hand over his taut belly and delighted in the muscles flexing beneath her touch. Ariel nuzzled his collarbone then traced a line over his broad shoulder with her mouth. She licked velvet flesh over hard muscle and sinew, tasting the slight salt of his skin. Awe spilled through her at the vast differences between male and female. His was a warrior’s body, built like a wrestler and thick with muscle, while her body was softer and pliant.

  “Turn over,” she ordered, barely recognizing her voice for the thickness lacing it.

  “As you wish.”

  Justin turned onto his stomach as Ariel straddled his thick, muscled thighs. The dragon tattoo fascinated her as she caressed it with her fingers.

  She ran a loving hand over silky hair on his legs, marveling at the strength in his limbs as she pressed against his hard flesh. Then she slid her palms over the smooth globes of his firm buttocks and then up the ridges of muscle on his back. She kissed the back of his neck, loving the groans she culled from him. Suddenly he tensed and just as easily as she’d pushed him back, he slid beneath her and flipped her onto her back.

  “Now,” he growled. “It’s time.”

  Intensity radiated in his gaze as he settled his muscled body between her opened legs. Bracing himself on his hands, he stared down at her. “Damn Ariel. Ever since I met you, I’ve dreamed about this.”

  She felt his rigid length probe at her wet, tight opening. Ariel stiffened in real alarm.

  “Shhhh.” He stroked her hair. “It’s all right, sweet Ariel. Just relax. Relax.”

  It wasn’t going to work. She was too tense and too small. But she wanted this.

  Justin laced his fingers through hers, locking their hands together. He pushed forward. Burning pain laced her. She grit her teeth.

  Pressure increased. Ariel gripped his fingers as if he were an anchor. His heavy weight pinned her to the mattress. She writhed, helpless and open to him. Justin rose up, his gaze burning into hers.

  “Now, Ariel,” he said thickly. “You’re mine.”

  He pushed hard and deep inside her. Caught by the sudden shock of pain, she yelped. Justin caught her cry with his mouth. A single tear trickled down her cheek. He tore his mouth from hers, chased it away with his tongue.

  Locked deep inside her, Justin remained motionless, his hands pinning hers down, his body keeping her captive. The burning pressure between her legs eased, replaced with a curious, delightful friction. Justin reached between them and teased her once more, his fingers playing with her clit, making the pain fade and the pleasure begin anew.

  He began moving, as her inner muscles clasped the male intruder eagerly, caressing him. Justin tensed and groaned. A bead of sweat rolled off his forehead and spilled onto her breasts like a teardrop.

  Tears shimmered in her eyes as she clutched him, silently holding him to her. The emotions raging wildly through her were so intense, she could barely stand it. It felt like the whole of her had opened and poured out of her, replaced with primitive male satisfaction coupled with tenderness an
d humbled awe.

  Then he pulled back on his haunches. His face alight with fierce desire, Justin spread her legs open wide. Ariel braced herself as he thrust deeply, holding her legs open wide. He stiffened, then his body shook as he released a deep groan. She felt his seed shoot inside her, then he collapsed atop her. Stroking his damp hair, Ariel welcomed his heavy weight.

  Something had happened, and more than making love. Something wonderful, and slightly frightening.

  As if they were more than lovers, and lifelong mates. Silly. She was Mage, not dragon, and dragons mated for life only with other dragons, according to her studies.

  They lay in drowsy contentment as Ariel curled against him, her head pillowed on his broad shoulder. Her fingers slid through the damp hairs on his chest.

  Justin sat up, frowning. “We never locked the back door.”

  “’S’okay. I never bother. No one breaks in.”

  “I’m not taking any chances with you.” He kissed her gently. “I’ll be right back.

  Too restless to remain, she donned her prosthesis and went to the window. Something inside her tingled like fire and would not cease.

  So odd. Memories of her past flickered like a movie. The accident.

  Ariel returned to the bed and stopped short, staring at the small crimson stain on the sheets. She saw not her virginal blood, but a car and thick crimson pooling around her trapped foot.

  Bile rose in her throat as memories flickered like a sputtering candle. The crunch of metal, the screams of her mother and then silence. Blood, so much blood…

  With a loud cry, she ripped the white sheet from the bed. Get rid of it.

  By the time Justin returned from the kitchen, fresh sheets were on the bed.

  He turned off the light and stopped mid-way to the bed.

  From her jewelry box on the dresser came a glowing amber light.

  “What is that?” he demanded.

  Naked, he padded over to her jewelry box. Light illuminating the entire room. Justin withdrew the amber crystal hanging on a silver chain. He touched the stone, winced and set it down.


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